February S. 1DM 2 Things to Do TO EASE COLD INSTANTLY "omfort and Ache Go Wmost'lnstantly TAbWay . t,U two "AHDirln" Tab. 1 leu. Mke sure you get ll "Asplrm. HOUSE . IlL. Drink, a full glass of ater. 2 Kepeat treatment in 2 hours. (1 of taxing your system wmi medicines for a cold, try the of a glass of water; gargle twice. Do Tnictured above the modern, not rinse mouth. ; ' ,V ay. Vour own doctor will ,"Aspirin" Tablets are made in Sove it. And it takes hold of Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered STaind cold almost immediately. tra,Ie-mark.of Ihe'nayerCornp'Qny. .The "Aspirin" you take will Limited. Look for the name. Hyer ""os, on every tawet. TS ""lireTrrush anS JlrT-Aspirin" Tablets in a third - CHI D'l Rl7 nAND AND GET MDr I KIINI 5 let This Drug Store Be Your Drug Store We Can Supply Everything the Baby Needs We Keep a Complete Stock of Various Makes .of Iiaby rood FUNNELS- For filling nursing bottles. GLASS GRADUATES-For measuring milk, HOT WATER BOTTLES For stomach pains. NURSING BOTTLES For baby's food. RUBBER NIPPLES For nursing bottles. ABSORBENT COTTON For plugging nursing bottles. BOTTLE BRUSHES-For cleaning nursing bottles. GAUZE For cleaning baby's face. RUBBER SHEETING To prevent baby wetting bed. BABY TALCUM POWDERS For baby's delicate skin. BABY SOAPS For baby's bath. SAFETY PINS For fastening baby's .clothes. THERMOMETERS For taking baby's temperature. BORIC ACID SOLUTIONS For baby's eyes. RUBBER SYRINGES For baby's ears. SPONGES For baby's bath. Our Baby Scales Arc Always at Your Service This is the Store that gives SERVICE that SERVES OrmesLtd. Z7Jifi Ptoneer Drvtf&ists fte Kexail SUr Phones: 81 & 82 Mill.. Crnm X a.m. till 10 D.m. II ... 1 1 J . ...... I.,,,. Sundays md Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9-p.m. Used Furniture Used Radio, Rogers Mantel Model 2 0.00 - -v. 1 Cabinet Gramaphones price, up trom New Goods $5.00 New Blankets CO TC CQ fZfi 75 price u v New Pack Sacks price New Suitcases price $2.75, $4.50 $2.75, $7.00 D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Green 421 Wc Buy Household Goods Elbows, tGoal Hods, Stove Boards, Stove :Shovels, Dampers, Stove Pipes, Spark Guards, Furnace Scoops Heaters, from $1.50 'to $22.00 THOMPSON HARDWARE cCO. LTD. N you lose anything ?iry a xlmtt M wL Lorn Prince 'Rupert i Badminton Club on . last night's .train -and mvHI, sail on Xhe Prince .George this after noon for Stewart. Contsabie M. '-F.i-Foster 'R.eiM.f. and Mrs. Foster arrived In the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning from Vancouver. Con stable Foster is to be stationed here as Royal ' Canadian Mounted, Police officer, taking the place of Corp. A. Mason'Rooke who Is going to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. William Stone, who were married here three weeks ao and have been on a. "honey moon tour south, returned to' 'the city from 'Vancouver oh' the" Prinda George this morning. "They will take up residence in' the? Summit Apartments. The' bride was for merly Miss Nessle Brown. Miss Helen Grant of the ..United States consulate In Vancouver and formerly stationed "here arrived in I the city on the Prince George this morning from the south and wP.l proceed this evening to .the in terior. She will visit .with her father, William Grant, at Hazelton and with her sister, Mrs; Normal) ruipatncK, at simmers.- - Announcements Prince Rupert Badminton Club dance, Elks' Hall, Friday,, Feb. 7. Moose Leglqn anniversary novelty dance, February 7. Anglican Girl's W. A.VTe'a, Mrs, Tinker's, February .8. MOOSE H ALL prince Rupert Moose :Lq$ge will meet-at 8 p.m. Installation f Offirers at 9 .o'clock: , j.areu, Proprietor i "A fUOME fAWAY PPM 'HOME" !60'Room !Hoti-ColdiWler :PrlnceRupert,!JB.C. OTrtilgjiW lag. Ladies' Music club Tea Musical?; February 12. United 13. Cambrai ruary 14. Valentine Tea, February .Valentine Dance, Feb- Varden Concert, February 19. Valentine tea, Oddfellows' Hall February 20. C. N. R. A. Annual Dance, Elks' Hall, Friday, February 21, Sons of Norway, Skuesplll and 1 'You can rent a car aWalker'Sj ;Just received, large shipment o! as ; low as'$li50 a dtyj'ntus- 7c a mile. Mrs.:H. S. Parker, 'Who 'has bee.i on a'buslness trip - south, -returned from Vancouver on -the Prince George thlsmornbg. flannel slacks. -Annettes. Regular monthly meeting Canadian Legion Women's Auxiliary, Thursday, ;6th, 8" o'clock. (30) John Gurvlch, -who has been jji a two weeks' trip to -'Vancouver and Seattle, 1 returned to the cit? dance, i Friday, PebV n,l jakr iHaft. i on the Prince George fthis morn- Balagno's. Orchestna.lRefreshmeoU Adm.-50c.iEverybodjr . welc6me, , ,30r2 Mrs. ,J. H. CGower lor JDttawa arrived in the city from -the J&At Alex McKenzle. who has .been spending a few weeks in Van couver, .'returned ,to .the ,clty from the south on the Prince .George tills .morning. j R. R. -Nlchol, taxation officer for the Canadian "National Railway? .Just received, large, shipment :pt ' from Winnipeg, arrived in the city printed dresses. Annette's, (30) ;F. E. Robertson, manager 'of rthe local-branch, of the Royal) Bank ;of Canada, -and 'Mrs. i Robertson: .sailed yesterday afternoon, on the'.Catala for a two. -weeks' trip :to Vancouver, firom Vancouver uu uie rrince George this morning, being hen: on local taxation matters. -Rev. F. W. 'Hardy of Ocean 'Falla arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from Ocean Falls to attend sessions of Prlnee Rupert 'Presbytery of the United Church of Canada which are now (going on here. Might Coughs I n. i VS. Quickly checked without "dosing." . .Jul V CKS rub on TTVapoRub A. T. Harrer, well known Sml thers mining man, who has been on a trip, south, arrived from? Vancou ver on the Prince George this morning and will proceed to the Interior .on this evening's train. W. -West and Miss 'Mary .West of Terrace, -who have been on trip to Vancouver, arrived In the city from .he south on the Prince George .this morning and will pro ceed to the interior on this eve nlng's train. Sergeant F. -J. Culverhouse R.C M.P.of Hazelton,.who hasbeen an a brief trip to Vancouver on offl clal business, arrived in the city from the south on the Prlno George this morning and will -pro ceed to the interior on this eve nlng's train. Dr. A. S. Lamb, provincial hos pital Inspector, arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver and will be here for the next week. He will make his annual Inspection of the local hospital and will be present at n special meeting of the board tonight when -the project for a new hospital is to be discussed following the trip to .Victoria of a dele gation ..which Interviewed the gov ernment von the matter. In hii capacity .as .provincial chest spec iallst, Dr. Lamb will also conduc' a tuberculosis clinic while here. f c. J. 'Hotel Arrivals ' 'Knox McDonald, city. i Prince 'Rupert 'Mr. and "Mrs. P. King and son, Inverness; -A. Berner, Telkwa; E A. Tate. IRev. Dr. S. S. Osterhoat, F. J. Lancaster, J. Hall, J. L. Jen kins, Dr. A. S, Lamb and Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Foster, Vancouver; G D. Masson and R. R. Nlchol, Winnipeg; Mrs. T. E. JJrooks, Terrace: Dr. H, C, Wrlnch, Hazelton; Mrs. J. II. Gower, Ottawa; H. E. .Gould- bourn, J. Richards and Mr. and Mrs. M. A, ,Wood, Victoria; S. E. tBate, .Regina; Dan O'Rourke, Cal gary; Mrs. R. McDonald, Phelan. Jtoya! Rev. J. Kabayama, Ocean Falls. Savoy 'F.'T.Patterson and'Mr. and 'Mrs, H..Clay, Surf .Point; Peter Nlelson, Hazelton. ITvSKD FOR (HAVING STILL Gus Cordel. whose premises on t Shawatlans' Passage were raided by Dominion officers, pieaded guilty tin city. police, court yesterday aft- lernoon .before i.Indlan ''Agent W. E. i.Colllson and'.G. H. iMunro, justices .of the peace, on a ;charge of hav ing a .still In his possession and ,was .fined ;$100, with option of three months' imprisonment, the .still toeing ' confiscated. Domer Ljolinson, charged initlie same connection with supplying liquor to Indians, has had his case remanded for eight .days. He Is also facing an additional charge of .assault. AIR BASE STRING ALL ACROSS DOMINION NEARLY COMPLETE (Continued from P.ize"l 4n actual us& while air mall services were maintained across the prov inces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. It has not been -used for the past two or three years. Mountain Route 'From Vancouver the route pro ceeds eastward through the Crow's Nest Pass to Lethbridge, Alta. The Crow's Nest was chosen in preference to the Kicking Horse and Yellow Head Passes because it is the. Shortest .and most direct route and passes through better flying country.. It traverses an area which Is more highly developed and better settled' than the others and enjoys better weather. On the mountain section there are now six licensed airports maintained by municipalities or private Interests. The government has com- ipleted one airport at Princeton, six more are nearing completion and four are under development. Six more must be acquired. The . prairie section has 27 com pleted . landing fields along the routes from Lethbridge to Winni peg and Lethbridge to Edmonton. Lighting equipment for these fields is in storage and there are five radio beacons. From Winnipeg the airway fol lows the line of the Canadian Na tional Railways through Northern Ontario to Cochrane. This nor thern route was chosen because of better climatic conditions pre vailing back from the Great Lakes and because It was easier to find! suitable landing sites. The eastern end pf the route passes through the clay belt. By avoiding the rocky territory along the northern shores Of the lakes It was easier to build the airway In straight line sections to conform to beam wireless courses. In Northern Ontario 14 sites have now been developed to the point where landing is possible. They are not yet open to the public however, and have not been marked, on maps issued to pilots. Work is progressing tinder the un-1 employment relief plan, on 21 other ! sites and six more have yet to be acquired. From Cochrane the line swings i south' ;to Elmsdale Ont., where It! splits, into two branches, one going to Toronto and the. other to Montreal. .The iKasiern . End The v eastern .end of the airway cuts straight east from Montreal to Saint .John and Moncton, N.B., passing oyer the State of Maine. A survey showed this was the most direct route and the best flying country. I Under the unemployment relief plan five .intermediate airdromes have tbeen constructed on this section and are . now suitable for land ing byvdepartmental aircraft. Two other sites are being developed and two more have, been acquired for development in 1936. No development has been undertaken by Can- ada.hr the State of Maine but it is likely .arrangements will be made forCanadian filers to make use of existing airdromes for .emergency landings. From Moncton one branch of the airway will cut southeast to Hall-1 fax, and another, although not yet j completely .surveyed, will stretch eastward .to Sydney by way of New. Glasgow. j Peter Nelson, an old timer of Hazelton, arrived in the city on the, train last night and Is proceeding by boat to Vancouver. 01 WAN-TED WORK WANTED YOUNG, -Experienced Bookkeeper wants work Phone Green 937. (35) FOR SALE TOBACCO Sample package, 10 lbs. mild or strong leaf tobacco, with preparation to give good aroma ,to tobacco free, all for $1.50 ov 50 lbs. $5. Agents wanted. The Capital Gasoline Light Co., 4 Cumberland St., Ottawa. (35) FOUND FOUND Bunch of keys In leather case. Keys rusty, evidently been lost some time. Apply Dally News. tf) FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY 'ATiPVTIV inATRY illjlitl'l 111 "ltlllV A Phone 657 THE four luscious loRnbcrries shown above arc but a few of millions which were oa the vines last year in British Columbia. It Is a delightful, large, slightly tart, wine-colored berry ;of utmost value to many recipes. The bsst jam is made from fresh berries and pure sujar with nothing lse added. We have Just been told that Royal City Jams are made in this way, and that they are now being sold at lower prices. 11 i WANTED Gasoline pressure tank1 for hollow wire system, hold 3 to 5 gallons gas. Write or phone at once to Box 4,, Dally News. rmmm UNION STEAMS-IMPS, LIMITED Special Low Winter Excursion Rates effective November 1st, 1935 to February 29th. 1936. Prince Rupert to Vancouver and return $32.00. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver:. T.S.S. CATALA EVERY 'TUESDAY,1 1:30 P.M. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. OARDKNA FRIDAY, 10:30 . PM. i Due Vaj ouver, Monday a.m. , . -,-; - ; - ' .- Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Stewart, Anyox and .Naas River, Sunday, 8 p.m. Further information regarding sailings and tlckets-from R. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave.' Phone 568 A U TIL AC The original four-hour enamel, still, first Jn quality Its rich, sa,tin gloss finish lasts, and lasts, continued washing has practically no effect on it. Easily applied, and economical to use. GORDON'S HARDWARE C. N. R. Trains For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 pjn. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays 10:20 p.m. McBride St. Phone 311 ROSES Order your roses now "for spring planting. Per dozen, $3.00 and up Other Shrubs same price ARTHUR BAYNE Successor to.Glennle's, Ask Eor GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL i,,r Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with ah 'all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. t;.. For - - GOAL LUMBER Building Supplies PHILPOn EV1TT & Go. Ltd. 651 and 652 Hah 'Si