PAGE JOUR For COUGHS and COLDS The Good Old MutUrd Bath with COLMAN'S A cold should not La neglected. Even a flight cold, cough or dull may mean serious trouble. Drive it out quickly with tli muA rjrl -fash ft ioned cold remedy a mustard bath! A mother writes: VCoIdi never pet very far in our bouse, thanks to Cotmau's Mustard. At Um very first sign of trouble comes the hot mustard bath, then to bed and the cold is usually gone in the ronrn-ingt 'Doctor Mustard' is certainly a friend to our family," With Colman's D.S.F. Mustard handy you can rely on the mustard bath to j sveaioui iue puuuas sou mwy wiu before it gets a firm bold on you. 74TC BUY HERE For Savings and Convenience We sell for less because we buy for cash and pass the savings on to you. Wc feature quality goods. Our delivery service is the best at no extra cost to you. Give is a trial order NOW! CANADIAN CHEESE per lb ... 19c FRY'S HOT CHOCOLATE Bulk, Just add boiling OXV Of p water, per lb NABOB COFFEE 3-lb. glass Jar $1.24 Use the Jar for preserving CHRISTIES SODAS ftp JLUl Family, 1-lb. pkg ; HAPPYVALE PRUNES i 4-lb. pkg OLIVE OIL Pure Italian, Vi-gal. tin 33c $1.07 I WESSON OIL For salads, I mayonnaise & cooking I pint tin 29c mUITS & VEGETABLES Navel Oranges, per doz 39c Mclntbsh Apples, wrapped, 4 lbs. 25c Okanagan Onions, 8 lbs. 23c Cape Cod Cranberries, per lb 17c Make your own Jelly MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More CentV P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 K HVraMEBSH FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Hyde Transfer Coal Wood Cartage Storage PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue WEDDED ON SATURDAY Miss Grace Howe Becomes Bride Of William Richards A charming wedding took place at Ahm Cottage, Overlook Street, on Saturday evening when Miss Grace Patricia Howe, youngest daughter of Joseph S. Howe, Ninth Avenue West, became the bride of William John Richards, also of this city. Rev. Canon V. F. Rushbrook officiated. The bride looked lovely in a dress of rose pink taffeta and carried a bouquet of pink snapdragons and white carnations. Miss Doris E. Webster was a pretty bridesmaid wearing a dress of cascade blue and carrying a bouquet of pink and white snapdragons. F. T. Brooks-bank supported the groom. Following the wedding ceremony a reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Howe, Ninth Avenue West, about forty guests being present to offer their congratulations and best wishes to the young couple. The house was daintily decorated with white bells and streamers and the bride and groom entered to the strains of the Wedding March from Lohengrin played by Mrs. J. S. Black. Canon Rushbrook proposed the toast to the bride which .was responded to suitably by the groom. Delicious refreshments were icrved, the bride cutting the beautiful three-tier wedding cake. Mr. and Mrs. Richards will make their home in the city. Mrs. C. Llndseth. who has been on a trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Princess Norah yesterday morning. All the Vitamins of COD LIVER OIL PLUS Bone Building MINERALS Cod Liver Oil when digested jupplies many necessary elements for proper growth of body and bones. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and the Hypo-phosphites of Lime and Soda, prepared for easy digestion helps insure proper body and bone development, without the unpleasant taste of Cod Liver Oil. SCOTT'S EMULSION THE DIGESTIBLE COD LIVER OIL WITH THE PLUS VALUES For SsJ, by YOUR DRUGGIST MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE FURNITURE FLOOR COVERINGS, HEDS SPRING MATTRESSES All Kinds Phone 775 Third Avenue WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Work'of rebuilding the end nearest the station of the pedestrian overhead crossing Into the Canadian National Railways station Is proceeding. It is being almost entirely renewed. The ramp is at present closed off and the one section is out. Motorshlp Belllngham arrived in port at 7:10 yesterday morning from Ketchikan and, after discharging seven carloads of frozen fish and one carload of mild cured, left at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon on her return north. On a regularly scheduled fortnightly voyage to Alaska, C. P. R. steamer Princess Norah, Capt. William Palmer, arrived in port at 9 o'clock yesterday morning from Vancouver and sailed at 10:30 a.m. for Skagway and other northern points whence she is due back here on Thursday afternoon southbound. The vessel had thirty-eight passengers aboard on arrival here. Seven disembarked at this point while seven went aboard here for the north. Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Findlay, arrived In port at 6 o'clock last evening from the south and sailed at 8 p.m. for Stewart, Anyox and other northern points whence she will return here Tuesday morning, sailing at 1:30 that afternoon for Vancouver and Enroute from Ketchikan to Seattle, Northland Transportation Co.'s motorshlp Norco is due m port tomorrow. She is bringing two carloads of frozen fish for transshipment East over Canadian National Railways. TRIBUTE TO KING (Continued from Pace I' Glory Must Be," "Hark, Hark, My Soul, Angelic Songs Are Swelling," 'The Strife Is O'er, the Battle Done" and "For All the Saints That From Their Labors Rest." Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, dean of the Cathedral, delivered a memorial sermon, speaking of the highlights of the reign of the late King and of his characteristics. In First United Church last evening, Rev. C. D. Clarke took the Shakesperlan saying "All the World's a stage and all the men and women merely players" as his text in a sermon on the life and relgn of the late King. The choir sang as an anthem "What Are These?" At morning service in the United Church members of the Women's Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion, under the president, Mrs Hugh Killin, attended in a body. The subject of Rev. Dr. F. W. Da- loe in Hrst Baptist Church was "What Is Death?" He also paid suitable tribute to the memory of the late King. Mrs. William Adams of Vancouver sang sweetly "The City Foursquare." The church was decorated In mourning colors and there was a large congregation. The following was part of an an-'nouncement which was read at the Christian Science Church: "The! eoes out to the Oueen. tn the Rnval I Family and to the whole British people. They pray that divine wis dom and love will pilgrimage King! Edward VIII and support him throughout all the years of his reign." The paid circulation of this newspaper is guaranteed to be greater than that of any other published in Prince Rupert both city and country circulation. "TILLIE THE TOILER" VJCVB GOT TO HAVE' IMd SILK. SALB TO CLEAR CUP. STOCK-Hovo loOCM CAM VJeI ANMOUMCE i DAILY NXWI Monday, January 27 GAY VIENNA 'Juvenile Program FILM HERE! On Air Saturday William Powell Heads Notable Cast In "Escapade" at Capitol Theatre Viennese gaiety and melody, whimsical comedy and lilting musical sequences mark "Escapade," a continental romance, coming to lhe Capitol Theatre here at the first of this week. William Powell is introduced in an entirely new type of role and the picture has many interesting surprises. It brings to the screen the voice of the great Enrico Caruso amplified from existing records into a very realistic replica of his actual voice. It introduces to the screen of this country, as Powell's leading lady. Lulse Rainer, Viennese stage star. The cast also includes Frank Morgan and Virginia Bruce, popular American screen stars. A great Vienna state ball, a lilting evening in a Viennese music hall and a Caruso premiere at the Imperial opera are among the spectacular musical highlights. A doctor's race to save a man's live is drama contrasted to an hilarious comedy of errors surrounding the mysterious model of a picture that arouses suspicions of a jealous husband. The action shifts from drama to laughter in a lightning-like plot action. High School Teachers In Regular Meet A meeting of the Northern High School Teachers' Association was held at the home of Roth Gordon last week. The president, Mr. Gor don, was inthe chair and gave a summary of the "Draft Bill," for compulsory membership In the B. C. Teachers' Federation. A discussion followed the summary. After the meeting adjourned, refreshments were served. Jack Wra-thall showed some excellent pictures of local views, and two short comedies. CITY OF PRINCE KL'PKKT NOTICE As a token of respect and regard for our lately departed sovereign, King George V, I do hereby declare Tuesday, the 28th day of January, a day of mourning, to be observed within the limits of Prince Rupert and would request that all stores, offices and other places of business be closed during the whole day. Signed: W. J. ALDER, ,22 Commissioner, I Several Children Took Part In Broadcast From Local Station A Juvenile program was featured over the local radio station Saturday night. Those taking part were the Annunciation School harmonica band; Molly Frew, Yvonne Rlffou, Roi Judge, Joyce Morin, Lois Judge, Eleanor Barber and Hugh Burbank, with songs; Jimmy Hadden, with violin solos, and Joyce Taylor and Zelda Hale, with recitations. It being the anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns, Mr. Angelln spoke briefly of the life and works of the Scottish bard and recited ! two or three' of his poems. Mrs. William Crulckshank. with vocal solos, was on the air yesterday, accompanied by Mrs. W. M. Blackstock. .STOPPED -UP ,XOSTRILSj dux to coUa. Use Mentholatum to help open the nostrils and permit freer breathing. COAL TO PLEASE" EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli. Proprietor "A HOME AWAY KKOM HOME" Rates 11.00 op 30 Room Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C Phone 281 P.O Box 199 U N I O N S T E A M SHIPS, LIMITED Special Low Winter Excursion Rates effective November 1st, 1935 17 1936' Prince Rupert t0 Vancouver and return $3200 Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 VM. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 IM. Due Vai ouver, Monday a.m. Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Stewart, Anyox and Naas River ' Sunday, 8 p.m. Further information regarding sailings and tickets from R. M. SMITH. Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 5G8 IVORY -rt UTILAC The original four-hour enamel, still first In quality. Its rich, satin gloss finish lasts, and lasts, continued washing has practically no effect on it. Easily applied, and economical to use. GORDON'S HARDWARE "Lend us an Ear" 1 ZTZ1 r IT'LL. f I Mppts ' vm ( I caut r-i.-r Wl f I AHn I Taks A. 1 two week?! 1 pattcou m VlTWHI 1. I I " "I . iv-i i i . ' w u cri i wrir rv . . . i I ti v . r.rj i - McBridc St Phone 311 l KMEUI COOiV COuMT On fOU-l TT 'lC HID KER LOVELY EYES. 0 ALSO NEWS and BEHIND A VELVET MASKl TONIGHT and TUESDAY out sn cowia not Mdg her heart from the man the loved t mfapade h imi.t.vivnnrva NEWEST SENSATION r ', LUISE RAINES FRANK MORGAN REGINALD OWEN MADV CHRISTIANS VI RH IN I A RRIICR COMEDY" T7 At 7:30 and 9:30 Thrills await you with a 1936 RCA Victor World wide tuning range entertainment around the world tremendous coverage for every radio dollar you spend with 11. C. A. Victor. New H. C. A. Victor developments are the Color-band and Selector dials, also the famous Airplane dial. All are easy to operate and easy to read Two speed tuning for precise tuning. Simple awl sure tuning tor maximum selectivity. The Sensitivity of 193G R. C. 'A. Victor models will amaze you. Make a test in your home in comparison with your old set. And of course, Victor tone is the standard of highest fidelity in music or speech. Investigate these incomparable features of the splendid new Globe Trotters for 193G. eMcuMvs.M - r - -HB -TO ' ' ' . I I A DOLLAR'S WORTH Clip thii coupon tnd mail it with $1 for 1 six weeW trial luhitrifti" 10 THB CHRISTIAN SCIENCE'MONITOR Published bj Tut CHtttmw Serine! Primmm Swim BoiUiu, Mtutchutr ttt, U. 8. A. In It o will find Iho dll lood ntwi of tho vorld tnm Hi pelat tHrt -to veil drpartmtnu dttotod tn womtn'i tnd ooildrrn'i Inttrnu. iporti. ". pnirco, education, rtd'o: tie. Yo will bo Hid to wlmt Into our bow 'J1 ".J1?01! ?L brohlbiuon. And don't mlM Bnubt, CMr VH. tnd tht Dundjtl tnd tbt otbtf IntutM. " Th t Ch t TUiTsPTrr MomiroV B t'cit " Bi y8t iUoniBoton Ml " ... FlttM tend mo t tlx week trltl mbaiiiipHtui, 1 tncloit ont dollar l r C (Town) (Norno. plrtM print) (Addrou) (SUtt) ,t-A -By W.stover 5 THERE1 AMVrtlC WUn rvtr.m'-r"3 t-ttio. rv,, JONES ; V I y"ii ...i i,,jar -4 i xii 1Mb ai I 7 . i n i i ni-.Mrfiir y7' i t wmmtr r --- itini i a "j- , L atom ' I' III i&a fehJ I -d r XVJ . r. liVy Tim flQrjf E itpmw ' yssuyi- . .-sj isis r'.u i