Mr, h 28. 193ft Smifes jn- Chuckles Novelt iHkiiiixicBJsmkiJisiiKi SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR COMPLETE DISPLAY We will fctaiUy reserve ahy-. itbtii for ynii Prices 5 to Ormes Ltd. ZZiA Pioneer Druqejists tti Rexall Start Phones: 81 & K Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holiday From l2 noon till 2 pnt, J p.m. till 9 p.m. SPRING Stafts Monday, ON ALL NEW Ilctls, Springs, les frrtm 85 SALE March 30 OOODS Mallresses 4 Coal Business Has Grown Competition fcur? ksAisfvh' we can prove y ts hrortA , IL r Q iMlilliHMlliimir ..i"..:,uiiiiMl.U Floor-Govering Linoleum Rugs and Cohjjoleurri Runs Bath Mats Cork, .laspc Fcltol, tlcxotcum Axminsler Stairs Carpels Various Axminstcr Alais Haby Carriages, Folding Carrier, Pack Sack Suit Case D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone: Green 421 There is a Reason Why Our In Spite of Keen We sen the best coal in J0: Ur We i have courteous iu"iwjf. driv- K you are not already a customer of ours fnr n tvi (ler nf nn. PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. 051 P HON ES 652 , . Union Steamships, Limited SUeamere leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T-S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 IM. Du Vancouver, Thursday p.m. r,s-S. CAHllENA FRIDAY, 10:30 IM. Due Vatouver, Monday a.m. WeMy sailings to Port Simpson, Stewart, Anydx and Naas River, Sunday, 8 p.m. Further Information regarding sailings and tickets i from iiSMlTIt, Prince Ittiprrt A(rrnt, Third Ave. Phqne 568 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash tor old gold. Bulger's (tf) Tonight's train, due from the feast at 10:20, was reported thL: morning to be on time. Balagno's Orchestra will provide the music tonight at the Commo dore Cabaret, the dance hflnc from 9 to 12. (75) Mr. and Mrs. F. A. MacCallum will leave towards the end of next week on a month's vacation trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Mrs. F. W. Sharpe arrived in the city on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon to spend the summer here. Her husband is In the service of the B. C. Packers. irS IHFFERKNT SATURDAY NIGHT DANCING PARTY in the Commoddrti Cabaret Modem Music BALAONO S ORCHESTRA Novelty Numbers 9 to 12 Come Early Everybody Welcome Admission, 25c W. G. Broad, customs officer at Stewart, and W. D. Smith, manager of the Northern British Columbia Power Co., are among ex-service men from this district who are planning to visit the battlefields of France on the Vimy Pilgrimage this summer. muiuuncenienis Presbyterlari Easter Sale, April ?. Baptist sale, Arjril B. Orange Ladies' Spring Sale, Odd fellows' Hall, April 9. "Rich Young Ruler," Baptist Church, April 10. Queen Mary-Daffodil Dance, Easter Monday. Hospital Charity Ball, April 15, Moose Hall. Premier Orchestra. ' St. Andrew's Cathedral Easter Sale. April 1C. Dancing display, Oddfellows' Hall, April 17. Free public mass display of physical education program, Saturday, April 18. Exhibition Building Catholic Spring Sale, April 23 Cambrai Chapter "Leap Year Dance" April 24. St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 7. MOOSE HALL TONIGHT Prince Rupert Junior Moose Lodge will meet at S p.m. Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockeye Look for the WHITE mm LABEL with the GOLD SEAL Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Riipert. ee'Jthe new table oilcloths -al the Dollar Store: . (tf ). You can Tent a .car at Walker's as low as $1.50 a day, plus 7c a mile. Mr. and Mrs. L. Dyson, after a brie! visit to the city, sailed by the prince John last night on their return to the Queen Charlotte islands. R. Roberts of Ocean Falls was a, visitor In town during the stay o the Princess Louise last evening, having come north to attend a Masonic meeting. C. M. Mclntyre of Skidegate, after a visit of a couple of days In the city, sailed by the Prince John last night on his return to the Queen Charlotte Islands. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Edenshaw of Massett, after a brief visit ts the city, sailed by the Prince John last evening on their return to the ueen Charlotte Islands. Mrs, Annie Stewart, organizer or the Women's Labor Leacue. who has been spending the past week or so in the tity. sailed by the Prince Rupert Thursday night on her return to Vancouver. Bert Robson or Bella Codla was a passenger aboard the Cardena this morning going through to Vancouver. Mr. Robson some year ago was well known as a purser of Union Steamship' Co. steamers. Mrs. Annie Codvllle, wife of tb lighthouse keeper at Pointers Inland near Bella Bella, left here at the first Of this,, week for Boston where she will embark aboard the liner Scythla for a visit to her native hbihe in Alesbtiry; England. Mr. and Mrs. York Wilson, whir have been spending a few days at Inverness Visiting with Mr. Wil son's brother and slster-ld-law Mr. and Kirs. F. R. Wilson, follow ing a trip to Vancouver, will sal on the Princess Norah Vdmbrrjr morning for their home In White - horse. Capt. William Strong, well known fiir trader and ship operator of Tulsequah, who has been on an airplane trip into the central Yukon and Northwest Territories, arrived in the city on Thursday night's train and wiil sail tomorrow morning on the Princess Norah for Juneau enroutc to the Taku River He Is accom panied by Nels Flatekval. Plan a Vacation in Europe . .with your own choice of steamer! Alike reservations now while a Stood selection of accommodations is available bn all steam-Snip lines. This year fares will be very reasonable, and we can arrange your trip tb anywhere in the Old Country or to any Continental resort. optional routing via the panama canal, if desired: For Information, Call or Write: CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. TltAPPEltS AND DEALERS 50,000 MUSKRATS 5,000 REAVElt Wanted at once for immediate delivery HIGHEST PRICES PAID Also all ybur other FURS al full market value. Ship at once and convince yourselves. j. CLONES Buyer and Exporter .rRINCR.nEaituEH.0 The Man Who Knows Whether the Remedy You are taking for Headaches, NeUralgia or Rheumatisrh Pairis is SAFE is Your Doctor. Ask Him . . Don't Entrust Your Own or Your Family's Weil-Being to Unknown Preparations BEFORE you take any preparation you don't know all about, for the relief of headaches; or the pains of rheumatism, neuritis or neuralgia, ask your doctor what he thinks about it in comparison with "Aspirin." We say this because, before the discovery of "Aspirin," most so-called pain" remedies were advised against by physicians as being bad for the stomach; or, often, for the heart. And the discovery 6f "Aspirin" largely changed medical practice. Countless thousands of people who have taken "Aspirin" year in and out without ill effect, 'have proved that the medical findings about its safety were correct. Remember this: "Aspirin" is rated among the fastest methods yet discovered for the relief of headaches and all common pains . . . and safe for the average person to take regularly. "Aspirin" Tablets are made in Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade-mark of the Bayer Company, Limited. Look for the tame Bayer in the form of a cross on every tablet. jbeihah'd and Get "ASPIRIN" W. C. Middleton, local manager bf the W. H. Malkln Co., who is seriously ill, sailed last night bn the Princess Louise for Vancouver to receive itirther treatment. He was accompanied by Mrs. Middleten and child. .. i Provincial Constable L. Olsen ol Queen Charlotte City, after a brief visit to the city, sailed by the Prince John last night on his fe turn to the Islands. He expects tr be back In. a couple of weeks with party of witnesses in a breaking and entering case from Port Clehi ehts which Is to be heard in County Court here. Hotel Afrivdli Royal Mrs. M. Mulr and M. M. Jackson, Vancouver; R. F. Logan, Toronto; Kir. and Mrs. Woie, Alice Arm. ; Central E. Warren, C Christopherson, H. Ralph, H. Andefsert and C! Chrls-tdphersen, city; F. Moran, Belling-hhm; P. J. Rolls, Knox M. Anderson and E. Robertson, city. Prince Rupert T. Crosby, Vancouver. High School Movies Enjoyed Local 1'ictiires Prove Interesting To iilgh School Dramatic CI lib Local movies taken by Jack Wrathall, and Roth Gordon, were featured at a show put on yester day by the High School Dramatic Club. Vivian Wrathall officiated at the projectors. Of speciil interest to the mem bers was a stlidy of the technique ihvolved in two short profession ally-made movies of "Our Gang" arid "Laurel and Hardy.'1 Plans for the taking of amateur movies of a similar nature are proceeding nicely. Fresh Delicious Cottage Cheese Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phonfe 057 tlXAkS ANb l6LISrife Bathtub. Wiihbuir. Window, and klrrari. ciriMit witsh. Sale of Bibles In High Figure Depression Does Not Affect Circulation of Scriptures !A goodly number of people gathered at the Pentecostal Assembly last evening to enjoy the lecture given by the Rev. N. A. Harkness, B.A., B.D., secretary of the British and Foreign Bible Society for B.C. from Vancouver. The lecture, entitled "The World's Best Seller," was accompanied by a fine set of lantern slides while the lecturer told of how, during the last six years of depression, the number of Scriptures circulated was over sixty-seven millions and the new translations during that period numbered seventy-four. In the last 132 years, since the formation of the Bible Society, ,flve hundred million copies had been printed and circulated in as many as 980 different languages. H. S. Parker left on last evening's train for his monthly business trip to various interior points between here and Prince Ofiorge. His first stop will be at Decker Lake. CLASSIFIED FOR RENT FOR RENT Five roomed modern flat. Phone Red 128. ' (tf) FOR RENT Modern four-room flats, bath and Monarch range, Clapp Block, $1250, $15 & $17.50. Helgerson Ltd. (Ap 3) FOR SALE FOR SALE Cary Safe. Apply Dally News bffice. Phone 98. (tf) FOR SALE 1 60-pound babbit an chor and 10 ft. galvanized chain $7, Phone 572 after 6 pjn. (tf) FOR SALE 80 hp. Oulowsen Grei Semi-Diesel Engine complete with propeller and fittings. Can be in spected at Giilowsen Orel Plant Cheap' for prompt sale. Sunde fe d'Evers Co.. Seattle, Wash. (M-tf) GENTLEMEN Personal drug sun dries. Highest Grade Latest Del ivered. 15 for $1. (plain wrapper Pacific Supply 751 Granville Vancouver. WANTED WANTED Export quality hemlock logs. For further information Inquire Geo. W. Nickerson Co. (80) MALE HELP WANTED LESSbfr from the depression- Be a Civil Servant Postman Customs Examiner, Clerk, Sten ographer, etc. Free Book's "How to get a Government Job.' M.C.C. Civil Service School, Win. rilpeg. PERSONAL PRIVATE Home Kindergartens pay We. start you. The Canadian Kin dergarten Institute, Winnipeg. (tf) IX T1IK M THUMB fOl'UT OF ItKITISK C'Ol.l'MHIA IN I'KOIIATF. Iii the Mailer of tile "AitnilttMrntlbn Art" Anil In Hie MnHer bf the Kslate of George A. t'olhiirn. Demised. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judcte Fisher dated the 24th daV W March AD. 1936. I was ap pointed Administrator of the Estate nf George A. Colbum late of Atlln, British Columbia. Miner. Deceased and ah parties hating claim against the snld Estate are hereby required to furnish same nrooerly verified to me on or bs fore the 4th day of May 1938 and ll person indebted to the Estate are re quired to pay the amount of their In- debtedness to m rortnwnn. Dated the 24th day of March 1936. HERBERT F GLASSEY, Official Administrator. ATLIN, B. C. Beaver Pfelts UP 20 I have large orders for Beaver Skins at highest prices. Also I am buying Rats or any other tuts. Ship them in and cash will come back on next mall. GOLDBLOOM The Old Reliable , X : ttT-v page 'tttRftsI Hititon Coal Phone 51 CENTRAL HOTEL The heist place in town tb eat WHITE COOKING . HOME BAKING: Try dur Sandwiches & Coffee Phone 867 719 Third Ave. SPECtALS Mi Lady Beauty Shop Offers Beautiful Permanent Wave We are noted for our lovely curls Frer Facial with Rose Marie B. C. PRODUCTS Phone 655 AtCTlOX SALE Timber Nale M8TU There will be Offered Tor sole at Pub lic' Auction, at noon, on the 4th day of June, 1936, In -the. office of the District Forester, Prince Rupert,, the Ltcence X18771, to cut 9,442.000, Jeet,' ' board measure cf Spruce. Cedar and Hcm- fcxik on area situated bn HUtton Inlet, Juan Perez Bound. Queen Charlotte Invcds Land pistrtct. Three .years win oe aiiowra iox re moval of timber. Provided any one unable to attend the auction in perron way submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid.? Further trtlcular ma? be obtained from th Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C or District Forester, Prince Rupert. B;C. FOK SAI.F. 1IALIIUT HO AT "MUtTE lioPE" Notice to hereby given thtft the Grand Trunk Pacific Development Company, Limited, registered mortgagee of the above named boat, has by reason, of default in payment of the mortgage,' taken possession of the aald boat, and hereby 'offers - name- loi aal T to, Prince Rupert i under and by virtue of jstfttii-tory power In that behalf. Tlie boat was ibullt at Prince Rupert Dry Dock and Shipyard In 1930 and la registered at Prince Rupert. Registered dimensions: length between perpendiculars 4.l feet; breadth, 14 feet; depth bf hold. 6 feet; gros. tons, 30; register tons, 15.83. The boat Is equipped with a 84 B.H.P. 3. Type Gardner engine TfuH dlesel). Boat available for Inspection at Prince Rttpent at any time on application to Manager, Prince Rupert Dry Dock and Shipyard. Terms df sale: Cash, Offers are to be addressed care or Superintendent, CanatlUn National Steamships, Vancouver, B.C.. and must reaoh him not later than April 15th. 1936, and must be accompanied by cer tified cheque for ten per cent. (10) of amount offered. Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC . . DEVELOPMENT COMPANY MMTTED. GriVKUNMEST LUit'OR ACT" 1 (Meet Ion 27) . . . . Notice of Application, for a Rerr Mreni NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on the 25th day of March- hett the undeti signed Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a licence in respect of, .premises, being part of a building Known as wie opruce reeK xiutru buu-ated In the Atllri Mining District in the Province of British Columbia, upon lands described as the "Sally Mine Claim," situated bn Spruce Creek, tn the said District. -Tor the sale of beer by the glass or by the bottle for consumption on the premises or elsewhere. Dated this 24th day of February, a.u. 1936, MILT Q. CAS WELL, Applicant ' " ' ' - -" LANIt ACT Sotloe ol Intention to apply to Lease Una In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dis trict of Range 5 Coast, and situate on Katen Island close to Oalloway Rapids Bridge. . . - , . Take notice that I, Martin Miller . Of Prince Rupert. B.C., occupation Lumberman Intends to apply tor a lease of toe following described lancis: Commencing at a post Wanted ap- proxlmatley 3 000 ft. north of lots 115- lie, D. L. 251, Range o uoast inenca 660 feet west; thence 760 ft. south thence 660 feet east; thence 260 It. north thence following the shore line tb post 611 cnminenbranent and contain lng ten acres, more or less. MARTIN MILLEn Dated March 6. 1936. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Less lJirirt In Prince Rupert Land Recording district of Range 5 Cosrtt. and situate close to Oalloway Rapids Bridge, near Prince Rupert, B. C. Take notice that I, Martin MUler o' Prmce Rtipert, B.C.. ocrtrpatlon Lumberman Intends to aipplr for a lease Of the louowmg aeacrioea t'oreenore janas: Commencing at a posit planted approximately 3.000, ft,, north of Lot utile. D. L. 351, Range 5 Coast District theric about 500 ft. south to tortx!t shore thence northerly following tht shoreline to post of. commenceineht. and containing 1U acres, more or lea. MARTIN MILLER Dated March C, 1830.