pao form AmTime folia Time "SALADA LAND ACT TEA GREYHOUND SUICIDE BRISBANE, Aust Oct. 16: (CP) "Ain Polk," a racing greyhound being transferred by air from Brisbane to Sydney, chewed its way through the fabric of an airplane and leaped to his death. Quality Prict'S - Service jed by Randolph Scott, Bruce Cabot, at MUSSALLEM'S EGGS Alberta C 3 doz BUTTER Alberta 14-lb. box BUTTER Third Grade 3 lbs MUSSALLEM'S COFFEE Fresh ground, per lb MUSSALLEM'S TEA per lb 79c $3.89 43c to Our FREE GIFT COUPONS, to ur FREE GIFT COUPONS. SAVE THEM MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE CEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and en.d.-rsed "Tender tr.r Wharf and Shed Extension, New Massett, B.C.." will be received urvll li o'cliM-k noon, Friday, November (. 1036, Icr the construction of a whatf and shed extension and repair at New Maseett, Queen CharloM Islands, Skeena District. B.C. Plans, form of contract and specification can be seen and forms of tender oV.ihied at the office of the Chief Engineer Department of Public Works, Ofawa, at the offices of the District Engineer, Port Office Bluldlng, New Westminster B.C.; also at the Pos. Offices at New Masett, B.C., and ' Prince RujOTt, B.C. Tenders wUl not be ccns!dtred units-, ir.ade on printed forms supplied by the Department and, in accordance with conditions s?.t forth therein. Each tender nvut be acromranled bv e certified cheque on a chartered bank Vi Canada, payable to the order of the Urncurable the Mtnki'er cif Publls Works, equal to 10 (percent of ths amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds cf the Dcmlnlen of Canida or of the Canadian National Railway Company Its constituent companies, uncon ditional guaranteed as to rrinclriai ' and Interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the aforementioned bonds atd a certified cheque If required to make up an odd amount. VOTE: The D.partmenit will supply blue, prints and RpeflflMtlcns of th: wcrK on deport of a sum cf $10.00, in the form of" a certified bivnk cheque .payable"td-Ui order of th MtnUttr i" Public Wcrks. The deposit wilt bo released on return of the blue prints -1 i?cincat'.-n within a month f"ctn ths date cf reception of tender! If not returned within tha.t period tV. deposit wUl be forfeited. By order. J. M. SOMERVILLE Secretary. D-partmewt ct Public Works, Ottawa, October 6, 1936. Notice of Intention to Apply to Im I jiii (I In the Prince Rurert Land Recording District of Range 4, Coast land DUtT.rl and situate approximately one rnlle in Southorly direction along the coas: line or Princess Royal Island from Red Fern Point, a id Red Fern Point bel.. ( approximately four miles ln a Westerly direction from Barnard Oove. I Take Notice that Han Hansen of I Prince Rupert. B.C., occupation Flati Packer Intends to apply for a lease of t following described land. Com-1 rnenctng at a pout planted at hlgti v-atrr mark on the chore-line In the middle of a bay being approximately one mile South of Red Fern Point thence three chains North-EaM; thence fifteen chains East thence five chalm South, thence fifteen chains West, thence Northerly to the nearest point at lew water, thence following low water, to a point opposite .the Initial post and containing .five acres, more or 1cm. , HANS HANSEN Dated 13th day of October, 1836. ACCIDENTS ao4 REAL EPIC OFSCREEN "Last of the Mohicans" Being Presented at Capitol Theatre This Week-End Depicted by a rplendid cast head- Binnle Barnes and Heather Angel, colorful characters of James Fenl-moi2 Cooper's famous story, "The Last of the Mohicans," come to warm and pulsatlnp life on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here at the end of tills week. Scott plays the part of Hawkeye, the primitive man of the forest whom Cooper made his hero in this document of early American his- QQp'tory. Lovely Binnie Barnes Is ideality cast as the British colonel's OAn daughter who loves him. Henry rival for the girl's heart. Bruce Ca bot, with shaved scalp and scalp- GILLESPIE MAID CEREAL Con- lock, makes a perfect renegade In- talns wheat, rye, oats, flax; 4-lb. pkg SWEET POTATOES 4 lbs. UPRIVER TURNIPS 10 lbs SUNKIST GRAPEBTIUIT 4 for ORANGES Australian, Medium, 3 doz. SPANISH ONIONS 4 lbs jter of Alice, her death leap from the heights of the cliff being one of the thrills of the picture. Philip Reld hi Uncas, the "Last of the Mohicans." Robert Barrat, Hugh Buckler and Willard Robertson are other important members of the cast. "The Last of the Mohicans" is said to be one of the great epics of the screen. ANALYZED aixty percent 01 16: More than motor Hacelderits happen ori straight (:rpads or !at open: road bends with1 good ;"sigrxt- "imj'.r linp!.', lines." sixty RK-fV percent. flPff-Artt rJirtr occUr ' conditions fK?er)' flii&t and APPRECIATED HIS CLUB ed iSerits, they are' dlscrosed in the kln- istry of Transport's report on faal accidents In 1935. The report confirms that young children between five and seven Is the most dangerous age for chll-ren and elderly people form the larger number of pedestrians killed. It also brings out that Sunday Is the day of fewest accidents, and that most of them occur on Saturday. Pedal-cyclists and motor-cyclists i are found to be responsible for more accidents than any other class of drivers. The number of children killed, the report states, is particularly disturbing. More than ten percent oi tne pedestrians killed (314) were under the age of five years, while 541, or more than seventeen ner cent, were between five and eleven years of age, the period when chll- aren usually begin to go about without Immediate supervision but lack experience From Monday to Friday, the most dangerous hour is between 5 and 6 p.m., and the second most dan gerous between 10 and 11 p.m. lAJiNUUN, Oct. 16: (CP) The me Lord Wargrave, financier and former M.P., left $50,000 to Rea- inald Harry Cale, secretary of the uonsuuitional Club. SCARED rUMLS TRY AGAIN PWLLHELLI, Wales, Oct. 16. (CPJ Children badly frightened during their arithmetic entrance examinations by vivid lightning are to be allowed to take thefr papers for another trial. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll. Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. I'hone 281 P.O. Box 196 from tneir shoulders. They are definitely on the way. f I am not suggesting thai? any one should go to Stewart rpilimV, for work. There are enoughjraboir-1 ars there already .ahd ?oTrje. $f them wlil be out 6& 'ifcflg Sig)rt In a shont time, bTut. iiotl- tnanvi Most of them will b.' jibsorbid in to other work. v- " f ttlieDnnwell. Mine It norit.vplaiiip .say -aiiy-1 tiuiig. oumu' uhc WUl K. KUU1K "D" JU5I noWij the Salmon River" valley as Mm Wanning to visit that dij- trlcl Within the next few days and pdlsibly! may wTite about i them. I cannot, however, help mentioning one or two of the minor factors ln brlnelne about the present condition of hopeful ness. In the first place a new company was recently formed to operate the Dunwell mine under lease and prove to the world tha'. it is a good mine. It is the Weldon Mining Company with L. S. David son as managing director, N. C. Nelson as president, W. A. Russ- wurm as secretary and W. J. Crawford and E. D. Haddon ay as 5 DAILY HEWS PEOPLE OF STEWART ARE HAPPY THESE DAYS WITH , REAL THINGS GOING ON Chief Among Them is Activity in Connection With Big Missouri Mine (By H. F. Pullen) STEWART, Oct. 16: Today the people of Stewart seem to be the happiest people in the world. After many years of struggle and hardship they feel that they are at last started on the road to prosperity. That is the impression I have formed from a few days spent in the town. In the first place the town is free from debt. The taxes are 'ow, the streets are in good shaptK so Is the firm of Ayrton Cohen & Co. of London, England, who take thfiv total oiitnniit. of the orveratlor. the community prosperous. Whatjunder exCllent rms. 's doing the trick is the action of . The new been op. the Big Missouri owners in going, fhrmiriw. summer ahead with the installation of titurning out concentrates through promised mill, the action of thethe 25. mill and making nic two governments in getUng busyprofits They employ on the comtxuctlon.of the road to about a dozen men and also do a the mine, the action of the Pre-certaln amount of customs smelt-mler Mining Company in forming !.ng Just now are vuk Mti Bnin, Mijit Ere u new juDci. $260.00 Statement Shows Low Vote Cost Did Not Cost Former Judge Stubbs Much to be Elected WINNIPEG, Oct. 16: (CP) for nolline a vote surolus at a Factors Responsible For Return of Prosperity Outlined psmaii cost in the Manitoba general ana me council seems 10 oe aa- j,,wre .rMu,, .itv, hm ni ministering its amirs -wisely ana economically. But these things would not make ! elections were awarded to Lewis St, G. Stubbs, Independent candidate In the 10-member Winnipeg constituency. A statement of his election expenses revealed a campaign expenditure of $622. He received 24,805 first choices in the proportional representation balloting. His election cost him 2.S cents a vote and on this basis he paid out $440 more than was necessary. Highest expense sheet of 21 candidates to contest the seat was that of Hon. W. J. Major, K.C., attorney general in Premier John Bracken's Liberal-Progressive cabinet whose campaign cost $2,678. nrnZrtvVZ TiL It Vf 1 r tnrougii 200 tons of ore from the ladln Lake where they consider n 11 Ll l?:: Brltish EmPdre mlne which has re- an airport would serve the whole v.k,u,w...UwC.yu..6.nvl;cenU been Drougnt the 1 country to such Lakeview the leas-' as the by D md wh,h should glve a ers. All these things are creating 'f J. retnrn .n thp or,nf,n An. the district and Stewart payrolls 'other sUpment about to be made is benefitting therefrom. tn th. mll, ., ar.nmvim,tj5, ftff,. On my former visits to Stewart frnm t.h Ti in 1933 and on several pre-vlous taken out b H D and occasionj i the residents of Stewart jQ j McFadden,. Incidentally 1 seemed to feel themselves some- may Lakevlev-what under a cloud. They had.ww ..t .., ;ivui iciv guuu juh iiuw anil , , utue money and tne prospects , Unlfced is said to h mm. were not very good Today they ln bacic tato bUc fayor still have not much but money Tesult o( the WOfk d they feel thattheir turn has come ..f Whlle st8Wart pfe and they see before them a period fven d of th: tances-: ther would be nrf great :; 6 elatlcS$iJr.;th present outlook V : . but theijwii.sJ waiting has been I one rahdA friwrfe and thev feel! now aY;lta burden had been lifted net few years, they still expect it to be a real factor in the development of their port. Another ambitious scheme of wheh some of them dreams the extension of the roa.1 up the Bear River Valley to Mez the north Including the Yukon. In the meantime the more practical .citizens are turn ing their attention to the estab lishment of a winter airport a few mues irom town from which an air service with the Unuk country could be kept up constantly throughout the winter, the planes using skis. No mention Is being made Just now of the lesser operations in the district,- all of which are being very helpful and should tend to make the camp more prosperous in the future. Try a Daily News classified ad SOUTH TO VANCOUVER a"" - mm v t Calling 4 Ocean Fall! arid Powell River t 3 v5 c i 1 1 Steamer: leaves PRINCE' RUPERT . I f ' every Thursday, l0:3() p.m. Canadian National Steamships LMl HIM I .wn"mr VB Maoie Veie Modal 1SX-1 J. Ji i a it ,iet a, RCA VICTOR Tie five tone pipei of the Macie Voice, visible proof of the cotdier con-traction which gon into this RCA Victor Kidio to provide the livinjr woo-drr at Mnic Vttett , , tulio'i new voice cf absolute fttliim. otJ937miL MAGIC VOICE V8-36 THE VERY LATEST IN FINE FURS AT GOLDBLOOM'S Everyone looks well in furs. They give a feclinc of superiority that cannot be achieved in any other way. Coldbloom's furs look rich, stylish, superior. Look them over and try them on before deciding to buy. "REMEMBER YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD" HERE u real Magic ... the Magic Voice! This 19J7 addition to the dw Magic Brain was achieved by sweeping changes in set design . . . enabling this new RCA Victor Radio to speak in a dear, new yoke . . . beautiful as only true fidelity can be beautiful. Tratel-ling through the tonal corridor of the fire silvery pipes, sound loses all mechanical quality. Hear the Magic Voice in ow showrooms and know the pletawe of hearing radio as you bare always hoped it might bn . . . judge how richly the Magic Voice deserres its name. And remember in cabinets I orel if r tha ever, there are many other RCa Victor models striking a new high in value and performance. Easy terms. Three models feature Sialic Voice ami oftcovMiL Vancouver City Council Decides To Hold Tax Sale VANCOUVER. Oct. 16: On the casting vote of Acting Mayor G. C. Miller, the city council of Van- convpr decided vesterday to held a tax sale on November 29. Aid. I D. Macdonald said he might take steps to appeal the decision of the council. BANKRUPT, BUSIES HOPPERS SYDNEY, Aust, Oct. 16: (CP- Sairrz Rrasshoppers ate all the wheat ln his district, and his busi ness relied on the fanners, bankrupt motorcar dealer rie clared ln court his assests were negligible. YoO don't knowhowdeliciously crijp and fresh corn flakes can be until you've tried Kellogg's. A patented heat-sealed waxtite inner wapper brings them to your table oven-fresh! Givo your family the best. Insist bn Kellogg's the world's most popular Corn Flakes. Nothing takes the place of CORN FLUKES JONES Family Market PHONE 957 Specials VEAL Leg of Veal, 6 Jbs. 5 lbs. Spuds PUONE 951 Fillet Roast of Veal-per lb Boned and Rolled Snoulder Veal, 4 lbs Veal Steak 3 ibs ; Veal Chops 3 lbs. BEEF Round Steak 3 lbs .. Sirloin Steak 3 lbs Prime Rib Roll, 4 lbs. & 5 lbs. Spuds Pot Roast 6 lbs Rump Roast of Beef per lb Any Cut of Daby Beef per lb Rolled Shoulder of Lamb per lb Rolled Shoulder of Mutton per lb Leg of Mutton per lb Mutton Chops 3 lbs Fresh Killed Chicken per lb $1.00 20c LAMB AND MUTTON 50c 50c 50c 40c 50c 75c 50c 15c 15c 20c 15c 18c 50c 30c COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT , FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE To insure comfort and restful sleep, sleep on a Slumber King" Spring anil Innersprlng Mattress which bears Simmons famous bedding name. 327 Thfrd Ave. Phone 775 rwn t i ; i li a ijn translate to thVscreen Crisl'' beloved by million?" ng on it all their alV sources . , . givi ftreat duction of the fiVt t pr-tude making out lously thrilling eWrtain 1 7 N001M scon INN II BARNES HtNir uurnYAu 4v tiiLvvAun U' Directed b Ceoroe I.Siili An CDWAID SMAll ProdiKtio A .llano lilite leleated thru United AtiiHi ' (At 7:41 & 9:541 News - Musical - Cartoon (Last Complete Show 9:131 DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CKEAM In Vi-Oallons and Gallon VALENTIN DAIRY PnONE 657 PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye JjUTYIJ PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert, Hyde Transfer Jasper Telkwa and Black Diamond COAL Dry Wood PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue