turday October 31. 1936 SPORT CHAT. "hVndred ahc -twenty .Ilv. Slan won prizes this week tin Irish, IJospiH1.""-'LKHrteeslilra Istakes. The C r .taclpal ;inal prize--jviiMsA prlze.-Klnncrter.e i v Luth, bnX)wden,ADerr-: rhom heW "CKeuJ "'V,14"7- "'"""'-i crnnri fnr iSlRO.- horse wiuw. p--r ' BOO. Tnere fc - -w 500 prizes. , n . . y. Badminton continues. grow popularity ,a; . ueurjie In,! it ASS wv-jucw V" Vll- bnlze a second cljib there. There kre so far, twenty-six mempers ;n h new club. Officers are:presl- Ut L. McLeoa;" vice-presmemfl on Minnlon; secreiary-ireasurer,- Ncvsome, NOTICE OK - SALE 11V SlIEKUT Pl KSl ANT TP THE "EXECrTIOW .111 n tbr County ioun m rruicr jiuptri , Mrtikiur, I'lalntllf (JiulgDirnt Crrdltiw) , VK. t , II Itrauaiul Defendant (Judgment ' DelilorJ HE NOTICE jthsit ijSurpuant to tru -f iii Heir .Juclw Flthr mult twin tlis 3rd iXij -qf".Ootober, A. D. I wUi tnj unwret ,ci u. h, k-and. 'he atave-inamta DKendav. judgment Dc-htti) in' th '-farm Undo facira nd de-orttiwj. Lets fifty -six l5ei to isixty-ifnur (8). Lit Uty-x 66) trd ulxty-ieyetf (87), Lofc lxt)-t liije (69 to pijuyiciir ). ana lcm k:pity-u (oo) w nmfiy-icur jmj tnu quorter (Vi) cr Seotloa Thirty- 131 1 T:to row (4X Range the Ca District. Map .1077, ,wWU- land se tJfrmtnt area c. doou- tnti Xll i 8240). the tald U II. Braw- Lid Wi'T the wrut 'twrerf, subjeot to me se Kguicrea on tn 4th da? Mar in javor ci Henry L. l!snr B. franx Mesaner, Archibald Harrtr and DuWltt w. Mesanr In . of which -the, Wm.'ot 11367 .60 J I 4o he ciwtnr nd aubject further i cerunrate or u fendens and a' kechai.: Uen reglrtored on the 13th Lj of July 1938 wbciQhy Paul Batla the "turn ox 27.oo nd coat s:lll he .subject .of iHlgatlon). In ro satisfy the .Judgment of $812.?? ; ibi action. tthor with InterMt li orta cf 1he procttdlng -which in Judsme,n' was registered, in the rat Rupert Land ReglitMtlon,' Office . uw 24th day of August 1936. and L;ero as a cherge Jiga4n.it, the aakd and, premises. IT afore aid tntfirest In said lands ItremlK, will be aold t eleven liick .in he Xcienoon of itendav. the j oay joyemDer i3e. my orricc in uourt nciise. Prince RuDert m oi uexooer a.d. JB30. S. A, nickerson- . . t Sheriff of the County joi wmce Kupert Rupert Table Tennis Club OPEN EVERY DAY 3 to 6 and 7' to li " Phone 672 (or reservations Rex Bowling Club Exchange Block Sixth St, and Third Ave. Phone 658 PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD .M.tUw and Vntfmtm Braaa Cfmm nrtri Ximjta ; MUl.. .mm Saa NEW ROM HOTEL J' Zarelli, Proprietor. u "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" ,Ules ?l'00 up 0j,n flu0Pm8 Hot &. Cold. WntM- Prince Rupert, B.C. 22" P.O.Bo 196 SPORT' ; . retired railway pondqctor aV I nnHy I PC m WW" iid Nova Scotia, ind'. Walter J CClUlllg " ' iihertA' farmer?? both .or Tl 1 ppwimg Jbeagm Defeated Old Empress Last Night Jlo -Jake Exclusive Hold Of First Place Pioneer Laundry assumed ex clusive leadership, .of the Five Pin Bowling League last night by de feating Old Empress, with whom they had beeji tied, by a score of Klnslor 158 Bob Houston 197 Asemissen '.. 242 Handicap 47 Total i :..1022 T ft cean tails uvm 2nd 200 160 142 176 200 47 925 EMPRESS 1st 2nd OLD EMPRESS 1st 2nd Gunderson J62 189 Ross 151 151 McKay .. .160 205 Caldexone 163 123 Schrlaberg ...172 155 .Handicap 46 46 Total .854 ,869 FIVE JOKERS 1st 2nd Davles ..172 153 Dingwell ....167 187 Stiles 180 132 Comadlna .182 189 Smith .145 208 Handicap 72 72 Total ; 918' 941 $YRO CLUB 1st 2nd Pipb -"ai -127 151 Tobey , K. 137 164 LStpne 198 176 Borland 189 148 Moran 153 1.77 ijandlcap r 63 63 Total r 867 879 o Leamie tandlnr le.Jeague stancllng to date: ' ' - W. Pioneer Laundry 7 Old Empress 6 Gyro Club 1 Five Jokers 4 tol- 3rd 304 112 149 18!. 171 47 972 3rd 3id 23! 160 no 279 233 49 111ft 3rd 153 251 183 238 .153 72 1U43 3rd 135 137 165 170 236 63 901 Is To Be Busy Wrestling and Boxing to Receive Attention During Coming Winter OCEAN FALLS, Oct. 31: Gym nasium activities are gaining pop ularity at Ocean Falls with a crop of new men recently arriving In the town. Under the direction of Johnny Summers, who has taken over Pat Dolan's duties, wrestling and Jxxlng will receive considerable attention during the coming winter. SCOTLAND WON GAME Defeated Ireland by Score Three to One in international Soccer s TlVnTl'aCT' Trn -Vn 01. IPI11 tory over Ireland In an lntr- two games to One. In the othpr' national soccer mntrh tirinv hpfnrplteen-yar flvtlll-lk nt V.n A..vl. Tll . A1 . - "'"" v.iic cvciHiig, rive jokers uuny uiuusana spectators, ii was scored a three to nil victory over Scotland's fortieth victory sln-e pyro Club. High average scorer 'the series started hi 1884. w;as Vic Houston of Pioneer Laun- dry with 230. Individual scores were as lows: LAUNDRY 1st Houston 180 Wesch 192 Old Country Soccer English League First division Birmingham ,1, Bclton Wanderers CharUon Athletic 1, .Shefield Wednesday 0. Chelsea 1, Derby County Grimsby Town .6, Preston North End 4. Leeds United 3, Brentford L Liverpool 2, Arsenal 1. Manchester City 2, Sunderland 4. Middlesbrough 2, Eyertpn .0. Portsmouth 1-, Wolverhampton Wanderers 1. Stoke City 3 Manchester United 0. West Bromwich Albion 2, Hud-1-arsfleld Town 1. Scottish League First Division Aberdeen 4, Albion Rovers 1. Arbroath 2, Celtic 3. Clyde-Hearts postponed. Falkirk 1, Motherwell 1. Hamilton Academicals-Rangers postponed. Hibernians 0, Third Lanark 1. Partlck Thistle 1, Dundee 1. Queen of South 1, St. Johnstone 1. Queen's Park 2, Kilmarnock 1. St. Mlrren 2, Dunfermline 1. Softballers At Ocean Falls In Annual Smoker OCEAN FALLS, .Oct. 31: The Softballers' Club smoker, held here recently, .was a gay occasion for. players of the 1936 season. There were speeches appropriate to the Interests of sport by A, Charleston, Dr. Ross Davidson and others. In the feature wrestling event, Johnny Summers of Vancouver,, a fast welterweight, held Pat Dolan of Ocean Falls to a draw In a clean, fast exhibition. In boxing L. Molslr and Scotty McKellar battled to a draw while Tommy Hughes declsioned Larry McCarrlck. ' ; If you wish to swap a classified. "TILLIE THE TOILER" AH , HEfJE COMES MY LOVJE I VMOMDEfc HOVM HE LIKES THE EAJ-4 c3AiEMEMT 12.INJS I LEFT VllTH HETI MOTHER LA5T MlcoHT mum SynJu-iu, Inc., WotM BV I LlSTEM KAC, MUMSV'S .OM UP VaAS C OVjU MVlVLl VO U pONlei J-rvie! uci Trt THE? 3TUieLERS rTREOTHH uAwc tup: tim; prurd ErJaoti off MEMT RIMS .OI FIMSEE THAt mac mi 6 NEW hbTii-UE AWDMOVAI SHE 6ET IT OFF THAT'S CAM ,DO iUt A t Schedule November Br,own. November .November ten. November Smith. Knockouts. DAILY ix-J. SWIM STARS ARE COMING Outstanding Talent from .South Ta yijdt flp ean Falls for International Meet OCEAN FALLs, Oct. 31: Four. ! prominent champions from tho - ,AU ...111 t 1. In 'In. iSUVUl will .wrvc jiii in 111H.-1 A strong second' half offenslvl"11 star lU head tne mvp Sf-ntinn n v,ri" ,t ,h. ; quartette which will also (cently broke the world's re;oid! wr -the mile, and Lynda Adams, of Play to be On Monday Resumed The, following schedule is an nounced for the; second half of he City Table Tennis League: November 2 Brown vs one. November 3 Scott vs. Japanese. November 4 Allen vs. Mcintosh. November 5 Smith vs. Currie. November 9 Japanese vs. Al len. November 1 0 Mcintosh Smith. November 11 Currie vs. Brown. November . 12-Calderone vs. Scott. November 10-3mitri vs. Calder- ine. November 17 Brown vs. Japanese. . November : 18--Scott vs.' Mcln-losh. November 19 Allen vs. Currie. 23 Mcintosh vs. 24 - Currie vs. 25 Crtlderone Ladies' Bowling Scott, vs. AI- 26 Japanese vs. League Schedule November C. N. R. A. vs. Ran gers, Doodads vs. Blue Birds, Grotto vs. Annettes, Spark Plugs vs. November 11 Rangers vs. Knockouts, Spark 4 Plugs vs. An nettes, uooaacis vs. arotto, Blue Birds vs. C. N. R. A. I HOVAJ VUA'S l OH i MAC IT'S HEIEWLVl THE VMcJ 1 WAS THreiULED WHEM Bridge League Season Opened! C. N. R. A., Musketeers and Ramblers Winners in Last Niehfs Play The Prince Rupert Bridge League opdned the season last night with results as follows: national swim meet which Is to Canadian Legion .4, Canadian be staired here under the direction . National Recreation Association 5. Qj-lof Jacjc acquest. Local aquatic Musketeers 6, Grotto 3. enthusiasms arc assured ,pf an 'ex-1 Prince Rupert Dilry 4, Ramblers hlbition of (high standard In the 5. Ocean Falls pool. Ihe" fbcture of Brackman-Ker vs. Bobby Hooper, 17-year old swim- Sosn of Norway was postponed. vlsltln? include George Athens, .outstanding flf- old Canadian diving ohampion; Piiyllls Dewar, who re-1 SCHEDULE OF BRIDGE wio piacea tenia m me uiympics. NoVpmher 6S. O. H. vs. P. tl'. and ourth at the British Empire DalrV) B & K vs, Rambiers arotto Games In Oivlng. Such ipcaj stars as Winnifrcd Rcpinspn, "earl 4311dersleve, Alan Ahola, onny blle.tt .and Kasmel Kelly :wlll also .endeavor to set hew xecprds. Secppd Half Table Tennis vs. C. N. R. A., Musketeers vs. Le? glon. November 13 S. O. N. vs. Ramb lers, B. & K. vs. P. R. Dairy, Legion jr. vs. Grotto, Musketeers vs. C. N. R. A. Novtmber 20 Grotto vs. S. O. N B. & K. vs. Legion, P. R. Dairy Vs.. Musketeers, Ramblers vs. C..N. R. A; November 27 S. O. N. vs; Musketeers, B. & K. vs C. N. R. X.. P. R. Dairy vs. Legion Ramblers Vs. Grotto. Basketball Practice Basketball Dra:tlce berlods on Calder-'guncjay for the coming season are announced as follows: 11-12 a.m. High School 12-1 p.m. Lamble & Stone-Ben's1 News Stand.- 1-2 p.m. Annettes and Seal vs. cove. I 2-3 pm. Senior Moose and In termedlate Moose. 3-4 p.m. Grottettes and High School Boys. 4-5 p.m. Grotto and Scythian. 5-6 p.m. Regiment and Junior Moose. Bowling Standings TEN, PIN LEAGUE League Standing VV. L. Grotto 6 3 Power Corporation .5 1 Printers v: 5" 4 65 Taxi ,...., I .4 2 dverwaltea ..........:4 5 Atlin Fisheries .2 .6 Armour Salvage .:..2 4 Moose 1 5 LADIES' LEAGUE . ' G; Tti. Ave. Doodads .......2 3124 1562 Annette's :i 3097 1549 Blue Birds '...2 2944 J472 Grotto ...2 2818 1409 Rangers 2757 1379 Knockouts ...:....2 2604 1302 C. N. R. A 2 2527 12?4 Spark Plugs .2 2430 ,121$ Itrs No Thrill to Mac! VEAH, BOT J DONfT SEE I it on youte AEEM'T VA1EAI2-1MQ An Unluckv Plan I MAC, I'M (-THAT'S 1 1 DOM'T 1 a A I I. Irecreation .IT'S ALU SO POM r4y--J you: EE MOTHER PUT T 04-HE.1? P iKlcSETZ. .LAST MlrtfT AlHEM YOU ,,. t-arJ.t TIME TABLE The. schedule for the gym classes' . y.riMeciil VTS AN EASY t-jATTte ypZ .HE TO C5ET IT OFF BY FILIMQ IT pUT VK MEVEfc H0OP Wei! arid Firmly Made PAGE FIVE PLAY at he local recreational centre is : announced as follows: . : November .--vJLamble & SV?ne High school girls-Grades 9 and ys. ' .ofej Regiment vs. Moose. 10, Mondays and Wednesdays at Qrotto vs Annettes, Seal Coye vs. 4:00; Grades 11 and 12, Mondays Boy scouts. ' ' and Wednesdays at 5:15. i Novemb.c,t 5 Grotto vs. Mpose, Ladles' classes Monday at 7 andjrrigh school vs. Grotto, Scythians 8;30Tuesday at 7 and Wednesdayi vs n'S nms Stand, High School at 7 and 8:30. , vs. 'Junior,. Mixoe;' . High school boys Grades 9 and; November 9 iLambie iz Stone 10, Tuesdays and Thursdays at ,4; Grades 11 and 12, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 515. Men's classes Tuesday at 8:30 and Thursday at 7 and 8:30. Any persons wishing .to Jaln .can tlli register at these classes. vs. Moose, Mpose vs. Scythians, Annettes .vs. jilgh- School,, Scouts vs. High School November li Qrotto vs, Larnbls & Stone, Annettes vs. Grptto, Ben's News vs. Regiment, Seal Coce. vs. Jr. Mpose. W "Tk purtit form in wKkh tobcco cm b moktd,--(f f 1 Basketball Monday, November 2, at 7 P.M. Senior Lambie & Stone vs. Grptto, Ladies Grottettes vs. Annette'? Intermediate Regiment vs. Moose Juniors-r-Seal Cove vs. Scouts MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE 6 Sets Chesterfield Suites latest u priced from . 327 Third Ave. arid construction S98 V1ELL, IS COULCM'T GST "THE: -RlMtf OFF .UP Tb tHE TIME. A LEFT THE HOU&E? S N'T TmT-vCRgAlfl T'S AD JuUClC-r VT .MEANS A I NEVER U.7 U "VU 7 , UVlib H AAirltNU'i rsw: r-TTV V ' Ak Ak, S this vuouudJ iiTirl yAZTZ - i- ' V" vA jss. ItMts. croMES-i i Phone 775 -By Wsstoyer C"1 P - m