PAOE TWO The Family Shoe Store announces a change of management. You are invited to come in and make .yourself known. Mr. Nffvfftan Redman has had twerity years' experience injthe, shoe business and is a graduate of the American School of Practipedics which assures you that you t foot troubles can be . taken care of. He has also taken special Courses in Foot Fitting and has made ah extensive study of leathers and shoe building. 1 The New Spring Footwear is bn its way so make a visit to the store, meet Mr. lUed-man ahH see the new shoes. 629 Third Ave. W, DAILY EDITION ROAD MAINTENANCE JASPER ON ATHAHASKA Phone 357 THE DAILY NEWS. FRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday; by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H.F. PULLEN Man&glng-Edrcor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or barrier, yeany period, paid In advance .k By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire, and for leswr periods, paid In advance, per week li By mall to all other countries, per year 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES rranslent display advertising, per men, per Insertion . Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Local readers, per Insertion, per line . Advertising and Circulation Telephone . 98 News' Department telephone $6 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations This adVertlseraeilt U hot published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of firltlib Columbia. 1.1U .02 -25 Saturday, March 28. 1936 Prince Rupert provincial electoral constituency has the il C 1 A t. .A .1 . . . snicuie&L inneage ui roaus 10 maintain in me province and the result is that the amount Spent in maintenance is small, Only $12,000 this vear. a fair enourrh sharp rnhsid- A, correspondent wishes to khdw It Jasper is on the Athabaska River. It is. The river runs through the park and within a few yards of the village. The Athabaska River does not run through what is known as Athabaska Pass, the route followed by the original fur traders. Jasper Lodge is on a little lake very dose to the river. It's interesting to know When rea'dirig the Daily ftews l.r,4- JV, U.n ...1.1,. Jf.4. .1 7 . bxiaw win cujic ui. mu wnuic ui&inci are uuing me Bame. Pioneer Laundry and Five iokeri Tit Meet lit Finals or Cty Five Pin League Pibhber Laundry, winners of the second half of the season in the Five Pin Bowling League, will play off with Five Jokers, winners of ,lhe first half Id decide the season's jlroilors. The play-off dates will be ; decided tomorrow. In the final games of IMs second half last night Ploheer Laundry won two games to due over Old Empress while Lam-ble it Stone defeated Five Jokers three to nil. High average scorer fbr the evening was Johnny Coma-dlna of Lambie & Stone with 242. PIONEER L. 1st 2nd 3rd Houston 197 252 201 Arroll 133 153 200 Joy 178 17? 247 Wesch .'. 134 182 154 Asemlssan 117 123 290 Handicap 62 82 82 Totals 841 968 1180 OLD EMPRESS 1st 2nd 3rd Stacey 175 173 McKay 253 191 Bell 153 14G Palmer H8 103 Ciccone 176 152 Handicap 48 48 Totals ....:;....,923 813 "' L. & S. " 1st 2nd Comadina .316 21C Johnson 149 205 HOrton 141 177 Kinslor 215- 180 Mcintosh 140 169 Handicap 114. 114 Totals 1075 1061 FiVE JOKERS 1st 2nd Dlngwell 219 194 F. Davies 218 1C9 A. Davies 139 141 Barton .. 179 135 Andrews 129 246 Handicap .: -.108 108 ering the mileage. All the road we have to maintain is thelj.lbhr Laundry small mileage from the city to Cloyah Bay. This is nrac-lSu u:i j ' -j is:!, . v . . in;tujf new luguway aim neeus iiiue money spent on it. There are fifty dr sixty miles, perhaps, on Queen Charlotte Islands and a few other little items such as Pdrcher Island Port Essingtori and Port Simpson. The roads in the cities and municipalities are kept up by the city or municipality. What Prince Rupert needs is more highway to keep up. Once the road is built throUgh to Terrace, the upkeep will become heavier. Most of the money expended on that highway now is for new construction, not maintenance. EXPECTING VISITORS Prince Rupert is expecting visitors next week. That does not mean that the city is going to hear particularly good news or bad. It simply is one step iri the preparation for the time when something will be doing in the city industrially. For that week at least let us forget any hard luck stories and if we are not really cheerfuflet Us at any rate assume a cheerful attitude as an inspiration to our visitors. Totals 992 893 The league standing, iq.daie: Ldrhble & 178 167 180 147 162 48 882 3rd 194 111: 192; 104 152 114 927 3rd 130 140 135 124 199 108 836 Wv L. ... 27 9 16 20 14 22 '. .15 21 Commercial Bbwls League Resumes Oilers and Three Two Taxi Winners Last Night in Opening Oh New Handicap Basis Oilers defeated Rupert Butchers two games to one and Three Two Taxi shut out Kaien Motors three to nil last night In opening fixtures last night of the renewed compe tition on a handicap basis In the Commercial Bowling League, iligh average scbrer for the evening was McLeod of the Oilers, with 168: The next games will be played Monday as follows: Bankers vs. Watts Gro eery; Biological Station vs. Cana BUTCHERS 1st 2nd 3rd Morgan 145 100 136 L. Aslbrla 178 is? i27 McLean iol 168 123 Balagno i3S 153 96 A. SstbHa 135 155 Handicap ; .81 81 8i Tptdls 783 OILERS p, 1st McLeod 208 LePage .....Mdi Bulger 173 Morris ; ..lit Hlbbard 149 Handicap .34 Totals .,..791 " ' 32 TAXI 1st Hdustoh .v. 143 .Gurvlch .. .140 I Kinslor ....150 IDdnald 98 Hdndicap ; 18 826 2nd 128 117 181 129 151 34 740 2nd 140 ill 181 133 18 718 3rd 166 127 146 149 153 34 diah National Recreation Associa-, tion. 775 3rd 129 157 130 172 18 Totals, ... ,,.:,. ...549 583 006 KAIEN MOTORS 1st 2nd 3rd ' ck. ....,87 131 111 Smith r.:. ,123 AM U9. Veltch ui 124 . 131 1ST Moore .lA.,,,,. .. 106 114 H4ndlcapT6'i..: ' 57 57 57 .1 r Totals 1 530 525 571 DAILY NEWS aauiraay, Marrfc 28, 1939 r PLAY- IN OFF BOWLS GLASGOW RANGE RS ASD Tlilhl). LANAKK WIN IN SCOTTISH SEMI-FINALS GLASGOW. March 28: (CP) Glasgow Rangers and Third Lanark sare the Scottish Cup finaillsts this vear. The Ran- iierS defeated Clvde three to nil In one semi-final at Glas-gow today while Third Lanark won over Falkirk three to one in the other at Edinburgh. ' Fifty thousand fans attended the Rah&ers-ClvdV came oh the spacious, enclosure of 4 Queen's Paik'Club. MelkeJohn and McPhall scored fbr Rang- ers in the first hair and Main the final goal in an opening second half burst. All these goals were of a Jucky variety. Tied one ail before the thange of ends. Third Lanark scored ' twice In the final forty-five minutes against Falkirk at Tyne Castle Park. Falkirk took 4 the lead when Dawson bundled through in a scramble but Carbine evened matters by converting a penalty kick. In the second half Third Lan- ark gradually wore down the Second Leaguers and Mac- Innes and Kennedy scored on drives that gave Robertson, In goal, no chance. The final will be nlawd on Anril 18. Bobby Jones Will Try Conquer Mailers at Open ! t! ; 4- 4 4 4 4 4 Old Country Soccer, Again To National AUGUSTA, Ga.. March 28: (CP4 -Can Gene Sarazen repeat? Will Horton Smith come through 4gain? Is Bob Jones ready for his first tournament triumph sine his retirement? Will the amatevr tawsori Little give the pros a battle? These are a few of 'the questions Irlsing with the approach of the third annual Auzusta national in vitatlon .golf tournament. Anrli The competition waged here among ine masters of the greens and fairways is second only to the National Open as a drawing card for golf's big names. Jones inaugurated it in 1934 with ths announcement that he would return to competition in this one event annually PRIZES ARE ; PRESENTED, Winners of Recent Ski Tournament Receive Their Awards at Son tff Nbrway Social Presentation of prizes to the wihtterS Of ti reettrt skt'tOUrnattiehti on Mount Oldflcld was one of the features of an enjoyible' whist drive and dance held last night by U Sons of Norway at the Odd- reUows' Hall. TIip presentaUons Were made by John Storseth as follows: Men under 30 Carl Strand. Men over 35 First, John Fred- heim; second. Oscar Sather. One hundred persons were In attendance at the affair and there were thirteen tables of whist with prize winners as follows: ladles' first, Miss Margaret Relnsvold; second. Mrs. Mikkslsen; men's first,; Hans Petersen ; second, Martini SkOg. In raffles, Mrs. Qlof Skog won five pound? of coffee and Olof Stegavlg, a man's shirt. Delicious refreshments were served under the direcUon of Mrs. Chris Jensen and Mrs. John Wick and dancing followed until 2:30 ajn. with music by Dave Hadland's Orchestra. Oscar Haveroy was master of ceremonies. Ole Laren was convener bf the affair. LADIES' nom.INC. STANblNG G. Ttl. Av. Annettes 16 12375 773 Englfsh Leaeue First DivLsion Blue Birds 16 11031 748 Aston Villa 2. Birmingham 1. Ringers 16 11585 724 Bolton Wanderers 3, L,eetis Uni- Ddodads 16 li459' 716 ted 0. . P. R. Grads 16 11290 706 Brentford 2, Chelsea 1. iMiccabees, 16 10751 672 Derby .County 2, Liverpool 2. Brtinettcs 16 9712 C07 Everton 4, Grimsby Town 0. C. N. R. A 16 9589 599 Huddersfield. Town 2, West Bromwich Albion 3; ; Reach Ure most peoole in Middlesbrough 6. Sunderland 0. itmd district with an advertisement ronsmouui z, stoke city 0. in the Dally News Preston -North End 2. niai-khnm ... .. ,. . . . Rovers 0. Sheffield Wednesday 1. Man chester iiittf h Wolverhampton Wanderers 2. Arsenal 2. ScolilsH League iFirst i)iyision Ahfideen 3, St. Johnstone 0. Arbroath 1, Motherwell L Ayr United 3, Airdrieonlans 1. Celtic 4, Hibernians 1. Dunfermline" 1, Dundee 2. Hamilton Academicals 4, dii'een's Park 1. Tries Comeback For Third Time I'-Bone Roast, 4 lbs. & 1 lb. Bacon Prime Rib foil, 4 lbs. & 1 lb. Bacon Rump Roast ot Beef, C lbs. ii 1 lb. Bacon Shoulder Roast of Veal- trtr lb. Leg of Veal IB lbs. x Round Steak 3 lbs. Shoulder of Lamb '4 lbs. Lamb Chops 3 lbs. Shoulder Roast Pork per lb. Leg of Pork per lb. Ldin of Pork per lb Ayrshire Bacon- tier lb Side Bacon By the piece per lb. Rabbits each SHMllIlllliH m tawtluroent i nni pubKibtd or dl(ltyed by th Liquor Control Board or by tbt Ooworatnt ot Brltlib Columbia, PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilder and Eugioc kva and Bra Carin. Qrctrle and AcetyUo WrldlnB. SpMialUU od Tji-biin ad MinlaK Machl7. All Tyx t Uaa Latlut Repaired and Overhauled. Ha Bombers, Squirts Aiid Ptinks Win fcegular Odmes Piaycii today In High School Howling League Hlgh Lcagilb Sshool Boys' Bowling scores today were as fol- lows: Bombers 803; Wolves (defaulted) Punks 756; Tigers 623. Cubs 729; Squirts 830. High scorer, David Houston, 220 SPORT CHAT Klmberley Dynamiters required overtime at Calgary Thursday night to defeat Fort William Wanderers 6 to 5 in the first game of the two out of three series in the Western Canada senior hockey finals. The Dynamiters were two goals behind at the end of the first period but staged a come-back In the second. The winners of the Kimberley-Fort William series will' meet the Eastern Canada champions ror the Allan cnp emblematic of world's amateur hockey championship. city I I CO PHONE 60 Kaien Transfer We handle the Fitvt Qr m of Coal and Wood, at matkrt prices. Bohe Dry Kindlln always In stock We also operate CB Mest:l1gef Service' Grotto Taxi 456 .1 CAUS AT YOUR SUtVICC rniprlclors ilerl iM'orein i. hud Karri t tto-fpt the number irG SPECIAL Chevrolet MAlSf Kit SRt)AN with Trunk Complete vm Licence Just Like New LOO Kaien Motors Limited CIIEVKOI.KT DLALEKS Third Ave. Phone ti I'Iione jr.: t'lioNt: o.v. j Np flutjorrnjritfjXs BOOKLET SPECIALS - - Pltl.ME STEElt BEEF Sirloin Tip, 4 lbs. 1 lb. Bacon IOC IP ctI w are now snowln8 a larger sel- ;4f! Vk ffiwM ectloh than ever before of the $1 Iii9 popular "SllNWOR.THY" Wall- Ml papers. The patterns are newer 50C RIk$8 SmaHfer and thC PriCCS tt I Gordons Hardware 20c Phone 311 I Z 20c ' 25C ...V ... . 25C I eF$h tohich titide PriAte Rupert Famous Rupert Brand" BLACK COD Preard Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.