MowUy, January 27, 1936 ANTOINE CUIOT OLIVE OIL No finer grade on the market, four sizes 25c, 40c, 75c, $1.25 Paraxn ttrarid'Jmg 'Fiber Hospital Grade Absorbent Collon 35c per Mb, roi! WIAUMAL HOT WATEK JJOTTLES British make. Guaranteed for two years Special price, $1.25 DOMINION HOT WATER BOTTLES Guaranteed for two yean? Special price, $125 VACUUM.' BOTTLES Will keep hot Jlquids hot for 24 hours. Excellent 'for ' keppiug baby's food hot. . Price, 50c Ormes Ltd. "Jiie Pioneer Drutzpiats rte Reull Slot Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Used Furniture Union Scale, Capacity 240 lbs.,, price Premier Junior Vacuum Cleaner, price Steamer Trunk, size 36x21 price $10.00 $15.00 $450 D. ELIO ' FURNITURE EXCHANGE Green 421 HOUSE HEATING HELPS Elbows, Goal Hods, Stove Boards, Stove Shovels, Dampers, Stove Pipes, Spark Guards, Furnace Scoops Heaters, from" $1,50 to 22,00 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO, LTD. l! ttiehsh whirh mnrip PnrtrP RimprttamOttS mm " WVB Xf IIIVII ffl M f I W V y ' "Rupert Brand " SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, William Ooldbloom returned to (the city on the Catala last night from a brief business trip to Kltl- maat and Butedale. on the Catala last evening. J. P. Hawklnson of Stewart was a passenger aboard the Catala last night returning north -filter a brief business trip to Vancouver, i ' Miss AUce Moran, a Juneau nurse, and Miss 8. Hart, Wrangell nurse, ' were passengers aboard the Prln-i J cess Norah yesterday morning re- turning to their duties in Alaska j alter visiung eeavue ana eisewnere in the south, R. 'McCombe, Tulsequah mining man, who has been on a trip to Vancouver, having arrived here last week from the south, sailed orr the Princess Norah yesterday morning for Juneau enroute to the Tajcu River country. was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening going north from Van-; couver to Alice Arm. For driving without a licence while being .a minor, a boy of Juvenile age appeared before Justice of the Peace G. H. Munro In city police court this morning and was fined $10. He was given a .warning and ordered to be in the hous by 10:30 each evening for th next three months. Notice will be held at 2:30 p.m. Signed: W. J. ALDER, (22) Commissioner. 29. Announcements Lantern lecture on Russia by ' Willson Woodslde of Toronto,' Booth School, January 29. Sons of Norway masquerade Jan. 1 Junior Chamber 8npwball Frolic, January 31, Jlggs supper, February 4. Prince Rupert Badminton Club' dance, Elks' Hall, Friday, Feb. 7. Moose Legion anniversary novelty dance, February 7. Anglican Oirl's W. A. Tea, Mrs. Tinker's, February 8. United Valentine Tea, February 13, Cambral Valentine Dance, Feb. ruary 14. Valentine tea, OddfeUows' Hall, February 20. MOOSE HALL MENTAL RATES Concert $25.00 Dances 25.00 Public Meetings 16.00 A j-oom jultable for smaller meetings U now, available on the ground floor, rental rate, tiM for engagements phone the Club steward. 640 or Red 412.' DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES You can rent a car at Walker's as low as $1.50 a day, plus 7c a mile. Mrs. Hllraa Leland Is leaving op tonight's train for Edmonton to receive medical treatment, T. W, HaH, Inspector of schools., sailed last night on the Catala for a trip to Anyox orx official business. Charles Graham, Inspector of mines, sailed by the ttatala last evening for a trip to Alice Arm on .official duties. Basketball tonight, 7 pm. R. McKlnnon of Atlln, who has been paying a visit to the city, sailed yesterday by the Princess Norah on his return north. A. W. Sundstrum, manager of the Tongass Trading Co. at Ketchikan, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday morning returning to the Alaska city after a trip to Seattle. All ex-service men and wome.1 of the Canadian Legion Auxiliary will meet at the Legion rooms tomorrow morning, at 10:30 for the parade to the Capitol Theatre for the memorial service. (22 Ladles plan now to attend the Robert Bar tlett, who has heen on ' "Wahasso" matinee next Thursday, a vacatlo ntrlp to California, re- Capitol Theatre at 2:30 p.m. Six turned to the city from the south ''Wabasso" bed sets value $5.00 each will be given away. See the "Wa basso" fashion show and on the screen "The Big Broadcast." (24) ghtaCold? tierp end it sooner, throat and chest with VICKS Vapo rub Isadore Goldstein, mayor and well known merchant of Juneau, and Mrs. Goldstein were here aboard the Princess Norah yesterday morning returning to the Alaska Capital after a trip to Seattle. Capt. William Strong, well known trader and transportaUon man of the Stlklne and Taku River dis J. E. McCloskey. who Is Dromln- trlcts, arrived jn tne city on aaiur- ently Identified with the Esperanza'ay night's train, having been on a mine at Alice Arm since the instal-JtnP 10 ne Macicenzie Kiver aisiriw. lotion of the mill jon that property and Proceeded yesterday morning on the Princess Norah to Juneau. Professor WlUson Woadside. who Is to address .a public meeting Wednesday on Russia under trie auspices of the Women's Canadian Club, has accepted an Invi ¬ tation to also address the Rotary Club at Its regular; Thursday lun cheon, his subject being "Nat! Germany." Lome McAllister, well known to all northerners as Canadian Cus toms officer at White Pass near Skagway, and Mrs. McAllister were passengers aboard the Princess mmnr.,i fnr ,,r .Norah yesterday morning returning ! Pent a vacatio" late sovereign. King George V, will or a"f bavf several weeks in Vancouver and be held In the Capitol Theatre on' Victoria. Arthur Noble formerly of Tuesday, January 28th at 11 ajn. lor adults only, A children's iciicviiig aii vviiiic r oi uuiuig aval McAllister's absence and will be re- turning shortly to Victoria where he Is now located. Constipation Gone! Suffered tinea twelve yean old. Fruit-a-tivei brought lasting relief. Now enjoyi life. "Since twelve years old I was ill with constipation. Then three years ago 1 started Fruit-a-tives. They are mild and gentle in action, and they gave me wonderful relief. 1 am now able to enjoy life once more." Mrs. F. Williamson, Montreal. Containing extracts of APPI.ES, ORANGES, FIGS, PRUNES and 1IEKHS, Fruit-a-tivcs are natural do not contain habit-forming drugs. They work to strengthen all organs of elimination. Their tonic effects help bring lasting, glowing healdi. FRUIT-A-TIVES HAW Ad. No. 4416-Fin.P. Icol.x401ines Newspapers, 1936. CEJtTIFICATES OF .IMPROVEMENTS SILVER KINO No. 1; SILVER KINO No. 3; SILVER KINO No. 3; SILVER KINO No. 4; SILVER KINO No. S: SIL VER KINO No. 6; SILVER KINO No. 7; SILVER KINO No. 8: BLUEBIRD No b BLUEBIRD No. 3 MINERAL CLAIMS, Situate In the Atlln Mining Division of Caaalar DlflUICt. Where located: Whitewater Creek, Tulseauah River. TAKE NOTICE that' D. O. Sharpatone, acting as agect for Raymond L. Walker, Free Miner's Certificate No. 6489 i-u, Daniel H. Moller, Free Miner's Certificate No. 4877-D; Harry C Bracken, Free Min er's CertlXloaU No. 64878-P; Arthur Hod. , man. fit Miner' Certificate No. 64890-I D; Alaska Juneau Gold Mining Corpora-'tion. Free Miner's Certificate No. 98029-. D; Walter Barron, Free Miner's CertlXl-'cate No. 6483U-P; D. J. MacDougall, Free I Miner's Certificate No. 64489'D, Intends lxty days from the 4s U hereof, to bp-ply to the Mining Recorder for Certificates of Improvements for th purpose of obtaining Crown Orants of the above .claims. I And Further take notice that action, Udder seetlon 85 of the Mineral Act, must be commenced ptfore the lAsusnce u( auch Certificates of Improvements. I Dated this first day of December, 1939. Thomas W. Sllversldes, who has been op a trip south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Princess Norah yesterday morning. L. Werneke, prominent Yukon Territory mining man, was a pas senger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday morning returning to Mayo after a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Hills .of Premier, who haye been on a trip to Vancouver, returned to the city on the Catala last evening and will be returning north later. Olof Hanson, M. P. for Skeena. returned to the city on Saturday night's train from a brief trip to Smithers and will be leaving this week for Ottawa to attend the session of Parliament. William Inglls, who has been on a vacation trip to Vancouyer and SeatUe, returned to the city from the south on the Princess Norah yesterday morning. Mrs. Alex Mitchell At Home Saturday Former Laura Frizzell Receives Many Visitors at Post-Nuptial Reception Mrs. Alex S. Mitchell was hostess at a delightful post-nuptial re ceptlon Saturday afternoon at her home on Fourth Avenue West many ladies calling during the afternoon on the new bride. The table was beautiful, covered with a white cut-work cloth and centred with a silver basket o pink carnations and a large cello phane bow and long pink tapers. Miss Evelyn Dalby and Miss Car ollne Mitchell, who had been bridesmaids at the wedding, poured. Those serving were Mrs. F. E. Robertson, Mrs. C. Wilbur Daw son, Mrs. J. A. Barry, Mrs. Otto Young, Mrs. George Mltchclj and Mrs. E. J. Smith. Little Forbes Lee opened the door to the guests. wmsmmmmMtimMMMMam Overwaitea Ltd. SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY First Grade Butter 3 lbs. Rolled Oats 6-lb. sack l'lione 843 88c Grade "A" Large Eggs 49C mt i - Quaker Plain Oats-large pkt 19c Quaker Cup & Saucer Oats 27C 33c QUAKER FIRST GRADE FLOUR 98s $3.75 49's $1.85 24's 99c 6's 29c 2 doz 2 doz OVERWAITEA TEA per lb -58c, 45c, 40c OVERWAITEA COFFEE per lb 40c, 35c, 30c (Second to None) Sweet Juicy Oranges Juicy Grapefruit 7 for Lemons per doz Aylmer Tomato Soup 6 tins' 49c 39c 25c 25c 45c Phone 813 vsaxa umiuui im xm m ifsms Don't Put a Dollar On Any Now Car Until You Sec the . . . New Chevrolet Solid Steel Turret Top Perfected Hydraulic Brakes Improved Six Clylnder Motor Fisher No Draft Ventilation Knee Action Front Wheels Kaien Motors Limited CHEVROLET DEALERS Third Ave. Phone 52 Mr. and Mrs. Lance Styles and daughter, Miss Dorothy Styles, returned to the jelty on the Princess Norah yesterday morning from a trln tn Vanrnnvpr ! ' r . . . . P. Dodsworth, former manager of the Oranby Mrs. Jack. Preece continues to' make good progress toward rp-, sovery at the Prince Rupert General Hospital where she under went an operation early last week. Business at a meeting of the Junior Moose Lodge Saturday1 night was largely of a routine nature. Dictator Robert Elklns waj in the chair. Want Ads WANTED WANTED Trolling boat. Will pay cash for trolling boat In good condlUon. Give full particulars and price. Apply Box 3, Dally News. (21) FOR SALE FRESH Fish for sale aboard Helen II, Cow Bay. (tf) II..- , I II II -' mm FOR SALE Electric Panatrope Brunswick Gramophone, complete with loud speaker. First class condlUon. Apply Box 2, Dally News. (23) FOUND FOUND Bunch of keys In leather case. Keys rusty, evidently been lost some time. Apply Daily News. (tf) IV THE MTKEME CM T OF BRITISH COIAMMA In I'roliale In the Matter of the "Administration Art" uiU In the Matter of the Mate of 4ieor(f M Wlln, trveturd TAKE NOTICE that by order ol His Honor W E. Plaber, the Uth day of January, AX). 1836, I was appointed Ad ministrator of the estate of Oeorge Maculn, deceased, and an parties hay Ing claims against the said estate are hereby miulred to furolsb Same, properly verified to me on or before the 13th day of February, AX). 1938. and ail par. ties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prlce Rupert BjC. Dated the 13th day of January, A.D. 1936. (28) IN THE StPREME COl ItT OF ItltlTISH COUMHU lu i'rubale In the Matter of the "Administration A" and In die Matter of (lie EMate ut William Duncan, Deceased, Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by order of ills Honor W. JE. Fisher, the J 1th day pf January, AO. 1936. I waa appointed Ad ministrator ct the estate of William Duncan, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly yertfled to me on or before toe 13th day of February, AX). 1936, and all par. ties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the Amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert B.C. Dated the 13th day of January. A.D. 1936. (33) IX THE SITKEME ( Ol KT OF JtltlTISII niLI'MBIA III Probate In the Matter of the "Administration Act" And In the Matter of the Kotate Of Ollvre IVIMiiln, otherwise known a Oliver I'elouiiln, Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of HU Honor. W, E. Fisher, the 17th day of January, a. u. 1936, I was appointed Administrator of the e?tat of Ollvre reloquln. deceased and all parties hay Ing claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, prop erly verified, to me on or before the 18th day of February, A. D. 1936, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator, Prince Ruvert, B. C. Dated the 13th day of January, A, D. 1936. LAND ACT Notice of Iateotlon to apply to Lrare Jjind In PRINCE RUPERT Land Recordlnc District of Range 5 Coast, and situate about 1-3 tnUe south or the W. A Brown Homeslte Lease on Sklakl Bay, Stephens Island. Take notice that William Anthony Brown of Bkiau say, stepnen isi. occupation Fisherman and Trapper In tends to apply for a lease of the folio-w in described rore&nore lands: Commencing at a post planted on t small lslsnd wrtfiln n Inlet of Ski Our SEfSjSource Anyox, was a passenger aboard i(. Catala last evening going northVF from Vancouver to Anyox. ski Bay, about 20 Feet west of my bouthouse. which Is located approxlm ately 3-4 miles south of the W. A. Brown Homeslte 1 Lease thence West 1.300 Feet; thence North 900 Feet thence East 1.800 Feet; thence South 900 Feet; thence West 600 Teet to point of ccmmejicemeat and containing Thirty acres, more or less. WILLIAM ANTHONY BROWN Dated November 4th. 1938. "Build BD, Parrotl!" Strength II I I VWHWTE The ties that hind n Empire are - today clearly visible, and strong, Attachment and oneness Jn a great, calm current fit Jeeilng run deep. It Is a feeling .that adds to its strength as (time goes on, a feeling that will remain as long as our peoples -endure and that a sad circumstance has enabled. Pacific Milk Hinton Coal Phone 51 CENTRAL HOTEL FURS FURS We have orders for Mink, Marten, Lynx, Foxes, Weasels, and we are prepared to pay you highest cash prices. Also all your other furs at full market value. Trial shipment will convince you. Ship now to J. CLONES PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Ked Sockeye Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all .the year round payroll in Pririce Rupert. COAL LUMBER Building Supplies Phone PHILPOH EVITT & Co. Ltd. 651 and 652 We sell circulation. We have it.