PAGE TOXm I For - - COAL LUMBER Building Supplies Phone PHILPOTT EV1TT & Co. Ltd. 651 and 652 FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 GOAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS LDSON ALUEUTA COAL HULKLKY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL 1MUNCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 Don't Put a Dollar On Any Nov Car Until You Sec the . . . New Chevrolet Solid Steel Turret Top Perfected Hydraulic Brakes Improved Six Clyinder Motor "Fisher No Draft Ventilation Knee Action Front Wheels Kaien Motors Limited CHEVROLET DEALERS Third Ave. Phone 52 Hyde Transfer Coal .Wood Cartage Storage PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Man in the Moon The best loafer in town Is said to be the baker. At one time it was said that man was the highest form of animal life. Now the giraffe has taken hi? place. When a girl, talking of her age, says she lias turned 23 it mean? that she is now 32. Five little retail men, Each kept a store,' 'One cut prices, Then there were four. Four little retail men, Feeling sad but free, One wouldn't advertise, Then there were three. Three little retail men, One felt pretty blue, Failed to dress his window, Then there were two. Two little retail men, All their rivals gone, One forgot his overhead, That left only one. One little retail man, Decided he could get Some lessons from experience, So he's growing yet. FINED FOR KICKING DOG NEATH, Ens.. Feb. 19: (CP) A defendant alleged to have kicked a dog in the eye, was fined $1.25 for cruelty. For Quality Low Prices Quick Service try us. Wc carry all the nationally advertsed brands DRY PRUNES Small 4 lbs. ROAST MUTTON Globe 12-oz. tin SAIR DATES per lb POPPING CORN per lb 25c 18c 1 pkg. CHIPSO, large; 2 cakes BIRK'S CASTILE SOAP 97 n All for All 7c 14c j CAL-SPA The famous mineral water, a real tonic CO Off quart bottle DAD'S BRIDGE' COOKIES In useful round tins QQn each VOX, HEINZ KETCHUP O-f large bottle Al 1 lb. Mixed Nuts FREE with each cash order $1.00 or over MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Where Dollars Uave More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE FURNITURE FLOOR COVERINGS, REDS SPRING MATTRESSES All Kinds Phone 775 Third Avenue Australia's Favorite Son The barometer still remains very high and there Is no Indication of an early break but It is hopea coilini: Fowl wiLii, wus kbk wm see a cnango per i0 to more moderate weather. 1 Amwr n,, LONDON, Feb 19: (CP) Div ing fully clothed Into the Thames. 17-ycar old Sidney Cooper of Ful- ham, rescued Elizabeth Sayers, aged 65. "TILLIE THE TOILER" nir 1h DAILY NEWS Wednesday, February u f Australia has a favorite child to love. He Is Charles Klngsford-Smlth jr., a beautiful curly-haired blonde boy, who spent his third birthday picking flowers. Perhaps the blossoms were in memory of his father, the famous Australian airman, who disappeared while on a flight from England to his home continent, last year. Since it is generally believed that Kingsford-Smlth has died, the Antipodes have taken his son to their hearts. SMITHERS IS FRIGID Fifteen Below Zero Now Considered Spring-Like in Interior Town SMITHERS, Feb. 19. The long est cold spell in the memory c! old timers of the Bulkley Vallej STUDY ANZAC FARMING-SYDNEY, Australia, Feb. 19: (CP) Under the auspices of tne British National Union and Over seas League, a party of 26 British farmers is on the way here o study farming methods in Australia and New Zealand. MONEY FOR KIRK AND ARMY still remains unbroken. STIRLING. Scotland. Feb. 19: For fifteen days out of the last1 (CP) Of his $2,500,000 estate Wil- slxtcen the thermometer has stood Ham Guthrie Gardiner, shipping below zero and sometimes so far , magnate, left $75,000 to the Church below zero as to be near the bot- of Scotland, $25,000 to the Sal-torn of the figures Indicated on vatlon. Armvr and various other the glass. ! university and ' charity bequests. Four nights in succession dur-1 lng the past week the minimum!'" ' was between 40 and 50 degrees to- low zero but Monday night was comparatively mild at 16 below zero which is now considered qu'te spring-like. The days are fine and bright with strong sunshine, the sun now producing quite a lot of hc?.t which however, is soon dissipated ! pnoNE 957 in the sub-zero temperatures The dealers in coal and wood are kept very busy and at the Dockrill coal mine In Telkwa the coal Is taken away from the mine as fast as It Is produced. The district Is fortunate In hav ing lots of fuel available so tha.t. no matter how .cold It gets or ho?; long it lasts, there is not much danger of having to resort to the burning of one's household furniture for fuel as has been reported in some districts. Northern British Columbia was beginning to congratulate Itself on the mild winter and hoping that there would be no severs weather when the country was caught in the present icy grip of nature which has now lasted three weeks and has been a whole winter in itself. JONES Family Market PHONE 05'. SPECIALS Boneless Stew Beef 3 lbs Round Steak, 2 lbs. & 1 lb. Kidney Sirloin Steak per lb Rib Steak per lb Boil Beef, 3 lbs. 5 lbs. Spuds Shoulder Lamb Chops per lb Shoulder Veal Steak 2 lbs. Veal Stew, 2 lbs. & 5 lbs. Spuds Hamburger, 3 lbs. & 2 lbs. Onions, Pot RoasU- 4 lbs T-Bone Steak, 2 lbs. & 5 lbs. Snuds Pork Hock per lb. Shoulder Roast of Pork- pcr lb. 25c 50c 20c 15c 25c 15c 25c 25c 25c 35c 50c 20c 25c 10c 15c PICTURE OF NAVY HERE "Shipmates Forever" Has Thrills, Romance and Music Dick Powell and Uuby Kccler "Shipmates Forever," a film dealing with life In the United States Navy, comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this mid-week. Dick Powell and Ruby Keeler have the featured roles in the picture which is packed with thrills, roraanqe and Infectious song. The life of a naval cadet is shown In vivid coloring. He is seen aboard the training ships, on the great battleships of the Pacific fleet, at play, at work and in love. Powell is called upon not only to sing many catchy airs but also for real dramatic action to which he rises with artistry. His sons Include tje popular "Don't Givs Up the Ship," and the famous ballad "Abdul Abulbul Amir." Ruby Keeler is winsome and charming as an orphaned officer's daughter. She gives an exhibition of dancing which fits naturally In- j to the plot since she earns her living by dancing in a night club. 1 A strong supporting cast includes' Lewis Stone,, in the role of Dick's' father, and admiral and command-j am ai Annopons. ins worK is po:-ished, sincere and talented. The majority of the scenes were taken at Annapolis and aboard U. S S. Pennsylvania, flagship of the Pacific fleet. Wedlock Barred For Some Stars Dick Powell Among; Those Who Have Agreed to Stay Single HOLLYWOOD. Feb. 19: (CP) Several movie players Including Anne Shirley, Betty arable and Dick Powell have non-marriaee clauses in. their contracts. But that clause, in a working agreement. doesn't mean much legally because it is against public policy. Probably It never would be held binding In a court of law. What the non-marriage clause amounts to, actually, Is a gentleman's agreement by the player to remain single. It Is still believed in Hollywood maybe rightly so that a single Dick Powell make's more hearts futter than a married Dick Powell. And, moreover, the con- tractce always gets his picture in the papers when he has an I-want- to-stay-stngle paragraph put in his contract. REGAL SHOP Mrs. H. Ness, with a guesS of 2400. won the First FREE box of Wool in the Monarch guessing contest. This Week's Design Now on Display Hint on Coal Phone 51 CKNTRAL IIOTHL Two Minds With the Same Question I '"' -" iii , .it. . . . 1 , 1 j.. - l it y j ,-ii ' ' -.11 1 ri L 1 niMas 1 -7 1 . v 1 v' aM n 1 1 a 1 1 . 11 1 t 4 . a. 1 ttm, NOW-THE "MR. AND MRS." t OF "FLIRTATION WALK"-, IN NAVY BLU Triumphantly reunited for their first big co-starring hit in a whole year! Dick as a dashing midshipman . .. Kuby as the dancing darling of the fleet ... in the I romance of a girl and a boy who thought life was a song .until he tried to sing his way through the U. S. Naval Academy!, M M . Mm .1 . MrfM M to 4m. Wm. ft Omjw mmj DON't oivi ur IHI SHIP TO IOVI TO TAW OIMIS KOM rOU 10 IATHII II1TIN to tout irir (At 7 18 & 9:25) Cartoon and "Sportlight Writin TONIGHT & THUUSOAY Comin? Friday I ( 1 1 L J 1 1 HE DARK ANGEL" K LaJ-rJ-H .Rhi JiJ g Pad Specials . Fine Quality Writing Pads With Envelopes to Match Ravine Vellum and Ravina Linen Tads Offp 1 pad .and 1 pkji. envelopes Out Ladies' Size 90 1 pad and 1 pkg. envelopes -Gut White Wove Paper Ruled or plain, Offp letter size; 1 pad and 1 pkg. envelopes Bridge Pads 1 pads iii cellophane -i & OP Atf AeJt wrapper Scrap Hook Large size, good quality paper 4 ffn Special value at iuv A DOLLAR'S WORTH Clip tli 1 coupon and mail it with $1 for 1 tlx neeU trial ivbscriftion to TUG CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Published br Tin Ciimm Sciinci Fuuimiino Sociitt Boston, MiSMchuietti, U. S. A. In It o will And the ilnllj food nei et the nrld frnm Its Ilia iiwehl i:!en. m ell DriwnnwnM dfToted to wometTi and oilldrm'i IntMMU. ipmr ' ?.n,!I ,dul:l"", '"V0- wl" b Hxl "'com Into ', - m stojir:au.,aa,siiBS:',,i,, Ana m x miu Bub, oji Do'' Thi Cumin emn Monrrin. nark n m.iu,, n..,nn ... Flrus tend ma i tlx wrtks' trtt! lufcusiptlon. J 'tncbtt ona dollar 111). (, plena print) (Addrtu) Ton) faille) -Bv Wtover it wvj, GOIM'TO A"J.c MSU "TUP T.AIA". o.if?rfnoki 'rAiini- IV VMOULOM'T .Been A