PAGE TOUH BOVRIL THE DELICIOUS Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver; T.S.S. CARDENA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 1M. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. VENTURE FRIDAY, 10:30 P.M. Due Vai- ouver, Monday a.m. Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Stewart, Anyox and Naas River, Sunday, 8 p.m. Further information regarding sailings and tickets from R. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 BIG or SMALL! Whether jour order is big: or small, it will get the same careful attention. Try us! j CRISCO 69c 3-lb. tin CUT-RITE WAX PAPER 40- foot roll in box 25c 2 boxes HEDLUND S MEAT BALLS 23c 1-lb. tin LIBBY'S DILL PICKLES QOp 2i2's, per tin JOHNSON'S FLUID BEEF 94c 16-oz. bottle AYLMER SPINACH-ity, -Best qual- 2V'2's 19c per tin CANADA'S PRIDE MAPLE 57c SYRUP, 2M-lb. tin HOLLAND HERRINGS Milkers In kegs, to clear $1.49 per pkg CASH SPECIALS WE DELIVER Orders $1.00 or Over Delivered Free MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORF 'Where Dollars Have More Cent' P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 CO PHONE CO Kaien Transfer We handle the Finest Grades of Coal and Wood, at market prices. Bone Dry Kindling always In stock. We also operate GO Messenger Service For - - COAL LUMBER Building Supplies Phone philpoh EVITT & Co. Ltd. 651 and 652 BEEF DRINK M7 Hotel Arrivals Royal Cyril D. Morgan, A. Woie, F. W. Howe and G. E. Ledder, Vancou- ver; Dudley G. Little, Terrace; Mr. ; and Mrs. A. Skog and C. M. Atkinson, city; J. Kristmanson and B. Webb, Osland. Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. R W. Sinclair and L. F. Barrett, Inverness; Mrs. B. M. McCrea and Miss E. M. McCrea Topley; A. Watt, CN.R.; Mr. Jus tice D. A. Morrison, II. V. Moore J house and E. F. Nason, Vancouver; i Dr.. L. B Wrlnch, Hazelton. We sell circulation. Wp Mtvp it COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY 1M10NE: 58 and 558 ROYAL LUNCH The best place in town to cat WHITE COOKING HOME BAKING Try our Sandwiches & Coffee Phone 8G7 719 Third Ave, MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE SPECIAL Ostermoor Spring Filled Mattress, reg. $37.50; Cable Spring With Spirel Spring Support. Special spring and CMO Kft mattress Walnut Finish End Tables each Special $1.95 Phone 775 Third Avenue Hinton Coal Phone 51 CENTRAL HOTEL his advancement to flag rank. ; "A grim personality, a dougmy fighter, certainly not rash and Impetuous but leaning rather to coldness and calculation. He inspired in i those around him confidence ra- I ther than affection He was more i masterful than genial, more dour than breezy.' This estimate of the character of Admiral of the Fleet Earl Beatty iwas offered, by one who knew him mumateiy, soon aiiei uia icmc-Iment in 1927 from the post of First Sea Lord and chief of the naval staff. ; When Beatty left the Admiralty at the early age of 56 he could look back upon a career in which he had brilliantly realized every ambition that could reasonably be entertained by an officer of the King's Navy. He had won honor and promotion for acts of personal gal lantry ashore as well as afloat. He had been In command of the advanced forces during one of the most tremendous sea fights in history, the Battle of Jutland, winning therein the unstinted gratitude of his country and the enthusiastic devotion of all ranks of the service. In person he received in 1918 the surrender of the most powerful and dangerous enemy that ever menaced Great Britain on the blue water. And, to climax his career, he held the highest service position at the Admiralty during the most critical phase of naval administration that has ever occurred in time of peace. Before the war was a month old he made his dashing and successful operation into the Heligoland Bight, where he sank three cruisers and one destroyer, his own squadron suffering no loss. In January 1915, there was the terrific action of the Dogger Bank in which, it Is true, the British forces paid heavy toll, but which nevertheless out an end to German "cut and run" raids on Enelish coastal towns. In that year Beatty was made vice-admiral. His fame reached Its highest peak In the first phase of the Battle of Jutland. Over this fight controversy has raged ever1 since and Is certain to continue. Of Beatty It may be said without question that It was at Jutland he reached the height of his fame in popular estimation. Everybody's imagination was fired at the manner in which Beatty, after his advanced squadron had suffered shattering loss, continued, to fight on In the determination to lead the enemy within the reach of the guns of the Grand Fleet. The escape of von Scheer from the trap laid for him will furnish a topic of high argument for years to come, but Beatty's reputation Is secure for all time. Jutland Question Argument following Jutland cen tered around the point whether Earl Jellicoe, Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Fleet, should have closed with the enemy's main body In the fading light. Jellicoe, acting on a prearranged plan approved by the Admiralty, declined to risk the safety of the fleet on an undetermined chance of complete victory. His action has been praised and damned, and the chances of triumph hotly discussed. Had Jellicoe closed and the fleet been shattered, some naval experts said, it would have meant "losing the war in a day." Actually, Indecisive though the action may have been, the German High Seas Fleet never gave battle again. Beatty was married May 22, 1901, to Ethel, daughter of Marshall Field of Chicago. She died July 17, 1932. There were two sons, the heir being Viscount Borodale, David Field Beatty, who was elected a member of Parliament in 1931. The other son is Peter Randolph Louis Beatty, "TILLIE THE TOILER" Mac Follows Orders to pay, i wA'i OH, READIM' OP AMD SWEPT AM O. EC FAIR X- fWHT DON'T -rvV,M'. HV. WAS V.O Hoy r FT - -t 1 3 rfy CL.EOWATRA. OFF MEfc . fc '-.t If WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront With a fair sized list of passengers, C. N. R. steamer Prince Itu-nprt. nnnt. H. R. Neddcn. arrived In nnn timo ot in nvwk this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow evening southbound. Big catches of herring were still being made over the week-end both in the harbor and at Butler's Cove. The Gammon & Watt seineboat Zenardi was busy across the har- bor taking the fish for the Tucks Inlet reduction plant while Ole and Ell Skog were hauling the fish in at Butler's Cove for delivery to the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. plant for halibut bait store. There is said 'to be a large run of herring outside the harbor extending fifteen miles from Eddy Pass to the mouth of the Skeena River. It is also said that there is quite a run 0f salmon outside, C. N. R. steamer Prince John, Capt. Neil McLean, due today from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands, has been delayed by snow In Massett Inlet and will not be In before tonight. Latest report from the vessel was that she was to leave Massett at noon today for here. Telephone Bridge By Norway Sons Enjoyable Event An enjoyable telephone bridge party was held last night by the Sons of Norway. There were four teen tables in play at the home.-of Mrs. Tusvik, Hays Cove Avenue: Mrs. Oscar Wick, Summit Avenue: Mrs. Chris Jensen, Sixth Avenue East, and Mrs. J. Gjerstad, Green Street. Prize winners were: ladles' first, Mrs. Q Stegavlg; second, Mrs. C. Currle.; men's first. H. Petter- son; second, Mr. Tusvik. Fire Destroys Home on Naas Dwelling of William Moore Swept by Flames During His Absence AIYANSH, March 11; Consider able damage was done to the hom: of William Moore at Canyon City, about ten miles below Aiyansh, by fire which broke out recently on the roof M6ore was not at home ,at the time, nor were any of thr ?men of the. village, all being out newmg wooa. ine women were able to do little" and the house wis pretty well consumed. Some clothes and food supplies were, however saved although furniture and most of the contents were lost. FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 TRAPPERS AND DEALERS 50,000 MUSKRATS 5,000 BEAVER Wanted at once for immediate delivery HIGHEST PRICES PAID Also all your other FURS at full market value. Ship at once and convince yourselves. J. CLONES Buyer and Exporter PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. HE WAS SO STROfld I OH. IF COMPELLING- HfJ ALU Vnu felsmiliKKi! !!!' DAILY NEW! WednesdaMarch 1931 EARL DAVID DEATTY PASSES (Continued irom Paze 1 THAT'S WAMT) ROBBERY ATTEMPT Royal Canadian Mounted Police Uncover Elaborate Plot to Loot Ifoyal Bank on Kingsway VANCOUVER, March 11: (CP) The Royal Canadian Mounted Police have uncovered an elaborate plot to loot the vault of the Kingsway branch of the Royal Bank of Canada. Three men are being held for investigation. A tunnel was run from a bin in the rear of a vacant store near the bank under an adjoining store building through the bank building foundations and ended under the vault. It was approximately thirty feet long. The vacant store bore a sign announcing its opening shortly as a vegetable store and a bin, apparently prepared for mushroom growing, was used, officers believe, as a blind. The bin had a sliding panel revealing a trap door to the tunnel. DOLLAR IN NEW YORK NEW YORK, March 11: (CP) The Canadian dollar Is quoted 'at par on the New York foreign exchange market. FrenctM PORK and BEANS Those who Kve Iritd ie(trl kinds of Pork & Beans really appreciate Royal City quality. The Finest quality of ingredients made according to a famous recipe. P ' Service? well hardly no business can exist by giving something for nothing . . . We do not give free service but we do offer you something you need expert radio service at an honest price. We have the knowledge, equipment and integrity to put your set in perfect condition. If your set is not working at its best -if reception is noisy and poor phone us now. the Letter DRAMA AND ADVENTURE ' "Pursuit" and "The Melody Lingers On" at Capitol Theatre "Pursuit," a lilting comedy ro mance with thrills and drama, and "The Melody Lingers On," a stir ring romantic .drama with music, comprise a double bill program being presented at the middle of this week at the Capitol Theatre. "Pursuit," starring Chester Morris and Sally Ellers, deals with the ad ventures of a young couple who are trying to smuggle a child, ob ject of a guardianship suit, out of the state. Pursued by private detec tlves, crooks and all kinds of ene mies, they hide out In auto camps and farms and, in a cleyer denouement, get to the Mexican border. Dramatic highlights Include a plane accident, hiding of the fugitive car in a truckload of hay, the ruse by which the couple when hand-cuffed together escape from an auto camp, pursuit of the crooks who seize the child, hairbreadth adventures at the Mexican border, the comedy episode of a dog and an hilarious climax In Tia Juana. "Melody Lingers On" Is the story of a woman who discovered that the world's applause could not Dockerill, Kuynl City IHrtitian Oscilloscope and Radio Chassis compensate for the w man she loved and the 1 son she could ... ..ovt'tl phine Hutchlnsnn u.i 'lBL J "Mia TONIGHT & TIIl'KcZT Last Complete Show at :3, A sheer thrill story that com bines laughs and romance ta an exciting entertainment BEAUTIFUL GIRL nrTfOTmr iimi o "PUBLIC HERO No i mv SC0TTY BECKETT " HENRY TRAY ESS C HENRY CORDON O ' (At 8:30 Once Only PLUS A Golden Symphony of Thrill, ing Song and Soul-Stirrin; Emotion! "The Melody Lingers On" A drama that wiil plumb t I depths of your motion t: moke your hrart cry a; i other story of mot ticr loveb. done since "Stella DaKai - v ith Josephine Hutchinson George Houston I Whose glorious voice w; thrill you John llalliday, .Mona Banie, Helen Wntley At 7:05 & 9:35) Frequency Modulator By Dlkstnver Oscillator Oscilloscope Illustrated above arc the latest and bigsc developments in radio servicing, if-MAC, L( En, im ,-3 bE?aiJ DR.OP VMHAT YOO'BT ?eac3 iREJwJ f? DQINg AND hurt4-