November HON K3 g5lSv """'L(QCAL"NEWS notes "I CORN S! vitamins, proteins, . 1 carbohytlratvs i Either Sweet or Golden Bantam Corn to suit your taste, in the preferred creamed style. Grown at Chiiliwaclc, famed for delicious corn. STOP!! MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE 1 OTORISTS lave you tried Home Ethyl Gasoline? For Highest Anti-Knock Performance and Driving Satisfaction Fill up With HOME ETHYL At RUPERT MOTORS Second and Park Avenues When You Buy Home Gas You Can Buy No Better IkRVMOHE CARPETS Vm on and Axminster All sizes with t,he exception of 9x9 ;s..... $3,95 ' Third Ave. Phone 775 STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION HATES TO VANCOUVER jM PltlNCE RUPERT g2 00 KETLK4V A11 m DM POUT .SIMPSON CQC Off RETURN. Berth iptftJtVir inciuaeu. Juced Vancquyer also apply from intermediate points. Wal Tickets on Sale Between November 1st, 1936 and February ", 1937, inclusive Good to Return up to March 31, 1937. Children Han fare. earners: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar. Vancouver CATALA Tuesday, 1 :30 p.m. Thursday, p.m. GARDEN A Friday, 10:30 p.m. Monday, a.m. Tiai. DAcorvntlnnA from tviicii) aiiu twov'""" ' nce Kupert Agent - A. W. NEWMAN - Third Ave., Phone 5G8 Convenient Please Purchase Tickets at umce which made Prince Rupert Famous f Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By radian fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPJERT, B.C. Armistice Dance Moosp .Wednesday, 11th. to p.m. (264)' ; See the special display of .blouses j.for.$1.00 at the Dollar Store, (tf) I A. Ivarson left on last .evening train for a trip to Tiidale. Sask atchewan. H. Grinstrand and Chris Jen sen sailed Uils afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. Ex-Aid. George B. Casey arrived ,lh the city on the Catala from .Stewart. Rev. Father Anthony Meulen-' berg of Stewart arrived in the city from the nqrth 'onthe Catala this afternoon. Miss E. M. .Earl returned to the city on the .Catala .today after making ,the round trip to Stewart and Anyox. Canadian Legion. B. E. S. L., Ar- mistlce banquet, Wednesday, 7:30 Pin. Tickets may be obtained from executive members by members, associate members and ex-service men only. (264) L. ,C. Svisdal of Bella Coola,' afer a brief visit to the city, sailed by the Catala this after noon on his return "down the coast. Indian Agent W. E. Colllson, Dominion Constable A". J. Watkln-son and Tom Moorehouse left on last evening's train for a brief trip to Terrace on official bust ness. Listen In to "National Remem brance Day" broadcast over Na tional Network of Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. .Wednes day 6 to 7 pjri. Pacific Standard Time. (264' Fred Nash Jr., who has been spending a Jew, days in the city following his arrival after a trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands, .eft on last evening's train for his home at Terrace. Mrs. E. McConnell was brought to the city on Saturday .night's train irom icrrace 10 emer we Prince Hupert General Hospital for treatment. She was removed from the train to the hospital in the ambulance. Alf Jerstad, who suffered a broken collar bone, fractured skull and other Injuries in an accident near Hays Creek bridge last" Friday evening while riding a bicycle, Is reported to be doing well at tne Prince Rupert General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wrathall returned to the city on the Catala today from Stewart where Mr. Wrathall has been relieving for some time as Government Tefe- graph operator. T. H, Walsh, who has been relieving in the local office for the past .four months, leaves by tomorrow evening's train on his return to Terrace. It was on a charge of assau and not of breaking and entering on which Fred Williams and Levi Freestad of Oona River were each fined: $10 and costs, with option of two weeks' imprisonment, by Stipendiary Magistrate Andrew Thompson in provincial police. court Saturday afternoon. The original complaint laid last June by, Bert Hanson, postmaster at .Oona River, was one of breaking and entering but this was found to be not Justified. 26. AnnouncemeDts Armistice Dance. Boston Hall, Tuesday, Nov. 10. Serenaders. Catholic Tea at Mrs. Burbank's Novem.ber 12. S. O. Bazaar, Moose JIall, Mo-, - - , i vember 13. L. O. B. A. Bazaar, November 1 Cathedral Christmas bazaar, Nov. Lutheran Bazaar, Metropole Ha I, Nov. 21. C. C. F. Bazaar December 2, . United ,phujflh "f "D16"' C. R. Cocks of Port Essington sailed this afternoon on the Catala for ;a trip to Vancouver. Dr. Judd, secretary of the coun cil for social service, will address a meeting Thursday at 8 p.m. in St. Andrew's Cathedral Hall. (265) Remembrance Day Parade Ca nadian Legion, B. E S. L. cordially invites all ex-servite men to fall In with Legion at clubrooms, Wed nesday, 10:15 a.m. (264) Rt. Rev. G. A. Rix D-D., Bishop of .Caledonia, returned to the c'.ty on the Catala today from a week'.-. trip to various Naas River point-; on ecclesiastical duties. Ch est Colds . . . Yield quicker to the Poultice -Vapor action of Vapo Run .W. L. Newell of Stewart Is a visitor in the city, having arrived from the north on the Catala today. John Mathers of Sandsplt, who was operated on in the Prince Ru pert .General Hospital four day ago, Is progressing very favorably Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Jabour and family will ,sall oh the" Prince Ru pert Thursday night for Van couver where they are to take up future residence. Despite .the Armistice Day holiday, the Prince Rupert Gyro Club will hold its .regular monthly busi ness luncheon on Wednesday. There was an executive luncheon today. Mrs. Charles A. Barber, well known Chilliwack newsrjaoer woman, whose death In Vancouver was reported In .Dally News dis patches .yesterday, was a first cousin of Harold E. Alton, B. B master for the Canadian' National Railways, here. THRIFT Special Values Prices in Effect Until ' . Saturday SHORTENING Swift's Jewel, 2 lbs GARDEN PEAS (Limit 4), 2 tins BUTTER First Grade 3 lbs PRESERVED EGGS Grade "B" Large, per doz. PORK & ,BEANS Nabob Qn 18-oz. tins, each TOMATO CATSUP Llbbyls, per bottle LARGE PRUNES Nabob 2-lb. pkgs., each PICNIC -HAMS Swift's .Circle 'S," per lb. EGGWHEA.T NOODLES per pkg TAPIOCA Melograin 1-lb. pkg SUNLIGHT S.OAP New Large bar, 3 cakes ... BLUp RIBBON TEA 25c 21c 85c 32c HEDLUND'S SOUPS Mushroom," Chicken, Split Pea, Ovster or AsDaraKus Vfl O t ffHins : 17c 23c Remembrance 18c 10c 14c j NABOB ' ,COFFEE 35C Jit iJ, SLICED PEACHES Malkln's No, tins 3) per tin ORANGE MARMALADE jQCp BEEKIST HONEY j4-lb'.Un' SHREDDED WHEAT per pkg. CORN Del .Malz Niblets .2 .tins 19c 17c 55c 10c 25c Day Observed By Young People With the president, Wilfred Hicks, in the chair, the unde nominational Young People s Sq- :iety met last night In the social , parlors of F.irst United Church. ; The meeting, which was .largely j of -a Remembrance Day nature,! was opened by a brief but inspir-! mg devotional period in charge of i the Misses Edith Connery, and Joy I Green. Miss Wheatley rendered; the solo, "In Flander's Fields." - Following a .reel of motion pic-. tures shown by Rev. C. D. Clarke.! Tom Johnstone took charge ofi the meeting. He gave a few appropriate Introductory remarks on Remernbrance Day and then in-: troduced the three speakers, Mlsi Eileen Hamblln, Maurice Daveyj onH Ifpn T-TnrHlntr whn frnvp shnrT.' qh.w ,Maw . n talks, on peace and related sub-a je.cts. Dr. H. N. Brocklesby, of the staff of the Fisheries Experimental Sta tion, was !the main speaker for!. the evening, his topic being "The Philosophy of Science." In Ills usual Interesting manner, .the speaker presented a brief survey of the universe, of man, of the theory of evolution and of man's place In the universe, which pro vided much thought-provoking and Instructive material for his audience. JONES Family Market PHONE 957 Veal Steak 2 lbs Veal Chops i CARROTS & PEAS Nabob, 25( OLD 'iUTCH CLEANSER Q0 er tin ..1 - '-VV TVift Cash &Carry Phone 179 .We Deliver Specials 2 lbs .. Pot Roast Beef 4 lbs Short Ribs 3 lbs Spare Ribs 2 lbs. "...J:.!, T-Bone Steak 2 lbs Prime jRlb Roll per jb Shoulder Steak 2 lbs Hamburger, 3 Jbs. & 2 lbs. Onions Loin of Pork Chop; per lb Lamb Chops per lb Shoulder ,of Lamb per b. ..' Fresh Side Pork per lb Ayrshire Bacon per lb Frying Chicken each Sausage, 1 lb. & i lb. Liver Round Steak, 2 lbs. & 1 Green Cabbage .. PHONE 957 35 c 35c 35c 25 c 25c 35c 15c 25c 25c 20c 25c 15c 15c 25c 5Qc 25c 35c Hyde Transfer Quick Delivery COAL WOOD Chairs & Tables Kor Rent PHONE 580 tOfiice 315 Second Arenue Try Salada Orange Pekoe Blend. You'll prefer St. fMi M m m MllfilJfi Amouncing: The fipcaU Pwigf Store PRIZE CONTEST J?f)ll ft)RL Atf D pOYS Sixteen -Wonderful Prizes to be Given Away 8 for Boys $ for Girls To the girls and boys securing; the larirest number of votes Jn our Rexall Girts' and Bys' Prize Contest' - ' " " AU you have to do (Xfter you have .been1 nominated as a contestant is to ask yotir' mother, father, aunts, uncles and friends to make purchases at our stor;. Two votes will be given for : each cent of purchases of United Drug ,Co. (Rexall) .Products and products of our own nianufacture. tOne vote will be given for Nominations are now open ahd will close Saturday; November 14th at 10 pjn. No homlnatldns wilt be accepted after that date. Voting starts .Monday, NQve.mbe;r ,16th and closes at 10 ptm. Christmas Eve. Prizes will be presented to the lucky winners .at our store Christmas morning. See Our Windows For the Sixteen Woncfful-Prizes Come In and ask us for a .list of the prizes and rules -governing the contest. OrmcsLtd. te;KcxU.MM ;Pbonea:.81 fi BUy rropi S ;UU l(Tp.m. Seji olldayii Froin .M P.'i? P. F-'i'll Canadian Pacific To iVancouver via Ocean Falls and Wajr Ports SS. "Princess Adelaide." every Friday at 10" jpan: To Vancouver direct SS. "Princess"' Norah," -N6v. '3rd, 19th, Dec. 3rd, 17th. To Ketchikan, V;angell, Junea,u..and Skagway. . SSf "Princess'Norah.-' Oct. '30th, 'Nov. r15th, 29th, Deci3th. WINTER EXCURSION FARES COOiAA TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN Te52UU Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1936 to JFeb. 28th; M37. Final' return llmltkiuch'Alst. tfli. or Intprmtlon antf Rsexva,t,lons W.L.C9ATES. ten. jnt, iPrinigt .JpajKt. gG? Used Goods KM Picture Frames, rice . . . .... ..... . .25c, 50c & 75c Wringers .... ... ... ... . ..(,"$i.'50 & .32.00 Hand Sewing Machine .,. ;fr.. ... .... . .',$18.00 Badminton Backet, ' Slazehgerf 4 Violet Ray . ...... . ':'. Vibrators . . .. . . . . , .. ...,S2.50 $5.u0 Radios, Battery Sets . .'. . ,10.00; & $25.00 Violin, full sie ... . . . . . . 4;. '.$12.50 Tenor Banjos i... .:.?.;.. . . .6,00, ,?8.00 Flute .......r;., .,$12.00 Glarinet ,r . .... . .$15.00 The above mentioned are o,n:,display at D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Ve Buy UsedGqods of Any Description For .Cah jPonc Green 421 Third Ayehue Business Hours: From B a.m. to .5 p.m. Thursday half holiday as usual. is ti K4 1 It " 1 t 3 s to i S .f" "AU 4i 1 PI 4 if. I 'Jlti . If. 7tu i f'i J rT m tliit Mil t Vv; ItlM ml ': li u.ii I Ml tr t u:. ; nil m f hi i ! si lUt.1 l l :i it j 'i-.ii II "I M.i MM v oh