Tuesday, May 5, 1936 LOCAL NEWS NOTES St Peter Church Thursday. spring sale, Women's Canadian Club annual meeting, Wednesday, May 6. 3:30 p.m.. City. Hall. Fees ""payable for 1936-1937. (100) Mrs. and Mrs. J. R. Drysdale were passengers aboard the Cat-ala today going through to Vancouver where Mr. Drysdale Is to receive treatment. Mrs. D. Davenport and daughter wre passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through to Seattle. Mrs. Davenport is the wife of a well known Juneau hotel man. Mr and Mrs. C. Mueller of Van Wert Ohio, who have been paying a visit at Haines, Alaska, arrived in the city from the north on the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon and proceeded east by the evening train. Mr. and Mrs. Mueller have a son at Haines. Ing for the extension of the Early Closing Bylaw to make compulsory f P. W. Wesch and son. Fred (100) sailed this afternoon on the Cat- jala for a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. Gk-orge Hibbard left on last evening's train for Philadelphia, having been called there on account of Illness of relatives. Stanley Bishopries Jr. left on last evening's train for Hazelton on business in connection with his timber exporting business from this district. The names of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bury were omitted from the list of those who sent flowers yesterday to the funeral of the late John Joy sr, it O. Larsen and B. Fogge, who aro In the employ of the Consolidated Mining & Smelting ,Co. at Stewart, are visitors In the city, having arrived from the north on the Cat-ala this morning. Mrs. D. D. Murphy, whose hus- City Commissioner W. J. Alder band Is engaged in commercial will be In session as' a city council aviation in the Yukon Territory, tomorrow afternoon for the pur-1 was a passenger aboard the Prin-pose of considering the petition cess Nprah yesterday afternoon which was recently presented ask-, bound south from Carcross to Van- couver where she will pay a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. the closing of a number of lines of B. King. Mrs. Murphy formerly retail stores at 6 o'clock Saturday lived in Prince Rupert when her evening and to authorize the sale husband was pilot here for the of lot 17, block 24, section 7, to Northern British Columbia Air-Wilfrid McLean. ways. If TOU want to ave money, acrve Kellogg'g Rice Krispies. They're nourish- ing. And each package gives many servings. So crisp they actually crackle in milk or cream. , Always delicious. At grocers everywhere in the Mather Goose story package., Made by Kellojrg In London, Ontario. Quality RICE KRISPIES m guaranteed. SO CRISP they actually crackle in milk or cream The Annual Self-Denial Effort May 1st to May 18th The 1936 Campaign has been launched. Within the next two weeks Salvationists of the local Corps wll lcanvass the city. The Salvation Army has been able to maintain the standard and extent of our service because of extra help given by friends who realize our present difficulties and because of the personal sacrifice of officers and workers. WHEN CALLED UPON PLEASE GIVE LIBERALLY TO THE SERVICE THAT SUCCEEDS The Fish which made Prince RnpertFamons "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Mrs.lxjuls Forkrud and arrived in the city on the Cat- ala this morning from Alyansh. Mrs. Q. Fleming of Stewart was a passenger aboard the Catala today going through for a trip to Vancouver. Miss Enyd Morris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris, is making satisfactory recovery now after having been quite ill, Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Perry of Port Simpson were passengers aboard the Catala today going through to Vancouver where they "win visii for a few weeks. A cake was raffled by the Prince Rupert Boys' Band Parents' Association at Its meeting last night and was won by Mrs. O. Stegavig with ticket No. 113. was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through for a trip to Charles Graham, Inspector of mines, who has been on a trip to the Atlin district on official duties, returned to the city from the north on the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon. The cases of Jack Cook and Gra ham Fleming, charged with obstructing a peace officer, are com ing up for hearing before Magistrate McClymont in city police court this afternoon. Thomas Melville of the Stewart branch of the Bank of Montreal was a passenger aboard the Catala today going through to Vancouver on vacation. He Is being relieved by F. E. Scott of the local branch who went north on the Catala Sunday night, F. D. Green of Montclair, N.J., who has been travelling extensively In ,varlous parts of the world, disembarked here from the steamer Princes? Norah yesterday afternoon after having made the round trip to Juneau. He proceeded east from here by the evening train. D. H. I. Shlldrick, former manager of the Terrace branch of the Bank of Montreal, has been transferred from Vancouver, to which city he was moved recently, to become manager of the branch at Esquimalt. He succeeds R. E. Haack, former manager at Stewart, who has been transferred from Esquimau to Merritt. Vigilance and presence of mind of Constable Mlddleton of the city police was responsible Saturday evening for the averting of what might have been a serious traffic accident on Fulton Street in front of the City Hall. A little four-year 'bid girl had run out into the road and was saved from being struck by an approaching car by the officer who rushed out and picked her up. The act was witnessed by .quite a crowd of people. J. A. Johnson, who farmed on Porcher Island In the early days and supplied sand and gravel from his property there for use In con nection with the construction of the cold storage plant and dry dock, Is back in Prince Rupert after an absence of twenty-two years. He arrived on Saturday-night's train from Grande Prairie. Alberta, where he Is now engaged in cattle ranching. Mr. Johnson, who is still hale an dhearty despite his advanced age 61 eighty-four years, retains mining inter ests on Porcher Island and it h In connection with them that he is here, Announcement: Saturday Night Dancing Party, Commodore Cabaret. Catholic Ladles' Aid tea at Mrs. McCaffery's, May 7. Miss N, Lawrence's Student Recital. Cathedral Hall, 8:15, May U. Canadian May 13. Legion Spring Sale, Anglican Tea. Mrs, C, H. Ormo. May 14. Sons of Norway Independence Day May 15, Moose Hall. Elks' Kiddles Flag Day May 25. '."rj.v.f.,.i44-PACK DAILY NXWI .THRKJ The Letter Box NOT DEMENTED SAVAGES Eldtor, Daily News: In your issue yesterday you have a few lines headed "Communistic Diatribe" referring to A. Evans' speech In the Moose Hall. Mr. Evans made no wild charges but stated plain unvarnished facts, supported by official police telegrams and, if what you allude to as "all those In constituted authority" acted like human beings Instead of demented savages, they would not have earned the "Customary Villiflcatlon." , In London's Hyde Park, one policeman can control and keep in good humor over 200 or 300 people and let them talk all they want. In this country It takes 30C Mrs willlnrH Phir,e nHfo nf 4h puweman mounted ana on loot. well known Whltehor'se barrister. arme? wlth revolvers. Ks bombs, axe handles and lead Dines, tc smash into a handful of youths women and children who want to live decently and injure and main? them: "Constituted Authority in deed" The R. C. M. P. was for merly a corps to be proud of. It is now getting aromatic." I am not a communist and hold no brief for them but I think tin Dally News might" let us have the truth once In a while. We don't expect It often. You would be more appreciated Mr. Editor, in the community, if you did. GEORGE KAVANAGH Mrs. Halliday Is Shower Hostess In iss Jack's Honor Mrs, Halliday was hostess re cently at her home In the James Apartments with a delightful mls- :elaneous shower In honor of Miss Beverly Jack, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. J.ack of this city, whose narrlage to Larry Creighton of Yew Westminster will take place shortly. A beautifully decorated umbrella had been prepared and when It went up, the bride was showered with numerous gifts Card playing wis eli joyed by abou; twenty persons. R. G. Johnson of Inverness sailed this afternoon on the Catala for s trip to Rivers Inlet on canne business. H. W Chambers, man-ager of Klemtu cannery, afte spending a few days at Inverness sailed for Klemtu. 60 PHONE 60 Kaien Transfer We handle, the Finest Grades of Coal and Wood, at market prices. Bone Dry Kindling always in stock. We also operate 60 Messenger Service Rats and Beaver We have a big order for both and in order to Induce trappers and dealers to ship their skins we are offering more than market prices. Ship them in and we will wire the money Immediately. GOLDBLOOM The Old Reliable DELICIOUS BUTTERMILK 12c per quart Dominion Dairy Phone Red 608 SEMI-DIESELIXE CAR OR TRACTOR Run your car or tractor on stove oil 200 miles for approximately 15 cents, can be applied to any type of gas engine at a cost of around $5.00, Fully guaranteed.. Send stamp for particulars or enclose $1.00 for complete instructions, prints, photograph, etc. Send for our 1936 catalogue on paint, lumber, etc FARMERS' SERVICE CO., 201 Shelly Bldg., Vancouver, IJ.C. Baptist Mission Circle Held May Day Tea Friday The Baptist Women's Mission Circle held its annual May Day tea on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. W. Dafoe. Cotton Street The door was opened by little Diane Gilker and the guests were received by Mrs. J. C. Gilker, the president, and Mrs. Dafoe. Mrs. G, W. Johnstone and Mrs; M. B. Lemon were In charge in the kitchen and Mrs. T. Christoff was cashier. Miss C. Armstrong and Miss Kay Watson conducted the sale of sewing and Mrs. H. M. Hale was in charge of the home cooking table. During the afternoon there was an acceptable musical program which Included piano solos by Miss Helen Green and violin and piano duets by Miss Eileen and Phyllis Hamblln. The Circle has been studying about missions in India and each member represented one of them. CLASSIFIES FOR SALE OINING Room Green 800. suite, bed. LAND ATT Phone (10fi j'OR SALE Upright piano. Apply Box 9, Daily News. (110) TOR SALKNew ,5-roomed house. Modern, cheap for cash. A. H, McPhersony (106), GENTLEMEN Personal drug sun dries. Highest Grade Latest. Del-! ivered, 15 for $1. (plain wrapper) Pacific Supply 751 Granville,' Vancouver. FOR SALE 20 acres land, 5-room house, barn, cellar, Tunning wa ter, 50 fruit trees. Also 17 acre.j 2-room house, barn, chicken houses, partly cleared. Apply Chas. Kofoed; Terrace, B.c; (108) LA Nil ACT Xotlre of Intention to ajU;r to Purchase I .A nil In Prince Rupert; Land Rwrdlng District of Queen Charlotte Islands and situate on the North shore of Cumshewa Inlet Immediately South of Lot 45, Q. C. I. Take notice that the Allison Logging Company Limited of Vancouver; B. C . Intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands:- commencing at a post pi&nxea at trie S. W. corner of Lot 45. Q. C. I. thence 80 chains East along South boundary of Lot 45; thence due South to shore line; thence West Along shorelloe to point of commencement and contain. Ing 40 acres more or less. AMBROSE P. ALLISON. Pres. Allison Logging Co. Ltd. Dated April 21, 1936. Notice of Intention to apply to lnsr I.ana In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Queen Charlotte Islands, and situate on Cumshewa Inlet fronting on un surveyed Orown Land which Is situated Immediately South of Lot 48. Queen Charlotte Islands District. Take notice that the Allison Loeeuie Company Limited of Vancouver, B.C. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described Foreshore Lands:- Commencing at a post planted at tne S. W. Corner of Lot 45. Q. C. I. thence 20 chains due South; thence 60 chain due East thence due North to Shoreline; thence West along shoreline to point of commencement and contain ing 30 acres, more or less. AMBROSE P. ALLISON. Pres. Allison Logging Co., Ltd. Dated April 31, 1936. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lean Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dis trict of Range 5 Coast, and situate close to Oalloway Rapids Bridge, near Prince Rupert. B. C. Take notice that I, Martin Miner r Prince Rupert, B.C, occupation Lumberman intends to apply for a lease ot the following described Foreshore lands: Commencing at a post planted ap proximately 8,000 ft. north of Lota US-US, D. L. 231, Range S Coast District thence about (00 ft. south ..to opposite shore thence northerly following th shoreline to post of commencement. and containing 114 acres, more or less MARTIN MILLER Dated March 8. 1S38. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Range S Coast, and situate or Kaien Island close to Oalloway Rapid Bridge. Take notice Uiat I. Martin Miller ot Prlnoe Rupert, B.C. occupation Lumberman Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a poet planted ftp- protlmaOey 3 O00 ft. north at lots 115-116, D. L. 2S1, Range S Coast thence 660 feet west; thence 760 ft. south thence 660 feet east; thence S60 tt. north thenoe following the enore line to poet of commencement and containing ten acres, more or leeev MARTIN MILLER Dated March 6, Hit. It's Your Job as Well as Mine! CLEANUP! mtwmmmmmmmms Bathing Caps mmm Beautify Our City PLANT UP! FIX UP. PAINT UP! ; Do Your Part! Join the Crusade !t Boost Your Contnturtity! Sponsored by Junior Chamber of Commerce Excellent Quality Popular Styles Prices i 10c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 60c, 75c Audiphone Ear Drum Protectors For Bathers 25c each Rubber Beach Bags 25c and 35c Films and Kodak Supplies A COMPLETE STOCK ALWAYS OX HAM) Films Developed and Printed on new double weight paper will not curl. Excellent services all work guaranteed. Swimming Rings and Pads For Keginners $1.00 OrmesLtd. TTtut Pioneer Druggists l he Rexall Mere Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 P-m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.mM f p.m. till 9 p.m. Used Furniture Singer Drop-head Sewing Machine , $22 50 J)I1C6 e'eeeeeeeete Hand Power Washing Machine QQ AA up from ?O.VU Water Power Washing Machine CO AA up from $O.UU Refrigerator QQ AA up from . OO.UV Beds In all sizes, complete -. A A A up from $J.V.UV Dropside Couch j 07 A A up from ?fVU Folding Camp Cot ; OQ CA up from $Q.t)J Steel Crib Complete fiJ A A up from V1UV Reconditioned Kitchen Ranges Q-f ff A A up from $1D.UU Portable Gramaphone O-f 9 A A with 30 Records 3J.4.VV FURNITURE BOUGHT AND SOLD D. ELIO PHONE GREEN 421 FURNITURE EXCHANGE