f PAGE TWO DATLY NKWS Wednesday, February 19, 1035 The Family Shoe Store Ltd. ARSENAL ADVANCES IN ENGLISH CUP PLAY YOU KNOW THIS RUBBER WEARING WEATHER IS HARD ON THE FEET . . . Bat- Try "Dr. Verners" Comfort Shoe See these in Black or Brown Kid Ties, Q A ff A Pumps and Straps; Special -rtfV Third Avenue Phone .357 THE DAILY NEWS. TRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published -Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue EL P. PULLEN Managlng-Edfcor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, byjnall or carrier, yearly pexlod,.pald In advance .. $5.v, . By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and For lessor periods, paid In advance, .per week , .. ) By mall to all .other countries, pei- year , , 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES rranslent display advertising, per men, per insertlon . 1,1a Classified advertising, per word.-per Insertion . M Local readers, per insertion, per line , . 25 News .Department Telephone . 86 Advertising and Circulation -Telephone JMJ DAILY EDITION Wednesday, Feb. 19, 1936 PJtlNCE RUPERT'S NEEDS Prince Rupert has many needs. The city needs local at tractions to 10'urists. She also needs improved roads, improved parks, improved gardens, an improved public spirit, more industries, improved .train anu mail services and more than anything else it needs completion iof the highway to the interior. We talk about the highway to Terrace as if it were a simple f imatter, the only necessary thing to do being to: convince the authorities at Victoria of'the need and presto it will be done. What .the sensible ibusinesslike Prince Rupert people ask is that real progress be made on this highway so that its completion will not be a matter of cen- j turies. Last year the work was recommenced by the Pat-J tullo Government after a shutdown of several years. That was an important move but it is not enough. Greater speed is asked with the employment of more of the idle men of the district. There is reason to believe that this will be! done but it is always a good thing to remind the authorities that this is a very important undertaking and will benefit us and the whole province, especially the northern interior, ANOTHER LOCAL NEED Another local, need that is very important to the city just now is the erection of 'the totem poles at present stored .at .the Canadian .National Steamship dock. The tourists will soon be here and it would be a great 'boost to the city from a tourist standpoint to, have the 'totems for them to see when they arrive.. Doubtless the city commissioner is aware of the importance of this work , and probably he plans to have iUlone, At any rate the citizens will be behind him if he decides tq spend the few idollars required, paying wages to local people in getting it donp. . UNION S T E A M'.SU I PS, L I M I T E D Special Low Winter Excursion .Rates effective November 1st, 1935 to February 29th, .1936. Prince Rupert td Vancouver and return $32.00. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJU. Due Vancouver, Thursday m. T.S.S. VENTURE FRIDAY, 10:36 P.M. Due Vai auver, Monday a.m Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Stewart, Anyox and Naas River, Sunday, B ;p.m. Further Information regarding sailings and tickets from R. M. SMITH, JMnce .Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5C8 HOUSEHOLD HELPS Dusting Mops, from .75c to M Clothes Baskets, from .$155 to .$2.00 Galvanized Tubs, from ' .50c to $1.50 Furniture Pollshfrom ,15c to 25c GLAS-KLEEN IdeaL for Windows, Mirrors, .Windshields. and Tile 12-ounce bottle with sprayer 65c THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 1 Canzoneri Must DefendHis Title Bout With Jimmy McLarnln On May 8 is Okayed Poyldins This is Done NEW YORK, Feb. 10:-The :New York Stale Boxing Commission; yesterday gave its approval to the bout at Madison. Square .Garden. on May 8 between Tony Cahzoneri, holder of tha world's lightweight boxing title, and Jimmy McLarnln of Vancouver, former 'welterweight title-holder, on the condition 'that Canzonerl defend his title before !the fight. HOCKEY SCORES I 1 National League Detroit 2, Boston 1. Chicago 3, Canadiens 3. Montreal 8, New York Americans 8. Hockey Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE American Section . W. (Detroit 17 jChlcago 17 Hangers 14 Boston 16 D. L. F. A, P, 9 10 84 C7 43 5 14 C8 67 39 8 14 65 73 36 3 17 75 58 35 'International Section Montreal 15 7 13 83 84 37 Toronto 16 3 15 91 82 35 Americans 12 7 17 85 80 3 Canadiens 9 10 17 67 78 28 TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. O. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .24. Big Missouri, .66. Bralorne, 6.85. B. R. Con., J)3A. B. R. X., .10. Cariboo Quartz. 1.38. Dentonla, .23. Dunwell, .04. Georgia River, .01 V'a. Golconda, ;18. Indian, .02. ;. , .Minto, .07?4.' . Meridian, J)p. Morning Star, .02'4. National -Silver, D21'2. Noble Five, .044. Pend Oreille, 1.16. Porter Idaho, .04 . Premier, 1.88. ... ., , , Rseves McDonald, .12." ' Reward, .02. Reno, 1.10. Silver Crest, .00 '2. Salmon Gold, .08 2. Taylor Bridge, .08. , Wayside, .19. Whitewater, .04 12. United Empire, .03 Toronto Central Patricia, 3.14. Chibougamau. -52. Lee Gold, .04. Granada, .23. Inter. Nickel, 53.00. Macassa, 4.48. Noranda, 48.75. Sherritt Gordon, :1.30. Sisco, 3J35. Ventures, 2.48. Lake Maron, 107 Vi. Tcck Hughes, 4.97. Sudbury Basin, 4.80. Smelter Gold, J05, Canada, Malartlc, ;1. 17. Little Long Lap, .755. Stadacona, .37 '2. Pickle Crow, 4.82. McKenzie iR?d Lake, MO. ' God's Lake, ;1.24. Sturgeon .River, .51. !Red Lake .Gold Shore, .80. :San Antonio, ;3.12. iPcrron, 1.53. iBeattie Gold, LOO. BAY FEVER :IN WINTER AUSTIN, Tex., .Feb. HO; CP),It. was June In February for :Gov.; James V. Allrcd's hay :fever. He blamed the gubernatorial -Christmas tree :He said he :had ibeen sneezing ever since. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, '.Proprietor "A HOME AWAT tRROM HOME" Rt J1J0O up 50 Rooms Hot it Cold Waei Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 191 Newcastle United Is Defeated by 3 to Nil In Game at Newcastle Was .Crucial Match in Scries Chelsea and Fulham Are Unable to Score and Will Have to Meet Again LONDON, Feb. 19.: (CP) Arsenal defeated Newcastle United (by ;a score of three to nil at Highbury :.today in a replayed -fifth (round English soccer cup match. It was considered one of the crucial games of the series. Chelsea and Fulham played a scoreless draw in another fifth round match at Stamford Bridge, this game having been postponed from last Saturday on account of fog. POWER CORP LOST BOWLS Sustained Clean Sweep Defeat At Hands of Grotto Last Night But Stiil Leads League eat last night at the hands of the Grotto .which, as a result, advanced to second place in the standing. .In the second fixtureof the evening Armour 135 Way 145 Thompson 123 Comadina ': .180 Asemlssen 180 Handicap 54 Totals ELKS ..t..:.:j817 list Andrews .T.ISO Johnson ,...,.157 Joy .: ;..."..: .156 Scott .155 Arney 132 Handicap .'. 37 Totals 797 grotto ist Coverdale' 129 Ellwyn -.:.......:.'. . .'....168 Gurvich ...... .155 Morin : 154 Bury 139 Handicap 26 Totals .771 J'QWER GORP, 1st Mcintosh ...... ,192 Little 136 Comadina 103 Anddrson ; , 125- Smith 161 Forman iHandlcap 34 2nd 164 173 124 189 165 54 869 2nd 160 145 178 164 124 37 808 2nd 186 159 137 188 166 26 .862 2nd 153 ,169 196 140 127 45 Totals rT51 :830 SPORT CHAT Stella Walsh has one goal left on the cinder tracks before she hangs up her splkc3 and retires from competition that made her world Power Corporation, leading team! famous as a sprinter. She wants to of the City Ten Pin Bowling; win the women's 100-metre dash League, suffered a three to nil de-jfor Poland in the Eleventh Olympic Games at Berlin next August, then turn the family's sprinting activities over to her 17-year old sister, Clara. Stella will 'be 25 in April. She Knox Hotel defeated Elks two was 21 when she won the 100-metre; games to one. High average scorer in the 1934 international track and of the evening was Stan Morin of i field carnival at Los Angeles in the the Grotto with 172. KNOX HOTEL 1st Olympic record time of 11.9, Since 3rd thsn she has cut the world mark to 100 11-8 and 11.7 only to see her best 144 efforts topped by a farm glrl. Helen 117 Stephens of Fulton, Mo., who out-142 sped the Polish-born flash the 163 anly time they ever met. That 54 meeting took place as an exhibition. sprint indoors at St. Louis a .year 720 ago and subsequently the .Missouri 3rd miss ran the 100-metre event three 139 times In 11.6 seconds. They . are ex 151 pected to renew their rivalry Jn H2 Berlin next summer. 1G6 150 Almost on the ive of the last 37 Olympic. Games, the, Cleveland girl ieclded to sprint for Poland, drop 735 ping plans for naturalization that 3rd .vould have permitted her to com 163 octc for the United States. She will 136 run for Poland again this year. "I 170 am automatically a member of Po-173 land's Olympic team because il am 172 Polish national champion," she 26 unts out. Stella began winning 'championships in her early 'teens, 810 ,.b?eoming women's senior cham-3rd oion of Cleveland at the age of 14, ,135 1 At 17 she made her .first trip to 102 , Europe and for the first time equal- .3d the women's world record of 7.6 118 Seconds in the 60-metre sprint. Af- 108 iter that, records fell with regularity iu;unaer me spiKes oi me iiymg Pol 45,'sh girl star. Her past and present records for the world, the United 752 jStatss, Canada, Japan and Poland The league standing to date Is'total 52 In the dashes, long sprints as 'follows: W. Power ..Corporation .15 Grotto : .13 Knox Hotel . .12 Rose,,,CowAn &.Latta 11 AtliniFisheries ,7 Elks 7 Moose 0 Canadian Legion 4 L, 6 5 9 ,7 5 14 12 .17 HIERB 'PENNOOK .IS 42 jHerb iPennock, veteran southpaw pitcher, .manager of the Charlotte club In the Piedmont League, farm Club '.for :Boston Red Sox, was born In 'Kennctt Square, Pa., 42 years ago itoday. ,IIe:had 11 seasons with New York Yankees before going to Boston ,in .1034. He has a world's series pitching :record of five wins against no losses. T)i FINEST CIGARETTE PAPERS IN THE FINEST BOOK AUTOMATIC LACK COVH OrHU tMn LUCCOyjW-.'EOVPTIEN'' I Roll a dgottt like a Ready Mad. land field events. Stella plans to become an instructor in athletics after retirement from competition and to train Jittte sister Clara for the 1940 Olympics. Clara, she will tell. you. has the. old Walsh speed, Grotto Taxi 456 3 CARS AT WOCR SERVICE 'Proprietors Bert Morgan & KuH Barrh Don't forget the number 456 Skated For England At Olympics Holding the fancy-skating championship of England, handsome Jackie Dunn and pretty Cecilia Colledge represented their hame-land.at the Whiter Olymplc Qames in Garmlsch Partenklrchen, Germany. Miss Colledge, who is ranked .with the world's best figure skaters, gave the supposedly unbeatable Sonja Henic of Norway a close run for the championship last week-end. i LONDON EEELS SANCTIONS LONDON, Feb, 19: (CPi Sanc tions are hitting the (Italian res taurants of the metropolis where olive oil, salami, spaghetti and gorgonzola are features of the usual menus. ' UN-NAMED A WORTHY TENANT BURHILL. Eng.. Feb. 19: (CP "The King's House." Jubilee gift of the Royal Warrant holders o King George for him to select someone worthy to occupy- it. stands with no person named to use it. ,11 EAT AND FROST .MEET PRETORIA, S. A., Feb. 19: (CP The same day the "hottest o! the summer" at 110 degrees wu reported at .Piquctburg near here, there was a slight frost across t'l? provincial border, In Natal, This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. f j l. ll If your eyes itire quickly, poor light may be to blame, You can depend on EDISON .MAZDA' Lamps to give light generously and retain their brightness longer. EDISON MAZDA n, LAMPS MADE IN CANADA CANADIAN ORNnUAL nLF.CTRIG CO.. Limited