J MADE IN CANADA ton UTTER LIGHT KTTEI SIGHT-USC EDISONMAZDA utmpj Hi CANADIAN GENERAL. ELECTRIC CO.. Limited Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: TJ5.S. CATALA EVERZ TUESDAY, 1:30 PM. Due Vancouver; Thursday pjn. T.S.S, CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:39 P.M. Due Vanamver, Monday ajn. If convenient please purchase tickets at office. Further information regarding reservations and tickets from A. V. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 Canadian Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and: Way Ports S3. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday at 10 p.ra. To Vancouver direct SS. "Princess Louise," Oct. 4th, 16th. 88. "Princess Norah," Oct. 25th, Nov. 3rd, 19th. To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway 88. "Princess. Louise," Oct. 12th. 88. "Princess Norah," Oct. 21st, 30th, Nov. 15th, 29th. For Information and Reservations W. L. COATES, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. Read Used Books They are new to those who have not read them. Consider the sensational saving! M Set of 20 BOOKS OF KNOWLEDGE Regular $60, NOW $15 Saving $15 1 Set of 9 books CHAMBERS' ENCYCLOPEDIA Regular $45, NoW $10 Saving $35 H Set of 5 books THE NEW TEACHERS' ENCYCLOPEDIA Regular $20 NoW $5 Saving $15 And we have a good selection of other books at" similar savings! D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE PftOnft Ant TUirA Avenue - vil ceil 14m I iiu Constable J.; D. Stewart of the 'Mr. and Mrs. William Leask and family of Metlakatla, who have been on a visit to Ketchikan and New- Metlakatla, Alaska, returned from the north on the Princess Louise Sunday afternoon. Mrs. E. H. McConiston, who ar rive in the city ,last week from. .wasrett, failed last evening on the Catala for Stewart where she will take up residence. Mrs. McCorriT? ton Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. S. Dunn of Massett. Dr. L. W. Kergin. who has been attending a medical convention1 In St. Paul, Minnesota, and taking a brief course of post-graduate work at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, is expected to return to the city on tomorrow, night's train. Buckley Shannon, well known Usk mining operator, arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide Saturday night from his home In Seattle and will proceed to the Interior on this evening's train. You have enjoyed past Gyro hoe- downs. This Friday night there-will be another with extra Hallowe'en features including costume prizes, special entertainment featuring the Capltollans. Admission includes supper and novelties. Remember Friday night In th Moose Hall. L. 7f 5. Charles M. Campbell, veteran British Columbia mining engineer, arrived In the city on the Catala last evening from Vancouver and s proceeding by gasboat to the Bcstail River where- he Is Inter ested in mining ground. Mr. Campbell Was accompanied north by George MoffattP. W. Quern sey and P. Larson. . Capt. Hill Barrlngton of the Barrlngton Transportation Co. anc. Mrs. Barrlngton and son were passengers aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon going through from Wrahgell to spend the" winter in Seattle; Navigation has now been closed on the Stlk- lne River for the season by the Barrlngton Transportation Co. Malcolm Greany of Detroit, who has been spending the summer in Western Alaska engaged In exploration work with Father Hubbard, the famous 'Glacier Priest," arrived In 'the city from the north on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon and is proceeding Eas1-. from here by this evening's train. Frank Cade,, member of the editorial " 'staff f 'df4' th4We)bj5i9 (Australia) Sun, who has been il visitor In the city for the past few days in the course of a world, tour, silled by the Catala last evening to make the round trip to Stewart and Anyox and thence to Vancouver from which city he will make his. way across Canada from Montreal or Hallfa for England and eventually hoiiie ncross Europe and Asia. Announcements Luther League Carnival Tea, Oct. Gyro Hallowe'en Novelty Hoe-down, Moose Hall, October 30. - Hill 60 Tea, October 31. Presbyterian bazaar, November S. O; N. Bazaar, Moose Hall, No vember 13. L. O. B. A. Bazaar. November 1 Lutheran Bazaar, Metro pole Ila' I, Nov; 27. , C. C. F Bazaar, December 2.-; Orange Hogmanay Dane, Dec ember 31. bnday. October 2. 1638 PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS NOTES William. Lamblfr returned to the New. shlDment of untMmmed city on the Catala last evenlngjcoats specially, priced at $14.95. $50 FREE a veil iuiv li j ii iai vniirinivifr. nriw. l.v ui ucuin ai (252) The local: Moose Lodge will be city detachment, of. the provincial) starting. Its series of weekly dances police returned ta the city on, the Catala last evening from, a trip to Vancouver on escort duty. Mrs. H. W. Bute, wife of. the Government Telegraphs operator at Alice Arm, sailed by the CataH last evening on her return north after spending some time here receiving medical, treatment. on November 6. , George Rorle returned to the city on Thursday night's train from a business trip to Vander-hoof. Oddfellows: Attend lodge tomorrow night to welcome' members of. Lakelse Lodge who will make fraternal visitation. it. ! Mrs, George Kustas and child returned to Stewart on the Catala last evening after spending som? time in the city. Tuesday Oct. 27, Moose- , heart Day. All. Moose ai.a 1 guests requested attend Moose Hall, ff p.m. Phone names to club steward.(251i i Mrs. J. H. Carson sailed last inlght on the Catala for Premier where she will visit with friends for a few days. Night Coughs Quickly checked without "dosing." ..Just WICICS rvb on VvapoRub Wilfrid Hicks of, the staff, of W. H. Malkln Co. Ltd. here returned to the city on the Catala last evening after a visit to his home In Vancouver; D. W. McNabb Inspector of ex I Connie Moody,. Kltkatla Indian, Is. appearing In city police court before' Magistrate McClymont. this afternoon on a charge of vag rancy. For attempting to supply liquor to Indians, Sverre Ivarson Lima was fined $50,wlth option ot one months Imprisonment, by Magls trate McClymont In city police court Saturday afternoon; ! Miss Fannie MacLaren R.N. of the Hazelton Hospital nursing staff arrived in the cltv from the Interior on Saturday night's triln and (Sailed yesterday afternoon on the) Princess Louise for a vacatl m trip; Ho Vancouver. plosives under the Board of Railway Commissioners, after spending a couple ot weeks In this district,, sailed by the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon on his return to Vancouver. Mrs. Mayer and sons, Robin and Henry, arrived In the city on Saturday night's train after having gone overseas with the Vlmy Pilgrimage and will be here until November 6 when they will pro ceed by the steamer Prince John to their home at Port Clements. .; .'E, Brohluhd' arM'vX -M: P'rr of ihq ,VonsouodijM.Hnngi; araeiung GftjWthV 'lquartr. Trair, arrived in the city on Satfifdaj? night's train from the interior and sailed yesterday, afternoon on the Princess Louise for Vancouver en- route to Trail. Victor Kovich, after visiting a week In. the city, sailed. Friday night on the Princess- Adelaide for Vancouver where he will spend a couple of months visiting friends Mr. Kovich has been in Dawson for two-years and has come out tc the coast for a vacation. Fred Renworth of the Great West Life Assurance- Co., Vancou ver, was a passenger aboard the Princess Louise yesterday after noon returning south after spend ing several weeks In Northern British Columbia and the Yukon Mr; Renworth was in business In Prince Rupert In the early days but for years has been locatod in Vancouver. J. C. Brady, district engineer for the provincial department of public: works, leaves on this evening's train, for' Vanderhoof where he will meet the chief engineer ot the de partment, Arthur Dixon from. Victoria, and . make a trip with him M. J wirougn me interior, as far as Hazeltbn. Mr. Dixon will return, to Victoria from. Hazelton via the In terior wlille Mr. Brady expects- to be- baclc here by the end or the Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Johnston will sail on the Catala tomorrow afternoon for Victoria, to spend returning to Inverness cannery after spending the weeX-end In, town, will' board the steamer atj Inverness. Mrs. Johnston, who lsl paying a brief visit with her daughter, Mrs. John Durran, will embark here. mm FOR SALE FOR: SALE Buy the best. Bunsen Oil Burner. Phone Blaok 4611 FOR SALE Kitchen stove, with oil ' burner complete, Morris chair,.' cabinet gramophone with re-j cords, kitchen table. Phone 748. j (250) FURNITURE Factory samples-must go this week. Three-room groups, ' 60 high-grade ploces,. guaranteed , the most sensational bargain! r ever offered ln; Western Canada $160.00, 10 -piece Chesterfield' Groups $65.00; genuine Walnut! dajChests $14.50. Terms if desired." Free storage. Write "today. Julius, Shore Mall Order House, 801 Beklns Bldg., LOST LOST Child's green rain, cape, on Saturday. Finder please leave at Daily News Office. Reward, tf. LOST Gold mounted' walrus tooth brooch. Valued" as keepsake. Notify Dally News:, (252 PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary. . SuRpUes, highest grade 15 for $1. Pacific. Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver. OVER 900 have Joined our group I forming to provide' each member with $1000 protection for loss of life from any cause, up to. 60 years of age- accepted, witnout medical examination, estimated cost $10 to $12' per. year, write for our, "Over the Top" drive offer and particulars, Western Mutual Benefit Asa'n, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) MEN Get vigor at once.. New Os-trex Tonic Tablets- contain raw oyster lnvlgorators- and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands. It not delighted, maker refunds few cents paid: Call or write, Ormes limited, tf. For the Best Layer Cakes Made with Malkin's Best Baking Powder and Robin. Hood- Flour For Full Details ASK YOUR GROCER Miss E. M. Earl, Who has been on a trip to Montreal and elsewhere in the East, returned' to' the city on Saturday night's- train. DrJi F: Magulre, who-has been on a trip to Cleveland; Ohio, and elsewhere in the East, will be returning to' the city on tomorrow night's train. Mrs. J. R. Mclhtyre of Smlthers arrived, in the city on Saturday night's rtaln from the Interior to pay a; visit with her son-in-law and: daughter, Mr. and: Mrs. Ray Commons. j Miss Bi Pettiplece, whohas ba.m, paying-, a brief visit here, saibd yesterday afternoon: on. the; Princess Louise' for Atlln. Her father from Atlln was aboard the Lou' . going, south. - Dr. F. Vere Agnew, well known physician and surgeon of Smlthers, has been a week-end. visitor to town. He arrived, from the in terior on Saturday night's trainJ and Is returning to Smlthers this evening.. j Introducing " - MELO-REX 1 .111 iiin I 1 II Pleasant to take. Very effective for hard, dry irritating coughs. I f D SYRUP Ask us for a trial sample Price per 8-ounce bottle c OrmesLld. he 57t9 Pioneer Druggists Tht Rexall Btn Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally From 8 a.ra. till 10 pjn. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 pjn. till 5 p.m. THE VERY LATEST IN FINE FURS AT GOLDBLOONI'S Everyone looks well in furs. They give a feeling; of superiority that cannot be .achieved In any other way. Goldbloom's furs'Iook rich, stylish, superior. Look them over and try them on before deciding- to buy.. "REMEMBER YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD" We loan you free a. complete Home Permanent Wave Machine1 tot 3 months.1 All you need do i the oil for 6 c'ofnplete' Permanents. Will not narm tne iinesi nair. Any one can guarantee a perfect wave Vith this machine. No electricity or experience needed, When you have used these supplies more oil can be obtained from us at fifty cents a Marvel Wave Factory 1183 East list. Ave. Vancouver, B.C. YheFish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By CaiSHfian Fish & Cold Storage Co,, Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, RC. n