paqk rovn NEW 1936 Tennis Rackets Just in Stock Sec the World's Fastest and Finest Rackets BENTLEYS and SPALDINGS Come in now and pick jour's out Frices From $2.50 to $23.00 Kaien Hardware RACKETS REPAIRED Manure For Saie $1.50 a Big Load Phone Bed 608 Dominion Dairy TBAPPERS AND DEALERS 50,000 MUSKRATS 5,000 BEAVER Wanted at once for immediate delivery HIGHEST PRICES PAID Also all your other FURS at full markej. value. Ship at once and convince yourselves. J. CLONES lluycr and Exporter ruiNCF. r.Konr.r.. n.c. Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockeye Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Garden Soil $2.50 a load PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Alfred Buntell Succumbs After Lengthy Illness Alfred Victor Buntell, aged 66, passed away at 5:30 yesterday afternoon in the Prince Rupert General Hospital where he had been a patient for the past year. A native of Guernsey, Channel Islands, deceased had been a resident of Prince Rupert for a number of years. He was unmarried and had no relatives In this country. He belonged to the Church of England. Funeral arrangements are In the hands of the B. C. W. S. M. Bowley of the British and Foreign Bible Society, after having spent the past several weeks in the city, left on last evening's train for Terrace. The city police court case in which Henry Colllson, Indian, l. charged with having liquor in his possession has been further adjourned until Friday. . -"W TCUBES add flavor and goodness to soups, stews, sauces, gravies D UY HERE AM THE ALANCE Look For Economy Specials AVLMEIt PKACHES 22's OX.I Oflp per tin ALMER SJUP Vegetable Op 0l per tin QUAKER lOMATOES 9CIp i Choice, 2'2's, 2 tins -SOC HEALTH BRAN Melo- 1 7f i grain, large pkg. ill 1'INEALO MIRACLE CLEANER j For Windows, Silverware. ! Woodwork, all finished surfaces. Try a tin DRIED APPLES Bulman's, 2 lbs PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 for CARBOLATED HEALTH SOAP, 3 for PLUM JAM Pure i 4-lb. tin 59c 35c 14c 14c 39c l!M Tl. A T I PM'Q ECONOMY STORE Where Dollars Have More Cent" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 SALE! i Church Parade Of Oddfellows' Lodge Marched From Hall on Fourth Avenue to United Church With S. V. Cox as Marshal The local Oddfellows' Lodge held its annual church parade Sunday night from the Hall on Fourth Avenue East to First United Church. S. V. Cox was marshal of the parade. The party of men was Joined at the church by members of the Rebekah Lodge. The occasion was the anniversary of the founding of the order. An appropriate sermon was de livered by Rev. C. D. Clarke. There was an anthem by the choir and a solo by Dr. R. G. Large. BRITISH SHIP IN DISTRESS Steamer Sail Quentin Disabled With Rudder Gone American Liner to Assistance NEW YORK, April 28: The Bri-Msh steamer San Quentin was Sunday night reported in distress In the Atlantic Ocean with her rud- Ider gone. The United States liner Washington was proceeding at full speed to her assistance. Daylight Saving Is Now in Effect Summer Time Comes Into Force In United States, Canada And Great Britain NEW YORK, April 28: Daylight caving time went Into effect for .he summer In seventeen states of the United States as well as in Eastern Canoda. Great Britain, France and Bel-glum went on daylight saving time x week previous. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, April 28: (CP) vVheat was quoted at 77c on the I Vancouver Exchange yesterday, I advancing to 78 'As today. YACHT IS ASIIOKi; FORI LAUDERDALE, Fla., April 2iJ; The Philadelphia yacht Jane .1. bound for Havana, was reported .ajhorc on the F.orlda coast near here last nijht with rescue vcssls .icccding to her assistance. STOCK MARKET ADVANCES NEW YORK, April 28:The stock maiket in New York sho-vccl. a small but all around advance in Saturday's trading. Tft3 Industrial average was up .40; rails, up .35,-and utilities, up .21. BAR SILVER J NEW YORK. April 23: (CP)' n,ir silver was back at 4.3,4C per ounco on the New York metal market yesterday following its one cent' advance of the past week. There was no change today Motorship Bcloit II arrived lu port at noon yesterday from Ketchikan and, after discharging one carload of fresh halibut for transshipment East over Canadian National Railways, sailed on her return to Ketchikan at 3:30 p.m. Union steamer Catala, Capt. John Muir, returned to port at 12 noon today from Stewart, Anyox and other northern points anc! sailed at 1.30 this afternoon for Vancouver and wayports. SALE! GOING o7 SALE! BUSINESS EVERYTHING IN THE STORE MUST GO AT PRICES YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS Kitchen Ware, Crockery, Tools, Shelf Hardware, uurK ooois, vorK ftocKs j Come, in and see for yourself GRATTON'S VARIETY STORE Second Avenue J i DAILT NXWf Tuesday, April 23, 1 WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Eleven halibut boats sold catches totalling 231,000 pounds at Seattle yesterday. Prices held up wen, ranging from 7 'Ac to 7c. Cod brought 2c per pound. The sale of the halibut boat Aloha at 'Seattle by the sheriff following litigation was postponed from yesterday until May 4. An airplane is reported due here today from Vancouver, bringing north C. P. Rlel, former sawmill operator and mining man of this district, who will pay a visit to the Eddye Pass property adjoining the Surf Point mine on Porcher Island. Mr. Riel also became interested recently in a former well known producing property near Ketchikan. Japanese interests are experimenting with the raising of oysters in Delkatla Slough off Mas-sett Inlet. The popular shellfish have already been planted there and the results of the venture will be followed with Interest in fisheries circles. ORCHESTRA PR0GRESSS The Philharmonic Jurtior Orchestra, under the joint direction of A. C. Cameron and Dr. H, N. Brocklesby, at the Philharmonic Society recital Sunday night, show-, ed further marked progress since it was last heard in public. Its sel- j ections were from "Chu Chin! Chow" (Norton), "Minuet in G." (Paderewski) and "Hungarian Dance No. 5" (Brahms). The two-piano duet of Grieg's "Concerto in A. Minor'' by Miss j Balagno and her father was possibly the most ambitious Instrumental undertaking of Us kind ever essayed by local talent and it was rendered in a manner" which left nothing to be desired. It was an outstanding treat. Technique and execution were excellent Indeed. "Hiawatha's Wedding Feast" (Coleridge Taylor), was presented by the choir last season and was so widely acclaimed that It was decided to repeat it. It was rendered in fine manner and was also much appreciated. J. E. Davey was soloist. "Greeting to Spring" (Strauss) and "Morning" (Speaks- Baldwin) were the other two choral items. Charles P. Balagno was, as usual, a capable accompanist. W. H. Tobey and William Crulck-shank presided at the door and Philip Edgcumbe and Ian Fraser were ushers. The l'ersonrll The personelt of the choir and the orchestra: Choir sopranos, Mrs. Arthur Sutton, Mrs. II. N. Brocklesby, Mlssi Evelyn Dalby, Mrs. Lawrence! Lambly, Miss Edna Vickers, Miss! Beulah McKlnley, Mrs. Ernest Anderson, Mrs. F. W. Allen, Mrs. R. G. Large, Miss Swanna Olafson, Mrs. S. G. Painter and Miss Cathie Eastman; altos, Mrs. P. C. Miller. Mrs. A. J. Squire, Mrs. Nelson Allen, Mrs. C. E. Cullln and Miss Lillian Halliwell; tenors, J. S. Wilson, George Wilson, J. A. Teng and Peter Lien; basses, Dr. R. G. Large, Dr. II. O. Johnsen, Dr. A. Poole, Judge W. E. Fisher, Nels Gunder-son, Nelson Allen, J. II. McClinton. O. C. Young, Leonard Cripps, A. O. Morse and Arthur Sutton. Orchestra Miss Eileen Hamblin. Miss Phyllis Hamblin, Miss Edith Johnstone, Miss Elsie Franks, A. C. Cameron, Wizner Bryant. Don Passmore, T. Johnson. W. J. Hicks, Bertie O'Neill, G. Brown, H. Hale, J. O'Neill and G. C. Walker. A V Here's all you have to do : visit your dealer's where this . T 1 1 1 V. i nzc uug is ciisp-ayeu. ifcneath the Gold Seal, which identities it as a genuine Congoleum Gold Seal Rug, a secret number has been placed. If you guess A the correct number or if your guess comes Jfjk nearest to llmrnrmr.t niiml.or fli . v O Special Offer If you purchase a genuine Congoleum Cold Seal Hug during the period of this contest and then prove to be the winner of the I'rue Hug, you have the option of taking the Friie Kug or of having the full purchase price of the rug you have already bought refunded. Thi Is your opportunity of getting a rug of larger the FREE. j v- x s it. Trizc Kug or your choice of any pattern in tin sise -is yours absolutely Jrcc. No tire some conditions! Nothing to buy! lire- a A LSK V i-BT-ry VI -ri w ll The Gold Seal The Gold Seal it affixed to all genuine Gold Seal Congoleum whether in Hug form or Hy-tlie-yanl. It is your guar- anlee of "Satisfaction or Your Money Hack."; Dcware of lubilitutei CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED - MONTH EAL Get Your Entry Blank at GORDON'S HARDWARE We carry a large stock of the newest and most popular patterns in CONGOLEUM RUGS McKENZIE FURNITURE Sells CONGOLEUM RUGS and YARD GOODS Get your entry blanks at this store and secure a free rug. 1834 LAST TIMES TOKir.,,-, Ml Last Complete Shnu,, Warner Oland - In - "CHARLIE CHAN'S SECRET" (At 7:13 it 9:53) PLUS - JANE WITHERS She's as Irish as a Shamrock and 'tis a lucky day for you m "Paddy 0'Day" 'At 8:24 Once Only) WOULD NEWS At. 7:00 Si 9:40) Fresh Delicious Cottage Cheese Daily VALENTIN DAIRY ..Phone 657