3 PAGE TOUR DAILY NIW Wednesday, Februa r 7 5. We Follow The , Markets When groceries are sold cheaper, we'll, sell them. A trial order will '? convince you PINK SALMON Vi's per tin Don't Put a Dollar On Any New Car Until You See the ... New Chevrolet Solid Steel Turret Top Perfected Hydraulic Brakes Improved Six Clyinder Motor Fisher No Draft Ventilation Knee Action Front Wheels Kaien Motors Limited CHEVROLET DEALERS Third Ave. Phone 52 Hyde Transfer For Sale Six-Cylinder ENGINE CHEAP Good for Car or Boat PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue 7c CAMPBELL'S SOUPS All lip vq riotlpc nap In - " ICttlVViVi, fcMft TOMATO PASTE Italian ldt 4 tZp style, per tin DRIED APPLES Bulman's - (g AUU per lb. JIFFY READY DINNER jCn XUl 16-oz. tin SALAD DRESSING Nalley's, 16-oz. Jar HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA 1Ap ASHCROFT CATSUP 13-oz. bottle 37c 10c AYLMER TOMATO JUICE fjn Vs. per tin Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at Reduced Prices Try our Delivery Service at no extra cost CASH SPECIALS ONLY MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollar Have More Cent P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 CO A L TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 The Dally News Is an A. B. C, paper. CIIYMHEK IS BUSY (Continued rrom Page 1) certain assistance In the matter ol providing quarters in the public library building and obtaining con cessions In connection with insurance. The museum, with much on hand Including the $3000 Hyde collection as well as fisheries, mineral, timber and native art exhibits, had no dearth of material but proper accommodation was a problem. The Carnegie grant could be used In that connection. The obtaining of a custodian had, however, to be financed and it was to raise funds for this purpose that the assistance of the Junior Chamber was particularly sought with the suggestion that a membership drive be undertaken. City Commissioner W. J. Alder referred to the value of the museum as a tourist attraction. Following discussion, the matter was referred to a committee with authority to go ahead with a drive for the sale of membership tickets. Better Mail Service j The desirability of endeavorlne to obtain a four malls a week ser vice the year around on the local railway line was brought before the meeting by Jack Buleer. If a subsidy for four malls a week could be obtained, It would, undoubtedly, result In four trains a week being operated in each direction the year around. Mention was made of the intention of the railway company to operate four full passenger trains a week in and out of Prince Rupert this summer and the general speeding up of the. service all around TRAPPERS: Do not sell on the waterfront until you have seen me and got my price on your furs. You will get 20 more from me. Think what you can buy with twenty cents on the dollar more by bringing your furs up town and showing them to me. G O L D B L O O M - The Old Reliable BETTER LIGHT-BETTER SIGHT 45 To avoid serious eyestrain, (SHW' use plenty of light free Ss from glare. You will find that Edison Mazda Lamps arc always "kind to your eyes". with .trains leaving here for the east in the mdmlngs Instead of in the evenings. It was" decided to take the matter up with the Senior Chamber. 'James Parker suggested the pos sibility of obtaining federal assistance for the local highway construction. This was another matter, which it was fel.t should be taken up with the Senior Chamber. S. J. Jabour reported on having conferred while in Vancouver re cently with Cllve Planta, M. L. A. for Peace River, on the matter of the sponsorship by the Junior Chamber of an essay contest by school children of the peace River Block on the subject "Prince Ru pert, the Logical Outlet for the Peace River." Mr. Planta Is interesting himself In the matter which Is now being taken up with William Plenderlelth, school inspector for the Peace River, and other local authorities there. The proposed grand prize Is a trip for the winner bf the contest to Prince Rupert at the time of the fall carnival. Mr. Jabour mentioned that Mr, Planta had felt that It might , he some time before a railway outlet could be obtained for the Peace River. In the metantlme, the outlet movement seemed to be in the direction of a road. Recreational Centre The meeting lauded the provincial government for having opened the recreational and physical education centre here and urged that every support be given this project. The provision of showers' was an Immediate need and it was felt that a residue from the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation celebration fund might be obtained for this purpose. City Commissioner Alder mentioned that the iocal centre was bidding fair to become the largest In the province . In point of attendance. If Interest was maintained, Foster Wlllan said', it was likely to develop along substantial lines with the possibility of a swimming pool being ultimately obtained. Trevor Williams, secretary, gave the meeting an Interesting .talk on the subject of "Functions of Junior LAMPS MAZDA "TILLIE THE TOILER" MADE IN CANADA I CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., Limited Chambers of Commerce." There were two general lines of activity one In the way of campaigns of service to., the community and the other, , self-education of members. I The speaker described the activities jOf the Vancouver and .Montreal j Junior Chambers which typified (the respective lines of endeavor. In Prince Rupert, the smallest city in the country to have a Junior Cham bcr, the campaign type of work was featured. i It was reported that a profit of some $75 was estimated from the recent snowball frolic. 1 Alder Appreciative Speakine briefly, city Commis sioner Alder congratulated the Junior Chamber on Its continued vigor and enthusiasm. It was refreshing to attend the meetings. Mr. Alder Intimated that he had received certain books from the University of British Columbia extension service on economic subjects which the members of the Junior Chamber might avail themselves of. The meeting was Informed that there were no new developments In connection with the projected International yacht race from Puget Sound this summer or In connec tion with the move to have either the steamer Glvenchy or Malasplna stationed here for coastguard service. . It was reported that T. W. Workman of Vancouver was carrying the proxy of the local chamber at the annual convention of Junior Chambers of Commerce being held this week in Toronto. Further steps arc being taken with marine and meteorological authorities with a view to broadcasting local weather reports' for the benefit of the fishing fleets and others at sea. A communication on the matter was received from F. Napier Denison of Victoria. T. H. Johnson, who recently left the city, had a letter before the Chamber expressing appreciation for the, conferring upon him of a life membership. He would continue to follow the work of the Chamber with muchr Interest. It was decided to send a wire of congratulation to G. P, Lyons, an active member, who was married yesterday. Congratulations were extended to Lee Gordon in view of the recent news of his engagement to Miss Marjorio Blance. Len Cripps was added to the committee on radio. Max Asemissen was welcomed as a new member. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Union steamer Catala. CaDt. James Flndlay, returned to port In good time at 8:30 yesterday morning from Stewart, Anyox and other northern points and sailed at 1:30 hvthe afternoon for Vancouver and waypoints. The vessel had a rather light passenger list. With a very fair sized list of passengers, C. N. R. steamer Prince George, Capt. II. E. Nedden, arrived In port on time at 10 o'clock this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and sails at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Vancouver and waypoints whence she will return here tomorrow evening southbound, Northland Transportation Co.'s motorshlp Northland, Capt. Len Williams, arrived in port at 2 o'clock this morning from Ketchikan and, after discharging two carloads of frozen fish for transshipment east over Canadian National Railways, sailed In continuation of her yoyage to Seattle. Try a Daily News want-ad. I PICTURE IS IMPRESSIVE Tale of British Officers in Arabia During Great War Told In "The; Last Outpost" The courtige and loyalty of British officers In the face of grim warfare In the Arabian deserts and jungles during the World War feature the spectacular drama "The Last Outpost," starring Cary Grant, Claud Rains and Gertrude Michael, which comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this mid-week on a double bill along with a romantic comedy "Every Night at Eight," with George Raft In the leading role. "The Last Outpost" Is an Impressive plcturlzation of the conflict arising between the Turks and the British Army In Mesapotamla during the Great War. Two British officers in different services meet under strange circumstances and their adventures lead them Into many dangers including thrills and romance. Unaware that he has fallen In love with his friend's wife, Gertrude Michael, who acts as a nurse in a Cairo hospital, Grant takes, steps to find the man she does not love and has not heard from In three years. Rains resolves to track him down and kill him. They meet again In a deserted fort n the interior and there, In a tense, dramatic sequence. Rains has to decide whether he will leave Grant to the- mercy of the natives or to die in a seething forest fire. "Every Night at Eisht" concerns a group of young singers who try out on an amateur radio program. They at first meet with dismal failure but, In an Interesting story, eventually achieve success. Besides Raft, the cast includes Alice Faye, Patsy Kelly and Walter Catlett. There are a number of song hits. Jiggs Supper Is Successful Enjoyable Affair at First United Church Last Night The annual Jiggs supper, held under the auspices of the men of First United Church last night, was, as usual, a very enjoyable and well attended affair. Corned beef and cabbage was the main course of the supper and the preparing; cooklne and serving was done in an excellent manner by the men Following the summer theri v community singing led by J. s. Wilson and solos were elven bv Or R. G. Large and J. S. Wilson. W Vaughan Davles was pianist tor the evening. MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE FURNITURE I LOOK COVERINGS, BEDS SPRING MATTRESSES All Kinds Phone 775 Under Lock and Key Third Avenue Hinton Goal Phone 51 CENTRAL HOTEL Adoiph Ivkor pr9n Semtthing doing very mlnutt In this tong.packad musical lour of radio's amattur hours Defenders of an Empire Who Never Know Defeat! "THE LAST OUTPOST" A glorious drama by the same studio which gave you "Lives of a Bengal Lancer," witn ca Grant, Gertrude Michael, Claud Kalns (At 8:23 once only) PLUS (At 7:00 & 9:39i TONIGHT & THURSDAY 33 TH'S IS Singer Seasoi aon Everyone can make good use of a SINGER SEWl IN(i MACHINE at this time of year. Now is J time to make up dresses, aprons, curtains, etc. readJ for the longer days and spring cleaning time thai the city. MHO CUT THE IT Wi V i 7vJrH "W'A I w r,'.T.M.J will soon be here. Use the "Singer System" and enjoy your home ml ing. Singer is the easiest machine to operate anj you can turn out perfect work. Practice Singer economy and have a modern homJ For real economy, efficiency and money saving gtj a modern Singer. Ask about Singer Modern Home Plan and a gcucj ous allowance on your old machine. eMaeM mi IheFish which made Prince Rupert famom "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lli I 'III NCR UUPKRT H.C ( If you have something to sell, a classified advertise! in wis paper will soon let you know if there is a W By Wstovei Market has gomb W HIQM AMD WEiNH ,rfr all THE SILK IM CMIUA ju 'STOCS.MACJ ym'fce rich nrrrci7rT7TTTT-T I If f VMOWIB.' AB B VUO UliB I'M AwAKG