PAQE TOUR Have You Enough Glasses for that New Year's Party? Goblets, 6 $1.75 Wines, 6 $1.25 Cocktails, 6 $1.25 Tumblers, 6 50c SKIS Ftom- 81.95 Poles, Wax, Harness Kaien Hardware PHONE 3 U1UJM VUCKJUtiMlf COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS KDSON ALBEUTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 DON'T, BE LATE Order Your SUIT or COAT today from House of Stone or House of Hobberlin clothes Large selection, fit ' guaranteed. LING - The Tailor 817 Second Ave. rhone 649 HOTEL NEW ROYAL J. Zarclli, Proprietor ; "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Delicious, Fresh COTTAGE CHEESE VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Hyd e Transfer Cedar Mill Ends $4.50 cord PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue 'Frisco Xmas Business Big Averaged Ten Percent Better Than' Year Ago, It Is Estimated I SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 2Jh De-' spits the maritime workers' strike which crippled the business of the port, San Francisco department stores had ten percent more turnover this Christmas than list year, an estimated average shows. One store reported that It had done twenty percent better on one day than for any one day sin;e It was established twenty-five years ago. December retail business for San Francisco is estimated to have aggregated $00,000,000 this year. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, Dec. 29: (CP) Wheat was quoted at $1.28 Vi on the Vancouver Exchange yesterday, dropping to $1.273,4 today. Holiday Season SPECIALS MIXED NU1S 37c 2 lbs. CHESTNUTS 35c .2 lbs WALNUTS Manchurian 50c 3 lbs WHOLE MIXED PEEL 25c per lb SHELLED BRAZIL NUTS 39c per lb. SHELLED WALNUTS 37c Halves, per lb. ... SULTANA RAISINS 35c 3 lbs DATES Uhpitted 23c 3 lbS. DATES Pitted 23c .2 lbs J ; lasts 37c per lb GRAPEFRUIT. 25c .6 for : t EGGS Grade A Pullet 3 doz. 89 c BACON Sliced , 33c per lb. , SHORTENING Jewel 29c 2 lbs : DILL PICKLES 2 2's 24c per tin; MINCEMEAT Happyvale 35c quart bottle MINCEMEAT Bulk 25c 2 lbs. ......... CELERY Good stock 35c 2 for LETTUCE 25c 3 for Buy your requirements from our siock or drinks, box chocolates, candies MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE TILL1E Mac GAVE His BJaUSH SHEEP. DOS" Herbert ' to TILUE'S MOTHER BECAUSE HE COOLDM'TI KEEP IT AT Hs APART MENT SOCO MOBM IMG. MAC- I fimallyJ SLBEP AFTER YOU CAME awd quiet ed THAT DOS THE DAILY NEWS listen to this - - "These truths are self evident; that all men are created equal; tliat they are endowed by their Creator with certain Inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." , since Jefferson uttered these memorable words, they have been criticized often. Some folk deny we are all created equal but there are few today who would deny the lowliest individual's right . to life. liberty and the pursuit of happl ness. "The pursuit of happiness!' a ,nria Qne of the test factorg CQn. tributlng to the sum of human happiness is warmth, a warm home; just as nothing is so cheerless as a cold one. To be warm at. home and happy, you want the best coal and the most heat ior least monev- A1ert & McCaffery's coai nas been the heat, nvn ...... lahin v. for the last twenty years. It Is the best today and If better could be got they would have it. Next time you need coal, Just Phone 116 or 117 - to Albert & McCaffcry and order Nanalmo-Wellington for , You deserve the best! Try a Dally News Want-ad. GEE" LAYS Former King Speaks to Scouts Former, King Edward on the to nearly, a thousand, scouts a delegates were on hand from, WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Thursday afternoon Pilot Alex Holden arrived with his commercial airplane from Juneau with party consisting "of William Murray, A. C. Cordovade, W. A. Appleby, Charles Petersen and Edlaf Davis of Fairbanks. The first-mentioned four sailed the same evening on the Prince Rupert for Seattle while Davis left on Friday evening's train for Detroit. Sunday afternoon Pilot Sheldon :Slmmons arrived with party consisting of William J. Mccarty and Mrs. L. J. McCarty of Fairbanks,. Mrt and Mrs. A. Mathlesoti of Flat and J. G. Gavin of Nome, all of whom proceeded from here to Vancouver on the Catala this afternoon, Mr. and Mrs.. Mathleson are going on a trip to Europe and the others M 65 Taxi .And Messenger Service Stand: Empress Hotel Bill Stuart Al French i John Saunders jfa IT THE TOILER 77 SiTm fJj 33S MAC SAys I 5uess Hetsbebt He Likes LepT at COMPANy- "IHh foot CP "THAT'S His bed auu ALL. KltGHT . ' ss3 nars r amd j mill tMJT- steps of St. George's chapel, in Windsor Castle, when he talked nd rovers before, the annual scout service In the chapel. Scout the Empire and foreign countries. are bound for the Eastern States. Pilot Simmons hopped off at daybreak yesterday morning on his return to Juneau and was expected back here again today with an-1 other party of passengers in time for the Catala. xne steamer catala set a new; record for early arrival from the north when she got In at 4:30 thisj monung irom ner regular weeKiyj trip to Stewart and Anyox. The , vessel sailed at 1:30 this afternoon I for Vancouver.. She had favorable weather on the northern end of : her voyage and had little Jreight to handle at points of call. , j Having left Vancouver at 2 o'- clock Saturday afternoon Instead of 8 o'clock Chrstmas night as her i regular schedule called for, C. N. R. aircojuci rruice jonn, uapi. iNeu McLean, Is not expected-here before Thursday morning from the Queen Charlotte Islands. Motorshlp Bellingham Is due In port this evening from Ketchikan fi ,i i. .!.. ym ic taiiuaua Ul iIUCIl for transshipment east over Cana - 1 dlan National Railways. FUNERAL TODAY The funeral of the. late George Martin Cunningham, ex-service1 man and resident of Prince Rupert ! for years, took place this afternoon ' rrom the chapel of B. C. Under-' furnace and heater; Albefta Soot-takers to, Falrvlew Cemetery. Rev.1 less for the kitchen range. r; W. D. Grant Holllngworth of ficia - Jted and the Canadian Legion was in. charge of arrangements. IS He SOlM3 TO START THAT ACS AIM? II I m II I IL I 11 A1 UPC fWTT j C of the World Y-UK Mwobf Wife of Lionel Barrymore Dies Celebrated Screen Actor Collapses i And is Taken to Sanitarium HOLLYWOOD, Dec; 29: Lionel Barrymore, celebrated screen actor, was taken to sanitarium m Hollywood Thursday night In a state oti collapse following the death of his wife who was a victim of influenza, They were married In '1923 and were known as one of Hollywood's happiest couples. John Barrymore was pressed into service to take the role of Scrooge in a Dickens radio broadcast which was to have been played by Lionel! Today's Weather ! inovcriuix-nt, Trlcjrtht ' Terrace Cloudy. northeast wind, 18. . Rosswood Cloudy, calm, 13 above. Hizelton Cloudy, calm, 7 above Smithcrs Part cloudy, calm, cold. j Burns Lake Snowing, calm, zero. Alyansh Cloudy, eilm. 14 above. I Alice Arm Slight snow, calm. 20 above. I Anyox Cloudy, calm, 16 above. I Stewart Part cloudy, 12 above. New Year Festivities Let Merriment bring, in the New Year for you and your friends. Start off ilKJ7 with a cheer. HORNS BLOW-OUTS NOISEMAKERS BALLOONS SERPENTINE CONFETTI Get a good supply and join us in wishing -everyone HEALTH, WEALTH and HAPPINESS for 1937 . ' Vou HAJe ovee. OH BO ; rS THAT D06 A PAL. OF MIME i RSUREO IT WOULD TOI2N OUT "THIS WAV MOW 'L.L. HWE TQ ROOM T23 KEEP . HERbST Icontemted -i ) 2 HOVJ VJELL HER.BEW MlWbS DOVJM THE" t-AW TILL IE1 i i i i i ii 1 1 ii i i i" V0HGM MAC IVES vjhat is thS4CJ?d d oLcrD (0u HOTELMilVALs i Try a Dally News classified ad. Prince Kupfrt O. Woodall, city; Mr . A. Main, Susldc Central H. W. Johnsen, Victori,. Anderson, city. i Knox J: McCrca, city. LAST TIMES Tnxim.., jComplctc Show, 8:33 JEAN HARLOW Franchot Tone, Gary ;rjnl in "SUZY" With Lewis Ston 'At 7:00 & 9:49) 1)1 us -The Jones Family . "Educating Father" 8;491nly' at 8:33) Comlnf Weds.- Thurs. (Matinees both- days at 2:30) Shnon Slmone, Ruth Chatltr. ton, Herbert Marshall In "Girl's Dormitory" plug "Charlie Chan At The Race Track" By Westover AT TILUE'S HOUSE , . " ) OH, TUST THE OLD LAVO OF; rstM Aktr a kits SUPPLY