1 Tuday memory 1- Aft THE PAILY-NEWa 9 Try this RING OF SOUPS'1 CREAM OF OYSTER Selected Pacific Oysters and Pure, Rich Fraser Valley Cream make this a luxury soup at a popular price. Your itoctr hu this trcit in atort ,.Ak him for AYLMER ..c.- Cream of Oyster OWUJI 1 lit I .S 7- mm lave New Year's dinner at THE KNOX HOTEL "Banquets a Specialty" It. BRASELL Phone 71 N. M. BRASELL SATIN-GLO I nn Satin-Glo Finish Satin-Glo Varnish I Satin-Glo Enamels Unpaintcd White Hardwood TABLES, .$2.50 each Paint your own furniture THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Greetings and a nice, warm FURRY HOLIDAY is the wish for everyone from G0LDBL00M The 0!d Reliable The Seasons Greetings Again Yuletide, with its inspiration of good cheer is with ijs the New Year approaches. We sincerely extend to you dl pur best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Prosperous Nineteen Thirty-Seven. MacKenzie Furniture Treat Yourself tor tewy weWefAft (o a IIappy New Year Otll-W"m? .. .... i...-4..PAM,in " Sii' "J Having HH VOUU LIKE full Ot WO DCSl tu.u 11. The WAV TheytreatYooI (own. PH1LP0TT- EVITT & Co. Ltd. Have the Coal to Suit Your Requirements 651 l'UUXMft QJ TheKsh which made Prince RupertFamoas "Rupert Brand" 3MOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE gUPEBT, Boy Scouts And Girl Guides Pid Good Work Again wuum not pwerwjse nVP recejvpq 8 P 6h XMAS TREE AT CITADEL Vancouver Xmas Trees in Hawaii Sold at $2 Each in Honolulu on Eve Qf Yuletide HONOLULU, pec. 29: Six thou sand Christmas treets were dellv ered from Vancouver to Honolulu by a Canadian steamer pn Christ mas Eye. Six-foot trees sold at $2 each. The Ladies' Music Club was to haye paid its annual. Yuletide visit to the Prince Rupert aeneraj os. pital to entertain the patients with carols and other seasonal music last Sunday but the visit was postponed until next Sunday- r i Announcements Orange Hogmany Dance, Decem ber 31. Elks' N,ew Year Hall, December $1. Darc, Boston Erik Frey's Concirt, Januiry 15. LOCAL NEWS o . , , New V par's Eve Dance, Mopse Santa Claus was ft visitor In per f Vft Adm 50c. tf ison on Christmas Bye to twenty ' nine families with a total pf 115 p ref m n cjty , children presenting 290 toys,' C4t tWs frpm j books, dolls, etc, tp thnse wlw g'tewart. any. This was made possible fry Mn5 M M McLphlan e?t -Onj rnnre rtwperi ppy ppquis ana. eyepingVs train for a trip to Olrl Guides under the direction nf Edmonton, " scoutmaster Percy q, Mier and. m j captain Muriel prewerton, The jj. j. smith. sailed ti.s afternoon Guides were responsible for repair- n 4he Catato fpr a trip to Van- jng ana pressing ine pons, SUppiyx power. ng new games and repairing oM tsr'rV ones while the Bay Bcputs, With ft, MIS Miirlei Vance s?sa this Uttie outside help, fixed up andflfternopn pn tp Patala for a painted the wooden and metal vaeatlpn trip to Yancpwver. toys, etc. j - This was the ninth year the Tpy; Tonight'? train, due from the Shop has beep In pperatlon and east at J0;?o, was reported tPls over 2,500 tpys, etc, have been di$- morning to be Ph time, trlbuted. .Tn Rpott sailwi this, afternoon p.n the Patala for a three weeks' vacation trip to Vancouver. Jink. General admission 50c. Lpgea ' r j (reserved) 75c. (305) Salvation Army Entertainment s--r Last Night Pre Large Crowd The Christmas entertainment In connection with St. Andrew's Sun- Good Proeram .day School will be held In the -- Cathedral Hall on Wednesday at Tha annual children's Christmas ' Tree concert was held at the Sal-1 vatlon Army Citadel last night with w ;wiw " J ' T IP the city on the Catala this some 150 children and grown-ups in attendance.. It was a happy d g SSaSTJST Interesting gathering over wmcn r -p. 'purl m,n h. Lln?ey acted as chairman. ' u ne rnnee itpperi puys pauu, uu- j der leadership 01 Hanpmasier o Miss Lois McRae will sail on the bert Qreenfleld, led in the congre-. PrInce RuPert tomorrow afternoon gatlonal. singing-After Scripture reading by Major Eva Laycock and prayer by Capt. Elizabeth Robertson, the program included the following numbers; Dialogue, "Santa Claus at Home , sx Sunbeams Mary Pierce, CpIt leen Monteith, Veraa Monteth, Ifelen Pilford, Gloria Cook and Mary Alexcee. Recitations Margaret Wide, Ev erett Johnson and Arlea Kolwnan of the Primary Class. Soq, "Star Of the East," Mlsf Rose Smith, accompanied by Miss Amy Houston. Tableau, "The Cpmmg Army," Primary Children. Recltatipns by small boys EarJ Pierpe, Reg Sampson, Herbje Pierce and Percy SanKey." Selections of Christmas mnsic, Qoys' Band. Recitation, Helen Pilfold, Action song, "Coach and, Four," group of ten children, acepmpah' led by Miss Maureep Kirkpatrick Dialogue, ''Counting for Stewart to pay a vlsjt over New Year with her brother-in-law and sister, Dr- apd Mrs. A, P- Kvale. Mr. and Mrs. E. .J, McConneJl left by last evening's train on their return to Terrace, after haying come in on Saturday evening's train to spend the week-end visiting with Mr. McConnell's brother who is making a speedy recovery in uie prince upert pefierui xua-pital wher6 he Is patient, Xraas Supplies For Fairbanks . ' it. v Yuletide Supplies Reach Central Alaska City Just in Time FAIBPANKS, Dee. Eve brought much needed to Fairbanks for the Yuletide dinners including turkeys which vm' I sold at 35c a pound. The goods had been delivered from Seattle to An- rLf nnhPrtn.' chprage by the relief ships ppxer w .. n....' and Arctic and taken on to Fair Vocal duet, Faith, and Jlemsby anl by two special trains on the Kine Alaska Kauway. Hoop drill, six boys and eight eirls. Kitchen pand; .boys in cooks' and bakers' ppstumes... Vocal sextette, arranged by, Mrs. N. L. Jones Bobby Carr, Donald Norden, David Jones, Danny Bal kovltchi. Boyo Guryich and. Hem.r sby Klng.' .'. '' At the close of the proceedings, Santa Claus arrjved and distri buted sixty Christmas stockings. Overwaitea Ltd. Cash or C.O.D. Phone 843 1 EGGS--Gra4e large, 3 doz. Fry's Cocoas Hb. Un Campbell's Tomato Soup 3 tins Eagle Brand Lobster Va-rlb. tin Herlmgs In Tpmato Sauce, 2 tins Clark's Spaghetti and Cheese, 2 tips - Head Lettuce per head .. Tomatoes per lb Celery per bunch . Blue Ridge Peas Size 5 2 tips Ml Lady TpHet Paper 3 rplls Yorkshire Rell&h-r- per bottle Crapberrlesr-Cape Cod r per lb jqp Oranges per bpx , Mixed Nuts per b Mixed Candies per lb 89c Christian Youth Society Dance P'ehty In Attendance at Affair in Oddfellows' flail j Flghty young people were Jn attendance at the Christmas dance held last nisht by the .Christian youth gpoiety. eia in the oaa- fellows' Rail, Which was seasonably dspflrated, t proved to be a Highly enjpyapje affair, pancing was in progress, until 2 a.m. with 'Druce Stevens as a very awe mas- Iter 3f ceremonies Musc was PUP-! Irvipe was ri charge pf arrange ments. Primary Dep't Of Sunday School In Christmas Party Th annual Christmas Tree narty pf the primary department qt the Sunday Sthoo of First Vnl-itri nhnrp.h ifcis held last evenlne New Year Eve Midnight Frolic! In the church' parlor. Miss Edith Capitol Theatre Tickets now sel-1 Wilkinson and the teachers, were tn charge of the affair wWcft wa3 highly enjoyable for about thirty youngsters. 19c 25c 29c 21c 19c 5c 15c 15c 2lc 19c 19c 29c 85c 15c 19c Phone 843 The early part of ths proceedings was devoted to the playing of games after which moving pic tures were shown, by Rev. C D. Clarke. Then suppsr was served and a happy half hour spent around the Christmas tree from which gifts were distributed. Reach the most people in cjty and district with an advertisement in the pally News. FOR SALE FOR SALE5-room house, good locality. Cash or terms. C. V. Symes, 653 Fifth East. FOR .SALErpeneral Electric hand cleaner. 1925 model. Like new. Phone Mrs. Puller., Black 272, WANTED PERSONAL (tf) WANTED Draq; Saw for cash. Phone Preen 317. Box 190, City. (30ii GENTIEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies highest grade 15 for $1. Pacific Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver MEN Get vigor at once. New Os-trex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster lnvlgorators and othei stimulants. One dose peps up or gaps, glands. If not delighted Maker refunds few cents paid all or write. Ormes Limited, tf Announcing: 35 Taxi (Ross Mazzei) DAY and NIGHT SERVICE Stand opposite Royal Hotel Third Avenue PEBFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye I 1 PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. nze GIRLS 1. Josephine Bnnvri 2. Benita Windle 3. Norma Watt 4. Grace Boles 5. Barbara Teng 6. Ann Borland 7. Winnie Fraser 8. Kay Thompson Little In The Rexall Prize Contest Following are the names of the eight lucky boys and girls in our prize contest which closed Christmas Eve BOYS 1. Jackie Joy 2. George Gillis 3. Dickie Taylor 4. Donny' Saunders 5., Jerry Halliday G.E.Elliott 7. Billy Rogers 8, David Smith OrmesLtd. The Rexall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till p.m., 1 p.m. till P p.m. New Goods BLANKETS - Just Arrived Four Popular Leading Lines tliat Cannot be Beaten SILVEB TIP 100 percent pure wool blanket. , An excellent household blanket, ' ' .; .. SILVEB KING The finest camp blanket in' mar-- kCt. ' : . SILVEB CLOUD All' wool-silver grey. POINT BLANKETSTheir excellence is well known. , '- Used Goods Girl's Bicycle, first class condition, price . . . .$12.00 : Hand Washing Machine, nearly new, price ...$10.00 We Buy Used Goods or Exchange D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 421 Prince Rupert, B.C. pusiness Hour? Qpen'?rom 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thurs, 8 .Tf, if: P-ni UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Bteamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S, CATALA EVRY TUESDAY, J;30 VM Due Vancouver, Thursday pm ' T.S.S. CARPENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJ. Due Vaniouver, Monday an. If convenient please purchase tickets at office. Further information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Ajent, Third Ave, Phone S6 Canadian Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SS. "Princess Adelaide," every Friday at 10 p.m. To Vancouver direct SS. "Princess Norah," Dec. 3rd, nth, Jan. 3rd, 14th, 28th. To Ketchikan, WranU. Junean and Skatwuj . . SS. "Prlncejss Norah," Dec. 13th, 30th, Jan. 10th, 24th, 44U Feb. 7th. WINTER EXCURSION FARES ara aa TP YAMCOVVIiR AND RETURN 7lUv Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1936 to Feb. 28th, 1937.. Final return lmit March 31st, 1937. For Information and Reservations Vt, U COATES, Oen. Agent, Prluc Rupert, B.C. X4 fa i! A . Mi 41 i t