PAGE TWO " L Away the b This ,ncw Flexible Ir PHONE 357 ,d,3 ,n,P1 7 , Q t'cptrrftkecpiyour ffaatnS I Wfil instep jujt .ii Insteps be jaiobm, con-fortdblc natural no bulging, no bind inj. In black, blue, white end brown patent or kid. daily cm-noN Where Most People Trade T ryM9ES9REOT. (Estab. 1908) THIRD AVENUE THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert ' Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULEEN - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5.00 For lesser periods, paid in advance, pei week .10 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance ........!..?..'....'........ 3.00 By mall .to all other countries,, per jear r. ADVERTISING (RATES Transient display advertising, per inch, -'per Insertion Classified .adyertlslng,;per'jvord, per;lnsertlon Local readers, per line, per insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone ,9? Newt .Department Telephone . 6 Member at Audit Uurtau Qt Circulations 9.00 .1.40 ,02 .25 Tuesday. Nov. 10, 1936 New Jewish ;C,ity in Palestine There are today very close to h'alf.-a million Jews in Palestine. It js claimed by ,the Arabs, who outnumber them considerably, that the. Jews buy t,he land from the Arabs and sit down and get the -money back. The jie.w i book "No Place Like Home" by Beverley . Nichols describes .in an .interesting manner ,the largest Jewish city in Palestine, "Tel Aviv." It -had, when the hook was published a few months ago, a population-of over 100,000 people, .ninety-nine percent pi whom were Jews. Tfin years ago the place was unknovn. At" the ,end qf 1934 the population was given as 4d,10l. The city has its own opera house where the worldls greatest Jewish artists constantly perform and its businessmen are preparing for an industrial exhibition .which wjll draw merchants from all over the east. The road from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv is so crowded with omnibuses .that "cutting in becomes increasintrlv dangerous." According to the same authority the countrv around Tel Aviv is extremely rocky and infertile. "AsYwalked around, IibecamewQre.ahd more astonished ,that any race of men, let alone intellectual Jews, could possibly tackle such an unfriendly soil. Centuries of neglect had .turned if lilln n of rtviir titi'LIiuM T L , J1 1 1 i i " owll,y vvnueriiKss. iet uyer mis wnuerness tne ex-clerks, ex-doctors, ex-shopkeepers swarnie.d like ants,' staggering .under the weight of the stones thev .were removing, panting as they .wielded' their spades. Already they had tamed a .whole hillside, had .planted orchards of fruit and vine. They had established dairies arid had greatly improved the breed of cows, not hv passages of Karl lapc, bthy the most orthodox me- 11IUUO. Telling.of his arrival in .the, citv. Mr. Niohnls snvs "Vnn turn a corner and are at the entrance to a 1 nmr. nnlsv street. At first you cannpt see it very clearlv, because it is always .half .hidden in dust. This dust comes from the houses vvhich are bisinrr Hnilt J tion. And out of .the dust comes a din of knocking and n vetting and .hammering But dimatized to . this bedlam, you notice .that .the main street looks strangely Mike that of prosperous town m the middle .west of America. You mntnr A because the traffic is phenomenal and' the pavements are so crowded that the people overflow on .to .the roads. vvnere are tne Arabs 'Where are the little ,donkey? Where are the little bazaars? Vnn mio-Kf n waii.tai.tiiA same question in hit.echaii.el ,pr the Bowery. Instead ypu' see soda iountains; modern shons. einemns hn ctnno boulevards, all built on sand. The cjty ,has r.ung .up so quickly that alreadythe roads are far too narrow and the business and residential sections are hopelessly jumbled up, xne aucnqr says ne sam to himself: Wlidt on earth would Hitler do if he suddenly found himself dumped spor1t GYRO CLUB THRILLS IN IS LEADING HOOP GAME Takes .Exclusive Possession of First i ge50r ..Moose .Squeeze i'lace in Commercial fowling i 'point Victory Over .League & Stone games .to nil. Jack Bulger of the Gyro Club, with 159, was high average scorer. Individual scoring: BIO. STATION 1st 2nd Carter 105 140 Pugsley 100 97 Rlddell 130 119 Sunderland 95 93 Young 134 104 Handicap 82 82 Total 646 635 PR. R. BUTCHERS 1st 2nd J. Jack 128 167 L. Astoria 104 127 McLean 114 126 Thompson 146 126 A. Astoria .1 140 132 Handicap : 28 28 Total ...668 706 GYRO 1st 2nd Balagno 138 157 Bulger 149 176 Large ..J35 145 Morris 167 121 Roaf .. ." 91 118 Handicap ..! 1 l Total .....681 718 BALLINGER'S . 1st 2nd Rutter 141 124 Smith , 99 125 West ...167 131 Bailey .129 112 Bijou .........;,. 122 139 .Handicap- ....ll 41 41 WANTKT) 729 3rd ICG 153 131 122 129 1 702 3rtt iea 119 114 1C7 121 41 Total i..... 699 672 670 League Standing W. L. Gyro Club .:... 9 3 P. R, Butchers 8 4 McMeekjn's .7 5 Balllnger's 6 a Biological Station ...2 lu Ranee ,& Hardy 1 5 TABLE TFNNIS Nelson Allen and Japanese teams played to a 16-all draw last night in the City Ta,ble Tennis League fixture. mm FOR SALE FOR SALE Victor Combination ten-tube electric radio. Perfect condition. Phone .564. (269i FOR SALE Buy the best. Bunsen Oil Burner. Phone Black 461. FURNITURE Factory sampler must go this week. Three-room groups, 60 high-grade pieces, guaranteed the most sensational bargain ever offered in Western Canada $160.00; 10 -piece Chesterfield Groups $65.00; genuine Walnut Cedar Chests $14.50. Terms if desired. Free storage. Write tn day. Julius Shore Mall Order House, 801 Beklns Bldg., FOR RENT FOR RENT Four-room tnnrfpm nats. Pantry, hath, Monarch .range and wato. $12.50 to $17.50. .Helgerson Ltd, (tf) WANTED Leather Baby carviae, rnone hui. (269) PERSONAL aENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, nignest grade 15 for $1. Paclli". Supply, 751 Qranvin'e, Vancouver. MEN-qet ylgor .at once. .New Os' ,trex yonlc Tablets contain raw oyster lnvlgorators and other stimulants. One , dose peps up organs, .glands. If not delighted, maker refunds few cents paid. Call or write, Ormes Limited, tr. ..Out ,One Lanibi Starting Santerbane at centre, the Clqthiens disregarded the ,tlpr off but played a great defensive, game. They jumped tlnto the lead through shots by Johnson, Santerbane and Dominato and their 107 style of play seemed to puzzle the 112 Moose for some time. Then Mitch -IS1 .all located the hoop for two bask-157 ets. Then one by Wingham and 82 two penalties from Utiles brought the antlered Herd within striking 684 distance. .Santerbane and Domlna 3rd to were treating the spectators to 174 a lovely exhibition of shooting, 129 netting slxtqen points between 135 1 them In the first" stanza, Arm-13G!strong, for the Moose, sank four 127 J one-handed flips lh succession to 28 1 tie upthe score at 18-19 when the half-time whistle blew. Following the rest period, play grew faster and Dominato and Morrison were benched on per-1 sonals. The lead see-sawed back and forth and, with lour mlnute3 to go, the score-board read 28 ali. A field basket by Johnson and two free throws from Sliles agKiW tied the score at 30-30. With Stllea making his penalties count and Calderone and Santerbane snar ing a couple of counters between I them, Lambie & Stone, with barely a minute to go, held a one poini advantage at 34-33", Wingham then came into the picture and made a hero of himself with two long loop shots that won the game for the Moose. The final score read 37-36 for the lodgemen. Ladles' League" In the Ladies Leaeue. the f lashv High School gulntette dropped aj doss, call to the league-leadlujl Annettes. The first half was not exciting, although half-time scarj wua mree an, rasi, ciean cnecKing was the bill of fare. In the second half both teams started sinking them. The whole Student squad shared in theii baskets while Ratch,ford was the big gun for Annette's. Three min utes from time, with both teams neck and neck, Davis broke an 11- 11 t In urltVt n Ur. r. 1 1 . , 1 1 .. V. . ionowed Dy a basket from Mussal-lem to give -the High Schooi a 15-13 edge. Annettes came right back to even things up again through points from Morris and Ratch-, ford. Davis scored on a .free throw but, as the whistle went for , full time, E. Dlckeas took a ,throw-.iiV pass from P. Dickens id score ,the winning basket and give1 victory to Annettes by a 17-16 margin. Intermediate League The Intermediate game was a one-sided affair, with the Scythians turning back the Moose .to the tune of 35-21. Dominato, Mon- lesano ana Ritchie were sent .to the showers on personals in the second half. The winners had ,tl.e game on Ice .the sUr,t .but the Moose, although playing a fcumewnai; ragged stvle. wer lt mere until the end. lows: Boy 11. in me opener, the Bov Snout 1 niso took tne call from the niah School by a 19-10 score. The' vic tors certainly look to be potential iniermeaiate calibre. iimiviauai scoriner was ns fni. Junior League ScoutsEastman ,6, qulst OTJeTlJ , Grlmble 1, Lind-Tfacif C Coast seth i. Christian 2; total ,19. WocUev 'league Wlckdali total 10. VANCOUVER, Nov. 10:-The Pa- Intermediate League Coast Hockey League season Scythians Dominato 7, Beynon opond here last night with Po li Letoumeau 7. Mqntesano lr iand playing Vancouver. Tomorrow Houston 2, Campbell 5, Currle 2; 'pjgrit Portland will play Seattle total 35. oose-CjMnp 2,,Uu?oy .9. Erlck-son 1, Greer 3, Eby 4. ,UUhle 3: total 21. Ladies Leagse High .School Ellison 3, Davis 4 Dlaln 2?. iMussallem .2, AlcLeod A LeweUyn 1, A'rney, Robertson,, jfltal 16. Annettes P. Dickens 3, Ratcli. I ' ford ?, Mortis 2, Wilson, E. Dickon-, Gyro Club moved into exclusive Breasting the tpe a nose ahead j; xial H. leadership of the Commercial 0f their rivals, the .Senior Moose ; Senior League Bowling League last night by de-:saUeezed out a narrow 37 to Jt stone Johnson 5.: Lund- Lamble Tumble & Si featlng Balllnger's two games to victory over Lambie ii Stone jjndsay 2, Santerbane ll, Calder-orie in a regularly scheduled league lhe .feature spot qf last night's onj 4 Arney, Beynon 2, Domina fixture. In the other fixture of (basketball card. A good game to the evening, Prince Rupert Butch-1 win and a tough one" to lose wa3 ets beat Biological Station three ! the verdict of the fans In general. 3rd 101 te 12; total, 36. Moose Stiles 11, Wingham 8, Mitchell X .Morrison, Armstrong 8, Nakambto, Smith 2; total 37, Hockey Standings International Section W. I). L. F. A. Americans 1 1 Canadiens .i 0 "Toronto .0 0 Montreal 0 0 American Detroit 2 0 Chicago 0 1 Rangers 0 0 Bosttjn 0 0 0 0 2 0 Section u 4 2 3 0 8 1 2 0 Try a Dally News want-ad. and on Thursday rnsiu fceau.if will play at Portland, Oakland, the new league team, - will ,pi;-v Seattle on Saturany. Vancouver won last night's game one to nil. ! SPORT CHAT ; , f By virtue of his decisive victory on points over Len Harvey of England in London last night, John Henry Lewis, Phoenix, Arizona, negro, retained his world's light heavyweight championship. Lewis weighed 173 pounds and Harvey 172 pouftds. The latter had challenged the former. I Old ; Cough Yields to Buckley's Mixture Read What Mr. Gull Says Hamilton. OnLl Tram th tint Iwu i mail ho? until th at af thirtj-to, 1 waa nrrrr frt fram a hatklhf fouh nlaht and dar. I) extort told ma, I auffrrtnir from chronic bronchltla that there waa no permanent relief. On dar I aaw an adtcrtiav ment for Uuckler'a Mltture. Th ward bronchltla arretted nr attention. I parchaa. ed a bottle. It tne ma relief. I bought two mare and my cough left me completely. That happened aix yeara ace, and the cougti haa neTer returned." BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE wilt give you In. atant relief from IM atranflinic torture Of lironchltia, and it acta like a flaah on eoucha and colda. .Why not Bet a bottle tnday T JIUCKLEV8 la aold everywhere and r:vi a ajk t -ar.i ir.a ai i ayaamr jii Jaiii.t I --TiT-aar Remembrance day November 11th. Give a little more for-your poppy this year. Boys Of The Roll Brigade 'Marching Along Together" are the wise roll-your-owners who Insist on full satisfaction from every cigarette they roll and get It with Ogden's Fine Cut. :Vhy not join their ranks? Times are better, you know, and Ogden's' Is the better tobacco always cool, mild and fragrant the one fine ctit that always satisfies every member of the "roll" brigade. Yes, you'll enjoy Ogden's and you'll appreciate the purple easy-opening ribbon that removes the Cellophane on the Ogden's package. Remember, also 'Chantecler" and "Vogue" are the best papers! OGDEN'S FINE CUT PS. Your Pipe Knows Ogdtn's Cut Plug. wmMmMmmm fMMiaMi I I III This advertlssment Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control ment of British Columbia. Board or by the Qovern- ini Tuesday, November lo, id ibkitiiii AII.Brltaln, enjoying a destntd protperlty, Is preparing for the 'merriest, happiest .Chrlstmai. The passage on Cunard White Star' and Donaldson Atlantic "Christmas Ships" offers you an eitra weex 01 noiiaays a d llghtful prelude to .Christmas among those you love. Note the sailing dates of these "Christ ' mas Ships". from Montreal lov.20 "AUSONIA" to Plymouth, Harre, London Nov. 20 - "ANDANIA" to CUatow, Delfaat, Uterpool Nov. 27 - "ALAUN1AM to Plymouth, llarre, London Ptr tonally conducltd txcuriton Nov. 27 - "LETITiV,' , to Belf aat, Lifer pool GI4ow from Halifax Dec.S - "ASCANIA" to riymouth, London Dec 6 "LANCASTRIA" to CUaftow, rtellaat, LI'erpoul ;De.J2 - "AURANIV to Plymouth, London Rllubr wfkly itrth from Montttat lo all above par It until Not mitt V LOW OCEAN RATES CLASSES IN ALL n Apply to your local agent (no one caa aera you better) or to ill CranrilU St. (fcymur U ) VaiKoutir Rex Bowling Club Exchange Block Sixth St. and Third Ave. PJione.658 ii DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CUE AM In 4-iallon and (Sallons VALENTIN ,I)AIKY 'PHONE 657 LAND ACT i Xotlr. of Intention to Apply to Lwi In the Prlnc Rupert Land Wcordinf Dlirtrtot of Range , coo' inu "?"":; end eltuate n,piroxlmatl one mile ,ia a Southerly direction along the cow tin. nf Drinnra:. TJnvol TalHTUl from K" Frn Point, akl El Forn Pol-Jt'J I annrnlmn.tlv four miles In WeW"7 dlrrrtlon from Barnard Cove I Take Nwtlw that Harw Mn,.'LI Prince .Uupert, D.C. occupation Ii" , Fackw Intende to apply tor ! the "following described lands -coin rrwnclns t post Plta R" I water mark on the shore-line in : middle" of a bay belnjf approximate , one mile South of Red Fern Pol" thence three chair. North-East; thejcf fifteen chalru East thence me South, thence fifteen chains ,W'; thence Northerly to the nearest P'n-'at low water, thence fo'1011,,.;;.! water to a point opposite le post and containing five acres, more lesa. HANS HANSEN Dated 13th day of October, l3 "HlVr:UNMi:XT MH "lirf N.dl.i- of Appllratlon for ,l'-r tbc NOTICE ii herjtoy given that on Fifteenth day of December tien, ' undorsigncd intend to i Uquor Ccntrol Board for Ucen Tertpoot or the premise, W"Xx the bulMlas Vnrwn as Kr!cSe Hctel. Bltuate on Collleon AvW"-Maseett. B. C. tijxn the lands Map Man Otfl VIO, Xtaetlt M3SWIH TOWWtte. lu"Jif' 1 (iovkrnmunt i.uh'QK Arf ' 1 VSeitlon t) . xorirK ki. iiir if ATI() tw nil. trie in the proving cf B'Z, bla. for the sale- of beer or the bottle for consumption on pmiTL' or elsewhere. a J3. .Dated thlrt BUv day of November, ,036, CARL KIRM13 Appllcnt , lir.r.K Lit in i. . I Notice Is hereby given that on 3rd day of December next. tn 0, 1s!gnl Intends .to apply to tne . .1 Control Board for a licence in JJ,Bj of preml.9ci belmr part r " riw-. known Knox Hotel, UUftW " , Avenue .Prince Rupert. " i M nmbla. upon the lanas "c o-ptioi Lot No; 13 ana I. ,u. (.1, Map 023, Prince Riurt i?'"of 'trntlon District," in the PfpteW by th gla.M or the bottle jl . etunpttun on the preiAbe or -where; rvto'),r Dated tills 3l9t day of "9l ,93fl- " r,nltt Applicant a EO ROE L. BPittJf fruatee of Knox Hotel J"" Limited la UrWt'