paui jvxm If You Eat Starches Meats, Sweets Read This TJiry're All Necessary Foods But All Acid - Forming. Hence Most of Ut IIave"Acid Stomach" At Times. Easy A'otc to Relieve. Doctors say that much of the so-called "indigestion," from which so many of us suffer, is really acid indigestion . . . brought about by too many acid-forming foods in our modern diet. And that there is new a way to relieve this . . . often in minutes! Simply take Phillips' Milk of Magnesia after meals. Almost 'immediately this nets to neutralize the (-loniiich acidity that brings on your trouble. You "forget you have a stomach I" Try this just onccl Take cither the familiar liquid "PHILLIPS'", or, now the convenient new Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets. Hut be sure you get Genuine "PHILLIPS' ". Also in Tablet Fornit Phillips Milk of Magnesia Tblrt s are now on sale at all ilrup stores everywhere, bach tiny RKasrl lent of a teasnoonful "--T I. V of Genuine Phillips Milk of Magnesia. Phillips' AilL cAaj MADC IM CANADA COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Window Shades ROr uut 36-72, each Curtain Rods, extend 1 tZr to 4 feet, each Rubber Door & iKn 'OC $1 A Mats Rubber Stair Treads Ifi,. 1UU 7x18, each Phone 775 Third Avenue NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarcIU, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up SO Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box ids Hyde Transfer Coal Wood Cartage Storage PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue The Dally News is an A. B. C paper. New Nasturtium Has Forty Petals Hybrid From 40,000 Crosses Is Brought Out After 11 Months Cultivation NEW YORK, March 28; (CP) patented, is known as Burpee's Super Double Nasturtium, and in the United States patent office Is called tropaeolum majus Burpeeli, plant patent No. 141. The flower has between 40 and 50 petals and resembles a camellia in shape, whereas the ordinary nasturtium has only five petals, and the double hybrid has 10. Two colors have been developed to date, brilliant scarlet and golden. It was the result of 11 months' work, during which 40,-000 flowers were hybridized and three generations of seeds were produced. Mr, Burpee said work began m June 1933, and before It was through It was necessary to hire 100 Japanese women in California to pollinate the flowers and m use airplanes to rush seeds to South America and back, to The object of the experiment WATERFRONT WHIFFS end of the week to 7c and 6c for American fish and 6c and 5c for Canadian. Total landings for the season up to yesterday were 217,400 pounds consisting of 100,600 pounds from Canadian vessels and 116,800 pounds from American. An enlHnmln nf InflllPnz.T SfimP prob- Tcj take a fay 0f i0gS from t,ne job for the Pacific Mills. was to prepare for market the: result of this hybridizing and not: ModeI Yacht to produce any startling new The annual race for the Prince flower. The super-double type wa? George Cup will take place on Ap-an accident, Mr. Burpee explained, rll 10 (Good Friday) or Sunday, and was just as much a surprise April 12, according to weather to him as to the horticulturists, conidtlons, and 11 A.M., Morning Worship 12:15, Sunday School 7:30 P.M., Guest Speaker, Rev. Nelson Harkness B.A., B.D. of Vancouver Subject, "THE UNFETTERED WORD" 9 P.M., Public Meeting Illustrated Lecture "The Romance of the Bible" ALL VISITORS WELCOME MANUFACTURERS' ANNUAL Satin-Glo Sale Satln-Glo Sale week Is the right time o plan spring decorating. You ca neffect a big saving by buyng NOWI We will redeem thc coupons or supply you ,with extra coupons. You Save .$1.00 on gals., 50c on qts., 25c on pts. ONE WEEK ONLY March 28 to April 1 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. "T1LLIE THE TOILER" MCCSES DEPARTMENT THE EfelOE'S TfcOUSSEAU Palm I?OOM return i waypoints. A J yuitli U bU H m A will V V t a DAILT NEWS Saturday, March 23, 1338 Rail Shipments of Halibut Commence First Halibut at Vancouver From B. and Y. Oolachan Run On wU be drawn for at this meeting of the cases resembling the malady as it appeared In 1918, Is sweeping the Prince Rupert halibut fleet and later entries will be allotted numbers following in rotation. following the opening of the 1936: ; been' Vancouver's first halibut of the season. Many boats have "ason was landed on forced to return to port with short year .Monday of this week by the B and catches owing to the illness among members of the crews. Some of the Capt-Do" Wlc,hfi!ld 000 Punds at 8 5c and 7-6c- boats are reported to be tied up at North Island with sick fishermen. i Having been delayed by heavy : freights for cannery points, Union I,; rr'rr, :Ar:, ;:; z cardena, CaPt. j E. Bo- den' "ot arri I 7:45 this continuous summer growing con-j p' yesterday following a towing f,d ji.i ir morning mornlrnr (mm from thp the smith south, hplntr being i nc u,uuu nasturtium, introduced from Mex trln to Big Bay with a boom of crosses were madejiogs from thc Aurloi camp at De. about half a day late. The vessel between the golden gleam doubl?' n nu. ,. sauea a C0UPle or nours later on ico In 1932, and all the colors of. the single nasturtium. One ncr - . I- I .Mt. mv.,.-.j I 1)11 LI11K LI111 1II11I?.I1;V Illlil unit' to Vancouver and lem that arose was was how how to to ore- pre- r,m Dm m i.- ; rs' ooiacnans of the season XJuniiv k 4jc v tutu u v y wuiv aaua t , . vent bees from mixing up the fr0m Fishery Bay on the Naas to t Vancouver the Armour Sal- pollen and interfering with the L r? w th Rlver arrived at Prlnce Rupert 0,1 hybridization work. This was sol-il r' romtlfanH Monday- ad being brought in prppn in ft ved when It was found that bees ?' TlTJ ZTIIa on that day in on Wed-would not touch those flowers Jph' v JSSr 1":" by Joe Wright and James whose petals were clipped off. be- n Wedneiday a"" a weekts ab' McKay of Port Simpson. Johnny cause they had lost their beauty.! ","'B a l0WU,g. Mather, also of Port Simpson, del lvered a load to Port Essington. Although quite a few of ths trolling boats are out, spring salmon are still scarce in wateri contiguous to Prince Rupert. H. Enocksen on Thursday landad a ... - , r Ann i 1 1 . a meeting will dci-""-11 U1 u puunas 10 me jiacon CHURCH NOTICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preacher Itev. W. D. Grant Hollingworth, B.A. ta Organist: Mrs. E. J. Smith Fisneries for which he receivel 11c and 5c. C. P; R. stealer Princess Louise, Capt. S. K. Gray, making the last of three voyages for the steamer Princess Adelaide, which has been undergoing annual overhaul .at Victoria, arrived In port at 4:30 yesterday afte'rnoon from the south and. sallecfat 10 p.m..on net-return to Vancouver and The Marine Department announces the finding of an uncharted rock at the entrance to Oliver Cove near Port Blackney In Mathieson Channel near Mil-bank Sound. The rock dries two feet at low water. Oscar Haveroy, well known local towboat master, who has been on a trip to his native land of Norway, returned to the city on Thursday night's train. Fish landings at the port of Boston for the month of February this year totalled 18,097,900 pounds, a compilation of statistics shows. Latest Novelties in Seeds ARTHUR BAYNE Successor to Glennie's Second Ave. Phone 635 Presbyterian Sunday School Holds Concert very acceptable concert was i presented last night before a large Chmmflntc nf fvocVi hali'W from Prinno Rnnprt hv rail : audience In the church by the A new type of nasturtium has I " "T -,"'a "T" ncr I Sunday School of First Presby- been placed on view, and a re- to me eastern maifteis iui uib iu scasuu ""'"'bj,, church, Tne program Inception was held for its creator, the.p'ast week when a total of 206,100 pounds was lanclecl jcluded a varlety of vocai and in. David Burpee of Philadelphia, at 0f which 89,300 pounds was from thirteen' Canadian boats strumentai numbers as well asre-the Gardens of the Nations in an(J 116,800 pounds from eleven American vessels. Prices citations, drills, skits, etc. John E. The new ffower" which has been opened Uell enough with a top of 10.9c and SC for Ameri- Davey had charge r of the program can iisn ana a.acana c tor wim- . rilan h.,t th, fpll off towards the ! ld on Tuesday. Marcn 31, at the The program was as follows: Solo, Donald Prendergast; Recitation, Jean Calderwobd. Song, Molly Frew. Violin solo, Jack Eastwood. Recitation, Joyce Taylor. Song, Margaret Lamb. Dialogue, Forbes Lee and Viola Mary Prendergast. Piano solo, Joan Squires. Solo, Pat McClymont. Fan Drill, Miss Winnie Cameron's class. Solo, Master Rol Judge. Dialogue, Mrs. W. L. Sandlson's class. Piano solo, Pat McClymont. Skit, "An Operation," Rev. Grant Hollingworth's class, O'Neill, Harold Ivarson, Bob Davie and Billy Hadden. Robert Cameron presided at the door. Prince Rupert Club Dance is EnjoyecJ One Hundred Persons in Attendance at Affair Thursday Night One of a series of monthly social i affairs being held by the Prince) Rupert Club took thc form Thurs-1 day night of a delightful dancing party of which Max Hellbroner l and W. E. Drake were in charge : and at which about one hundred! persons were present. Music for, dancing was by Bert Cameron's string orchestra and G. P. Tinker; was master of ceremonies. Dancing ! was in progress from 10 p.m. until 2 a.m. A feature of the proceedings' was "a prize drawing of which the winners were C. C. Mills, Walter' Hume and T. N. Lepage. Fine re-! freshments were another featureJ Try a Dally News classiticd advertisement for best results. Easter Candies & Novelties Now on Display Prices From lc to 50c BOX CHOCOLATES from 25c to $3.25 j Select your's while our stock is i complete j MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY i 319 Third Avenue It's A Priyelige ... PAGEANT IS EFFECTIVE (Continuea irom Page 1 the management of Mrs. Robert Blance assisted by Mrs. G. H. Ar nold. The Woman's Auxiliary fi gure was Miss Violet Stamp-Vincent and the Diocese of Caledonia, Miss Anne Boddle. The shields carried by the representatives of twenty-eight dioceses were the work of Mrs. G. H. Arnold and were most effective. The Junior program was in the capable hands of Mrs. F. N. Good and Mrs. A. L. Holtby and was much appreciated. Representation of branches in the foreign field was carried out oince oi uapiain j. . ricji., uai- selections by Miss neiiie L,aw- oy Mrs. u. f. nnKer ana miss bor master, to appoint committees rence's orchestra Miss Nellie Law- J O. Lenox M.D. and brought forth and to register entries. Competitors rence, Miss Venetla Feero, Jack great applause, will attend personally for regis- Eastwood, Robert Rudderham, Branches in this diocese were tratlon and to furnish full parti- Bobby Hale, James Hadden, Billy represented as follows: St. An-culars regarding length 'water- Hadden, Ralph Morin and George drew's, Miss Alice Hanson;' Seal line), sail area and weight of mo- Hanklnson. iCove, Miss Dorothy Rushbrook; dels. In order to allow sufficient! choruses, Mrs. R. Cameron's Old Massett, Miss Edith Smith; time for marking, race positions , ciass. Metlakatla. Miss Noreen Gibson: Japanese, Miss Saqhiko Tsumura. The dialogue representing foreign lands consisted of Miss Har-lko Suehlro, Miss Kamako Yaman-acka, Miss Mary Nishikaze and Miss Suml Nakamoto, Japan; Miss Edna McLean, China ;. Miss K. Baker, Palestine, and Miss Rosle Cox, India. The grouping of performers In the closing scene was dramatic and charming. Refreshments were served. The committee of management consisted of Mrs. J. B. Gibson, Mrs. F. A. MacCallum and Mrs. Robert W. d. 1 Blance. The convener of refresh-Bertie 1 ments was Mrs. T. Andrew, assls- ted by Mrs. N. Rorle and Mrs. W. J. Greer. Decorations were in charge of Mrs. G. H. Arnold, Pianist was Mrs. C. E. Cullin. France Boosts Discount Rate PARIS, March 28: (CP) The Bank of France today raised Its discount rate of three and a half percent to five percent. AGED FATHER Tiro John Harmond Mott passed . at Vancouver on Sunday the ripe old age of 106 yea J. C. McLennan of thifS daughter as also u t,. Hy 11 a ments, now of Victoria' Cle' STARTS MONDAY FOR 2 DAYS With -. SPECIAL .MATINEES Mon., Tues. at 2 p.m. EVENING SHOWS Mon., Tues. at 8 p.m One Show Nightly-Dows Open, 7:15 The Glorious Musical Treat Brought Back by Popular Demand! "NAUGHTY MARIETTA" with - - Jcancttc MacDonald Nelson Eddy PLUS - Thc New Star Sensation Sybil Jason - In "LITTLE mo SJIOF A 40-pound bundle of joy, who'll win your heart! - with Edward Everett Horton Glenda Farrell Last Times Tonight CHARLIE KUGGLES in "ANYTHING GOES" King's Funeral Pictures Remember Your Friends and Relations This Easter . . . EASTER CARDS An excellent and beautiful range, to suit your need Easter Postals, 2 for 5c Cards and Cut-Outs 5c and 10c Folder Type Cards,- 10c up Cards For Relations .20c to 10c See our splendid assortment and choose your requirements while stock is complete. Also Easter Novelties Chicks, Ducks, Baskets, Rabbits, Etc. Easter Serviettes and Decorations eMaMvs.Jjd By Westover