16, 1938. ..ailed last- night louncements Ut carnival. Oct her le Carnival Tea, Oct. ...n..,afoi Wnv(ltv Mae. (ro flaw"'" "-v - Moose Hall. UCtooer I (0 Tw. October 31. Lyttrian baaar November , fl. pazaar, Moose Ball No- p ft A. Pazaar, November II Bazaar, M.etpole Ha"-. tieran c. p, Bazaar, December 2. Peter'l Church Bazaar, pec-, L-.gt flppnana.y pance, Pec- ssiFlEn FOR SALE SALE-Chlld's Simmon's crib. b Green 610. (245) ISALE-Buy the best. Bunsen li-jrner. Phone Blacfc 461, iUX $100 violin. Any offer nd. Phone Red 403, (243 ft. trolling boat, 7 15K32 a, 12 h.p. Palmer engine. l Black 963. (24 T) IS Furniture For Sale Ches- m suite. 3 pieces, manei Ik, smoking stand, foot stool 1 lamps, 2 kitchen chairs. pn tahle, ironing board, coal f'Je, clothes rack, Ostermore press, double bed, baby crib niattre&s, dresser, medicine K ke box., call S, J,. Jab. our. (249) p Furniture For Sale-Of flee h Remington typewriter, type p desk; rolled top desk T" pease, electric heater, 3 office P, swivel arm chair, safe IJ3-59" leathe? ronrh flvfl wil- 1 mg, electric fixture. 1Q VP- Ri world book. set;, steel filing W l section. For further uiars pan s. j. jabour. tonice, 13; Residence. 180, WTURE Factorv sarhnies must Jlsweek, Three-room groups, Wsh-grade pieces, guaranteed flW sensational bamaln Jeered In Western Canada- 10 -piece Chesterfield PSt65.0Q; zenulne Walnut Pr Chests-.u sn T.m. if J d- .free. sWage, Write to- r JUUUS Rhnro tf.ll n.A In'., k iiaii wiuvi r". oui ueklns ntrt van in... B'l " ttiuadi '.-.iii'i- lOUUENT PWnwite. Phone Red 444. PERSONAL nm (245) Ighea uaury Huppnes, h44ljuranvlUe. Vancouver The under U,:00. Joined our grounl t f ? ProteJun or loss pf fois y cause' UP to 60 el9r.e.aPUd wlthPul1 m sin "a.minaon, estimated I . uver the Tnn'f .... NKS'S.W,teni Mutual I Kjncouver, B.C. I (tf) i., .'-v m once Nm n 'anTr:1?1 nd other H not dallahted. LOCAL NEWS NOTES ; Canadian Legion IS, E.S.L.. half- p. g. Borland manager of the SJ'-'PiCapltol Theatre' Is This it Uon o officers, (2);noon on the Princess Louise for .' ! Vancouver to attpnrt a pnnvontlnn -1 v Ifhn Porno la n . ' . " ' n Mrs wiumuw a. vv a ita II IK UIl Lfll rf 'ren aw ami- ..... w wi ,T e venule's train for a trin tn n- r.JL Hallowe'en dance, ttrjr, stopping oft at Prince sojv'"-' Oeorze enroute. I ,'Uenry Smith and Tommy Smith i.i ' fllli of Mr anA Mr XT any,, o;iu' pane, PostQH Hau Qcto-. are sailing this afternoon on thr. j Princess Louise fox Vancouver. Charles W. Snell arrived in the .,Uy; on the Prince Rupert last tmw irom aiewart and will leave on tonight's train fox a trin to Montreal Miss Margaret Kergln R N., sails this, afternoon on the Princess Louise for Vancouver, enroute to Toronto, where she will take up .special nursing. . Lady Bowler A meeting will be held at the Alleys on Frida Oct, 16, at a p,m. fox the purpose! Cf forming a ladies1 five pin ka-' gue. All Interested are asked to atjtend. Te presence of last yea- s captains is requested. (243) Mrs. WUllam BUtch Is making a good recovery at the prince Rupert General Hospital, wherp she un-. derwent an operation twelve clay, ago and expects to be able to leave! the institution for her home next Sunday. Rev. Father Maurice British Columbia managers of the Famous Players-Canadian Corporation. He expects to be away about a week. R Rev. E. M. Bunoz O.M.I., Roman Catholic Bishop of Nor, them British Columbia and the Yukon, sails tonight on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver en Wute to Nelson where he will iU tend) the consecration of the new Bishop Johnson of the Kootenay. The Bishop-designate was formerly pastor of the Toronto Cathedral and is a well known churchman. STOPPED -UP .NOSTRILS Aw to colcU. Use Menlholalum lo help open the noslrils and permit freer breathing. Mrs. Olof Hanson arrived In the city on last night's train from Smlthers and will be the guest for c-it,, ,the coming week of Mrs. Q. A, transferred to Buffalo after hav-lBrvant at McMordle Apaxt- ing been located hore for the past:ents- Mr- Hanson Is expected in. year or so as parish priest of the Roman Catholic Church, sails tonight on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver enroute East. George Eckerman and daughter, town fiom evening. the Interior tomorrow Or. O. A. Kvale of Stewart was a passengex aboard the Prince Rupert last evening going through Miss. Georelna Eckerman. sailed last 1 to Vancouver where his marriage night on the Prince Rupert for Ta- j to Miss Mary McRae R.N.,. second, coma where they will pay a visit, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. also planning a trin to California. ' McRae of this city, will take place Returning here about the middle!011 Saturday. Miss McRae, who U of next month, they will be accom-',a graduate of tht local hospital. panted by Mrs. Erkerman who is already In Tacoma. Oapltollans concert-party ffne? .where the me groom-elect Kroom-eiecv is 13 er direcUon of Pr. H. U. j practice of dentistry. Brockjesby repeated the entertainment of Wednesday night at tile Capitol Theatre last night. It acquitted Itself equally as well as on the opening night and was given an excellent reception by a good- sized audience. C. H. Smith, who has been at Hazelton In the service of the fed eral Geological Survey, and F. P. PuVernet and H. A. S. West, who have been In the Vanderhoof district, arrived in the city from the intqripr on. last night's train and sailed on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver on Jhelr way back to .Ottawa. EGGS "B" Grade, In Cartons fas?"4 $i.oo Piece per lb. Sliced nnl 1 Vl Young Veal Rolled Roast per lb. Shoulder Veal 4 lbs. Rump Roast per lb. ureasi 3 lbs. 22c 50c 17c 25c Swift's Cottage Rolls OCp per lb. Back Bacon 28c 32c Ayrshire Bacon 28C per lb. Boston Butts per lb. Butt Chops per lb. Pork Tenders 23c 25c 28c BUTTEH A" Grade Q7C 3 lbs. Steer Beef Pot Roast JOG Cross Arm 12C Prime Rib per lb. 15c Soked. Fresh .nd Shell Fish ' " Aiway has been nursing for some time In California. Following the wedding the couple will reside in Stewart engaged and district with an advertisement in the Pally News. !sk Mrs, ower For Miss EyoJrsen Held Percy Cameron Is Hostess For Popular Uride'Elfft A handkerchief dQlly, shpvver was given at the home of Mrs. P. Cameron last evening in honor of Miss Joan Eyolfsen who is to be married shortly . After1 refreshments, the bride-to-be received many dainty gifts, as well as the good wishes and hearty congratu- latlons, of .all present. Metlakatla 'Girl Become Bride Of Kitimaat Man A pretty wedding took place yesterday afternoon at 2:30 In 6t Andrews Anglican Cathedral, Very Rev. James B. Gibson, the dean, officiating, when Miss Marguerlto Alice Leask, daughter of Mr. ani Mrs. William Leask of Metlakatla, became 'the bride of George J. Robinson of riage by her father. Oecll Robinson was groomsman. Following the ceremony, the bridal party .repaired to the hom of the bride's parents at Metlakatla for a wedding dinner. After, visiting for a while In Metlakatla, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson will leave for Kitimaat to take up residence. British-Israel Address Heard ' By Rotary Club Lieut. Col. J. G. Wright of Vancouver, general secretary of the BrUlsrttlsfael Association of that city, wls the speaker at the regular weekly .luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club. He :spoke on Bmlsh-lsraellsm and proved very Interesting to a good, sized atten dance of members, andiguests. Pre sldent C. V. Evltt was in the chair and the guests, in addition to the speaker were Pr. J. H. Carson, Frank Pibb, Robert Gordon, W. Kaye 'L&ib, , (V??torfa), J. O. An derson, Samuel Massey, Ed. Martin, Robert' Bartlett and. John C. Grelg (Toronto). Used Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged HEATERS BEDS Of all sizes ., KITCHEN KANGES SINGER SEWING MACHINE MUSICAL INSTRU41I&TS, Ten- FIUtCx Etc. Mr- 1 RADIOS, GRAMOPHONES BARBER CHAIR in good .coidU tion NATIONAL. CASH REGISTER D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 42 Third Avenue Wp loan you free a complete Home Permanent Wave Macnmei ior 3 rnonins, ah you need qo Is 'Sertd $3.Dft tegtaver- the. cost, of .snipping and the oil fox $tfmpiete Permanents,-win not harm the west, hair, Any one can guarantee a perfect wave with this machine. No electricity or experience needed. When you have used these supplies more oil can be obtained from us at fifty cents a per- manvu Marvel W Factory 1183 East 41st. Ave. Vancouver, D.O. Hotel Arrivals T-' Royal . , , I C. Lany. Invernefis'.irO.'Paiumbo' and M. Johnston, C.N.R.. J -i ' i Prince Kupcrt II. J, Wells, J. Merllees, J. II. Mprgan andi J. MpKagu Vancou-. ver: H. W. Chambsrs, Klemtu; G.j H. "iycho, Smlthers; C.; Sawyer! and family, Salvus; o. t. Sundat, Terrace. Savoy R, Q. Cunningham, Port Esslng-n ton; s. Chris Nelson, . George Robinson and John Walker, city'; Mr. and Kirs William Leask and C. Leask, Mstlakatla. Rev. Canon W. F. Rushljrook is. ieavipg on. this evening's train lor a trip to Kltwanga, C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. S. K. Gray, making her final voyage of the season on the Alaska route before being replaced for the winter by the Princess. Norah, ar-. rived In port at 2:45 this afternoon, from Skagway and other northern Kitimaat.' The bride, i points and will sail at 4:30 for Van- who wore white satin with train coirver via Ocean Falls, making a and hat to match and carried a beautiful bouquet, was attended by her sister, Miss Hazel Leask, as bridesmaid. She was given In mar special call at the latter point to, load paper. flE GOT TO $CKU& I OUTTHETPIIEX I I f BORLAND HOW J I r r riiilMli I rn BETTER USE 1 SILLETTjTLyE 1 AND FfcU5H OFF J NO NEED TO RUB AND SCRUB Gillett's Pure Flake Lye takes oil those ugly yellow stains and won't harm enamel or plumbing. Once a week, pour it full strength down toilet howls and drains. It kills germs, banishes odora. as it cleans. Freea trap and drainpipe from obstructions. And use: Gillett's Lye bv solution for all kinda of heavy cleaning tasks. It eais dirt. ; Saves you hard work. Always keep a tin on handt Ncr dlMolf l;a In hot vter. The action ul the y ltMl hut tha water. FREE BOOKLET The Glitett't Lya Booklet tU iloicni of waya thia powerfvl claanwr iul dUlnfcctant makee houaa-work catlar. Alao trlla how to maka SooJ aoap at homa aiul tlrea helpful Information on farm aanltatlon. Wrlta fur a ra copy to Standard Hranda Ltd., Prater Ate. & Liberty St., Toronto, Out. BRA QOOO OR ONE, f UlU-5l?te PACKAGE Qf vao a nova d s mmm Any Jlavor, wifi purrfiaat of four poktU of rt$ ular prlco Hi.tr rovoci . IAMNO tovu TIA . COTFl , VKU fXTRATS BBAID.TQGK & COMPART Lti. VAHCOUVt. I C TO hM. Uck Ca, IM. JfLLY POWDER HAND THIS COUPON, TO YOUR GROCER jester yv u a PLAIN JANE wJIM EVERY MORNING AT 3 '35 SOAP SPECIALS Helena Rubenstein Soaps ACNE SOAP Regular $1.40 QQn Special ;, BLEACHING SOAP Regular $1.65 Q4 Special 9Xt . COMPLEXION SOAP Regular 55 c A4 p Special XV EGG COMPLEXION SOAP Regular S1.10 Qn Special GLYCERINE PUMICE SOAP -f An " per cake . ........ WOODBURY'S FACIAL S0AP-- per cake t ....... . . . . . X W 3 for ..,,.25q ROSE HARMONY SOAP ffp large cake .tlv Ormes Lia. 'Jha Pto.necr Pruxigiat (be Recall, Blor Phones: 81 & M Open: Uatly From 8 .m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 pm (Ill J p.m Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S.. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJH Due. Vancouver, Thursday pan. T.S.S. CARDENA FItlDAY, 10:30 PJtf. Due Vancouver, Monday ami ROUND TRIP FARE leaving Sunday 8 ;00, PJL. calling Pt Simp-son, Stewart, Anyox, Naas River retornlns' Tuesday, $14.40 Further Intormatlon regarding sailings and tickets from . R, M. SAHTII, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5W Canadian Pacific To Vapcodver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SS. "Princess. Adelaide" every Friday at 10 p.ni. To Vancouver direct SS. "Princess Louise," Oct. 4th, 16th. SS. "Princess Norah," Oct. 25th. Nov. 3rd,. 19th. To Ketchikan, WfangcU, Juneau and Skagway SS. "Princess Louise," Oct. 12th. SS. "Princess. Norah," Oct. 21st, 30th. Nov. lfjth, 29th. For Information and Reservations W. L. CJOATES, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. Tv 11. i-i ?7.t The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert' Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lti HUNCH RUPERT, f mi mi 'Al it rrr - -