Monday, Ajrll 13, 193 They Are Here At Last . . . Stainless Steel Cooking Utensils The beautiful finish endures and improves with each washing. Chip-proof, Rust-proof Non-absorbent, Taintless Buy a piece today start a Stainless Steel Kitchen Set. See this Lffetime Stainless Steel Ware at - Kaien Hardware 60 PIIOXE 60 Kaien Transfer We handle the Finest Orades of Coal and Wood, at market prices. Bone Dry Kindling always in stock. We also operate' 60 Messenger Service aiction s.m.i; Timber Sale M877I , There wilt bo offered for sale it Put-He Auction, at noon on the Ui day o June. 1936. In the of tic of the Distr:e' Forester, Prince Rupert, the Licence X18771. to cut 9.4W.OOO feet, board ..measure of Spruce. Cedar- and Hem lock oh area situated on Hutton Inlet. Juan Perez Sound, Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. Three years will be allowed for re-moral of timber; ''Provided any one unable to attend 'the auction In person may submit '.tender to be opened at the. hour of - auction and treated as one bid Further particulars may be obtained rrtfri 4K. Phf PVtrwitr VlrtnrWi. R CI . or District. Forester, Prince tlupert. B.O ' IN THE SLTREME.COI KT Or' NKlTlSIl COLUMM. IX FKORITE In the Matter of the "Administration Act" And In (he Matter of the folate of (I rot;' .. Colburu, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Hl Honour' Judge Fisher dated the 2UHi day of March A.D. 1936. I was ap- j pointed Administrator of the Estate of George A. Ccdburn late of Atlln. British j Columbia, Miner, Deceased and all parties having claim against the said Estate are hereby required to furnish " same properly verified to' me' on or b. i fore the 4th day. at May 1938 and el! persons Indebted to the Estate'' are re- quired to pay the amount of the-lr indebtedness to me forthwith. ' Dated the 24th day of March 1938. HERBERT P. OLASSET, Official Administrator. ATLIN. B. C. IN THE SU'KKME COIKTOF BK1TIMI COLl'MMA . in prorate In the Matter of the "AdmlnUtratiun Alt" And In the Matter of the Estate of William Putnam, Deceased ; TAKE NOTICE that' by order of Hi Honor, W. E. Fisher, the 3rd day of April, All. 19315. I was appointed d-mlnlstrator of the estate of William Putnam, deceased, and all parties bar lng claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified to me on or Before the 5Ui day of May, A.D. 1936, and all parties Indebted to, the estate are required to pay the amount of their 'indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A,- WATT. Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B. C. ' Dated the 3rd day of April, A.D. 1936 LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply, to Lease una . In Prince Rupert Land Recordlne Din trlct of' Range 8 Coast, and situate op Kaien Island clone to Oalloway Rapids Bridge. Tale notice that I, Martin Miller of Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation Lumberman intend to apply for a lease of the jonowmg described lands: Commencing at a post planted ap proxlmatley 8 000 ft. north of lots 115 116, D. L. 251, Range 5 Coast thence 000 leet west; thence 760; ft. south tnence eoo feet east: thence 260 ft north thence following the shore line to post 01 commencement and contain lng ten acres, more or less. MARTIN MILLER Dated March 6. 193S. LANU, ACT Notice ut Intention ! l't'ly to Ler Uind In Prince Rupert lrd Recording District of Range 5 Const, and (ltuite close to Oullow; Rapldx Bridge, ncit Prlnc Rupert, B. c. Tke noUee that I, Martin Miller o Pnnoe Rupert. B.G. occupation Lumber man Intend to apply lor a lease of the following described Foreshore landi: Commencing at a post planted ip-proximately 8.000 ft, north of Loti in-116. ,D. L. 251. Range 6 Ooat Dlitllct thence about 500 ft. 0OUth. to opposite shore thence northerly following th shoreline to pott of commencement and containing ll4 acres, tnore. or. leai ilARTIN MILLER Dated March . 1931. . . QUEEN MARY GOES DOWN TO SEA AS MILLION WATCH While a crowd estimated at 1,000,000 persons watched and 'cheered, Great Britain's new super-liner. Queen Mary, was jockeyed out of her berth by a fleet of tugs into, the Clyde River to' start her slow Journey to the dpen sea. This alrview charts the course of the great ship as she was pulled out of the Clydesbank basin and her nose headed downstream, through the 300-foot channel The Queen Mary is 1,004-feet long and 118 feet wide. Twice grounded, the giant liner safely navigated the channel, headed for the Isle of Arran and thence to Southampton. FAMILY OF PROMINENCE Name of To Be ated with the political and industrial development of Canada's to the Pacific coast from Eastern Canada when the news of the gold discovery on the Fraser River In 1858 filtered through to the older colonies of Great Britain. Frank Barnard was born in Tor onto, May 16, 1856, and, as a small child, came to British Columbia with his father and mother, Ellen Sttllman Barnard, when In 1860 they- determined to make the nen colony their home. Frank Barnard's father-soon became a prom inent figure in the affairs of the new country and established Barnard's Express, a system of trans its efficiency. Later when union between the colonies of British Columbia aril 'Vancouver Island was mooted he took a prominent ted in 1879 with his father's business. Two years later he was ap pointed gerieeral manager of the express company and In 1882 Its president He evinced a. keen Interest in public aflalrs and was J ele:ted alderman of the city of Barnard Mas Been One victoria. 1C36-87. He left the civic RccMned Willi Since -.min in laan t inir Mm iimiv. .Pioneer Days of commons for Yale-LMooet and 'was rc-electer in 1801. He followed VICTORIA, April 13: ( CP i - his father, not only In business. Since the very Inception of the but in the political field as well, crown colony of British Columbia Established Street Railwavs me name of Barnira was assccl- With the growth of the citv ol Vanrniivp'r hp rpaltaprl tVip fntnpil ihf thp nlarp nnri tho tronH nf Pacific province Frances J. Bar-;trans xm , so in 1894 formed nard. father of Sir Frank Still-j,h(1 r.nn n,m r.m. JXX Bnc--iman BaIar? KCMp-ho diedlpany of wnlcn ne was presldcnt ..cic suuuciuy on oaturuay. came therpbv hornmlnr tho mr,vln, t vr I1IU lq spirit in establishment of the street railway system of the ter minal city. Two years later thl. system was taken over by a strong group of financiers from England who formed the British Columbia Railway Company Limited for the purpose. Mr. Barnard becama managing director. In 1893 he relinquished the management oiK retained his seat on the directorate. In 1906 he retired from activa business, although retaining his affiliation with the street railway company. Shortly before the outbreak of portation that became famous for 'war in 1914 he was appointed lieutenant-governor of British Co! umbia and immediately threw his teriergies and organizing ability In to patriotic work. It was due to part .in the discussions of the day, .imjih. conjunction with the late and later .1 became an active worker ISlV Richard McBride, premier of iur oomeaerauon. He served as a member of parliament or Yale-Kootenay from 1879 to 1887. As a small boy Frank Barnard lived in Yale in the days when tjiat old fur trading post was the centre 01 the gold mining operations on trie Fraser. In later years he recalled how his father, then minine at trie province at the time, that Canada secured two submarines for th protection of the Pacific Coast These under-sea boats had been completed at a Seattle .shipyard for shipment to a South American republic. Knowing war' would oe declared Hon. Mr. Bar nard signed a special warrant for Yale, and Captain Powers con-'l$l,000,000 with which Premier Mc structed the mule 'trail that preceded the famous Cariboo Road. over which the Barnard Express carried the treasure- of the m:nes from the rich creeks of goiaen Cariboo. He recalled also the coming of the Royal Engineers to Yale to commence the con struction of that famous highway. The future lieutenant-governor Bride, purchased the submarines In recognition of his public ser vices non; Mr. Barnard waa created Knight Commander of the Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George in. January, 1918 He continued as lieutenant-governor until 1921. Sir Frank married in 1883 Mar ina Amelia Loewcn. dautrhw nf of British Columbia was sent east', Joseph Laewen, pioneer business iui ins L-uucauon ana graauatea ;man of Victoria. They had irum iieumuin college, London, ' children: Ont. Following his return to Brl-I Since his" retirement as Lieu no usn ooiumma he became associa- enant-Governor,. Sir Frank and "TILLIE THE TOILER" OH.DEAfc. VMrUT'L. DOT I'VE -GOT A ZEPi-V TO BOKAMTIC IJQMPO AMD 1 CM'T MKR OP MV "R3 GEMS (T DAJLT NEWi PAGE THRU ! Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m Thurs. ss. P. Rupert 10:30 p.m. Friday ss. P. Adelaide ...10 pjn Ss. Cardena 10:30 pjn. April 2 ss. Prln. Norah ... 5 p.m, April 13 ss, Prln. Norah .5 p.m April 23 ss. Prln. Norah ..5 p.m From Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala 4 pin Wed. ss. Prince Rupert 10 a.m. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 4 p.m, Ss. Cardena p.m. April 9 ss. Pin. Norah a.m. April 19 ss. Prin. Norah am. April 30 ss. Prln. Norah a.m. For Anyox and Stewart Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m Wed, ss. Prince Rupert ... 4 p.m. From Stewart and An vox- Tuesday ss. CaJa . ... 11:30 a.m. Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 8 p.m. For N'aas River and Port Simpson- Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday ss Catala, ...11:30 ajn For Queen Charlotte Islands April 10 and 24 s. P. John a.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands April 8 and 22 ss. Pr. John am. From Ocean Falls Wed. ss. Pirnce Rupert 10 a.m, Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 4 pjn, Ss. Cardena pjn. For Ocean Falls Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 10:30 pjn, Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m, For Alaska- April 9, 19, 30 ss. P. Norah, 5 p.m, From Alaska April 2, 13, 23 ss. P. Norah 5 pjn, From Skeena River- Friday ss. Cardena pjn Lady Barnard had spent much time vin travelline and onlv re cently returned from California Senator G. H. Barnard is brother. Rats and Beaver We have a big order for both and In order to induce trappers and dealers to ship their skins we are offering more than market prices. Ship them in and we will wire the money immediately. GOLDBLOOM The Old Reliable PICTURE IS FUTURISTIC "TransAtlantic Tunnel," Coming; Here at First of This Week, Thrillinr and Dramatic The futuristic picture of the accomplishment of the greatest engineering feat of all time, the construction of a transAtlantic tunnel connecting London and New York, is the thrilling subject of "TransAtlantic Tunnel; ithe unique ' feature offering on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here for the first of the week. While depicting the .hardships of boring through the ooze and muck of the-ocean, the thrill of accident :o machinery and the terror of fire and water underground from a submarine volcanic eruption, the story Is also concerned with the human drama of an engineer who sacrifices his wife, his son. his home and his own happiness in the mad desire to accomplish the great engineering feat An even wider field is encompassed by the drama ji showing how nations, seeking war for selfish gains, are frus trated by the power the completed tunnel gives to the two great Eng lish-speaking nations. A great cast includes Richard Dlx, Leslie Banks, Helen Vinson Madge Evans, C. Aubrey Smith and Basil Sydney as well as Walter Huston, playing the part of a President of the United States, and George Arliss, as a Prime Minister if England. Huston and Arliss are aid to have contributed these Important roles simply because of 'heir interest in the picture. IlUItlEI) AT VERNON VERNON, April 13; The funeral took place in Vernon Sunday of Major Guy Rock MC, V.D., prominent ex-service man of the Okar agan -district, who had died ou Good Friday. Reach the most people in city and district with an advertisement in the Dally News. :- ECONOMY SPECIALS are leaders in value and economy A trial order will convince you. PEARL WHITE SOAP 5 for For Favors Received BETTER AIR ON TRAINS (Continued irum Paso l heating system replaces the ice- water coils, bringing the cold air taken in from outside the cars to a comfortable degree of warmth, after It has passed through the cleansing unit. The fact that win dows and doors are air-tight eli minates dust and greatly reduces noise and thus adds to the comfort of travel. "There has been a very notice 19c SMALL WHITE BEANS Offr B lbs POTATOES- 100-lb. sack $1.89 ' New shipment Just arrived. Potatoes will be higher. BLUE RIBBON MATCHES 07p uL per pkg. AYLMER SPINACH 2 Vi's -f Q0 per tin LIBBY'S CORNED BEEF f Cn per tin M.OK, BOVRIL Take it for health 1- oz. bottle V. 20o 2- oz; bottle 3ic 4-oz. bottle 59c Orders 51.00 or over delivered 'free MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box S7S Thone 18 able Increase in the ui th railways for travel m Canada . the past several years and it J ticipated that the installation this air conditioned equipment n serve still further to emphasize S the public the advantage of Z railways over other forms of traZ portation. This has been theT perience of the United States ran ways whose trains havf been ex tensively air conditioned to pete with other forms of trar,." ns' portation." A Tunnel From London to New York Uniting; the Two Crea English-Speakin? Nations. Is it a Fantastic Dream, or a Vision of the Future? i Modg. . HUn .CAubray, B I B EVANS VINSON SMITH SYDNEY HI 1 H GEORGE AMISS WALTER HUSTON Vf At 7 34 & 9 42i girr . in. rv i.air.irTTa News - Musical - Cartoon - ft H I '-I ''' ! J TONIGHT and TUESDAY i Bicycle Time Tire Repair Outfits is here again Hide a C. C. 31. and you ride the liest. Save lime and money with a C. C. M. Bicycle. Bicycle ridinj; is good for you. Hide for health, pleasure and profit. The C. C. M. Trademark guarantees satisfaction. C. C. M. Boys' Model $32.00 C. C. M. Crescent $35.00 C. C. M. Motorbike $40.00 Sec these models at our store. Terms can be arranged. Dunlop Imperial Studded Tire, size G or 2S $1.25 Dunlop- Tubes Electric Bicycle Lamp, complete, Extra heavy, large size Bicycle Pumps . 4 u eMaAs. iJUC ..80c ..$1.80 . 70c 25c f -ByWestovei COfZ-REPowo VAjrrU I VcxJ MV9HT Lced VMOwTaCMO tJOL MvItvUt IeTTft?! jfef-v 7 . vAP ii i i K . . ii- ii ii 14 vjm Mtim. u- i i n l i w r i ' -r SOMEONE MgEg. J WA , THE tTTER - rUfT TV teK. jJr j l f OTk