HAVE YOUR CHILDREN FITTED with Jfa.ck.and Jfi 11 PAT. IM HEALTH SHOES by the VISIBLE Fitting System This exclusive fitting method tells the whole story of correct fitting. ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per men, per insertion .... Classified advertising, ner word. r Inwrtlnn Local readers, per insertion, per line . . Advertising and Circulation. leUyuun News Department Telephone DAILY EDITION Union steamer Catala,, Capt., James. Flndlay, arrived in port at 0;45 last evening from the south and sailed at 8 p.m, for ,Stewart, Anyox and other northern, points whence she will return here Tues day morning, sailing at 1:30 in the afternoon for .Vancouver' and way- points. The Catala made- a special call at Inverness cannery before l coming in here with R. G. John ston, manager, Mrs. Johnston, E. C. Bayliss, storekeeper. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Keiser and other mem bers of the staff of the cannery on board: Other cannery people coming north on the Catala included W. E. Walker, manager of Arran dale cannery, and P. Fothering ham, foreman; George F. Harris, manager of Mill Bay cannery, J P. McMillan, foreman; Al Lawsori storekeeper, relieving Watson Noble, who is on a year's vacation and V..J. Foss, formerly of Anypx wno is to be accountant at Mill " Bay. Coming north to Namu on the! : Catala -were H. V. Morehouse, dis-J trict manager for the B. C. Pack ers. and A. Hamilton crilef accountant. Three schooners from Area No. 3 marketed halibut catches totalling 97,000 pounds, in Seattle-. Saturday, prices being up, 2c. The three boats, .all. of. which, reported extremely . heavy weather on the homeward run, were; Helgeland. 34,000jj pounds, Sebastian-Stuart Fish. Co.', 8c and 7V?cj Arrow, 3&00Q pounds, Washington Fish, it Oyster Co,, 8?c and 7'icr Lltuya', 28.00D pounds, Boot! Fisheries,; 8c and 7,2c. ' ! Halibut boats going out yester- COMPLETE SATISFACTION IN FIT, STYLE, WEAR AND VALUE $1.65 to $3.00 The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue Member of Audit Bureau, of Circulations WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Snagboat Bound For Naas River , Cannery Staffs Arrive on Catala Algie Due Back From Vancou-. ver. Capt. J. D. Watson brought his snag scow Esslngtori from the Skeena River Thursday night and Is scheduled to leave 'for the Naas: River today. He will clean up that river In about five weeks after which he will be back to the Skeena. day were Phone '357 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managlng-Edfcor si SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery., by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance . By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week - . -Bj mall to all other countries, peijyear , -. .,, 86 Armour Salvage Co.'s power tug senal 0. from the south. C.P.R. steamer Princess Norah, southbound from Skagway to Vancouver, is due 'in port, at 3:45 this afternoon and will continue ner voyage at 5 p.m. CONSTRUCTS TINY VIOLIN RAYMORE, Sask., April 13: (CP) A perfect miniature vinlln weighing less lhan two ounce.?, has been completed by Max Lang, wno makes a hobbv of carving the tiny Instruments. The model, complete -with case, weighs 14 grams by itself, and. in the civic one and three quarter ounces. The three weeks' strike of unem ployed here came to an end at the end of the week, the workers giving up their demands. Detroit Wins Stanley Cup; - -. j-j : li-nz RED CHAMPIONS Defeated Toronto Maple teats 3 To 2 Saturday Night TORONTO, April 13: (CP) Detroit Red Wings wop the, world's professional hockey championship trophy, the Stanley Cup, Saturday light They came up from a goal jfihlnd to. band the Toronto Maple Leafs a 3 to 2 defeat in the fourth game of the best out of five (series. Detroit had won the first two games and the Leafs the third. Primeau opened the scoring In the first period for Toronto as the Leafs held off Detroit. The Wings, however, broke through In the middle period, Ebbie Goodfellow and Marty Barry scoring. Kelly added another for Detroit in the final session and Toronto wound up the scoring as Bill Thorns blaste'd the puck in. SUNDERLAND i K WINMEB Northern Team Takes English i ., League Football Championship For First Time Since 1912 1.4U I - LONDON, April 13: (CP) Sun- .02 derland captured the English 55 i Football League championship to-fday when the northern team itrounced Birmingham 7 to 2 In a S&.ui. first division encounter at E!r- it 8.00 mlngham. It is Sunderland's championship since 1913. Today's Old Country football scores were as follows: t. Port Essington and Jessie Island nesday 0 first English League First Division Birmingham 2, Sunderland 7. Brentford 4, Everton 1. f ucroy county 1, Chelsea 1. Monday, April 13, 19361 Leeds United 1, Manchester City I ' Liverpool 4, Blackburn Rovers' 1 Annabelle, Cape Spear; 'MMdlpsKrriimh 5. shpffiptn w. No. 2. Those going out today arej Prestou Northend nenei, loome, unome, Mother II, 'Wanderers 0 P. Doreen and Joe Baker. 1. Bolton Stoke City 1, Grimsby Town 0. , West Bromwich Albion 1. Ar- Algie, Capt. Reg Green, which has! Wolverhampton Wanderers 2. been on a trip to Vancquver with Aston Villa. 2. a Davis raft of logs from Blllmor, Scoitish League First Division mill at Porpoise Harbor, is due back in port tomorrow or Wednesday Third Lanark I, Rangefs 3. St. Johnstone 4, Airdrieonians 1. Celtic 2, Clyde 1. Terrace to' Play : High School Here l.V" i Interior Hoop Team Coming For (lames This Week Tuesday night's- train will bring two Terrace basketball teams to Prince Rupert to play a series, of gamesi with. King Edward High School Ths games will be played qn Wednesday and Thursday night? in the Armory. A, dance, in honor, of the- visitors will follow lthfi..Thursday night game;. i-,- ,,.:.. , inose maKing tne trip, from Ter- UNEMPLOYED STRIKE ENDS .'I race are: Mary Welch, fernie Ml- cnael, Sophia McLaren, Margaret M,uuiE jaw, sask., April 13: .Glass, Frances Dover, Lorraine Kenney, Rita Taft; Francis Seaton, Ken Attree, Bruce Smith, Walt McCc-rinell, Earl Eadie, Fred Nash, Lloyd Thomas, Stuart McLeod. NO WINNER DECLARED Noue of Boats in Model Yarht Rare Yesterday Able to Finish AllThree Hoards Attracting crowds, of, spectators to varlousfpdlnts of vantage along, he waterfront, the annual model yacht race- for the- steamer Prince George's Cup was held yesterday afternoon 'on, the harbor here bur hot one qjr. ihe flgHt' boats entered waa'ahl to finish the thro? boards 8Qwlhners. co'uld not be declared. The race- was1 postponed until next Sunday, weather One boat, the Myconia, owned by Lloyd1 Rice and skippered by W. L. Sandlson, was declared eligible for the prize for the 'best time on any one course. The Mycoma was unfortunate In not winning tne cup as she came first on two hoards but was unable to finish the other. The boats finished yesterday on the various boards as follows: First Board 1, Mycoma; 2, Vagrant (Jack Gibson); 3, Nordic (Cyril Bowes). Second Board 1, Talisman (A. J. Croxford); 2, Vagrant. Third Board 1, Mycoma; 2, Atlin Fisheries And Moose Win Atlin Fisheries won over Cana dian: Legion' and. Moose defeated Rose, Cowan, & Latta In the Ten Pin Bowling League yesterday, the scores being two jarnes. to nil In each case. Nels Gunderson of At nn tisnenes was high averaee scorer with 198, bettering his re cord for three games by shooting a total of 593 pins. ATLIN 1st 2nd Gunderson ...; 203 182 Stiles i.t (r; '..166 144 Gray 142 157 Knutsen 140 12a Menzies . 136 127 Handicap . .'.. 35 35 Totals 822. 771 LEGION 1st 2nd Stacey, 183 157 Hill '..-.,15a 182 Zleman .: , 105 121 Todd .' .168 -135 Schriaberg ' .178 192 Handicap 12' 12 3rd 208 184 160 153 142. 35.1 882 3rd Totals".. 799 799 786 R. C. & L. 1st 2nd K. Franks .142 140 McCaUum 158 146 Vance .: ...........130 135 O. Franks .176 139 Clccone .138 105 Handicap 30 30 Totals 774 764 774 MOOSE R. Morrison Donald Royer .., J. Morrison 1st .154 .145 .159 .122 F; Morrison .130 Handicap 48 2nd 160 137 158 97 168 48 Totals .............753 768 SPORT CHAT The Scythians, city Intermediate champion basketball team, left to day for Port Essington where- they will play tonight with an all-star Essington quintette. Tlie Scythlaa are minus Jimmy Currie at guard but, nevertheless, are optimistic as to the outcome of the game". Angus MacFhee will lend a hand at cen tte. The line-up. includes Domln-ato at centre, Montesano, Beynon, dUlis and Campbelf, forwards, and "Murray, Letoumeau and Houston on the'guard line: The United, States Davis Cup team made a good" start in the zone play at Houston Texas, at the end of the week by sweeping both the first opening games, of men's singles Thirteen thousand howling Toronto fans crowded the Maple Leaf Gardens on Thursdaynight of last week when the Toronto Maple Leafs mads their thrilling 4 to 3 eleventh-hour victory over De Eyes of the hockey world will! soon be centred on the forthconi-1 ing western exhibition tour of the Toronto Maple Leafs and Chicago' Black Hawks. They are due In! Mancouver on April 25, a fcur game series in the southern city:! under auspices of the Vancouver I Gvrn Club. sLirtlnc nt thp Arpr.i ' that day with a game, for children. ' ' Lou Ramage almost k'ayoed King Levfhsky of Chicago in a ten round bout at Los Angeles this week but the Klngrish staged a comeback in the latter stages of the fight and earned a draw. Max Baer, former world's heavyweight champion, is continuing his preparations for a comeback' at San Francisco. He plans, according to latest word, to do some fighting' in England after which he will returh W thS-WKed States. It Is still doubted by many, however, If-Maxie-will be able to rc- jjj'sist. the tempUtions of th: bright 135 Slights, and the fleshpots' 140.1 - 182 Big League baseball teams arc 172. continuing ex, tubman. ames 12; among themselves and yjlth some 3rd 139 134 160 145 ' of the minor league teams In pre paration for the opening of the One interesting game last week St. Louis Browns defeated the New York Yankees 14 to. 10. Tbr 106 Yanks are not expected to 30: 3rd 151 148 122 198 134 48 791 The league standing to date: W. L. Grotto '. 28 14 Knox Hotel ...:s.::Li.:..!:.;.:...::i 18 Power'' Corporation; iv;... 24 18 Rase, Cowan & Latta ..;.... .22' 20 Canadian Legion ..-...... .20 25 ' Atlin Fisheries ': .. 18 21 Moose . 17 25 Elks, 14 2!i serious contenders this season. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE W. Three Two Taxi 5 Bankers 6 Oilers 3 Rupert Butchers 3 C. N. R. A .3 Watts1 Grocery . 3 Biological -Station .3 Kaion Motors' 2 LADIES' BOWLING April 13 Rangers vs. Bluebirds. C.N.R;A. vs. Doodads April 16 Annettes vs. Brunettes, Maccabees ys, P.R. Grads, April 20 C N.R.A, ys. Annette-. Maccabees vs. Bluebirds. CAMBRIDGE CREW GET OUT OARS TO TRAIN FOR ANNUAL BOAT RACE i the nivpr Tjmo P't,iiJ TT, CamTle c"w as, they prepared for their victorious race with Oxford last Saturday on tne River Thames. Enthusiastic spectators' followed the training oarsmen along the towpath, on bicycle and foot. I LUTON. Eng., April 1?: (CP)-' J. Pay scored goals against Bristol Rovers in the third division of the southern section of the English. Football League today. The Ravers were unable to reply. Payne's feat equalled the re cord set by R. (. Bell of Tran-incre Rovers on December 2G when the northern league team swamped Oldham Athletic 13 to 4. To Consider . Challenge No action ha$ yet been taken by the Prince Rupert Basketball Association in connection with Port Simpson's challenge for the Northern . British Columbia . basketball championship. A meeting of the executive of the association is be- I ini rnllPri far tnmnrrnvu nioli. tn trolt Red Wings to extend theh ' , 4l, " " aianiey uup unais into iour games. : April 13( MADE NINE PRIZE FOR 293 Kimferley Takes Allan Cup COUNTERS: B. C. TEAM Payne of Luton Equals Record Of It. G. Bell in English Football League , Dynamiters, Defeat Sudburj fj. . cons A to 3 Saturday r IIUU1I1 nUIII 11' II'DI Bj Irtish Columbia today holds tta r ,nv Luton centre forward, (lan Cup. Junior amateur hocby! nine of his team's twelve I I most most urized unzeq Doxspssirm possession, f. fnr tk. first time" in hlstorv s,. ! night the Kimberley DynamC blasted the Sudbury. Falcons, east-em representatives, into a 4 to j overtime defeat to take the cup h two straight games The Dmu miters .had won the first game on inursaay two to nil. , Jack Forsey and Harry Brow did first -period scoring for fcbi. horl-iw ' TV,M nM.,WnAi.A .. .. ""-'"-J- uiauusu gat Sua- bury's lone first period counter. Hugo. Mackie scored another fa Kimberley in the second but JoU Grosso. and Wilbur Hitler both scored for Sudbury to tie It un 1 Scoreless, third period sent th game-, fnta overtime of which just two minutes had passed wha Hugo Mackie made a hero ol himself by driving in KImberlfj'i lourm ana winning wal. frwnEH This advertisement is not puhllshed or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by tha Government of British Columbia. THE CONSOLIDATED MINING: & SMELTIXI? COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphosphates, Complete Fertilizers Producers. & Refiners of Tadanac Hrand Metals Gold, Silver. Electrolytic Lead, Zinc, Cadmium. Bismuth MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE ill SI.ITMIIKIt KING be li I V V P And the price is only g) N They arc built for sleep. 3 ami mini 11 MHMHMMMMlM 7 SHINGOLEEN Made on a two-oil bare, a lighter oil which penetrates and F'j serves the wood, and a heavier oil, whlclf remaiiw on t',f sur" bindlnff the color1 pigment, Shlngolcen both beautifies and pr tects, old or new shingles. Ak, for; co!6r card. Mall orders promptly filled THOMPSON: HARDWARE CO. LTD. The Rsh which made Prince Rupert Famous upert Brancr SMOKED LACK COi Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Hi PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.