PAOE TWO DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert' Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. r. PULL EN - - - Mariaglng-Edltor ADVERTISING RATES Transient diqilay advertising, per inch, per Insertion 1.40 Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion .. 02 Local .readers, per line, per .Insertion ' ' .25 ' $ SUBSCRIPTION RATES g, City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance -i---- $5.00 Fcrlesser periods, paid In advance,' per week. , J...:...... .10 By: mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Emplie and United States, yearly period, paid in advance 3.00 By mail to all other countries, jrer year ,. 9.00 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone j, IS Member of Audit Bureau b! Circulations UAJi.1 elrUh Tuesday, July 23, 1936 ROUTE FOR HIGHWAY The route to be taken by the highway is one of the big problems agitating the public minu in Prince Rupert, bo lar as can be gathered, the engineers favor the route at present being lollowed which, they say, is the shortest and best route to Terrace. It leads to a feny across the river some miles the other side of Haysport with the rest bfthe highway on the south side of the river. I Premier .Pattullo, when in the city recently, made a casual remark in regard to his impression when flying down the valley, that a road to the canneries was practicable and very desirable. This set the advocates of the cannery route going and as a result the question is being generally discussed on the street and wherever men congregate. Evidently there is considerable difference of opinion and much lack of information. In the meantime a joint committee of the Senior and Junior Chamber of Commerce is discussing the subject and securing all possible information and doubtless they will bring their report before their organizations or before a joint meeting The chief arguments of the advocates of the interior route is that they Want to get to Terrace at the nearest possible date and are not interested in the river route. For the river route it is argued that the canneries would provide bueiness for the city and that most of the people now living will not get to Terrace over the road anyway, therefore it is best to take the business that is offering and let the main object take care of itself. Seldom have the Prince Ropeii gardens looked as well as they do today. The roses are in bloom and there Is a good deal of color almost everywhere. We have a real city of roses for a few days. There should be plenty of exhibits at the show on August 10 but rosei grew very slowly until this summer when one of them developed Into a large bushy plant of which I was proud and expected to get some fine bloom in August or September. the floor with several of the branches broken off. It was a sad mess and simply illustrates how In gardening our hopes ate often frustrated. We must keep a cat to keep down mice and rats and a yood ratter Is Usually keen after birds and oicaslona'.ly birds will Venture Into the porch, so what is one to do? This has been a good year for begonias. Frank bibb has some beauties but unhappily the brs. of them cannot be seen from the road. Last week while I was at the office an American tourist j boys, McClymont vs. was seen photographing my be-18 njn. win oe on oy tnai ume. rne set-igonias wUn a movte camera.; ting of a later date this year was jQuestioned by my wife, it seems an experiment which will be a,that he was from the Chicago Trl-' guiae as 10 wnat 10 ao in iuture. ,bune and that the photos .More than a year given two, or three by which Rupert. were being taken in color. He also took ago I Was some of the delphiniums which' little pen-ihaDDen to be at thplr best lust. stemon seedlings which I kept'now. I hope he gets something through the winter indoor! They to remember Prince j I This year there have gales to Injure the been no delphiniums. iEven those grown ln exposed i , places have come through safely jror several years past there have' The other morning I went out to been serious injuries to these I the front door. Peter, the old black cat, was sleeping on a mat and near him was a dead bird. In a corner of the porch was my fine plants Just as they Were about to i bloom. Some gardeners stopped' growing delphiniums altogether because they lost them every year penstemon plant upside down on Just at the critical time. II. F. P Com ptttUUtui ihowyov tbm ttylt.flul'coinfort tbttt, ' ' V n 1 'S PC RT' FRED PERRY BLASTS GERMAN STAR Literally blasting his German opponent from the courts, Ftvd Perry, won his third straight all- England title at Wimbledon from Gottfried von Cramm. Hie two met In the finals last year. The German star was never given a chance to get started as Perry crashed through his way to a 6-1, 8-1, 8-0 victory. The two are shown above, Perry at right. McCLYMONT WINNER OF tx i nvr itft&vn rAKfv wina; Qjp piGHT Capture Cup by Victory In Play ground Softball Results of Monday's Gyro play ground softball games were as follows: Junior boys McClymont, 27; Seal Cove, 3. McClymont, 5. By winning this game the McClymont boys have won the Junior Cup. Th 1nntnr olrlc Woe vlanr ve i wise- Ml I I 1 1 II I BLACHFORD Have these three Comfort Features: A ipringy, V-ihipcd rteel thank tint tniurej firm, but flttiblt, lupport for your arches. A full tread at the ball of the foot, with a inug.fittinj hetl ... to distribute the weight of the body evenly. Unlike many to-called "corrective' ihoei, Archgripi are gracefully proportioned and built upon natural line ' t Where Most People Trade FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD PHONE 557 (Estab. 1908) THIRD AVENUE Great Britain Defeats Australia tn World's Amaleur Tennis Championship Play WIMBLEDON, Eng., July 28: (CP) Australia remained In the running for the Davis Cup jester day wnen Jack CraIord and Ad Intermediate boysWestview. 25; McClymont and Intermediate boys,' ' I the Jarfk , Crawford 6-2, 6-3, Acropolis vs. Seal Cove, games h?d to be postponed on account of rain. These games will be played on Wednesday at the Acropolis Hill grounds, the Junior girls playing for the cup. The following games will also be played on Wednesday: At Booth School Intermediate girls, McClymont vs. Seal Cove at 7 p.m. At Booth rian Qulst defeated Pat Hughes and Charles Tuckey In the doubles 6-4, 2-6. 7-6, 10-8. Australia needed to win both singles today to capture the cup but Fred Perry swept 6-3 in final match of the challenge round, enabling Great Britain i to retain the trophy. Adrian Qulst had earlier in the day tied the series at two all by defeating H. W. (Bunny) Austin In the first of the singles 6-4, 3-6, 7-5, 6-3. Perry was unbeatable In his game. It is the first time In thirty years that Britain has won the cup School-Intermediate ,four years ln a row Seal Cove at Widow of Tex Rickard Wech Becomes Bride of Another light Promoter In Ceremony On Saturday CHICAGO, 111., July 28: Mrs. Tex Rickard, widow of the late renowned fight promoter, arid Thomas A. Gill, Chicago fight promoter, were married Saturday ln a quiet ceremony at Mt. Carmel Church. Baseball Scores National League Pittsburg 3, Brooklyn 6. Others, postponed. American League Philadelphia 15, Chicago 8. New York 1, Detroit 9. Boston 5, St. Louis 7. Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE ! W L. Pet i : Chicago 57 33 .633 St. Loul !.53 37 .589 New York 49 44 .527 Plttiburg 47 45 .511 Cincinnati " 45 44 .506 Boston 44 47 .482 Philadelphia 35 56 .385 Brooklyn 34 58 .370 AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. Pet. New- York 61 32 .656 Cleveland 53 42 .558 Boston .-. 52 44 .542 Detroit 50 44 .632 Washington 49 45 .521 Chicago .48 45 .516 Philadelphia 32 62 .340 St. Louis ..T...30 61 J30 LEGION IN SOCCER WIN Defeated Navy by Score of Four To One in City League Fixture j Last N'lfht ! i Canadian Lesion defeated Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve by a score of 4 to 1 last evening in ' the second game of the Mobley Cup city championship rootball series. Scorers for the Legion were Henry i Dickens, two; Bill Bacon, one, and Tony Bussanich, one. Veltch made : the lone counter for the Navy. George J. Dawes was referee. SPORT CHAT Heavy hitting featured several of Saturday's Big League games. In the National League Chicago Cubs smothered the Phillies at Philadelphia by a score of 17 to 4 and further increased their lead over the St. Louis CardlhaU who were drouDirie a close decision tot the Boston Bees at Boston. The New York Giants went Into third place ahead ol Pittsburg Pirates who dropped both games of a double-header to Brooklyn Dodgers Sunday. In the American League the Boston Red Box overwhelmed the world champion Detroit Tigers 18 to 4 at Navln Field Saturday. The Red Sox made 12 runs In the fifth inning. The Cleveland Indians, playing at home, were downed 15 to 12 by the Philadelphia Athletics in a slugfest and the New York Yahkees defeated the Chicago White Box at Chicago 5 to 3 to increase their margin of leadership to eight and a halt games. This was further Increased to nine and a half games Sunday when the Yan kees took both ends of a double- header from Chicago White Box while the Indians and Athletics were splitting a double-header. The Red Sox Won again over the tigers Sunday and advanced from rlfth to third place, the 'Tigers Iropplng to fourth place and the White Sox to sixth with Washing 'on ih fifth position. The St. Louis Browns are back in exclusive pos session of the cellar again as a remit of week-end play with the Philadelphia Athletics ln seventh olace. Steamship Sailings "or Vancouver-Monday ss. Prince George 3 pm. Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m Friday ss. P. Adelaide.. .10 pjn. Ss. Cardena 10:30 p.m. Saturday ss. Pr. Rupert 7 p.m. July 29 ss. Prln. Alice 5:30 p.m. From Vancouver- Sunday ss. Catala 4 p.m Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert 10 a.m. Friday ss. Prince Rupert 10 am Ss. Princess Adelaide 4 p.m. Ss. Cardena p.m, Ss. Prince Robert a.m. Ss. Prince Robert a.m. For Anyox and Stewart Sunday ss. Catald 8 p.m Friday ss. Prince Rupert 1 pjn, from Stewart and Anyex Tuesdify ss. CatrJa 11:30 a.m. Saturday ss. Pr. George 5 p.m. l"or Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday ss. Catala 8 pm. Prom Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday ss Catala . li;30 a.m. For Ocean Falls Monday ss. Pr. Oeorge .3 p.m. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 p m. Saturday ss. P. Rupert 7 p.m. From Ocean Falls-Wed ss. Pr. Rupert 10 a.m. Friday ss. Pr. Rupert Ss. Princess Adelaide 4 p m. Ss. Cardena p.m. July 13, 27 ss. Pr. Robert 9 a.m. For Queen Charlotte Islands-July 4, 18 ss. Pr. Charles 10 p.m. From Queen Charlottr Islands July 16, 31 ss. Pr. Charles ajn. For Alaska-Wednesday ss. P. Rupert 1 p.m. Ss. Prince Robert 1 p.m. From Alaska-Monday ss. Pr. George 9 a.m. July 28 ss. Prin. Alice p.m! From Skrena River Friday ss. Cardena pm, FOOTBALL THURSDAY, JULY 3d, Dominion Dairy vs. Legion Tuesday, July ;a, jjj, Ready For Transatlantic Service ' '4 ' j " j ,T The first of the great new Imperial Airways flying bcati which will be used on day and night flights on the empire routes, including the new transatlantic service, recently .madt it"? first appearance at the Short factory in Rochester EnsLanl where 28 are being built The ships will carry 26 passengers bag-age and ma2l at a cruising spetd of 150 miles an hour They tr said to be the last word ln aerodynamic efficiency The above photo shows the advanced streamlining of the new chip. This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Preserving Supplies Sealers and Jars, Rubber Rings, Jar Capi, Parowax, Preserving Kettles, Copper Boilers, Preserving Racks ME1MDA CrI The new method for sealing jams, jellies and pickles. No wax to melt, ho caps to buy. Easy to apply, easy to remove, per package of -i ftp 2 dozen A GORDON'S HARDWARE Mcltride Stre hone 311 TheRsh which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. I'KINCE RUPERT, B.C. The Daily News is a member of the Canadian Dag Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of tW Audit Bureau of Circulations. It is the only paper nortfi of Vancouver and west of Edmonton hnldintr membership m these organlzationa.