II II TV 3 baba, . capital of Ethiopia. The! lobillzatlon will start with a slg- .hi ni rinmnfr rr none nnai mrr in 'light i or tomorrow. Resentment has been expressed Halle Selassie from his capi-1 at Addis Ababa. Exception Is taken at the continued was reported calm. PROVING'' LIBRA T. i VICTORIA, C GRANTS TO PROVINCES ARE BEING CUT AGAIN, FEDERAL VOTE REVEALS Inofficial Italian miarters at the ll.....,v- ln-llini- l?rliifnrl nn l?olirf AnniintTnn tain follrmlno- the flluht of Em-t Thousand Men to be Given Work on Railways OTTAWA. May 5: (CP) A further cut in the grants recogni- to nrovinces was indicated in the House of Commons last 4i . . . . . . nr rtrtrt . A 1 i 1 1 L (wn Dy me two nations or sciassic njght when $zb,uuu,uuu was voiea ior nireci renei grants, ,as a sovereign. The French are fe bejnff more tan flve million dollars less than the Do-jritlcized for having given him re- . . !.i.:i,n(J f W ni-mi!nnc n t Vm onrl nf Pge In Dllbutl and the British for imuiw" w""'-""" i r i'uuh anu nit u..v f rpv, .iIiiof inn 10 in nrlrhrinn tr a fifrnon nprppnt panting hm sanctuary In Jeru- niaitw. xuc x iwv.w ... v """" , put Into effect in April. ffciVm nj ji li 4 ,., -- flem and affording him transport , u ?ard a British warship to Pales- r Vll Ma J , " m itine. Holding to Legation ADDIS ABABA, May 5: In the a of continued attacks by mad- ned natives, United States Min ister Van Entrert was still hold- n8 on to his legation building here nd the compound containing 1500 iciueees. Hp onH ViU rnmnnnlnns 5 a last, roenrf fnnort snlH In ftm.f nf .-J . rt.AMAnM.. nf Kfatn r 1 . ii ,, . i il. sa'ety of the lecatlon staff to be the first consideration. wllcr yesterday help had been l itlacl Y alley man ....v (thousand relief canrn workers on Dine in filllQinn'rau,way maintenance work during LIti 111 lU11191Ull,the summeri Horli c D. Howe, mln- Sidcswlpln!: of Auto by Motorcycle Between Chilliwack and Ab-botsford Proved Fatal ABBOTSFORD. May 5: (CP) John W. Rose of Bradner was killed and J. Holmes of Vancouver was seriously injured when the motor-rvcle thev were riding sldeswiped an automobile between Abbotsford and Chilliwack on Sunday. Holmes a.vvn ... . . .. .tift. tee was torn oil below tne mc unusn in uie wuy ui 1 detachment of Sikh soldiers and."06' machine guns. The British reply "" as that these could not be spared1-- nI A u that an armed cuard would be j V HOSe iTieillUCl 5 tl sent t .. . w convoy tne Americans me "IStancC Of four mlW n rpfnire nt we British leeallnn F.nirert then I Cemetery Sunday s'd that he would abandon the Ration only as a last resort. After Alumni Day lie Pvnl(l. j i 1..I1 ii mts Observed by Decora- Somc Twenty-five Take Part rlla8lng by the leaderless Ethlo-1 Members of the local Moose plans contlm.Prt fhmnohnnc thfi Lodee and Chapctr observed Al- mbl of the smouldering city umnl Day by visiting Fa tavle and decora - the Italian invaders should Cemetery on Sunday With ammunition running Ing the Moose Plot there. Aboiu Wort, ii .. ... i .. fi,.o members of the two me natives were turnine to vwenwy-'- . . (Continued on Page Four) 1 branches of the order took part. lster of railways, said that the gov ernment would pay the men standard wages while the railways would spend some $3,000,000 on supplies and supervision. Amy Mollison Is On Speed Flight Famous British Avlatrix Making Another Attempt to Lower England-Capetown Mark LONDON, May 5: (CP) Amy Johnson Mollison took off from Oravesend airport yesterday on a second attempt to beat the England to Capetown speed record. The avlatrix landed at Niamey. French West Africa, early this morning and, after a brief rest, took off for Point Noire in French Congo In continuation of her flight. BAH SILVER NEW YORK, May 5: (CP) Bar sliver was unchanged at 4434C on tho local metal market today. . V Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides" (8 A.M.) High 0:43 a.m. 20.7 ft. Prince Rupert Part cloudy, light 13:29 p.m.' 18.6 ft. northerly wind; barometer, 30.f2; Low 7:22 a.m. 3.4 ft. temperature, 43; sea smooth 19:20 pin. 7.1 ft. v,. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXV., No. 106. Vol. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.ItUESDAY, May 5, 1936 PRICE: 5 CENTS SAWMU WORKERS' STRIKE NOW ON FASCIST FLAG RAISED IN ADDIS ABABA ITALY IS INDIGNANT Objects to France and Ureal Britain Affording Sanctuary To Selassie i Disorders in Addis Mass Mobilization Throushout Na-' tion Will Display Italian Loyalty A1IDIS ABABA, May 5: (CD-Rome's victorious troops raised the banner of Fascism over this pillaged capital today. Troops passed the British location at 5 a.m. and headed for the centre of the city. The arrival of the troops is expected to relieve the (rave situation which has existed since Kmperor llaile Selassie fled the country on Saturday. Occupants of the United States legation have been transferred to a British mission by a machine tun detachment after bein imperilled by a riot of mad natives. The United States has been riven assurance by the Italian Government that the lives and property of foreigners In Addis Ababa will be protected according to the rules of war. Demonstration of Loyalty ROME. May 5: Premier Musso- ml announced last night that he ould call the entire nation to de- onstrate Its loyalty with a mass mobilization to coincide with tne of Italian forws into Addis- BRITAIN BUILDS DEADLY PLANE, NOW WORRIES ABOUT DEFENCE AGAINST IT The aeroplane shown In the layout Is the latest thing In Instru- are wondering what they can build now to act as a defence ments of destruction and"lllu"strates graphically the armament- against It. Ordinary' trghtlng- aeropianes' cannoWcopevwUhOhe , maker's art. The aeroplane, which Is the new R.A.F. "Falrey" speed and manoeuvrability of the "Falrey": It has retractable bombing aeroplane. Is so fast that It makes combat aeroplanes undercarriage, three-blade propeller, spilt wing flaps to reduce useless. With a speed of over 300 miles per hour, non-breakable i landing speed, all-metal airframe except for control surfaces, glass encasements for the pilot and gunner, special fighting i and a new 12-cyinder Rolls-Royce engine. It has a wing spread equipment In addition to bombs, the new aircraft marks a long j of 54 feet and an overall length of 42 feet. Bombs are carried forward step In the development of attacking aeroplanes. So Inside the wings, effective is the machine, however, that British aviation experts :L0G SCALE WORK BEING STARTED PN PORCIIER ISLAND MINE BY NEW OWNERS Alexander Smith, engineer In charge on the Eddye Pass Totals gold property on Porcher Isl- and, which has been taken over from Frank Patterson by the Reward Mining Co., will leave tomorrow on his return to Porcher Island, accompan- led by party of men who will be employed In camp con- structlon. An active program of exploratory and develop- ment work Is being under- taken by the new concern. Tire property adjoins the Surf Point mine, which is being op- erated by the Timmins inter- ests with a mill, and would be a similar operation. The deal with the Reward Mining Co. calls for full title to the property on payment of $40,- 000 pver a period of years. Driving of a lower tunnel 40 feet above sea level on the property is planned. Vandcrhoof Still Fights For Road FOR APRIL 5,815,380 Board Feet As Against 6,746,133 Board Feet A Year Afo Log scaling In Prince Rupert forestry district for the month of Ap- mII ul .. . n e ni I inn Operators Refuse To Negotiate So Men Go Off Their Jobs Today I , Thirteen Hundred Employees Cease Their Labors As Deadline Passes Mill Owners Claim That Per- centage of Response Small VANCOUVER, May 5: (CP)-Loggers and sawmill workers on Vancouver Island and the Mainland went out on strike today as the deadline passed for negotiations for higher wages and union recognition. About 1300 men refused to work this morning, Arne Johnson, secretary of the union, said. Mills affected are located at Cowichan Lake. North Vancouver and Port . . Operators, who have refused to neonate, stating that they have already given all the wage ln-rrcases they can afford, claimed that Ws than three percent of the workers had acted on the strike order. County Court In Regular Session icaaca uu uic list jur uie uiuiuu uic ias follows: Northern British Columbia Power Co. vs. Dunwell Mines Limited, $715, Patmore Si Fulton for plain- Jtlff, Williams, Manson, Brown & Harvey for defendant, stands over. Charles J. Currle vs. Armour Salvage Co., $308.25, E. F. Jones for plaintiff, Patmore & Fulton for defendant. May 28. Jewell Market vs. Albert Rach, $197.81, Williams, Manson, Brown .. . plaintiff, J. T. Harvey for defen- board feet , f as compared with 6,748.- K. . . ... 133 board feet in the same month; last year, bringing the total for 1936 to date up to 10.875,214 board feet as against 11,815,967 board feet in the corresponding period of last year. Scaling per species this April was as follows, figures for the same month last year also being shown for comparison: 1936 1935 B.F. BP. Cedar 1,048,609 565,856 Spruce 4,140.968 4,812,586 Hemlock 394,284 1,299,324 Balsam 23,529 Jackplne 147,949 Miscellaneous 60,041 Totals 5,815,380 6,746,133 Forest Products , Poles and piling scaled In the ln- lerlnr Intnllnri R9 ilfl lineal font To Manson Creek, this April as compared with 92,211 I lineal feet In the same month last ine vanaernooi tioara or iraac year. : Is continuing Its agitation with a Cordwood this April totalled 40 view to having a highway built 'as against 23 last year. Into the Manson Creek country i The tie count this April was 80,-In the Omlneca mining division 058 pieces as against 41,868 last and has secured a promise of April. support In the project from Hon.j George S. earson, provincial min-' . .. 'ster of mines. If such a road were ELEPHANT kept open all winter, the present j STOPS TRAIN almost prohibitive prices of wln-i ter freighting could be materially PORT ELIZABETH, S. A.. May 3-lowered, it is pointed out. This j (CP) Trumpeting defiance a big would give a great Impetus to; "rogue" elephant held up a mall mining development In the section, j train near Coerney. A series of ine matter win rje lurtncr taken, Diasts from the enetne was nec William Rlntala vs. Dunwell Mines Ltd., Patmore & Fulton for dant, struck off list. Two naturalization were dealt with. applications New Governor Signs Orders W. llamber For First Time Places Ilis Name on Official Documents VICTORIA. May 5: (CP) Provincial orders-ln-councll appeared 68,367 ior tne nrst time yesterday with the signature of Hon. E. W. Ham-bcr, tha new Lieutenant Governor. ACQUITTED Four Have So Far Been Freed Of , Rioting; Charges at Rejina With Seven Convicted I REGINA. Sask May 5: (CP) Morris Deane, aged 22, an "On to Ottawa" trekker, was acquitted in King's Bench Court yesterday on Three Cases. None of Them New, charges of rioting and assault on ! On List For Month of May ia Pollce oIIlcer- t ; i The acquittal Is the fourth since j 'With three cases, none of them 'new, on the list, County Court was in regular monthly session yesterday before Judge W. E. Fisher. The : . i II t I . . L. the trials began on April Mr -- Seven have been convicted so far. Mike Vukovich Dies in South Well Known Resident of Many Years' Standing; in Prince Rupert Passes Away The death occurred on Saturday in the Vancouver General Hospital, of Mike Vukovich, who had been a rocMonl nf Prlnno T7imprf frit" manv & Harvey for plaintiff, defendant , - years and whose resldes ,n In In nersnn person, stnnrtc stands nvpr over. I Westview. The late Mr. Vukovich, who had been In Ill-health for five or six years, was a native of Jugoslavia and was over fifty years of age. The funeral will take place In Vancouver. In addition to the widow, who was in Vancouver with her husband at the time of his death, there are two stepchildren Mike and Mildred Munlzaba and three children Bertha, Bobby and Zorka Vukovich. They will have the sincere sympathy of many friends In their bereavement. Todays Weather ' (8 A.M.) Terrace Cloudy, calm, 50. Anyox Raining, calm, 42. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 41. Qualified Local Men Will Be Allowed to Act as Pilots To And From Port of Prince Rupert As a result of continued efforts on the part of the Prince Rupert .. .. Chamber of Commerce and Olof Hanson, r CM it i i t it, nieinuer ior oKeena, auinorny nas oeen granted to nave qualified local men act as pilots to bring in or take out deep sea vessels using this port and coming by way of Langara and Triple Islands. A brief telegram announcing that the authority had been granted was received this morning by the Chamber of Commerce from Mr. Hanson. For some years now it has been necessary to secure pilots from Vancouver to bring in and take out vessels using the port of Prince Rupert. It is assumed that in fu- up with the public works depart- essary before the beast lumbered jture this will not be necessary but that local qualified men 'ment- ' into the bush. ' will be able to do' the work. j