JteadxvhatWeAtern. Canadian immven 6cm about the QUAKER EaJby method. 'BAKING IS NO LONGER HARD WORK FOR ME," uyi MRS. G. RILEY, Clfi. All. " use Quaker Flour arid the Quaker Easy Method of Baking and I not only save half the u ork and trouble, but I gel much belter results in half the time." AND no wonder Mrs. Riley i' so completely satisfied with Quaker Flour and the Quaker Easy Method of Baking.Just imagine ... no kneading ... no sponge to set overnight ... no expensive and exasperating failures. Start using the QuakerMethod with Quaker Flour today. Quaker Flour is not just ordinary flour it is made by Quaker's own particular method ol milling and is the best all-purpose flour money can buy. Send for FREE Booklet describing the Quaker Easy Method of bread baking. Quaker 41 Always the Same Fl our tm Always the Best for Bread, Cakes and Pastry? Phone 83 We are now displaying a large selection of beautiful, modern LASH'S. Our stock comprises floor-lamps, bridge lamps, table lamps, radio lamps and .bed lamps in a large variety of the latest styles. We also have a fine selection of shades. Drop in and Inspect them. You will be well pleased with their style and price. A suggestion: A small deposit will hold any of these lamps till Christmas if you so desire. McBride Street Phone 311 We loan you free a complete Home Permanent Wave Machine for 3 montlvs. All you need do is send $3.00 to cover the cost of snipping and the oil for 6 complete Permanents. Will not harm the finest hair. Any one can guarantee a perfect wave with this machine. No electricity or experience needed. When you have used these supplies more oil can be obtained from us at fifty cents a WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Final Canadian halibut boat of the season to be out following the closing of fishing on November 3, the Johan W Capt. Al Wole, arrived in port today with 9,000 pounds of halibut and 25,000 pounds pf black cod with which she proceeded to Vancouver. Union steamer Catala, Capt. John Muir, returned to port at 12:50 noon today from Stewart Anyox and other northern points and sailed early this afternoon foi Vancouver and waypoints. Southbound from Stewart to loco, Imperial Oil Co.'s tanker Imperial, Capt. A. S. McGaw, made a brief cal lin port last evening southbound. Armour Salvage Co.'s service boat'Pachena got back at 5:30 this morning from a hunting trip down the coast to Douglas Channel points with party on board con- slsting of J. H. Pillsbury, Dr. Bas-tin, W. H. Tobey, W. O. Fulton, George Bryant, B. J. Bacon and Capt. W, P. Armour There was good hunting and the bag consisted of a dozen geese and thirty or I forty mallards. Mr. PilLsbury and Dr. Bastln will proceed to Vancouver on the Prince Rupert Thursday night. The Alaskan seineboat Mars, which was salvaged last week from Dundas Island where she had stranded and sunk, is being tem porarily patched up at the local dry dock preparatory to proceeding to Seattle. Kaien Island Moon Long ago I strolled away, from my , sweetheart by the bay, On ithe trails beneath the Kalen Island moon. There I heard the midnight cry pf my sweetheart passing, by,! Where, we' parted when the- wild rose came' In blo6m,f j . I All my me lor you I pine, in my heart with love divine ; On Jhfl'jtra.ljs bepeath the; Kalen , lsiana.moon; Vyiujrvuo ; I; Long ago I strolled away, from my sweetheart by the" bay, On the trails beneath' the Kaieh Island moon. There we parted on the dale, there beside Mount Oldfieid trail, Where the myriad tint of roses were. in. bloom. Oh your smiles I'll see once, more, on the Kalen Island shore Where the dales are sweetly scented with perfume, Where I said good-bye In vain, I'm returning love at?ain On the trails beneath the Kalen Island moon. Long ago I strolled away, from my sweetheart by the bay, On the traUs beneath the Kalen Island moon, There along the flowery dales, on your winding mountain trails I'll be roaming back to see you' love in June. All my life for you I pine, in my heart with love divine On the trails beneath the Kalen Island moon. THOMAS CARR. Hotel Arrivals Central M. Mackenzie, H. Lund, T. Mor rlson, N. Lang, Carl Edwards, R. MCLeod, M. H. Lawrence, P. Han son and v. Rowe, city; O. Hunt, OjN.k,; l,. Freestad. Oona nivor- P. Berg, Smlthers; E. Shirley, Van couver. Knox J. Finbraien, city. Savoy L. C. Svlsdal, Hagensborg. RAW FURS Trappers, Mink Ranchers St. Dealers Wfi n9VP larrra rAe -ilt I . Idlately for eastern manufacturers a.iu we are interested In all your Ship to us at once and we are as SUTlne VOU a srmarn rt pal ntilflr turns and much more money for A trial shlDment will rnnvltirp vnn Wishing you the very best of luck iui uie season, TRAPPERS' FURS LTD. Her Hands Were All Out of Shape In Grip of Rheumatism For 15 Years Here is a letter which shows the value of persevering with Krus-chen: "For about two years I hardly went out, it was such a painful effort to walk owing to rheumatism. My hands and feet were the worst affected".' I was unable to walk without a cane, I read so much about Kruschen, I decided to try it. I was three months before I felt any better, but I kept on and since then I have been fine and never use the cane. My hands were all out of shape, but they are almost normal now. Of course I could hot expect to get better all at once, as I had suffered for 15 years before I started on Kruschen." (Miss) A.L. Rheumatism is frequently caused by an excess of uric acid In the blood. If you could see how Kruschen dulls these uric acid deposits, then dissolves them away altogether, you would agree that the Kruschen treatment should bring relief in cases of rheumatism. " i The Letter Box ALLEGED INTERFERENCE Editor, Dally News: May I beg a little space In your paper to voice my opinion In re ference to "interference,", alleged by some person or persons, as to che local station in its broadcasts, as causing interference to reception of other stations, especially Sunday evenings. Personally I have found that the Sunday evening broadcasts have not Interfered wun tne Edaie cantor program, snd would advise these persons to have their . receivers overhauled, Also for them to, bear in mind that there was radio- Interference in town 'before fcver' CFPR ; came on the ar.' 'urtherniore this ' station was started up tb'tw an asset to Rupert and district, and should be Ive'rj ; every' encouragement possible. Thanking you for your valuable space, One Who Appreciates CFPR. Reach the most people In city and district with an advertisement in the Daily News. Overwaitea Ltd. SPECIALS Walnuts Pieces 26c per lb Sultana Raisins 21c 2 lbs. Iodized Salt 15c 2 pkts Cowan's Cocoa 25c 1-lb. tin CALAY SOAP 3 for 5c, When purchased with 1 21c large Oxydol at Crlsco 24c 1-lb. tin Black Label Pineapple 25c Cubes, 2 tins Lifebuoy Soap 36c 5 cakes Red Bird Matches 25c 3 boxes Murray Potatoes 25c 10 lbs Wrapped Borden's Caramels QAn per lb Try Our Overwaltp-i Coffee Fresh Ground, Ao & QS per lb vC Cash or C.O.D. Phone 813 COAL I PAGE FOUR jSB DAILY NEWS l It Pays to Buy From MUSSALLEM'S Our prices are always right with the markets and we sell for less. Mall or phone your order and save FREE GIFT COUPONS for a Dinner Set and Rogers Silverware. Prince Rupert, B.C. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE FOR FRESH MILK Phone Red 608 Produced from our own cows daily You can whip our cream but you can't beat our milk. Dominion Dairy NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 It's a losing proposition trying to beat the Weather Alan at his own game. Remember you can kid yourself that no harm is done! by waiting until your gears are stiff ' . from "frozen" grease..., or your oil takes several minutes;, to flow freely . . .- or your radiator spurts forth those tell-tale streams of steam but kidding yourself certainly -won't save your pocket from repair bills later. SO BE PREPARED!, Let's put your car in shape NOW for cold weather driving while our Special Combination Fall Rates are in effect. Ask NOW abo ut our FREE FALL CHECK-UP S. E. PARKER LTD. Third Avenue East Ford Dealers LAMPS! GORDON'S HARDWARE Marvel Wave Factory 1183 East 41st. Ave. Vancouver, B.C. . Raw Fur Marketing Agents PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. g m J! R j I TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL .BHLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PnONE: 58 and 558 GREAT FILM IS OFFERED "San Francisco," With Clark Gable, Jeanette MacDonald And Spencer Tracy Hhere Reproducing on the screen In a most realistic way some of the hair-raising scenes of the great San Francisco earthquake dlsas- ter of 1906 and bringing together j theran Church In charge. The after the first time three of film- fair was of an Informal nature and dom's most popular stars, Clark J the servlteurs were Mrs. Hans Un-Gable, Jeanette MacDonald and i derdahl, Miss Journ Skog and Miss Spencer Tracy, "San Francisco" comes to the Capitol Theatre here for a four-day run starting tomor row, it is saia io dc one oi me most outstanding pictures of the year. San Francisco" is the story of Blackie Norton, lord of the old Barbary Coast before the disaster. Into his resort wanders a small town girl with great ambitions to i become a singer. Gable, as Blackie, engages the girl to entertain hls rowdy customers and, from thej dance hall, she rises to heights as an opera star, thrilling the hearts of San Francisco's music lovers. Later she returns to Blackie who does not realize the depth of his love for the girl until he finds it in the suffering and destruction of the disaster. Miss MacDonald sings in this picture a range of songs from difficult operatic arias to ragtime tun;s and beautiful religious hymns. C. N. R. TRAINS For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 8 p.m. From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10:20 p.m. IH 1 I7viL i EnjoyableltdllllflUab IPS READING TIME In Prince Rupert Join Our Library and Enjoy the Rest and Latest Rooks "A PAGEANT OF VICTORY" Farnol "GONE WITH THE WIND" Mitchell "FAREWELL ROMANCE" ...... Frankau . . !'A PRAYER FOR .MY SON" .,....,...,...... Walpole "NO HERO THIS" Deeping "THE ISLAND OF SHEEP" Buchan "FORT IN THE JUNGLE" Wren "NO PLACE LIKE HOME" Nichols "THE BROTHERS ASHKENAZI" Singer "FAIR COMPANY" ... Leslie "NIGHT ACTION" ! , Parkman "RUSSIA MY HOME" Ponafidine "STEPS GOING DOWN" ....; Mclntyre "I AM THE. FOX" .-. Van Etten "BRIDAL MARCH" Carfrac "THE SPIDER'S TOUCH" ... Williams "WHITE BANNERS" Douglas "BENEDICTION" silve "CITIES OF REFUGE" Gibbs "THE BRASS GONG TREE" Bellah "THE CALF OF PAPER" Asch All You Can Read For 75c Per Month emmswmm - aDKinKiiiiBsivixBgiBssaaii Oil Heaters Now Is the time to prepare for the winter, be warm and comfortable, buy a new type "QUAKER HEATER" made In sizes to suit all requirements. NO WICKS, no moving parts, cheap to operate and the most modern and beautifully designed heater on the market, passed by the Research Bureau at Ottawa. We are also agents for "KRESKY" Hotel and Restaurant Burners for all size ranges, the "AETNA" Oil Heaters and Marine Stove Burners. We can oitiAa?ndmand' kt US 8lVC y0U a demnstratlon of the Ward Electric & i Church Dinner Was Eighty-Five Tersons Partook Of Repast by St. Paul's Lutheran Church About eighty-five persons partook of a tasty fish cake and meat ball dinner which was served In the Metropole Hall Saturday night with the council of St. Paul's Lu Aslaug Skaland. Gunnar Selvig was the winner in the raffle of a tray while Lars Johnson won all five-pound tin of coffee. Be wls. Read tne want ads. PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll In " Prince Rupert. Marine Supply Co. I jOv way, Prince Rupert n;i!ffl;nninii!!xisxn3iK!i::an!Qi:ii!:Mx:i; 't4Wt. -tel. Rocks Rupert STARTING TOMORROW J;c HJiai tho ,..1. country has been arc . glory in the thrill a viiiuiu Ui me most nearly perfect movie entertainment ever made . . . San r rrancisco With Jeanette MacDonald Clark Gable Spencer Tracy From Hrnmlwn ery corner of the earth it hns smnshorl all ot tendance records ever made bv anv nicture . Its first run engage- 4. r i went in vuncuuver ia ted SEVEN WEEKS. That's the answer that ?f milcf ViA tfnf nriain men IMus' . . i. Plus What . . . Conic and See It's a picture that has everything . . MUSIC From opera to jazz, cludinir thai popu! love ballad "WOULD YOU," exquisitely sun? by Miss MacDonald. ROMANCE uiarK uame at nis nan boiled best snared by simple country cho'u singer. SPECTACLE The San Francis O'irf liminlrn is Hist Vill VtMjUlUIV - j t of the most amazing cortnna nvni1 ifhiPVCfl shock. INSPIRATION A great spiritual, soi touching inspiration 'the performance Spencer Tracy, tne w fisted priest Don't Miss "SAN FRANCIbtu ci i: w.imnrrniv 4 Days at Your Hous of Hits! Holiday Matinee at 2 Evening Prices Prevail i Holiday Matinee i-st Times Tonijht JOAN nLOX'DEtU In ""llcl5n. Itobinson ....... . a i n-M k, tf-3 rjus jud i c.;. iv r.,ms" (8:35 om puna .r1.l K'PU'I HI""1 . . BhOW 0.' I33XE33