PACK TWO Regrets will never rectify mlsukti. once made in fitting your child's foot The visible liie-hnding shoes Every refinement in melting childWt tKoet . i . Third Avenue DAILY EDITION Size-finding OPEN C. C. F. BREAK shoes tell the whole story nuke no miiUkes.. m JTaCKLandJilU HEALTH SHOES for boys end sirU The Family Shoe Store Limited Phone 357 THE DAILY NEWS. fRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA PublUhed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. pTJLLEN Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per men, per insertion . Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion , Local readers, per Insertion, per line II 86 Tuesday. May 12, 1936 to complete stultification if it is to bp rmllprl arming Itv the fulminations of the Winches or the demagogy of Tel- TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. C. N. Evidently the C. C. P.. party is beintr broken wide oDenJ H. A. Tennis- and Badminton Social Dance is Held A delightful social-dance for pre sentation of trophies took place last Friday evening at the Canadian National Recreation Association Badminton Hall, being a lolnt affair under the auspices of the C. N. R. A. Tennis and BadmlnUm Clubs. ; Music was furnished by Welle's Orchestra and during the course of 'the evening after refreshments had been served, presentations of trophies were made as follows: i Tennis (presented by F. M. Da- j vies) ladies singles, Miss E. Ri-vett; men's singles, R. Morrison; ladies' doubles, Mrs. Gardner and .. Handicap 61 61 BIO. STATION 1st, 2nd Allen 93 158 Sunderland 75 97 Large ..141 114 Freeman 99 119 Brocklesby 154 146 Handicap ....'.. 86 80 3rd 120 153 123 100 PI Totals 660 759 061 auiu. rc Ljuuiv a muui inure sunu anu niieingiDie menu, - must be set before the electorate; For that reason we have bankers ist 2nd backed Mr. Connell's position." fk l-:-m 120 Just now there is a by-election in sieht in the Ominec.i aL " l 3rd 147 110 140 riding and it will be well for the C. C. F. members there Norris Z 'ZZZIZiu m 125 to consider when they select a candidate, if they do make cue 115 i67 152 a selection, whether their man is t.n bp a C. r. F with Handicap 51 51 51 Communistic leanings, looking to Russia as an example, or backing a constitutional program with Rev. Robert Connell as leader. He must be one or the other. There can be no more subterfuge as has been the case in the past Totals 771 754 725 3rd 115 102 129 131 120 80 Totals 648 720 683 WATTS' 1st 2nd Hardy 129 141 Ranee 120 132 Bury 189 191 Watts in 121 Haudenschild 99, 123 Handicap 83 83 3rd 92 110 142 135 103 83 Totals 737 791 665 The League Standing The league standing to date: W. Bankers 15 Three Two Taxi 11 Watt's Grocery ll Biological Station 11 Rupert Butchers . 10 Kalen Motors 9 C. N. R. A. 8 Oilers 7 DAILY NEWS Tuesday, May 12, 'S PO RT PRESENTATION OF TROPHIES PETEY SARHON IS NEW CHAMPION OF FEATHERWEIGHTS 4 WASHINGTON, DC May 12: (CP) Petey Sarron, As- Syrian fighter, defeated Fred- die Miller here last night to capture the world's feather- weight boxing crown. Miller weighed 126 pounds and Sar- ron 125. .Horton and Percy Mcintosh; mixed wew orK Ulanls emerged vic- ! doubles, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Horton. torious over the phllues here es- i American tournament: Mr. Horton tday ln a wlld nlttln 8ame and land Miss Rlvett. Mr. Morrison and movPd 11110 a tle wlth Chicago Cubs for third in the National Mrs. West, Mr. Mcintosh and Mrs. place 'rjavis . League. Brooklyn Dodgers needed I Badminton (presented by P. Pe- but one run to defeat the Boston 'tersonl-ladies' singles. Miss Elsie Braves at Boston and- as a result danced from the cellar sixth iDavls; to men's singles. H. J. Horton; .J ladies' doubles, Miss Davis and HQjRivett; men's doubles, Mr. Gibson .02 25 SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5.00 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and " Tor less periods, paid ln advance, per week 10 Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone and H. J. Horton; mixed doubles. Mrs. Young and Horton. American tournament, Mrs, Horton and W. Murray. BANKERS WIN OUT Are, Champions of Commercial Bowling League Season Ends With Banquet Friday The leader, Rev. Robert Connell, found it necessarv to The commercial Bowling League make the position of the party clear in several speeches, concluded its season last night The Winches and Dr. Lyle Telford were practically ruled when Bankcrs Seated Canadian .Mi ....... . ... . v - not nna wwrQT inn acchp it nn f I r iurn tne tames on two. games to one wnile Watts. the Official group by endeavoring to capture control of Grocery was winning over Biolo- xnc uiiiiiiuiMYcaiLii, me uiiaitii uiguu ui urn pmiy. J gicai aiauon oy a simuar score. half page editorial article on the front page of that paper Bankers, as a result, emerged win-tells about it and speaks of a "cabal" of the executive nm of the easo",s nonors- n'en which they charge proceeded I arhitrarily to -eonnive and SJSS manoeuvre in order to put 'the paper' out of business." It with 174. Says: ' Bowling actlvitlss will be brought "Not the least articulate among this group is the t0 a close for the season at the esteemed doctor who whoops it Up over the radio. May Commercial Bowling League ban- we be forgiven for opining that,, if the bulk of these 'airy' Zol'vow " utterances can pass as intelligent propaganda or as a means of persuadintr thinkiner neonle that thfi f!. f!. F. lmo Dptalis of n'ghfs scorln-: any real program for or political place in British Colum-'ThcomNsfn A JJ bia, we have been in the wrong school for a quarter of a Rogers 131 109 century. jTeng ".'."'111 104 "We are quite frank about this, matter." continues the Da vies 96 111 n !f -vv.w, 1 .I 1 i.t-i 11- "'l T! ii i Rutter Putter ..: .117 11J too 182 cuiiuum. iicuic i-uuviuceu uai ine j. v.. r. win nroceon GIANTS WIN OYER PHILSI Now Tied For ThirJ Cubs Browns Lose Their Thirteenth Straight PHILADELPHIA, May 12: (CP) place, leaving the Braves In sev enth place and the Phillies In the basement. In the American League, the long-suffering St. Louis Browns dropped their thirteenth straight game, losing to the Chicago White Sox who made one less than a score of runs. The world champion Detroit Tigers defeated the Cleve land Indians. The Tigers and White Sox are now tied for fourth place ahead of the Washington Senators. Yesterday's Big League results: National League Brooklyn 1, Boston 0. New York 13. Philadelphia 12. American League Cleveland 3, Detroit 8. Chicago 19, St. Louis 6. IBaseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE w. L. Pet. St. Louis 14 7 .667 Pittsburg 12 9 .571 Chicago.. .....:. 12 10 .515 New York 12 10 .545 Cincinnati ll 13 .458 Brooklyn 10 13 .435 Boston ' 9 13 .409 Philadelphia 10 15 .400 AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. Pet New York 17 7 .708 Boston 17 8 .680 Cleveland 15 9 .625 Detroit 11 11 .500 Chicago 10 10 .500 Washington 13 14 .431 Philadelphia 8 15 .313 St. Louis 3 20 .131 THIRD TEAM IS ENTERED Casey Vink Puts Dominion Dairy In Senior Football League Opens Next Week There will be three entries in the Senior Football League this sea- ,son, It became assured last night at a general meeting of the Prince Rupert Football Association when Casey Vlnk entered a Dominion Dairy team. The other two teams already entered are Canadian Legion and Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve. It was decided to open the season next Tuesday evening with the commencement ot the Ollhuly Cup series. The schedule will be drawn up Thursday night. Tliere will be a working bee of all play ers next Sunday morning to get the grounds in shape for play. Further plans were made for the Dominion Day celebration which will be under the management of the Prince Rupert Football Association. President Hugh Klllin was ln the cnair at last night's meeting which was attended by about fifty .players and fans and at whiih ji jmuch enthusiasm was. displayed. 13 1 If you wish to swap somethlng- m rry a classified. JUBILEE DISPLAY lng. the period of Vancouver's golden Jubilee celebrations. In the qround-floor windows of its hotel building ln downtown Vancouver the Canadian National Railways has placed a series of dis plays portraying for the benefit of tourists the country's from Pacific to Atlantic. It is the company's contribution to the rtty'3 birthday program. As befits a Jubilee celebration one of the exhibits strikes an historic note. It is a full size model comnlete with cordwood and wa ter barrel of the Dorchester, first locomotive used ln Canada on thc!i,tor ln Champlain and St. Lawrence rall- Place With'way- Tnls first rallroad ln Canada is now pan oi uie uanaaian national system and its centenary Is being observed this year. The colorful backdrop for the Dorchester shows the village of LaPralrie enl fete 100 years ago j Most spectacular feature of the. display is six huge hand colored! transparencies at the building's. main entrance. More than 10 feet1 high these are brilliantly lighted' from behind to disclose scen.s , gems of Jasper National Park and' Alaska I F.acli Province I One large window holds a series Lm UJi. H of photographic panels enlarged! to a man's height. Each panel con tains a picturesque scene from each province, Ingeniously Identi fied with a tubular electric figure In front Is the link between each! CANZONERI HAS PLANS working model of w wr K May H , Canadian National Railways Oeck ! Proylnce-a , Up p Ground Floor of Vancouver "nonmm type .ocumuuve .uuuwmg nis con. used in C N. R. transcontlnenta? quest of Jimmy McLarnln la a service. non-title bout last Friday night Vancouver. Mnv 12- Canada! Hunting and fishing are illustra-;2ny Canzonerl says that he has from coast to coast wilt be on dto-j ' ? ,'IX,A IT play here this summer to greet tne ""k , . IT": a" . 7" Ross, "M f thousands of visitors expected dur autumn .carry the theme of the "arney jit also says display which consists of record he will Blve Jimmy McLamla catches of various species of ganitia,1iher fight If he wants it. fish,. Including ERE, boys, is the most exciting news that you have heard for vears C.C.M. have made a brand new kind of a bicycle, the likes of which you have never seen before. A streamlined bicycle that has all the speedy lines of the new motor cars. It is called the "Flyte" and it looks as . . The wonderful new "Flyte" has the advantages of the other well known C.C.M. bicycles, but in addition it has a streamlined frame and streamlined front fork (both made of, chromol aircraft tubing) streamlined saddle and special streamline enamelling efTect. The boys who ride "Flyte" bicycles this Spring will enjoy the thrill of their lives, because the "Flyte" is the smartest thing on two wheels and will be the talk of every group of boys in town. When you go to buy a bicycle this Spring ask the dealer to show you the new "Flyte", and remember it has the famous C. C. M. BICYCLES Bicycle Accessories & Parts Dunlop Bicycle Tires GORDON'S HARDWARE B.C.'s own giant Tyee and prize heads of Moose, mountain sheep and goat and a mounted black bear. with Its coral sands. palms and native curios, otw features of the Canadian N,tin.i Flashing neon tubes on a mas-1 system such as Its hotPi. ti. attractions islve topographical map of British graphs, and express facllitlM Columbia and the Rockies publl- shown. clze another famed tourist trail- I with window soace avaihw . the triangle tour route through the ' three street sides the railway corn-Canadian cordlllera by sea and pany. seized a splendid oportuaity 1411(1 to advertise scenic highlights of Another part of the empire and the east and the west so that tne one much favored by Canadians Is visitor may be encouraged to plan drawn to the attention of the vis- further Canadian holldavs in th the Wet Indies exhibit- future This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. It's Streamlined TheNewC-M-FZy7F C.C.M. Triplex Hanger (the power plant of the bicycle) that makes, a C.CM. so easy to ride. It has the sure-acting, powerful Hercules Coaster Brake and strong wheels with Endrick steel rims and rustless steel spokes. It has the C.CM. straight-line drive and easy-running ball bearing Gibson pedals- - It -has Dunlop "Fort" Tires, CC.M.'s super-Chromium plating and CC.M.'s baked-on enamel finish. All the working parts are of special hardened steel, uniformly tempered by C.C.M. to give long and trouble-free service. In these and many other ways the new and exciting streamlined C.C.M. "Flyte is the smartest thing out this Spring. The price of the "Flyte" is a little more than some of the conventional styles of CCM. bicycles because the cost of manu' facturing is a lot more, but it is well worth every cent of its price. The price is $47.50. W McRAE BROS. Local Agents for C. C. M. BICYCLES