THE DAILY NEWS a - = The Daily News The Leading Newspaper and the Largest Circulation in Northern B. C. Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited DAILY AND WEEKLY TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates on application. | SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Dalny, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries—Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. FRED A. CLARKE RETURNS TODAY Young Man Honorably Acquit- ted from the Serious Charge of Forgery will Remain in Rupert. Frederick V Rupert, < Clark, the nd who was hon- young Prit ce HEAD OFFICE orablyv % cquitted at Varcouver cently of ‘the charge of forg Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. ye mates : : Chatge. of forgery Haid agairst him, returned to the BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES citv by the G. T. P. steamer New YorK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City. | Priace Albert this morairg. Mr. iClark is naturally relieved at the SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. His acquittal the trial. result of the closest possible of the ost office money order he — ~|/was supposed to have forged it ONDAY, OcT. 16) the 1 of Charles : _— === | Worm: ld, and stiingent examina- LONDON, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar | '°SU?" Square. was the SuBscrIBERS will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of | investiga tior handwriting non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. fon the a THE MAYOR'S RETIREMENT DaILy EDITION. me his friend ition and cross examination under he unswervingly. which answered all questions : : The news conveyed by the Mayor’s organ that he intends to The decision | Mr. attention In his charge to the jury Murphy straightforward deme: retire from municipal politics will occasion no surprise. was expected. The Mayor has had ample opportunity during the last |/~ ’ «as 7 }to the few weeks to survey the handwriting on the wall. The lesson has ae stice drew nour tion, of the accused urder examin: not been lost on him. ; ; At the time Mr. Manson announced his iateation to enter mur- |“ d to his undoubtedly first rate icipal politics, the News advised him to reconsider his decision. We cha . took the ground that no man could serve two masters—that it was} time ot impossible for one man to be Mayor of Priace Rupert and member for Skeena at the same time without sacrificing one or the other duty. Events have proved that Mr. Manson has sacrificed each in turn, And on top of all bis difficulties, has been the added difficulty that always confronis a politician who enters municipal atfairs—the inability | racter and reputation up to the Counsel had shown how easy it might be to find similarities in handwriting by different persons. If the jury thought Clark guilty they would be brardirg him ore of the worst his accusation. sos ¢ . . pes of criminal, a mean who lo keep politics out of the city business. ath 4 i ! pf T , s 2 2 we € orge the name oO ms Now that Mr. Manson has decided to withdraw from municipal | WO" re Ses friend. The yourg man’s un- affairs, it would be a good opportunity for the best of the citizens to agree together to eliminate party politics from the city administra- Mr. Manson's friends might very well lead in this excellent | blemished record did rot seem to bear this out tion. é : : After twenty mirutes consider- work. both political parties to stand for Mayor, by selecting aldermanic candidates for their administrative ability instead of for their party fidelity, they might show an excellent example of civic patriovism, that would do them honor. There is one thing Mr. Manson might do By inducing some competent business man, disassociated from s i ation of the evidence, usir g strorg magnifying gl sses upon uments produced in connection with the casé the jury returned ir rclict. h ireble ; uitti ought to do—to prove their verdict, honorable acqui ing his sincerity as a representative of Prince Rupert in the legislature. Clark. Mr. Clark will remain it He should introduce a bill in the legislature, giving Prince Rupert Prince Rupert where he has many the power, whenever a majority of her citizens so decide, to have |!" ds. government by commission. Only in that way does the ultimate hope of the city’s best interest lie. For row boats and launches At present we are under a strange tyranny. Even if every voter| Telephone 320 green. Davis in Prince Rupert wanted commission government, we could not have Boat House. it. Attorney-General Bowser for sonte reason struck his pen through the modified demand of the citizens that they be allowed to appoint Until a special Act is passed giving us the right to comptrollers. have comission government we cannot institute it. The right of a community which has to supply the taxation, to decide what form of local government it will have to administer not to require argument. The first thing Mr. | Manson should do at Victoria when the legislature reopens is to brirg forward a bill giving to the city of Prince Rupert the elemental right | to choose what kind of civic government it shall have. | Dominion Fish Market FULTON AND SIXTH AVENUE it, is so manifest as Dealers in Fresh Fish, Oysters and Game in season. Fresh Poultry, Vegetables, Butter and ai se er re Eggs - > - - PASSING COMMENT tee |] PHONE 117 P.O. BOX 150 The Vancouver News Advertiser seys that Prince Rupert has expectations of becoming the second largest port on the British Col-| ” | umbian coast. | , : . c . , j Not at all. Prince Rupert has expectations of making Vancouver the second largest pe the rt on British Columbian coast. Tonight, Alderman Newton will have tunity to move that steps be taken to abolish the ward system. Knox him take advantage of it. There is one good thing to be said in favor of Alderman Newton. Hotel R one more splendid oppor- Watch Though slow to learn, he believes in copying good examples. Have| you noticed how he is remodelling his newspaper to look like the News—at a BESNER & BESNER, PROPRIETORS The New Knox Hotel is runon the European distance. plan. First-class service. All the Latest Modern Improvements wtete BEDS Sc UP cn en iat ete FIRST AVENUE. PRINCE RUPERT SS SSS ESE SESE ESE SS SS Ee AT THE EMPRESS THEATRE |..FOR RENT... House on 8th Ave., section 5. Partly furnished, $22 a month | | | '...FOR SALE... |.-FOR S. | 5-room w TO-NIGHT Lots 8 and 9, block 34, sec. 8, $600. Easy cash and terms Lot 19, block 26, sec. 5. Easy terms. Lot 22, block 24, sec. 5, $800. Lot 17, block 49, sec. 7, $350, and $25 per month, $50 cash Fire, Life, Accident and Liability Insurance JOHN DYBHAVN | Pattullo Block. King’s Evidence —A clever Comedy-drama --WILL BE PRODUCED WITH SPECIAL SCENERY BY— The WILLIAMS STOCK Co. dodedod 7 ce che alle ce ce cle ce cle ce ele ce le dle Ee de dn doce de SUT T TT va ee ee FETT TS W. J. McCUTCHEON Carries complete stock of Drugs. Special attention paid to filling prescriptions. Theatre Block Puone No. 79 Second Ave. he he lose Bo cle lo Ln he hed he doce de ede de bee bebe PRP SCSS SEES TUS SST SSS SESS TSS So Bodededodad. eda. SPSS SST TTS DOORS OPEN AT 7.30 CURTAIN AT 8.15 SHARP T FRED. — © 0 -0-0-6- > Prices: 50c, $1.00 FRED. STORK ~—General Hardware— RESERVED SEATS ON SALE IN THE THEATRE OFFICE { Builders’ tiardware eS Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves * | Graniteware Tinware SECOND - AVENU -@ © @ 0 + ee +2 4— 49-44 #6 |) Read The Daily News the doc-} 4 i Weegee DI*Otoe*o | | i nos YoYo oI OEISLNOLYOTSOISOIIOL OLTOEIOL YON IOI ONO YOLYEE IOI OL OL NIE ISL ELON ORCL G1 Skeena La ornerar’ se ie Bi sesacseeneenenees ee oe Mt nace ‘ 3 a ba 5 es Bet, ——Another— || — ° ae Pe |testico, | He pal and. pet Com reat tory | a AO chalne’ th 3 z Dated Sept. 11 rs a est a THE DAILY NEWS READERS HAVE ANOTHER TREAT IN STORE FOR THEM = 33 Yep osc . | mis i 2 a3 3 a FE Pid Pub. Seve 23. % He & 338 | ae Land I \ G 3 | Bainter z i # Mt saneee ot tats | : 2 8 coal and pe re ‘ , 2 | ~The News has received so many letters } ce : of appreciation from its readers for its 3 a ‘ ; ; 33 enterprise and judgment in securing e ae the serial rights of Captain Clive Wol- 3 ee Balser ‘ot Frin ck 36 ley’s great story, ‘‘The Tenderfoot’s He 3} coal and pet #5 Wooing,” that it has gone still further. -—————— -< ot CE ra a Shelan te : . . book ke The News has secured the serial rights for - min on Graba Island de : ’ Commencing at a Louis Tracy’s Great New Story Becerra 80 chains, thence we . yeh o ist ‘1 66 : - mated sates : | land on Graham Isla -- | ot CEB. t gal Le | $0 chains, thence we r 99 es |; thence eas | O f L ] t zt : le a PE matted pear Yo} | corner C ne B. oak La and will start the story Next Week. 3g is a, : ik Take notice th , We eet 2 = | Sat vod pe a a He Louis Tracy is the greatest writer of fascinating adven- Ft ie ture stories in England.—His plots are vigorous. —His G3 = : gow characters are lifelike. There is not a dull paragraph. His stories are models of good English too... . cS x - Sef e ses . . oO What The Pillar of Light Is = le} The ‘‘Pillar of Light” is a sea story of iat chains, thence wes wt love and adventure. As you may guess ie nae Sept. 12, 191 the ‘Pillar of Light” is a lighthouse, 8 iB tg The story concerns the romance of S32 Broderick of Prince ! _ ° oy bank manager Stephen Brand the lighthouse keeper if Sal" cad seinem and man of mystery. It is a story of i w Commencing at heroic deeds in many lands. It will i Sor'chains, theres —————]_ hold you to the very last word and de K———— iy mencement. light you all the time. In the end you &} Pub: Sept 23. will see the greater meaning of the 2 ane lane title “The Pillar of Light. : : gee Bretcgy ec Gy FE ie seo 7 @) of CB, Be | oa ‘L r4 oe Oy cha ee east 80 chai : of commencement This story is exclusive in British Columbia to the Daily News and EE PubeSepe 3. its readers, See that you get the story from the start by having See notice tha your name entered on the Daily News books as a subscriber. i bookkeeper, intend t é goal ot, H eorner of Coal Lea: ‘ cea gee tics —— THE DAILY NEWS, DELIVERED- es ef | Pub, Oct 7, $ Take notice that tt -= ? Bainter of Prince o 36 coal and petroleum oo & b G inc mmencing a 8 Shonremmnnicimemomcinacmmmnnmcmmmmmmmmpe Bo Dated Sept. 12 1911 MOE | tience cast chal OOF OS OFO$ OF OFOFOFOFOFOTOFOFOSOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOHOFO} Jet Soe 18. 19. | Pub, Oct. 7.