turday, October 31, 1936 YOITLL NEED THESE IN YOUR I SOAPS a southern France r -,,,ful odors, Jas-C, -"nnia, Forget- chid. A splendid trife prize. Box of 1.01 Tasteless Highly Concentrated Cod Liver Oil. TABLETS to take. Ef-get WAV to your 50's 76c 100's $1.26 BotUe Hiker's French Balm your skin that " "htrul texture. 51c L'n- A -Septic -';x aches and - toes ,u-"s. itchy . uiiutlons. bmle ' b:,t S1.26 Writing Paper 50! Box Fancy ' r :'e. linen finish :c ,;3 !ieets and 33 en- 51c Carica Bile Tablets I he liver of 100 76c if $1.00 Lavenrlcr SHAVING SOAP K v a bowl 1.01 ' - vie pjas bowl SHAV1NU SOAP 7(5 dardcuit Face Powder :e 1.01 5jj) SLr' Hox Cara Nome IS Face Powder Ife R " ceMtu. Fine blends perfectly. J1.01 I N'vit labit Forming Kcsulator. SOc Box REGS itc laxative for Li aily. Regulates " i:nDin2. Fortv 51c Resnilar 5"c Cho-olate Bars u.s bars to choose 6c Trial Size Shari Face Powder 15 ;, perfumed, clings 26c 15c Bottle Old Colony Ink ' '"- :k. for fountain PURETEST SACCHARIN TABLETS i V "l lbo. ,,a c.nnot1 la sugar. Th Wind! ti.t 'ou' doctor recom- mcnai, i u i Rular 25c Bottle ' J 2 or 26c .... ..... . I Pay the regular price for one article and get another one just like it for only ONE CENT 25c Box BOOTS' KELOIDS For Coughs and Throat Tlcklt 2 for 26 WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER SOc Jar JONTEEL CREAM Cold, Vanfthfnf r Liquld CUanainf iy ! ... 2 for .51 5f' Uit. Atmi.n.l Bloom n ct Cream with Ihmn ."'. til ;t bot I.oric Union r , nc Cocoa Butter lot lull. Sr.30 50c BottU GARDENIA LIQUID 3S' SKIN SOFTENER 2 - .51 S"' Iwt ltiUrr French Ha!m 2 or .51 li' Cm Nome IWder n , 1 C pud. ;". lb 75c Jonteel Bath Salts. . . 2 " .7 6 mic jar Nice Deodorant 2 !' .41 GARDENIA 35c SHAVING CREAM 35c TALCUM S1.00 LOTION, large A i(t act that men appreciate . All For 79c $1.70 Value SOc JONTEEL Cold Cream" FACE POWDER Cl itgi tor ' " 2 " .51 lorifying o ei Fai"e Pnwder 4-1 :v a tl.lllKi Cars Noii ome o . 1 01 Face Ponder $'.'.tllHixC'araXome o $2.01 Face Powder 25c box Shari Face Powder 2 foi .26 SOc Box GARDENIA FACE POWDER 2 for .51 25 Gardenia Lipticka. 2 '"'.26 25r Joiitn-1 l.ipstiiks 2v.26 25c Jmiteel Lvebrow 2.26 Perils 50c Gardenia of f Southern France ROUGE 2 r .51 JSc Tin GARDENIA Of Southern France tico' t TALCUM 2 .36 25c tin Jonleel Talcum, , for .,X 35c tin Langloia Lavender n M Talcum eUfot.OV 25ctintlent'sA(terSliave o nn iWcr f"f 25c tin STORK BABY POWDER m Soothti Senntiv VIkV 9 226 Ilk ?v Hand and S'ail. Awt 2 p .26 75c Klenw Hair Brush, 2fc $2.00 Military for $2.01 I!rU"H SMPN70 llll! TOOTH BRUSHES 2 M .36 KLENZO TOOTH BRUSHES 2 or .26 15c KleiuoChilJs Tooth 2r.l6 $1.00Utl.rrllm-h. 2" $1.01 25.M.k. lVr.ne.lge ltasor n 6 , ltl:liles,6V m AT 4th 35c Tin Mi 31 TOOTH POWDER With Sodium Perborata 2 for .36 0c tube Mi 31 Dental n , II Paste Zor.4 1 25e tule Klento. Dental o OC Creme o'.0 40c tulie Klenzo Dental n , a f Creme 4W.41 REXALL MILK OF MAGNESIA TOOTH PASTE Three Jumbo Tubes Super Special .59 35c tin Kexall Milk 01 n nr. Magnesia Tooth Powder Cfor.,6X3 2Se tin pearl Tooth o . ; lWdtt.... Cj0fO 35c tin Rexall Dental Fix 2 w. 26 I 15c Waah Clotha, Asst. . 2 m. 16 50c Vialt of TO-DAY'S MOST y POPULAR PERFUMES Jasmine. Garde ni. Shtri. Cent Some, Street Pea, tvrget-M:ot, Ernie'r Lily, Houvardia. 2.r.51 25c PLRSE VULS (Jara Ndnie, I5r-lenia,Slian,Seet Pea, liouvardia, Easter l.ilv. Forget-Me-Not. 2 for. 26 FACE 75c bot. JASMLNE PERFUME The Choice Black 4Sil..r Bol. Know. 2.76 FANCY Brids. Table COVERS 2or.76 40c Tub LAVENDER MENTHOLATED SHAVING' CREAM 2 for .41 25c ltcxall Shaving Stick 2 26 Kelill . ... for. 10c Kexall Miavmg Mick o . r.41 in llakelite Container.. W( $1.(NI l.augloia Lavender Shaving Bout, o . Wooden W' r$1.01 75e Ijinglois Lavender 2.76 Shaving Bowl, Glass. . . 35c Tuba Rtxall SHAVING CREAM Lalhvrt quickly and abundantly. Softens the beard. 2 for .36 35c I xit. Kexall Shaving o . OC Lotion Z for, 6X3 75c bot. Ijivender After n , Shaving lotion S for f u 5tk'lmt. Ixirie After Shav- o . CI ingLotioii.j, aCo-.Ol 50c bot. Klenzo C0C0ANUT OIL SHAMPOO Makes the Hair Soft and Bright 2 for .51 50c bot. Rcxall "93" Hair n , e , Tonic Z or. Ol ll.OOhot. Rexall "93" o 1 ni I'.urTotiic. $ I. Ul 50 Ingloi lavender o , g Pet roleum 1 1 air Rub. . . 6 for. O I 35c .Ixirie Brilllantine o . oc Liquid Zor.OO 35t Ijinglnis Lavender o , oc Brilliantitie. Solidified. . tifor,OX3 TSivbot, Jonteel Wave Set n , fl 'lotion i... ... Afor.13 35ebol, IngloiiLavrndery) Ofi I VaveSet. SHAMPOO SPECIAL 25c PALMOLIVE 2 fbr .26 20c pk. First! J Cause, 2j0r.2 5yi '"'T'' 2for.6l 15c roll First aid Cause 9 . 1 e I Bandage, 2 in.1 10 yds. Jr O 75c Old Oilony Tobacco 2ur ,76 ALE THE TssSi DRUG STORE THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY NOVEMBER 5th SPECIAL 15c pk. Fine Linen Envelopes . . 2 for JQ' 15e Styptic Pencils Bakalite . 2 r .16 Case 25c May dew " Brimantlne . 2.26 solid $1.00. box Oar- denla' Face ..;' Powder, gold , j. sSsfr$l-Pl 50c Throat ;' 9 for CI Gargle ; S1 60c B.O. .LlmacolO lor fil Toilet Lotion ' 50C' Sigma Violet Deodorizing' 9 for ,OA R 1 Powder 59c bot. Lilac Lotion, Urw 2 " .60 $1.00 Bottle Cva Nome, Gardenia, ' i.'or .Shari. Fact Lotien and Skm Ftithener. 2 lor $1.01 50c bot, ,.,365" Baj( Bum." 2)51 50c but. "Sto1' C9one. . 2 - for ,5 1 50c bot, "365" pld Engliah Lavender. .'. .... tv .51 50c bot. Cars -ome,' Oardehia pr " JVender 2r.51 Skin Freshener .". . Cherisette POWDER of Women Who All Shades, for .76 ioc STORK NIPPLES 7"i nipple choae'n for the Diount Qiinitui'leli. 2 M .ll !0c Strk Bby. Feeding Bottle. . : '.I... . : ' 2.11 20c trtient ik, Superior inon Ab-' 2 for .21 25c Tihv Tot Rubber., o o c Bab.v PahtsVMed.-Lge; yr v 0c CribSheeting?"' 2 " .5 1 0c cake Tiny Tot Baby 0 i -Soap. ZM.l 1 $1.50 Major WATER BOTTLE Rti. Jad mr Blut 2r$l.51 $1.00 Bescon r) 1 A1 Fountain Syringe . " y 1 vl 1 nimin 7 n tipf lin.xtyd:... 2r.l6 40cSiie, 1 in. x 5 yds. 2f .4l 50c Firataid Quick Acting , Plaster , .... 25c First aid Belladonna o , Tlaster. ...... . ... November 15c Net Sit Stirling: WRITING PADS Linen Finish 75 aheeta 2 for .16 25c Letter or Buaineas Site o . oc Pada j 10T,.j 10c Note Pad, 80 Sheeta, Ruiea. 2or.ll 50c box Cascade Writing raper, unen timsn, n , hi 8aheeU Zc'.Dl 50c' box of 100 Cascade n , e 1 Envelopes, Plain...... WorJi 50c box of 50' Cascade n , C1 iDDerlined Envelope! . . lor lftc pST. Blue Lined n ti .. Envelopea 4-U 75c l)ox Correspondence o tc Crd. Gilt Edge...... Zo'.O 60c. box , Correspondence o . e i Carda, Deckle Edge... r.l 35c box Writing: Paper, Kid Finish, Plain or o , o n Colored. Border C for. 6X3 50c box Sherwood Sta- n e tionery, Linen Finish. . or SOc box OlenroM1 station- n . e Srv.lnn.rlinM Knvplnn. M J0T 75 box Fancy 'Writing n , jc Paiier, Linen or Kid... 6tor' I O SI. 00 box Fancy Writ-o , i ni ing Paper, Lin. or Kid J 1 .U 1 $1.S0 Box STATIONERY vith Playing Cards 2 for $1.51 le Menogrsm Lead Pencils 2 for .06 Fountain Pen Ink. Zo'.lO ljc bot. Mucilage....... 2o-.16 COMBS Ladies' and Gentlemen's Combs Assorted Styles 2 for .26 and 2 for .36 lOcpobbyComb 2r. 11 15c Jiffy Fine Comb..... 2 for, 16 REXALL Milk of Magnesia TOOTH PASTE Ncutralitea acids that cause Tooth 2 JUMBO W TUBES , ' 10c Cake SOAP SCOTCH OATMEAL. OLD-FASHIONED BUTTERMILK 2 for .11 15c rake Duxka Soap 2 or .16 15c cake Jonteel Soap 2for.lt 25c eake Klenso Tar Shampoo Soap ifor-M 25c Firataid Germicidal Soap 2 for .26 25e ck. Inglois Lavender jSoap 2or.2 60c rk, Ganlenia or Jasmine Mammoth Bath Soap. 2 for .(1 15c rake Jasmine or Gardenia Snap 2or .It $1,110 box of 4 cakes, Popular Odors, 2borrtS1.01 CUPS and SAUCERS , Various t designs, o , a 1 rt 1 Make iV al gifts. M $ 1 .U 1 Boots' Regesan Fruit Saline 2nr $1.01 Jqnteel Bath Powder 1 ' for .61 '.Wi.!" Fare Creams, Cold, Liq. Cleans., Hand and Skin, or Van... . 2or .51 "36$" Fresh Lilac Lotion.. ?or $1.01 "365" Eau de Cologne,.. ... ijor $1.01 "35" Old English Lavender 27or $1.01 Hiker's Emul. Cocoanut Oil. 2or .26 While these items may have been sold on .special sales below our regular price yet; we are including them on our ONE CENT SALE as they represent EACfcrilU.AL ALUL51 Pepjiejmint. Pattiei, Boxes.. 2 lbs. At . . ... 0i Coohv Paying Carda, Double Deei.... JoT$15 Cawade Playing Cirds, Single Deck 2 for .51 4 Square Floor Wax, l ib.. . 2 for. .51 4 Square Furniture Polish,'. . 2cr.Sl Velvo, Sanitary Pads t for M Mi 3t Antiseptia, 1 of. . . ,2or $1.11 Klenso 1 jquid Antiseptic, 0 ol. 2 for ,4$ Klenso Liquid Antiseptic, loi.2or.7t OrmesLtd Pi&rihcr Drtuztists TfcUlMS STRICTLY CASH AN I) CARRY i We will not accept telephone or mail orders WINTER 5K cth $1.00 Bottle Cod Liver Oil Emulsion The Ideal Tonic 2 for $1.01 50c $l!60bot.RexallCod ey ri Liver Oil Emulsion " l.U 1 50c $1.00 bottle Puretest Norwegian 25c COD LIVER OIL 25c Plain or Mint favored. The oil selected for )ht 3oc Dionnt Quintuplets 50c :.v 2 $1.01 Puretest Extract of Malt and Cod Liver Oil Special Introductory Offer One pound jar A A Special, each " Two pound jar 74. Special, each $1.25 bot. Cod Liver Oil Cone. Tablets, n, 1 OC 100 a ZorJl.D 75c bot. Cod Liver Oil 2 .7 6 Cone. Tablets, 50 a. A 25c tube Analgesic Balm 2 fo. 26 i 50c tube Analgesic Balm 2or,51 35c tube Mustard Omt- n , j! ment for. 6X3 50c tube Pile Ointment. . 2 for . 51 50c tin Eciema Ointment 2 for , 51 25c tin Boric Ointment. . 2 for , 26 25c. tin Rexall Healing n , nr. Salve Z for, 4X3 25c tin Carbolic Salve... 2 for, 2 6 25c tin Carbolised Zinc o , nr. Ointment .for..X3 25c tin Zinc Ointment. . . 2 for, 26 25c bot. Toxol Disinfectant, 2 26 4 ox for. 50l- bot. Toxol Disinfectant, 8 01 2or.51 zoc Dot. tikay s wmte o , Shoe Cleaner or .26 45c Bot. of 85 MILK OF MAGNESIA TABLETS MINTED decay. 2r.46 CQC 50c Boa of 60 Large ORDERLIES Rexall PEPTONA Tktlatati (Uf Iff pi irffH rrpsWai'. An Iron and Malt 2or .51 easily ammiiaiea. resistance to Uf!;'2or.26 5t)e Kidney Box Rexall 1'iU 2 for 2 o'.sr Bottle nuuas 1 winter ills. 25c bot. Saccharin Tablets, o . nr. 100 s, H gr, &for,CX3 25c hot. Saccharin Tablets, o , o c SOs, jv Zfor..X3 25c A.S.A. Phenacetin and n . nr. Caffeine Tablets .or,CX3 40c Bottle Puretest A.S.A. Tablets 2 for .41 For pains, colds and headaches. Do not harm the heart. Each bottle contains M tablets. 25c bot. Cascara Tablet!, r oj' 3gr.,30's .for,CX3 $1.00 bot. Chlorophyll laTr" . . . : 2 for $1.01 25c bot. A. B. 8. A C. 9 , nr. Tabids, 100a Sr.iO SOc bot. Cariea Bile Tab- 9 , e 1 lets, 60s 4for.t3l 75c bot. Carica Bile Tab- 9 , 1717 lets, lOtVa Z for. 1X3 25c box Stomacn ana n , nr. Liver Pills tZ for. 4X3 2.V but. Sml Mint and 9 , nr. Peimin Tablets. 35's. . . & "r .&X3 B(V b Resall Dysiepsia , r; 1 Tablets 4'".bl 25' One Minute Headache 9 . nr. Powders. 24'i .'. .!, CX3 SOc tin Regs The Chocci- 9 , e 1 Uls UUv. IS'.... aWo'sdl Pay the regular price for one article and set another one just like 'it for only ONE CENT 25c Tube KLENZO DENTAL CREME 2Tube26C NOVEMBER 1th $1.50 Size BISMA-REX, 1G oz. SPECIAL .87 Note: We have only a limited supply of this item. Order early and avoid dis-tppointrr.ent tin Asthma Towder. 2 ' .5 1 50c.ttn Rexall IlealthSalta 2 or;5 1 bot. Citrate of n r1 Magnesia (Genuine). . . f'.Z)l bot. Corn Solvent ... 2 for .26 bot. Peroxide, 4 01. 2 for .26 bot. Peroxide, 8oj.. 2W.36 bot. Peroxide, 16 ox. 2 or .5 1 $1.00 bottle BEEF, WINE and IRON TONIC .4 n excellent tonic and builder. I'leamnt to take. 2 for $1.01 $1.00 bot. Rexall Syrup of Hypo-phosphites, a fine o , cf 1 r 1 tonic & for q 1 ,U 1 $1.00 bot. Rexall n 1 ni Agarex Comioiind ' S 1 U 1 $1,011 bot. Uexall Taste- . less Ext. o( God q ,1 ni liver Compound. . "" 1 U 1 50c-lS oz. Bot. Rcxall MILK of MAGNESIA Mint Flavored 2 for .51 m jueooi. iiisoi .Magnesia, n J 6 oj.. J'lain J .51 75c bot. Milk of Magnesia, o 1 n Slat.. Plain Z for. 1X3 50c bot. Lin-A-Septic, for n tZ Sore Musrles. 4 01.. Zor.O l $1.25 bot. Lin-A- n, t t nr. Septic, 16 01 4 for $1.6X3 $1.00 bot. Kidney n , cr 1 m Compound ZA"J1.U1 Puretest EPSOM SALT 5cpkg 2. for. 16 25c 11 2 for. 26 15c pkg. Camphorated Chalk 2or.l6 25c bot. Castor Oil, 4 dl.. 2 for .26 40c bot. Castor Oil, S 01. 2.41 30c pkg. Boraeic Acid, 2-r.21 4 0..... 10c pkg. Senna Leaves. 2m.ii doc not. Jincture Iodine, n 5 W .36 25c bot. Triodine. 27o 2 .26 50c boC Aromatic Cascara n , pi Sagrada Zfo'.Ol is H Compound Ki 1 U- wtu 9.9'c fe U 50c bot. Rcva Bronchial Syrup For Chtit CoHs 2 for .51 50c bot. Vapure, Inhalant IBB for Or.. CI Colds. 25c box Rexall Cold o . ic .Tablets Cor.O due jar Kexall Uhcst HUD, 9 , .51 for Chest Colds $1.00 bot. Cod liver Compound' with 9' i ni Creosote, 16 ov J 1 .U 1 50c tube Cold and Catarrh 9 . ps Jelly with Ephedrine . Zfr.Ol SOc bot. REXALL NOSE and THROAT P' rS?r?z; RELIEF With Ephdrin. S- 2 for .51 60c bot. Hiker's Syrup of I ar with Cod Liver n-, ! C 1 Extract, 7.W 01. . . 4U lor.u 1 25c Ixix Grippe Tableta 2 for. 26 Stk' Uit. Hrxillana Cough n , ei Syrup . ".Ol 25c tin Boots' Meloids. . . 2 M.26 2,V limits' Imlired Throat Tablets 2r26 j 35c Boots' Iodised Throat TaUttl 2" i36 PAGE THRE1.. YOU'LL NEED THESE IN YOUR HOME 35c Bottle Rcxall Shaving Lotion Makes the face feel smooth and clean 36c 2 for : 40c Tube Mi 31 Dental Paste Pleasant tasting, make3 teetn gleaming white L .- 41c Tasteless Extract Cod Liver Compound A great strength and energy builder 2$1i0or16:oz-.bot: 81.01 BismaRex 16-oz. The Antacid Powder that gives lasting relief from indigestion Q7o Super Special Oil Throat Gargle aeslze 51c Turetest CASTOR OIL Practically tasteless. Easy to take. 25c 4-oz. Inttle-2 for 26c 40c 8-oz. bottle' 41c 2 for Firstaid Gauze BANDAGE 2 in. by 10 yds. Pure and sterilized. Reg. 15c o 2 for XDlv I 50c Bottle "365" OLD ENGLISH c; 1 Eau de Lavender Cologne or Bay Rum 2 for 51c 25c Vial PERFUME All popular odors Shar, Gardenia, Cara Nome, Sweet Pea, Easter Lily, Bouvardla, Forget-Me-Not. L 26c Cascade BRIDGE CARDS The kind that last longer. Good finish, artistic designs ein 2 decks wlv 25c Klenzo Tooth Brushes A style and shape for every user. All colors 26C 25c I'kfr. of 5 I'ermctlge Razor Blades Guaranteed by the Rexall Drug Stores 26c 2 pkgs. SCOTCH OATMEAL or OLD FASHIONED BUTTERMILK SOAP Make your bath a perfumed luxury' with these new Soaps. Regular 10c I' (2 Cakes 11 1 ml i I I i 1 i 1 i Hi