iai FOT7H i ' J. ! V i A r "YOU ALSO WANT FRESHNESS & CRI5PN ESS QUAKER ASSURES YOU OF THAT TOO . ft Quaker Coin Flakes are the only corn flakes with money-back guarmtee of better flavour printed on every package. Hyde Transfer Garden Soil $2.50 a load PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue I ' V J tt BETTER FLAVOUR THAT IS OUR CONTRACT WITH YOU Your own taste serves Judgment on Quaker Corn Flakes. If they are not better flavoured, more delicious than any corn flakes you ever tasted, we guarantee to return your purchase money in full ,. . there are no con- ditions other than those exacted by your palate and by the palates of your family. MRS. IIALLIDAY announces the reopening of the Mod ern Beauty Shoppe 530 Third Avenue formerly located at 210 4th St. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 There will be a special for one week of a free electric manicure with every shampoo and fingerwave or marcel. COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALUERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelU, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 11.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Waer Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 190 YOU WANT BETTER. FLAVOUR. YOU GET IT IN QUAKER. 1 .ill 0"r Quaker Corn Flakes are better value too ! They cost no more and in addition to the exclusive features mentioned above they are the only Corn Flakes irradiated for health with Sunshine Vitamin "D". And every package contains- a valuable coupon exchangeable for useful merchandise. Ask your grocer for Quaker Corn Flakes in the yellow package. QUAKER Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockeye Look for the WHITE LABEL with the -SOLD SEAL mm Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Hotel Arrivals Central J. Oskev and P. J noils. CNR.. J. A. Johnson, Grande Prlarie; H. Strimbold, Burns Lake; O. C. Au-stad, city. Knox James Hart. John Barseth. B. E. Bailey, W. Trites arid M. Breimo, ' Prince Rupert; G. Burton, Winnipeg, Royal H. Christopher, Vancouver; Wan Soon, city. V. S. Moore returned to the city ,on the Catala this morning from ;a trip to Stewart. Quaker Corn Flakes are the wjr corn flakes wax-wrapped on the outside and triple-sealed to protect their crispness and freshaess for you. 111 TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston Oo.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .33 '2. Big Missouri, .59. Bralorne, 7.25. B. R. Con., .06i. i, B. R. X, .15. Cariboo Quartz, 1 38. Dentonia, .18. Dunwell, .04. ;( Golconda,, .12V2. V .vlintd, .80. Morning Star, .02. National Silver, .02. Noble Five, .03. Porter Idaho, .05. s Premier, 2.28. Reno, 1.20. Salmon Gold, .09. Taylor Bridge, .12y2. Wayside, .12. Relief Arlington, .30. Toronto Beattie, 1.37. Central at., 3.37. Chlbougamau, 1.38. Gods Lake, .93. Granada, .18. Inter'l Nickel, 45.85. Lake Maron, .06. Lee Gold, .048. Little Long Lac, 7.10. Macassa, 3.90. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.45. Noranda, 52.25. Perron, 1.55. Pickle Crow, 6.60. Red Lake Gold Shore, 1.21. San Aritonio, 2.28. Stadacona, .36'2. Slsco, 3.38, Sturgeon River, .48. Sudbury Basin, 3.75. Teck Hughes, 4.80. Ventures, 1.90. Argosy, 1.46. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.80. Tonight's train, due from the East at 10:20, was reported this morning to be on time. HOLIDAYS For Adults and Children on the Famous North Beach, Graham Is. Fshng, Bathing, Badminton, PlCnlCS. fippnlr- nrlvoc Chnnlln in 8eason. Cottages fully fur- insiicu, aiso renis ana Dining Room. Good plain cooking at reasonable rates. Apply for full particulars to MRS. DUNN, Sangan River, Near Massett, B.C. DAILY NHWi TO PLAY BASEBALL Three-Team League Planned Annual Meeting Last Night The annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Baseball Association was held in the Rex Bowling Alley last night with President Stan Morln in the chair and a good attendance of ball players and interested persons. After a brief review of last season's operations the president called for nominations of officers for the coming year. The following officers were Honorary President, C. H. Orme. President, Stan Morln. Vice-president, H. G. Kennedy. Secretary - treasurer, Walter Johnson. A general discussion regarding jthe 1936 season was held and it was decided to go ahead with the tidea of running a three-team league with "Red" Robertson, Bill Lambie and Jock Campbell acting as managers. May 22 was chosen as a tentative opening date and all those wishing to play should enter with Stan Morin at the Grotto. SOCCER IS ORGANIZED Prospects Looking Good For Coming Season Hugh Killin Reelected President Considerable enthusiasm wa3 displayed last night at a well attended annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Football Association held at the Canadian Legion rooms and preliminary prospects augur well for a successful Senior League season with four teams expected to n entered. Two entries have already been definitely made Royal - Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve and Can dlan Legion and the other two teams will probably be named Dominion Dairy and Has B?ens There will be another meeting of the Association next Monday to receive entries and otherwise or ganize for the season. Officers were elected as follows: Honorary President, C. H. Orme. Honorary vice-presidents, Hon. T. . Pattullo, Olof Hanson M.P. and Major S, D. Johnston. President, Hugh Killin. Vice-president, Harry Robb. Secretary-treasurer, G J. Dawes. Board of Control Bert Morgan. Jack Preece, S. D. Macdonald. J. A Frew, O. W. Abbott and George Hill. The Junior Football Association was represented at last night's meeting by W. W. C. 'O'Neill who expressed appreciation for co operation and support. The Senior Association is in eood shape financially. District News VANDERH00F The provincial board of review of the Farmers Creditors Arrangement Act, consisting of Mr. Jus tice u. a. McDonald, chief commissioner, George Heggle of Vernon, commissioner, and J. E. Merryfleld, registrar, was in ses- slon for three days recently In Vanderhoof. In all twenty-fout cases were Investigated by the board of review in the Nechako Valley centre. Land work Is now on In full swing throughout the Nechako Valley. Arthur Bennett and familv whn have been residents of the Nech ako Valley for the past fifteen years, are planning to return to their former home In Warwickshire, England. Miss Margaret Stone, having completed another term at the University of Alberta, is spending a month at her home in Vander-hoop after which she will return to Edmonton to take a specla. course in nursing. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, May 5: (CD-Wheat was quoted at 762c on the Vancouver exchange yesterday, advancing to 77c today, WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Heavy Shipment of Fish For East Prince John Due Tomorrow Norah to Make Special Cruise. Last evening's train for the east took thirteen carloads of fish for the markets of Eastern Canada and ;he United States, it being one of ihe largest single day's shipments to be made from here In some time. The most of the fish origin ited from yesterday's local halibut sale with. four carloads of fresh aalibut and salmon coming In on jmall vessels from Ketchikan swelling out the day's express busi ness. C. N. R. steamer Prince John, Capt. Nell McLean, left Skldegate early this morning for Massett In let and should arrive here tomor row afternoon or evening. She is coming on regular schedule from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands. Alex C. MacLennan is at present relieving as chief officer of the steamer Cardena on the northern run while the regular pilot, J. L, Malcolmson, is off for a two weeks' vacation. With Capt. James Flndlay back on board as master after having been ashore for a couple of weeks n Vancouver, Union steamer Ca tala, with a fair-sized list of pas sengers, arrived In port at 7 o'clock Sunday evening from the south and jailed at 9 p.m. for Stewart, Anyux and other northern points whence the returned here at 9 a.m. today md sailed at 1:30 for Vancouver and waypolnts. C. P. R. steamer Princess Norah, which was In port yesterday aftcr-uoon southbound from Skagway to Vancouver, will make her next call here July 6 northbound on a specially chartered cruise to Alaska Tlth a party cf 115 persons organ-aid by the Sm FrancUco Shrine Temple. This voyage Is In addition to the scheduled list of C. P. R. tourist sailings for the summer. The Norah had 46 passengers on board yesterday. Six persons left the vessel here while eight left here for the south aboard her. ECONOMY SPECIALS SHAMROCK LARD 3-lb. tin HEINZ KETCHUP large bottle HERRING In Tomato Sause, Gold Seal, per tin MONOGRAM MOLASSES 22-oz, tin PINE TAR SOAP each CALAY BEAUTY SOAP 4 for P. & G. SOAP-4 for SUPER SUDS per pkg. 10c Sold with a guarantee Try a package D. B. CLEANING PASTE per tin 21c 59c 21c 10c 10c 5c 19c 19c Lettuce, Tomatoes, Carrots, Celery, Cabbage, Cukes, Sweet Spuds, Spanish Onions, Lemons, Oranges, Apples, Pears, Grapes at Reduced Prices. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE 'Where Dollars Have Morf Cento" P. O. Box 57S Thnne 18 Fresh Delicious Cottage Cheese Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 ITALY IS INDIGNANT (Continued from Page 1) swords and spears. From native huts and dwellings white flags' were flying to indicate surrender j to the Italians on arrival. Heavy rain was falling in the capital last night. Foreigners continue their, appeal to General Badogllo k speed his arrival in order to end the present reign of wild terror. "Ethiopia is Italian" ROME, May 5: (CP) Premier Benito Mussolini declared today that "the war is over and Ethiopia is Italian." Reports from Addis Ababa indicate that order has been restored and foreign legations, after having: been under siege by revenge-mad natives for two days, have been re-occupied. Selassie on Warship DJIBUTI. French Somallland, May 5: Emperor Halle Selassie and his suite embarked. from here late yesterday afternoon for Haifa, Palestine, enroutc to Jerusalem where It Is expected they will take up residence in exile. i Britain Rc(tirsts Peace LONDON, May 5: (CPt- -Havas News Agency said today that It had authoritatively learned that the British government Is requesting the Italian government that peace negotiations to end the Ethiopian war begin Immediately.) It Is suggested that a committee I of the League of Nations represent the conquered nation. Premier Stanley Baldwin stated yesterday that the British govern ment must now take stock of its ; entire foreign relations policy In j view of the failure of Hie League of Nations to save Ethiopia. i u. munic oi rremier was a pa sengcr aboard the Catala thl-morning going through for a tr'p to Victoria. 1 -I : I D liTirl LAST TIMES TONIGHT Last Complete Show g.JS GEORGE ARLISS In "Mister Hobo" (At 7:16 & 10:02) - PLUS -The Drama behind the build-ing of the new wonder of the world! Boulder Dam" - With -Patricia Ellis Ross Alexander (At 8:36 Once Onlyi WANTED Camp Phone Run Hrmlock Green 687 or A Gift for Mother's Day el Lojj. Write Stanley Hishoprick jr. Prince Rupert We Serve CHICKEN DINNERS on Sunday at the little place called the U & I CAFE Formerly Solem Cafe Give Mother something this week she will appreciate a practical and personal gilt for this special occasion. A box of fine stationery, a-purse, picture or picture frame, a new book or a subscription to our library, a Waterman pen or pencil, a subscription to a favorite magazine. Come in for a few suggestions to meet your own requirements. MOTHER Would Certainly Appreciate a Singer Sewing Machine, an Easy Washer or Ironcr, a New Victor All-Wave Radio, a Silent Glow Oil Hurncr or a new Fawcctt Range. We can guarantee perfect satisfaction with any of these outstanding commoditrts, and terms to suit your budget. Shingle Stain Preserve and beautify the shingles of your home with Pure Linseed Oil Shingle Stain, guaranteed to last. Mixed in any shade desired. Greens and Greys per gallon $1.75 For sound advice, and best paint values, consult- GORDON'S HARDWARE .' Mcltrlde Stref hone 311 !l