Prince Rupert Overcast, calm; arometer, juuo; temperature, on; v . nu, i u, icholls spoke of the lmport- 1 'ulC 1IHUWUV iiuituiA I 1 1 1 lL f IWlilKi IrAMAW V . HMntamt V nanraec nn nn at nn i n i npnrpinn w i heir market, which he was . . f 1 L 1 - 1 i i . Ill OUT AUU r.U WansvJ ..on and he urged ui. and c'her members to con-the (mm. prcient policy, ami."." out a policy of re- Bon of lishlng there was' Bl t3 be sacrifices on the! of the Iishermen and this I be borne In mind In Iram-K future policies. It was a dlf-I Problem and he hODed the plcslon would have In mlnd I sacrifices and try to give fcs were high the city was ircrous and whsn the nrlces H 41 -1 1 .. a I .1 vrVat, b iuw uie ciiy BuiiuiLu. iw i W fortunate In having many lAl nr. n 1 V. I U mntnM re white men came there was Mr to have been eighty thous- Indians living on the adjac-shores, ! all living on fish. Two he five great rivers of the Inanf 1 nmnttnrl B and he was glad the minister pc his way here at the first. Bible opportunity. He believed V hart pnnH hnlrnssmpn at iwa, They had recognized the artance of this place by voting ilderable sums of money for cadets headquarters, for fish- en's floats 'and for the Post ce bulldlnc Ttp hnrwd more of ice uuperi. Mr. Michaud Michaud. In oDenlnc. said yas authorized to extend greet- irom irom the the people people of of the me cast cast OPERATING Big Run ol Sockeye at Rivers Inlet Local III vers Holding There were two hundred and lifty Rill net boats fishing tor sockeye salmon in Klvcrs Inlet on Sunday night, according to reports received at the Dominion fisheries olficc here today. A big run was on and the general 'Jit year with slightly ln-i average oi me ooais was i-o prices and he hoped would j "sh. The most ol the Iishermen hoft.r novt vAar Thi mat-, there were Irom the Bella Coola dcDletlon was being well and Fllznugh bouna aisincis, Namu cannery is taking all the . - f OT1 I 111 1 11 i..V unimissiuii ua a icouiutuit ttJvlfles of which there were! of sockeye fishing at Kivers In fo indications which pointed' let. hdULi improvement. He paid I The sockeye run is still hold-fem Ibutc to the work ol I ing up as well as can be expected lahcrmen as much consldera-a:; possible so that the pre-Reneratlon might benefit. y Commissioner Alder cxten-ii cordial welcome to the vlsl-;to Prince Rupert. This was Ilr:t time they had had the rtunit.y of welcoming a mln- r, t 1 . . V. 1 1 rm f I Vi n .1 l p the first minister of the Rnfe government to visit the B Tl V. . -I A i mice Kupen was ut-jjenu-on the fisheries. When the on the Skeena and Naas Kivers with the boats averaging about thirty-seven fish in both areas yesterday. GOVT PUTS ministers would come to terest. UP REWARD Will Pay $500 For Information Leading to Arrest and Conviction of Fur Robbers VICTORIA, July. 28: (CP) -The provincial government yesterday offered a reward of $500 for Information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons involved In the recent $32,000 lur mhherv from the post of the Hud son Bay Co. at Fort Nelson In the Peace River district.. M00NEY IS TESTIFYING Says He Will Oescribe In Detail How He and Warren innings Were Framed" r waters near Prince Rupert.. .Rm July 28:- ENaas and the Skeena. He felt l -' ; .. ' habeas K - .. j. i-rhmnnR Moonev. In nis naDtas .no rcsou ces or me i - to vlew s wlth a va cventuanv compel auen-"-"1"" ' 7 . ... I . 1 nnCDfl fn being released from San Quentln penitentiary where ne is BeiyB nr. fipnumce as a result of the Preparedness Day bombings in ' . . 4A ...111 (nlfa thO Market Street in iio, w" "- stand himself this wcck, n to describe In detail how he and Warren K. Bil inc cu-, c "framea." lings were a result, Is taking on ici.Cu DEPOT AIDS FISHERMEN PORT AUX BASQUES, Nfld. of a Establishment Julv 28: ( CP .t hpm has shown many , u- f ; . . fisnrmen nose of the west. He had heard , aavuu.b he . . rf 'xince Rupert and Skeena con- after halibut on lency from Mr. Hanson, who Port au ha er b b een i taken advantage of every op- Port aux Basques funlty to point out the ad- tried before at g, Erring ages of his home town. Most year. becau ne members in the House wnicn ot-a. . 'could not be securea. (Continued on Page Four) jVJCTOR.V. Hails Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides She .... (8 A.M.) High 10:21 a.m. 14.6 5I1UW3 (.lie lUi tiliunwiu NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISft COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1936 .u ti-uiov. uc of rvwnmnnc wad tlti bv a foreign affairs reDresentatlve that Hellgo- the consent of England. This" strategic Island, land l&nd was was being Deing refortlfled reiortincu by oy ucrniauj Germany without wiwiuuw wuniiv 'b'u"ui - 0 the world war. Top Is one of he big guns Deing taxen irum iu eiiijiiatt-mcm,. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .35. Big Missouri, .59. Bralorne, 7.70. B. R. X., .14. Cariboo Quartz, 1.75. Dentonla, .17. Dunwell, .04. Golconda, .10y2. Mlnto, .50. Meridian, .07. Morning Star, .02. National Silver," .03 (ask). Noble Five, .02V2. Pend Oreille, 1.00 (ask). Porter Idaho, .04. Premier, 2.68. Reeves McDonald, .06. Reno, 1.25. Relief Arlington, .33 Vi. Salmon Gold, .08 Vi. Taylor Bridge, .09 Vi. Wayside, .10. Oils A. P. Consolidated, .14. Calmont, .13 V2. Toronto Beattle, 1.49. Central Patricia, 4.55. Chlbougamau, 1.82. Gods Lake, 1.16. Int. Nickel, 51.15. Lee Gold. .05 Vi. Little Long Lac, 6.45. McKenzle Red Lake, 2.05. Perron, 1.32. Pickle Crow, 7.60. Red Lake Gold Shore, 2 05. San Antonio, 2.34. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.60. Slscoe, 4.30. Smelters Gold, .07. Sturgeon River, .45. Ventures, 2.35. McCleod Cockshutt, 4.50. Hardrock, 3 40. Oklend, .44. Mosher, .72. Bousquet, .HVfc. Bidgood Klrkland, 1.70. Gllbec, .06Vis. Jowsey, .16. Madscn Red Lake, .69. May Spires, .56. Wendigo, .18. Wlnoga Patricia, .32. . Sullivan, 1.B8. Stadacoha; .61. Howey, .90. CIVIL WAR IS VICIOUS Fierce Fighting in Spain Refugees Evacuating King Edward Cancels Trip Rebels Confident Say They Will Reach Madrid In Three Days British Ship Shelled MADRID, July 28: (CP) Vicious fighting broke out anew yesterday on distant fronts of the Spanish civil war while British and Am erican refugees were being eva cuated Irom their crowded embas sies In Madrid. The government Drovlded a special train to take British and United States relugees to Alicante where they will pre sumably board a British destroyer, Toledo reported a fierce battle In nroercss. Leftist Spain struck at the stubborn eleven-day rebellion with gloves off today, sending new fleets of bombing planes to blast out Insurgent garrisons and ex plode ammunition dumps In the Quadarrama Mountains which guard this beleaguered capital. In the Guadarramas, however, rebels predicted they would reach Mad rid in. three days. King's Plans Changed LONDON. July 28: (CPi--King Halibut Arrivals Summary American None. Canadian 80,000 pounds, md 5.5c to 8.4c and 5.5c. Canadian Johanna, 8,000, 8c and Ronth. Kaien, 16,000, 7.7c and 5.5c, Cold 3torage. Cape Race, 2,000, 8c and 5.5c, 3ooth. P. Dorreen, 24,000, 8.4c and 5.5c, old Storage. Melville, 18,000, 8.4c and 5.5c, Pacific. Today's Weather Electric Strike in Mexico Einasjin Settlement is Reached Between Companies and Employees Low ,belng only eighteen. Majorities for government candidates in prac-itlcally all constituencies they held 'previously were cut down and Pre-Jmler Bracken saw his majority of 'twenty In the last Legislature -.'slipping away. There was a possibility that no party would have a j clear majority. 1 Hon. W. R. Clubb, minister of ' I public works, and Hon. I. B. Grif ' nine fiths, minister mmiernr m of health, npn M were ut'rt re- I M Cape Spear, 12,000, 7.6c and 5.5c, elect;d j g jjcDtaTOld. mln- Uln I . ... . Atlin ister of natural resources, ana tion niDee but Minister of Education. Hoey appeared likely to lose in St. Clements. Premier John Bracken and Provincial Treasurer E. A. Mc pherson are candidates In the deferred elections on August 21. The runaway of L. St. George Stubbs, Independent, 1 ' In the voting i - LONDON, July 28: Sir Arnold Theirler. veterinary scientist of International repute, died Saturday. He became famous for his Hit U J l8ht against diseases of animals East Africa. WAR WIDOW DIES vlsdtlnc her husband's erave in ,n,-YTro pttv .Tulv 28: An France durlne the Vlmy Pilgrimage, Edward has cancelled his plans for j & ment having becn reached Mrs, Roslna Kemp of Calgary died a holiday at Cannes on the French: , mmnanloa and work-. today aboard the liner Antonla of Riviera because It would add to the 1 . 10.da-v electrical workers', a heart attack. responsibilities ol the French gov- . pomp lo n end eminent as a result of the Spanish I gervjcc has been restored to nor- civu war. , GIBRALTAR, July 28: (CP) m ! -V. 3 flva nn '.AnArt aA I DlUUUMlt:U UllU 1C i t Jui here to be sweeping Southern Spain. TVio ninnH ftt.i'ampr ' nihpl flprsa 1UU1. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, . July 28: (CP) reported at Gibraltar today that 1 Wheat was quoted at 92Vic on the shells had exploded close to her Vancouver market yesterday, ad-bows on crossing from Tangier. ' vanclng to 938c today. It. 21:54 p.m. 17.9 It. 3:50 a.m. 7.1 It. 15:20 p.m. 105 It. PRICE: 5 CENTS inr tin ? n r rw inr wxi nn i iwt, n i IBLiiALd LLAU LUl iiV mAMlVBA Dinner, Gives Only Address Of I His Visit to Prince Rupert J. E. Michaud Suggests Larger Population Neces-Knrv In Maintain Structure Built For I Fifty Millions st. pveniner Hon. J. E. Michaud, federal minister of . m ww a n 1 1 i i T A H iT i 1 eries; Dr. VV. A. r ouna, deputy minister ; o. n. ivioiner-? Mpf Kiinervisor of fisheries for the Pacific and H. ..:.,,! VnrrlTrrnrVior ?n pVinrrrp nf siirvpv vnrl nn . , TniM inin vi rara miucrc (it nnnnr M I u uanL. l. ii u a w. - - t - is. ppnerai manacer iu -:- nv LI1P UbUll hUVDhO - M TV a Olof Hanson MJ'. ana r-tntivcs of the Ilshcries ln- r the boat owners, me nsn- i and others. At the close' . i a . ntu speeches. Lull V JWAAAl Heligoland, Which May Get New Nazi Guns Bracken Government Is Back in Office With Slim Majority Ascendency is Not comparable With That it Enjoyed Before Dissolution Conservatives Form Chief Opposition WINNIPEG, July 28: (CP) Returns received up to late this morning in the Manitoba general provincial election indicated the return to power of Premier John Bracken's Liberal Progressive government with a small majority nothing like the standing at dissolution when it held thirty-six out of fifty-five seats. Of fifteen seats which had denniteiy reported i'.d to midnight, the government had taken eleven, Conservatives lour and Independent one. Up to that time the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation, which had five members in the last House, had failed to elect a single member nor had Social Credit fared any better although it was expected rural ridings, returns from which were delayed, would probably elect soma of these groups. Different Picture Today The government nl Premier John Bracken, however, seemed to be losing seats today to Conservative and auu Social uuvmi wbut Credit candidates, the ihown on the jnap above, was :ede.d to. Oerraarjy y. Great Britain In 1830. The air view ;beloyj Progressive, totol ot members elec (tndlsated .i.iu.uitu bv crosses) - which Germany was forced" to dismantle after ted ted UD ud to to a a late late hour hour this this mornini morning Lead Trimmed BBBHjyyg . . ,P, vbVbVBf' a bHI Hon. John Bracken, Premier of Manitoba since 1922 BUSINESS IS , IMPROVING W. J. Major, attorney general, Forces of Recqvery Steadily Work- seemed likely to be elected In Win- j ing in United States Today WASHINGTON, D.C.. July 28: The Federal Reserve Board and American Federation of Labor, in separate reports find the forces of recovery are resulting In Improved business conditions. Industrial lUUUOlilUl production, piuuuvvtwit vniivj employ- In WlnninPET WAS A highlight Of thelM nrHtirf nrrnfncf a . I ' I O a o Hit 1 i L- ailU biUVi.. " i, Muwv w TrlDle Island Cloudy, showery, voting. Removed three years ago usuai seasonal decline at this . . 1 . 1 1 I . UnwnwnAnv ( V. n " rntift hannh ho . . . , i . llgnt SOUtneaSu Wlliu, uttiuuicici, 41U111 tc vwuhvjt wuui v , 29.90; sea smooth. topped the Winnipeg poll to set a Langara Island Cloudy, light record of 24,571 first choices. Win- to moderate easterly wind; mod-j (Contlnued on Paee Fouri erate cnop. Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, f t light northerly wind; barometer, f ainOuS Y Cl IS 30.08; temperature, 62; sea smooth. 1 Terrace Clear, calm, 59. Alice Arm Clear, calm, 60. Stewart Foggy, calm, 57. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 64. Smithers Clear, calm, 55. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm, 51. Dead in London Sir Arnold Theirler Achieved Distinction For Work in Africa time, maintained May levels during Juns, the Federal Reserve Board reported. The American Federation of Labor says the "force of recovery" has now gained enough strength to prevent any serious setback from political uncertainties next fall. Business news, it said, points towards a stronger fall pick-up than expected. DESTROYER DUEJT0DAY No Definite Report up to Early ' Afternoon, However, of U.S.S. Litchfield LONDON, July 28: (CP) After! U.S.S. Litchfield, flagship of a BAR SILVER squadron of nine United States Navy destroyers which is on an Alaska cruise, Is expected to ar rive in Prince Rupert today for a brief visit but, up to early this afternoon the ship had not arrived nor was there any definite report as to her time of arrival. As far as can be learned, the liltchfield will J tAZ Zee! ' very short time as was unchanged y at 4434c per ounce J Is to the rest of her squad. on the today. New York metal market Tonight's train, diiejrom the east she join ron at Discovery Cove tomorrow. Capt. J. H. Ingram Is In command of the squadron and Lieut. W. E. at 10:20, was reported two hours , Moore is commanding onicer ol tne late this morning. I Litchfield. .w. .