PAOB TWO Never Get The Blues - Here's One Time 1 When You Should DAILY EDITION BLUE SHOES are the vogue and they match almost any costume you may have. Pumps in suede and kid, sandals, ties and straps are among the selection. Priced from $1.45 The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue Phone 357 THE DAILY NEWS. miN'CE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupen Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue B, F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yeany period, paid In advance tt.uo By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and For lesw periods, paid In advance, per week 10 By mall to all other countries, pe? year . 9.00 Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone 8 86 Tuesday, May S, 1936 LESS SYMPATHY TODAY There is less sympathy for the little kingdom of Ethiopia today than at any time since the beginning of the war. The unrestrained savagery shown after Emperor Haile Selassie left Addis Ababa is an indication that the people there have 110 ability in self-government and that what is needed is a strong hand to teach them the rudihients of civilization. Possiblv the natives felt that white people were not to be trusted for the Ethiopians were left to defend them-i DON'T FORGET THE BACK In connection with the clean-up campaign which is going on there may be a slight tendency to clean up the front and forget the back of the lot Residents and business people are asked to include the whole premises in their effort to make the city tidy and sanitary, The same is true of the p-ardens. No garden is perfect unless the back is as well cultivated and neat as the front. CLEAN UP! FIX UP! PAINT UP! BEAUTIFY! EMPLOY SOME IDLE NEIGHBOR CITIZEN If you need a Painter, Carpenter, Gardener, or possibly a man or woman for an odd Job, PJIONE 138 When a willing worker will be sent I Employment Service of Canada ORGANIZING OF SPORTS! ,' Four-Team Bulkley Valley Baseball League Golf ami Tennis At Smithers SMITHERS, May 5: A baseball league Tor the Bulkley Valley was instituted on Wednesday evening when a large and enthusiastic meeting was held in the Municipal Hall at Smithers for that There were sixty-five enthusiasts in attendance for the organization and It was finally decided to have a four-team league. Three of Uiese j teams will be Smithers teams -and one will be from Telkwa. The captains of the Smithers teams will be Clarence Goodacre, Herb Leach and Jack Carpenter while the Telkwa team will be handled by Clarence Truax. E. S. Arnold 01 Smlthett was ' selected to be umpire for these teams. i With all available material ab-' sorbed In the various teams of the league it should be the means of developing promising players that might otherwise not be brought out. Ernest Kershaw, star pitcher of the Smithers team, who performs on tne mound in Vancouver lor Home Gas team In his spare time during the summer holidays, gave a very Interesting and professional address to the meeting on both the elementary and the more scientific points of baseball. Other athletic associations of j amnners nave aiso Deen very ac-i Uve during the past week getting organized for the year. The Golf Club held Its. annual meeting and selected L. G. Calder to guide activities for the year. It expects a very successful year and the golf course is in the very b;st of condition and getting better every year. The Tennis Club held a largely attended meeting on Wednesday afternoon and selected officers for the coming season. Everything Is now set to carry on selves, even though they were affiliated with the Leaguejaii the various lines of sport and of Nations. And most neonle white or Hark will am-ee with l wlth the excellent weather that tW wow jhas been enjOy0d during the past "'WW V-1T. I.... l. 11 ...111 1 BRITISH PROTECTION Americans often talk of keeping detached from the quarrels and differences of the old world and yet when the savages broke loose in Addis Ababa the American residents were glad to seek succor from the British legation. Naturally the British were glad to offer aid but it just goes to show that people who live on the continent of America cannot wholly detach themselves from the rest of world. The time will undoubtedly come when they will feel it their duty to help keep the peace of the world. . SWING TO THE LEFT The French swing to the left was greater than the most optimistic communist expected. Many people will welcome uiu iiicuwitjsuuiuii 01 uissausiacuon wim any move toward fascism which seemed to have influenced the French people. It was a curious situation in France where the prime minister was connected with the big armament company which supplied arms and ammunition to icw weejus 11 win 1101 oe long ac fare evervthine is In full .rn;ini' Butchers Win Bowls Match Defeated Watts Grocery by Two Gaines to One In Commercial League Last Night Rupert Butchers beat Watts Grocery by two games to one In the Commercial Bowling League last night. French- of the Rupert Butchers was high average scorer with 150. -The detailed results were-as WATTS GRO. 1st Johnstone 119 Hardy 116 Haudenschlld 135 McLachlan .. 109 Ranee 105 Handicap 95 2nd 112 104 131 158. 134 95 Totals 679 734 BUTCHERS 1st 2nd, L. Astoria 173 110 French 147 169 McLean 142 140 J. Jack 115 D7 A. Astoria 168 113 Handicap 42 42 Totals 787 671 The League Standing The league standing to date: W. Bankers u Three Two Taxi 10 Biological Station 10 Watts' Grocery 9 Rupert Butchers 8 Oilers , 0 C. N, IL At , 7 Kalen Motors j 6 3rd 95 117 134 133 111 95 685 3rd 136 135 139 136 117 42 705 L. 4 5 -'a 0 10 9 11 12 Briton Shot Dead CALCUTTA, May 5: CP) Gil bert W. Cole, superintendent of police at Fatehghar, was shot and killed recently when attempting to arrest an alleged murderer. Ab Indian officer was fatally DAILY NEWS Tuesday, May 5. J03, SPORT CHAT Two overseas cricket teams will be seen on English fields the coming season. Led by the MaharaJ-kumar of Vizianagram, a .strong Indian team will pay three tests in addition to meeting the various county teams. Canada's showing will be watched with great Interest when Hon. R. C. Mathews' eleven tackles well-known English clubs In its tour July and August. Opening matches for the county championship are scheduled for May 2. With an eye to England's tour of Australia at the end of the year the test selection committee is in for a busy year. In the past few years England's representatives have performed poorly against the West Indies and South Africa while the M. C. C. team' that toured Australia and ' New Zealand did little of note. Undoubtedly there will be many new faces In the teams that meet India but, while experiments will be tried, critics believe the tour ists are strong enough to give England's best players touh battles. A test trial match, styled North vs. South has been for June 13, 15, 16 at Lord two weeks later the first test will be played on the same ground.! The second lnternaUonal encoun ter is boked for July 25, 27 and 2.1 st, The captain will give the most as much trouble as choosin the team. G. O. Allen, Australian- born Middlesex player, is spoken of as the most likely nominee. He is a fast bowler and an enterpris ing batsman. The claims of R. W. v. Komns, Miamesex captain-, nrei alert mi T f rvnti t-r? Tin 4a n 1 tr tvtmrtn -I ternational battles. In thi north i ' GIANTS ARE SLUMPING Lost One llun Game to Cincinnati Reds Cardinals Lead Is RediM-ed NEW YORK, May 5: (CP) The most of scheduled Big League baseball games yesterday were rained nut. Tlie New York Giants continued their slump by losing a one run game to the Reds at Cincinnati and are now tied with the idle Chicago Cubs for second place in the Na-. tional League, the Reds moving into the leadership of the second division ahead of the Phillies. The St. Louis Cardinals, playing at home, dropped a close contest to the Boston Braves and the Cards margin of leadership was reduced to half a game. Yesterday's Big League scores: National Lea cue New York 0. CinclnnaU 1. Boston 7, St. Louis 6. American League Cleveland 6, Washington 3. All others postponed. V Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. Louis 9 6 at Manchester and the concluding 'New York ..... 9 match at The Oval In London Chicago 9 August 15, 17, 18. j Pittsburg ZIZ I' 8 Cincinnati a problem of appoinUnfj a Philadelnhia 9 selectors a!-. n 1 Brooklyn 6 AMERICAN Cleveland 11 DHrclt 9 Washington Washington 11 U for his achievements in both de-1 partments of the game and has norfnrmpH cnlonrlMlir It rrnanf It I Chicago 6 I Philadelphia 6 Louis 3 7 7 7 9 10 9 11 LEAGUE W. Boston 13 New York 12 L. 6 6 7 7 10 9 11 15 Pet. .COO .563 .563 .533 .500 .474 .437 .353 Pet. .679 .667 .Gil .503 .524 .400 .353 .167 of England, Arthur B. Sellers, 29-j . , f V year old Yorkshire skipper, Is AlUietteS IClCat highly regarded and despite Enu-j land's loss of prestige under his, RIllAhllTIC ftl Rau1c IWUl'UIIUd ill leadership, R. E. S. "Bob" Wyatt.i JJUWlb popular Warwickshire captain, may! again be elected to the coveted 1 In the Ladles' Bowling League honor. m j last night Annettes defeated Blue- 'birds and Canadian National Re- The youthful Canadian team's most important match Is scheduled for July 23 and 24 at Lord's when the overseas players will meet an M. C. C. eleven. It Is 14 years since Canadian senior crlck- and the doings of the former Min ister of NaUonal Revenue's team will attract much attention. Yorkshire Is out to repeat last season's championship winning feat, but Derbyshire and Lancashire are rounding out good teams and the county competition is not likely to be a walkover for the eleven led by Cellers. Unbeaten on Its winter tour of Jamaica, the Yorkshlremen started practice April 17 and a likely lot of youngsters are being watched by George Hirst, veteran coach. Derbyshire claims Its nursery Is likely to keep the county well In the running. Middlesex has plenty of variety in Its attack and many good bowlers available. W. H. L. Lister succeeds Peter Eckersley as captain of the strong Lancashire team which will meel all counties except Essex. Three; new professionals, W. Place, L. L. Wilkinson and II. Robinson, have been engaged. G. F. H. Heane will lead Nottinghamshire all season. The county has two new left-arm bowlers In K. Johnson and 11 Giles. Worcestershire Is another county to establish a nursery. It; will be In charge of G. Piatt, a for mer surrey nlaver. Warwickshire expects to call on a larger number of amateurs than usual while Sussex will play Its customary long list of fixtures. A. J. Holmes acts as skipper this year and two contests have been' booked for Worthing, popular seaside Te- sort, Tnere will be little change in Uie personnel of the Surrey , . . l -1 4 J. 1. sHue auiougn ine county is on a search for bowlers! With C. S. Dempster, a former New Zealand test captain, leading creation Association won over Maccabees as follows: Annettes Skattebol, 303; Basso-Bert, 341; Owen, 284; Johnson, 259; Dickens, 380; total, 1567. Bluebirds Pierce, 340; Church, eters played In the Old Country ! 275; Boulter. Hartwlg, 1545. 188; 227; Webster, 152; Keron, 363; total, C. N. R. A. Vance, 309; Peterson, 209; Munro, 2,46; Johnson, 297; Hcrton, "307; total 1428. Maccabees Colussi, 2C0; Tur-geon, 258; West, 260: Pettenuzr.o, 273; Scott, 280; total, 1337. High average scorer wis Mrs. Dickens of Annettes" with" 190. Standing to Bate The league standing to" date: G Ttl. Ave. Annettes 28 21468 7C5 Bluebirds 28 20902 Rangers 20 1 9355 Doodads 26 18840 P. R. Grads 2 18487 Maccabees 28 18525 C. N. R. A , 28 17749 Brunettes .20 16246 74fl 744 725 711 662 634 625 the team, Leicestershire hopes for a good season, Last year was thp best In the club's history. Morris Nichols, clever Essex fast bowler. geis a Deneut wis year. The coun ty expects a goon showing by some 01 us young pros. R, e. II. iiiiason, weu Known Army bats man, may appear for Kent, which win piay two matches less than last season. 1 uioucestersnire will be without the veteran Charlie Parker who has been added to the list of firs class umpires and Somerset has to find an opening batsman to replace J. W; Lee. He has accepted a post at Mill Hill School. VL J. Turnbull again leads Qlampr-gan, The county renews fixtures with Surrey. An Indoor cricket scnooi nas oeen opened for the benefit of Hampshire players while Northamptonshire has a new wicket-keeper In K, C. James, a New Zealander. This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Clean Up! Plant Up! Fix Up! Paint Up! Beautify CLEAN-UP WEEK SPECIALS House Broom Qf & Whisk, both Ui7 Lye 1 it' 5l 2 cans Chan Wax l's use 59c Wood Leg Garkige Can for outside 90 Floor Mop and Qf Bottle Oil, both Lawn Fence Vigoro Plant Food, 10 lbs. , . . Garden Lime 50-lb. sack Cotton Gloves pair Garden Rake 14 tooth D-Handle Spade Grass Rake5 for Sorry no delivery at Seeds 50c 75c 15c 49c 95c 19c this prlct Roofing WOODWORK DURABLE - WATERPROOF QUICK. ENAMEL Kaien Hardware PHONE 3 MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE MIONE 775 Chesterfield Suites 5 Suites Chesterfield, Tapestry and Mohair, latest patterns, reliable construction. S vOvU Tflrmu nrrnnowl Pram Cjt GARDEN SUPPLIES Rone Meal Lawn Sand C. I. L. Fertilizers Hoes Rakes Spades Poultry Fencing Lawn Hose THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. (Clean up and paint up this week and next) Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:3 P.M. Du Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.8. CAIWENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJVI. Due Vatjouver, Monday - R,vefi Naas Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Stewart, Anyox and Sunday, 8 p.m. Further information regarding sailings and tlckets'rnn. 5f,J v. i. nauiii, rnnce iiuperi agem, imru '