PAGE TWO Shoes tor Growing Girls SUITABLE FOR EITHER SCHOOL OR DRESS WEAR Browit or black Oxford Ties ok Sandal. Styles in brown or blue SEE THE. WINDOW FOR STYLES p"ce-$2;95to$4.50 Where. Most, People Trade F AMILY SHOE STORE LT DAILY EDITION Who to Believe? If PortUtral. as alWid hv iQnoni D II PHONE-357 (Estab. 1908) THIRD AVENUE - - - ' - e - - ttmtmm m THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News; Limited, Third Avenue H. F,. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance For lesser periods, paid' in advance, per week, " By mall to all other countries, per year . $5.00 .10 ... 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display, advertising; per inch, per Insertion . . " 1 40 Classified advertising., per. word, per. Insertion 02 Local readers, pep line, per insertion Advertising and Circulation; Telephone ... ... 98 News Department Telephone ... gg Monday;. October. 26,. 1936 sending: its ships around, disguised as German vessels and Sinkmtr Swinish p-nvavn m on oKiW -" iw act and would justify-outside-intervention if for no other m yiuyvui, serious, international misunder- .WIBo ytac ijngi v easny, ensue. However, the incident suggested m press, dispatches on-Saturday is not entirelv mmamiWiy. uts uui uuuiner piece oi propaganda such, as seems to be; so .rife jn international affairs and politics these days. If it is-not correct, then the Spanish government is to. be condemned for circulating tt such sort of reports. Amid, the confusion of; obvious; false reports and propaganda which, are being disseminated these days, it is difficult indeed; to get. at-tW right of things. Only the great enthusiasts for one cause or the other can work un any tixed onihirihR, THo Uaof flH.i0s- m i 1 wisest To talk too loudly, when :one is not sure of the facts is probably to live to regret one's volubility or ardor It is a wise person indeed1 who. khovys. the rights, of these complicated mternationalUfi4irs today.. It s a foolish person who is sure without knowing. and U. S. Election Canadians have a pretty direct interest in; the United btates presidential eledtion on November 3 if for no other reason than that Governor Alfred M. Laridon, the Republican, candidate, has attacked, the reciprocity treaty with Canada, which President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Democratic candidate for re-election, negotiated and de-eft ytory for Lhndo? might mean the abandonment of the treaty by the United , States and. a return to the eriaSte f Unlimited PrteCti0n fr Am-The issue of the election, as has already been nointprl out,, seems little better-defined ha'n today it was when the campaign started; Therfact that the United StaesTs e"s, natlon? Prty leaders into being too non-com-by ideal Cand,dat6S y t0 by strate rather However, it seems quite clear t(iat the election of Mr Roosevelt would be a move, towards collectivism and the election of Mr Landon away from it Mr. Roosevelt is not a red but he favom economic planning, s trlS reulf tion of industry, public ownershi i, and txploUaff of" natural resources, social insurance and the levellinir of incomes by subsidiesPushed to their logical iff the Roosevelt policies woutfmake th United States ltS a a m0st most . . , a Socialist- rnnnf M T it 7 ;. Teddy II lake, crack International centre-forward of the Arsenal, who will be a prominent figure in. Old Country soccer this season. Mock Trial Is Vol Iff of i.ANI ACT Intention to Apply to Lease I.UIMI tm1?-.111 Prln riupert Land rtecordlnj DiMrlot of Range 4, Coast Land District and situate approximately on mile In a Southerly direction along the ccast i I'rlnooM Royal Island from Red Fern Point, ald Red Pern Point beltiir approxlmately four miles ln a Westerly direction from Barnard Oove. laite Natlc that Hans Hansen of I Kupert, B.C., occupation Pisa f Intends to apply for a lease of aescrirjed lands. planted . 4,ilt uoiiuuu u I. r 1 H rinrnrior nnnH . n(. i iriencimr At at a rvru.. Entertaining High School Literary and Dramatic Society Has Weekly Meeting The High School Literary and Dramatic Society entertained Its members with a mock trial on its weekly Friday program. Kay Fortune was well cast as the nomnous This election is different Vrothe .iS h thS'l SSSSu T post T" at " hli-i has developed, lines -cleag new of and Democrats. It has- also. starS? 1??,?"! iS5S SSSLtt" ZSSTXL "OX" with some-Democrats desertlnrT Rwv don and some Republicans Sr quitting t party I sup-eecfaHv rS,-P8 resut)vnU interest all L Vrl and swearing on the Encyclopedia urjuanica iwmch the clerk man fully -carried around) to tell the truth, the -whole truth and nothlni? but the truth. The very able crown prosecutor proved to the rmirt. itn his own satisfaction) that the prisoner had .not been at the show with Cora Rogers as he had testified nor had he gone to a Chinese resort. The defence attorney did his best but the nrnseriitnr'K thun dering voice was frequently raised m. me sianciny of lawyers "I object!" Finally, the Judge instructed the jury to retire for their decision. A verdict of "guilty" was returned after little deliberation. The court arose as the prisoner received his sentence, "Twenty years at King Edward High School with hard labor at French." thenoe Northerly to the nearest Doln en lour watr. th.n. eniin,in' opposite the initial live acres, mors or Dtd I3th WW October, "itit ' DAILY-NEWS Monday. rwk . VJ ,l85i 1 HERO OF ENGLISH CUP FINAL Courtesy Saves Captain's Life Gun Explodes While Officer Leaven House to Warn Ladies VANCOUVER. Oct. 24: (CP) Courtesy saved the life of Com- manaer a. h. Read. RN.R.. Van- couver's harbor master. Directions which accompanied iu a DOX uux oi or 100 iuu siemni Slenal bnmhe imm ho ro rp. . . . judge. Jim Irvine was the supp- L.,...,. u D . . .'. w . VWUliOCl IU1 L11C , Q C Trvrr r-vv mAMil.. 1 . . wuiuicr Signals ""vert , , ... MS 3 f..;?01- clear. The .first, discharged . "7 nuncio irom a neavy gas pipe, shattered o uvt4o.ii, maiiu x3us- tne pipe. sanlcru was to be tried for the kid-I rWnin n. .., - I 1- ,ttu wucii llluulUiU a napping i or Fred Peachy on the heavv niirht of .inn a i -to. - ,'and ..,... ' ,;:rr,rr.-r. -u4 . v w, U I I. Witnesses were called. WINNIPEG, CHICAGO WHEAT WINNIPEG, Oct. 26: (CP) Wheat prices were from 'ac to 2c lower on the Winnipeg market Saturday, December closing at $1.09. Chicago wheat prices were up Vac to '2c on Saturday with December at $1.142. CANADIAN DOLLAR AT PAR NEW YORK. Oct. 28: fnPTh Canadjan dollar was. trading at. par on the New York foreign exchange niumei Saturday. placed: It In thp o-nn hnnu oi each I Brockton Point where the time signal gun Is fired each night When the Clin WIHS Ffin civ. in fm he sent the lighthouse keeper to his house to press a button, which would discharge the bomb. Two ladies annraachefl In nti automobile and the captain walked from the giro house to warn them so they would not be frightened by the report. As he was returning to the gun the bomb discharged, uiuwing uie gun to pieces. Where the cactaln's hpnrf wnnin have been had hp nnt laft k building there was a Jagged hole Jn the wall. p.nisprt hv c.iiit-. from the brass enn. WORK STARTING AT KHUTZE INLET IY I'ardoe Wilson ltr,n i.4 I'lom Vancouver to Mining Property Down Coast P. Pardoe Wilson, well mining man, came north from Vancouver to Butedale on th r3. tala yesterday. He brought north with him a partv of men nnH ci plies for work on a property at r V, . . 4. . ! ... .viiuize iniei ior tin Western Holdings Limited. They are proceeding from Butedale to Khutze Inlet by gasboat. Alex Prudhomme Home After Trip To Bulkley Valley Alex Prudhomme of the Savoy Hotel returned from RmHIiflPo n his home in Prince Rupert Satur- duy nIghv a(ter navlnS enjoyed three weelcs of quiet rest and re-creation roaming the hills and woods of the Bulkley Valley In quest of elusive deer and moose. Mr. Prudhomme expresses great oo;uiau,un at the benefit he received during the magnificent fall weather which has prevailed throughout the interior for several weeks and his pleasure in meeting old friends in the Bulkley Valley, HOOP PLAY SCHEDULE Season to Start on Monday Of Next Week i Prince Ruoert Basketball' Assn ilation announces the schpdulp fnr first half of the season as follows; November 2 Larnbie & Stone vs. Grotto Regiment vs. Moose; Grotto vs. Annettes, Seal Cove- vs. Boy Scouts; NnviPtnhpp' Tlmt.fn Unnco - - " . - .... i ... , High School vs; drotto, Scythians vs. Ben's News Stand, High School vs. Junior Moose. November 9 .Lamble & Stnr.e vs. Moose, Moose vs. Scythians; Annettes vs. High School. . Scouts vs. High School, November 12 Grotto vs. Lambi & Stone, Annettes vs. Grotto, Ben's News vs. Regiment. Seal Coce vs. Jr. Moose. November 16 Moose vs. Grotto Ben's News vs. Moose, Grotto vs. High School, Scouts vs. Jr. Moose; November 19 Moos vs. r.-imhin & Stone. Hteh School vs, Annpttes: Scythians vs. Regiment, Seal Cove vs. men scttool. November 23 Lamble & Stone vs. Grotto. Regiment vs. Mnoir Grotto vs. Annettes, Scouts vs. Seal cove. November 26 Grotio vs Mnn High School vs. Grotto, Scythians vs. uen-s News. Jr. Moose v. High School. November 30 Lamble & stone vs. Moose, Moose vs. SevthLin Annettes vs. High School. Hiah School vs. Scouts. December 3 Orotto & Stone, Annettes vs. Orotto, Ben's news vs. Regiment. Jr. Moosp vs. Seal Cove; December 7 Moose vs. Ornttn Ben's News vs. Moose, Orotto vs, nign bchool, Jr. Moose vs. Scouts. (December 10 Moose vs. Lamble & Stone, High School vs. Annettes, Scythians vs. Regiment,, High 3ohool vs. Seal Cove. Girls play third game Mondays and second game Thursdays. Season officials win foi. ..... u lows: Storekeeper, Louis Knutson. Timekeeper. Bill Lonir Reporter, Paddy Palmer; CHALLENGERS HUMBLED IN BOWLS MATCH Jimmy Clccone and his bowling lunons, wno. last week had issued l challenge to meet anv nuintMj in. town at ten pins for any stakes wnicn mignt be named, were humbled last nieht hv gatlon. headed by Max Asemlssen wnicn naa accented the rhaiiono The challengers were beaten two sumes to- one. Asemissen's team snoi a total of 2788 pins while Cic cone's shot 2049, the latter losing by a margin of 13T pins. "Scoop-Bury' set a new record by shooting an average oi 215 pins for the inree games. Details of scoring: Asemisspn'o Toon. i A-.. GunderW :Z:L.IAV 145 uienstrop. 158 219 Bufy 109 224 Mo0ran 226 173 Asemlssen 122 196 Vtal nr w ui iar, zna ictr.vie ifjfl. ion Mcintosh inn in Coverdale Z: "Zw 208 8mlth 101 199 Total Meralomaa Win Over U. B. C. In Football Game VANCOUVER. Oct. 2A- may 3rd 224 151 223 204 181 983 3rd 186 191 161 121 175 902 913 834 Vancouver Meralnmas defeated University of British rnii,i - - v.uiiiuia eight to nil in football Saturday C N. Badminton Club Organize For This Season The Canadian National Recreation Associatfbn's Badminton Club reorganized for th sermon n meeting, yesterday when a committee Consisting Of Otto Vnnn. x v. .Oreggor, Mrs. W. L. Stamford and on the NerYo?k44lCtoP,e,:0"f.: . th " with an today. ; ;,l,fcnc,n tournament next Sun- POWER CO. IS IN LEAD . Assumes First Tlace in City Ten Pint Iloujhiff, League Power Coipqratlon went Into the leadership of the City Ten Pin Bowling League by defeating Grotto 2 to 1 yesterday. In the second scheduled game yesterday, Prln-1 tors beat Armour Salvage two-games, to one. High' average scorer ' was J. J. Utde ol Power Corpora-i tlon with 192. ! Individual scores were as. fol j lovvs: i Armour Salvage 1st 2nd 3nl! Glenstrop !.....190. 177 150 ' Thompson 129 176 F. Comadlna , 149 163: 128! J. Comadlna ,.,.....v.142 163 14. Asemlssen 143 158 180 Gurvlch 141 Handicap ...t....;.:....:. 36 36 36 : Total 789 838 818 1 Printers , 1st 2nd 3rd I R.. Franks 136 152 151 Vance- A.......-..u...165- 136 163 O.. Franks 145 128 122, McCallum ...1......: '..154 ' 121 183 Clccone i..i...v..,...149 151 154 ! Handicap ' 58 58. 53 1 Total: ...807 746 831 Power Corp.'' -. 1st. 2nd 3rd UtUe '.L 191' 2H Klnslor .150 148 163 Anderson 164 135 151 Donald :;:...;;. .134 155 155 Smith 191 157 183 Handicap :. 40 40 40 Total 852 826 910 Grotto 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Mcintosh ...,.lt...........l64 172 132 Comadlna ......:..: 443 142. 145 Coverdale- 138. 144 KG Bury - .159 172 171 Mtwan. 145 185 174 Handicap 39 39 29 Total 788 854 807 Next! league bowilnir earnes be. the Commercial, matches to night of Rane & Hardy vs, strikes and Spares arid1 Gvro Club. v. Prince Rupert Butchers. Ted Mbrm'Bact f In Stewart After Great Bear Visit After having SDent the n.-LSt sum. mci in me ureat uear Lake coun-1 try where he staked a group of i claims close to the ground where ; the Mining Corporation of Canada not ion gago made a sensatinnnl ' strike, E. C. (Ted) Morris, promln- j mi reruand Canal mining- man! and managing director of the well known Salmon Gold which pro- j perty Is now under devpinnmnnt i by the Consolidated ''Mining bi Smelting Co., was' a passenger! aboard' the catala last bound from Vancouver to Stewart. Synopsis of land Art BrltUh .ubjecu. hZZ M XL tht ?,5h!r Department " J torn,. B.C.; Bure. it m.lSciiT? V T yic,orU-" oJ-SJSJfSft Record! will be irintM ,t6l within . di,"!"" reonble of . J)urp' It pr icre t of th? Co?,t bo"1 000 ft pr .er. 'o, Zl iZ,tH . Appllcatlon for pro-rau'ion. ... . uldrested to the Land Commiii I W " the Lnd 01 necordln duuiob ind applied for 11 a' tuit?i fprm. ob,.ln,d. from hrcomm0saU Pre-emptlone mast be occupka for ii na and Improvement, mad. to l,U?f I9 per acre, lneludln( elearlna utJf vtln at leaat IIt. airtabrfore (? a C"',, qrn oan be received. Pre-emptlona earrylni part tlm. ,a, tion. of occupation ireiririnlWniU' URCIIASE OR LEASE Application, are received for purehut o vacant and urreaerved Cron 5? not being tlmberland. for africuuSJIi purpoe. Mlnlmora price of fiH arable land 1. IS per acre, and e?J! clai. tcrailngl land. MM per in. Further loformattoa u Uvea In flulwi. No 10. Land Sertea. Purcha.e and L2 of Crovn Landi." A. a partial relief meMure, revertrt land, may be acquired br purchaie hi in etiual; instalmenta, with the fmt D.jmnt au.pendcd for two year., provided um are paid when doe and Improvement! art made durlne the first two yean of got Its. than 10 of the appraised, value. Mill factory or indu.trlal iite. timber land, not exceeding 40 acree, ten be purchased or leased, the conditions Includes payment of .tumpag.. UnnrTeyed areai. not eaceedlni mat, may be leased a. bodiesltM. mtto. Mortal upon a dwelling belnt erected k the first year, Utle'tetng obtained atur residence and Improvement condition srt fulfilled and land hai been surveyed, For grating and industrial purposei area, not exceeding 640 acres nay ts leased by one person or a company. Under the Orating Act the Province k divided Into gnizlcg district, an. ths range administered under grating rsnls-tlona amended from time to time te nrnt varying condition.. Annual traelni per. mats are Issued based on certalo monthly rate per head oi ttock. Priority la grating privilege. U given to reeldem itoct ewnees. Stock-owner, may form auou lion, for range management. Pro partially free permits available for settlers, camper.. and travellers, up te tea, hn4 .Rex Bowling Club Exchange Block Sixth St. and Tfnrd Avt7 Phone 658 Rupert Table Tennis Club OI'EN EVERY DAY 3 to G'and 7 to 13 rhone 672 for reservations This advertisement la not published or displayed by the Liquor control Board: or by. the Qovernmcnt of British Columbia. MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE 6 Sets Chesterfield Suites With latest upholstery and construction (SQfi priced-from 327 Third Ave. Phone 775 ""ilisssBPIW THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING vwmratt UA1NAUA. LIAUTKU TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia., Superpho' phatci Complete Fortillzfrs Prodiipprs A- i?Af:niiKi r fr,i n 1 atWaN oU, Silver. Electrolytic Lead, Zinc. Cadmium, Ilismuth