Italy, Germany and Austria Said to be Getting Together To Offset Russo-Franco-British Movement Em ergency Operation SMITHERS, Feb 19: Miss Muriel Fowler, daughter of A. C. Fowler of the Smlthers Lumber Yard, was rushed to the local hospital Monday for an operation for acute appendicitis. The operation was Performed by Dr. Brummltt and the patient is doing well. BAR SILVER NEW YORK, Feb. 19: (CP) Bar WASHINGTON, D.C.. Feb. 19: The Senate yesterday agreed to the extension of the United States neutrality bill, which has an important bearing on the League of Nations sanctions against Italy In connec ts passed by -the-House of Re- Uon witrfthe "italo-'Ethlfipla'n cam- presentatlves by Friday. It pro vldes $500,000,000 annually to assist the farmers In soil conservation measures, etc. Already the Senate i has overwhelmingly approved, the measure which Is assured of the presidential signature. palgn, from February 29 until May 1. Some Sub-Colors Of Royal Purple British Color Council Names Variety For Semi-Mourning LONDON, Feb. 19: (CP) In re sponse to requests for guidance, the British Color Council states that for royal ceremonial occasions the correct colors are royal purple ahd silver grey. Royal purple Is, however, a some what difficult color to wear, and for seml-mournlng the following colors may be substituted: Amy- thyst, plum and egg plant. It Is probable that these colors, together silver was unchanged at 4424c per with black and white, will continue ounce on the local metal market to be used for accessories after the today period of national mourning. On New Alliance In HERDS NOT DEPLETED i Numerous and Natives and Trap- I pers Must Hunt Them to Live ! PRINCE ALBERT, Feb. 19: (CP) Belief that there Is no danger FLORENCE. 'Italv. Feb. 19: (CP Aprnrrlinn- tn J hunters may son exterminate ' " ' ' O " ' nntthn.n .IU I. . I men auuiuiiuv jicic uic tuuiiLi ie& ui iuruue are dividing tuviumir I i waiter Waiter v. E. mihnrt Gllberti into two camps. Italy, Germany and Austria are formu lating a three-point agreement to offset the talk of al To Approve Senate Approves Farm Relief! Extension of U.S. Measure Replacing; Triple A Expected to Pass Congress By Friday of This Week WASHINGTON, D.C., Feb. 19: The administration's farm program, replacing the Invalidated Agricultural Adjustment Act, Is expected , Neutrality Bill ter than hunters. When conserva-Mon 'becomes necessary, he" say?, 'he first step will be to "was? var against these killers." Referring to the present size of herds, the airman remarks "1 have" seen winters, when for fur-three months on end, one might fly the 600 miles from Fort Sm'ti to Cameron Bay, and beyond, and be ever In sight of teaming herds of these animals. Short flights to he edge of the barrens showed equal tens and hundreds of tnous- mds of grazing animals." Ther herds, he adds, form but one 0 at least three major bodies cariboo. PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. Today's Weather v Tom orrow s Tides Prince Rupert Clear, light northerly me mmln High 11:30 a.m. 20.7 ft. wind; barometer, 29.93; temperature, Low 5:28 a.m. 8.4 ft, 15; sea smooth. 18:14 p.m. 3.2 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXV.. No. 42. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1936 ritlCE: 5 CENTS Gerry Is of VICTIM OF FAME SPEEN, Eng.. Feb. 16: (CP) Ramsay, a dignified cat whe slept for years beside the fireplace of Ye Old Plow Inn disappeared when souvenir hunters took their toll after Miss Ishbel McDonald. daughter of the former prime minister, bought the inn as social venture. NEW YORK, Feb. 19: Under orders of the Treasury Department, police officers entered a New York( bank yesterday and seized $200,000 in gold from the safety deposit of ! a customer of the bank whose name was not revealed. The gold, northern alr. 15 auesea- was n-ia m V1 plane pilot, who says in recent flights from Fort Smith, N.WT., latIon of the federal anti-hoarding lianccs between Britain and Russia and also between ! , Cameron Bav on Great Be-r France and Russia. LONDON, Feb.-19: The proposed alliance of Italy, Germany and Austria came as no surprise here as it has been known that these countries have been moving in that direction. It will probably not affect the present situation insofar as the war in Ethiopia or the League of Nations are concerned. tnn.c TVirt 1nff nmnlrinn - U lVLl' Lake he passed over hundreds of hoarding of gold the penalty of for thousands of the animals. felture of the metal and a fine of : To people living on the true lwlce Us of the Barren Lands of th? Arctic." says pilot Gilbert in a letter to the Prince Albert Herald, "the annual appearance of th? cariboo means a certain food sup ply for the long, bitter winter. A non-appearance of the her.l may easily mean starvation and death." The herds, moving over the nor thern wastes, take no definite Harry Green and Miss Jessie An course, and their wanderings arc: dcrson Thought to Have Gone Tollowed closely by native arvl ' Through lee at Langford white hunters. Although their habitat comprises two-thirds ot Canada's area, says the airman, a nopulation less than that of Saska- coon Is dependent on them for a ivelihood. Wolves, he claimed, are respon sible for far more cariboo slaugh DROWN IN LAKE NEAR VICTORIA, Fei. 19: (CP) Harry 3;en, NanalmO' Victoria bus driver, 50 years of a ie, and Jessie An-lerson. 25, a government steno- Dredging today. operations commenced Charlie Chaplin Is To Make Two Pictures Yearly SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 19: On 'lis way to Honolulu for a holiday, "harlie Chaplin, veteran screen comedian, was here yesterday. He announced that It was his Intention in future to produce two pictures a year. COASTGUARD TO RESCUE TRAVERSE CITY, Mich., Feb. 19: A United States coastguard vessel was speeding yesterday to the rescue of fifty people stormbound without food and fuel on South Manltoultn Island. Warpath At Ottawa BIG HAUL OF GOLD MADE FROM BANK IN NEW YORK BY POLICE ITALIANS REDUCTION OF TRANSPACIFIC fI7I CDD ATC STEAMSHIP SUBSIDY IS NOT Northern Pilot Says Cariboo Still Students in Rome and Elsewhere Stage Demonstrations Over Victory Big Vote For Campaign I jicniopian suuemems denying any great victory, which statements, of :ourte, did not get much publicity j in this country. I The Fascist government yesterday voted $125,000,000 to carry on i the campaign in Ethiopia, $93,000,- 000 going direct to the army, navy and air force. VICTORIA Wedding of Terry Orine in Portland Miss Margaret Grcnvemer of lies? City is Bride of Well Known Local Young Man Announcements received in th irltv tell of the. trtarrlate at St- grapher, are believed to have been Marv.s cathedral in Portland. Ore drowned while skating at Langiora 1 gon on February 1 of Terence B Lake lasc nlgnt. Tpeir tracKs were orme. eldest son of Mr and Mr iuiuWeadingurK)ie.m ine-ics (c. H. ' Orme. to - Miss -Margare after they failed to return to the 1 Grenvemer of Portland. The groon ;kating party by their companions. . js one of Prince Rupert's bes known and popular boys and th city has been his life-long horn- He is at present attending denta' college In 'Portland. The bride is a nurse. Japanese Lost Life at Mills Provincial Police local headquar ters have received word from Ocean Falls of the death there of George Migita, Japanese, in No. 1 chip bin of the sulphate department of the Pacific Mills. An Inquest will be held tomorrow morning. BRITAIN'S MOTORCAltS LONDON, Eng., Feb. 19: (CP) Roughly there is one motorcar for every 19 persons in the United Kingdom, and one driving licence for every 14 persons. APPROVED BY MAYOR McGEER md elsewhere throughout Italy merce. drew the criticism oi Mayor b. b. Mcueer, mem staged mass celebrations yesterday of the reported great victory over Ethiopia In the East African war. T liora aIaIii"! t rv e worn 1 n erlt tt I OTTAWA, Feb. 19: (CP) Reduction of $149,000 in the ! subsidy for transpacific steamship service proposed in the ROME, Feb. 19: Students hereiesiimaies OI non. W. u. cuier, minister uo. uaue aim iuiu- ber for Vancouver-Burrard, in the House of Commons last night. Mr. McGeer said that it was false economy and that the government had failed to realize the importance of Pacific shipping to the rising power of Japanese commerce in an area where Canada should play a large part. ; Mr. Euler replied that he was' irepared to retrace his steps and Increase the subsidy should he be convinced that he was wrong. He had no intimation from the steam-:hlp company, however, that the -eduction would result in an im- oairment of service. Mayor McGeer accused the gov- jrnment of economizing by cutting down on a "rather niggardly sub sidy." "We are not going to help the ulnhter of finance obtain taxes in hat way," lie said. "We are not go Fishing Vessel Towed to Port Miss, America Picked up by Coastguard and Taken Safely To San Diego SAN DIEGO, Feb. 19: After sending, out distress signals following being disabled In a storm, the fishing vessel Miss America was towed safely to this port by the United States coastguard yesterday. Vancouver Wheat New Execution Date is Fixed Week of March 30 to be Time When Bruno Ilauptmann Will Go to Chair FLEMINGTON, NJ., Feb. 19: Justice Trenchard automatically signed a new death warrant today povlding for the electrocution of Bruno Richard Hauptmann. kld-nap-murderer of the Lindbergh baby, following expiry of the reprieve of Governor Harold Hoffman last Saturday. It is decided the new execution date will be March "ng to help the cltras of Vancouver, 30 week. It is the third execution Victoria and Prince Rupert nor the date to be set following the convlc- Tovlnces of Alberta and British "on. Virtually the only hope tor Columbia obtain taxes in that further delay lies In a second re-vay." prleve which Is extremely unlikely. .Leadership of the British Empire -...vj, ...i - v.rria'- was being challenged on the Pacific i.nd it was up to Canada, In its own Today's Weather Interest, to play a part in main-' Dead PolntPart cloudy, taining it, Mr. McGeer said. jcalm; bar0meter, 29.96; tempera ture, 23; sea smooth. Triple Island Part cloudy, moderate northerly wind; barometer, 29.90; small chop. Langara Island Light snow, moderate northeast wind; sea choppy. Terrace Clear, calm, 2 below. Anyox Clear, calm, 6 below. Stewart Clear, calm, 13 below. Hazelton Clear, calm, 28 below. Smlthers Clear, calm, cold. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 32 below. Yukon 22 to 45 below. KING'S VOICE IN STEEL LONDON, Feb. 19: (CP) Til.; last Christmas message of King George V, together with his Jubilee messages are recorded on steel tape in the vaults of the British VANCOUVER, Feb. 19: (CP) Broadcasting Corporation but wW Wheat was quoted here today at be used again only with permission 8160 a bushel. of the royal family. Informal Camera Scenes in Life of King Edward VIII When He Was Prince of Wales Ills hobby is horseback riding. At annual hunt at Leicestersmrc. At U. S.-Canadlan Posing for photographers, boundary, Buffalo, NX Lng Island, 1924 On the golf links, London, England Impersonating flapper As Indian colonel aboard ship, 1925 reviewing troops Royal greeting from the prince, Lancaster, England, 1930