PAGE TWO WHEN IT'S A " QUESTION OF WHITES LOVELY TO LOOK AT ... DAILY EDITION ? For Pretty styles and quality of material the 1936 WHITE SHOES surpass even the high standard which they have reached in the past. Sandals, Straps, Ties, in low, medium or high heels, Eta? m"e:se'ection'. $3.25 10 $6.50 The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue Phone 357 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Erery Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. FULLEN - - - Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lncn, per insertion . Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per Insertion, per line SUBSCRIPTION KATES City, delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and Forleswr periods, paid In advance, per week By mall to all other countries, per year Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations 08 1.4U .02 25 S5.UU It 9.00 Saturday. April 25, 1936 BRITISH COLUMBIA INCREASE The increase in the number of automobile sales in.Bri- tisn Columbia exceeds that of all other provinces except Ontario, according to figures just received. The sales for the year ending February 29, 1936, have jumped to 98,411 1 irom yi,uuu m 1934 or a net increase of 7,405. The increase in Alberta was 4,520; in Saskatchewan, 4,308; in Manitoba, only 340; Quebec, 5,358; New Brunswick, 2,303; Nova Scotia, 2,012, and in Prince Edward Island, 43. In Ontario the number in 1934 was 559,393, which increased last year to 585,938, an increase of 26,545, considerably larger than British Columbia but a much smaller percentage of increase. That would seem to indicate that British Coluriibia is either recovering more quickly than any other province or that the people are more extravagant. There is every reason to believe that this increase in motor sales is still in progress and that British Columbia will show she is not by any means the last province in recovering her former prosperity. ELECTION TOMORROW The French elections take place tomorrow and they are being watched with interest in view of the critical condition of European politics just now. There is a big fight for control of the government bv the Ponular Front which includes socialists, communists and other radical groups. At present the Chamber of Deputies is controlled by united forces of the centre and right. While the first vote takes place tomorrow, it is largely an elimination or primary vote. To be elected a candidate must get an absolute majority of the votes cast and also a vote of at least one fourth of all electors registered in the constituency. Tomorrow will see the disappearance of freak candidates but the Popular Front groups have an arrangement by which the lower candidates will retire no matter of what particular radical group. CIGARETTE PAPERS None Finer Made li1 GLASGOW. April 25: (CP) Alrdrieonians and Ayr United lost their First Division status as the Scottish League football season was brought to a close today. Held to a one-all draw at Arbroath, Alrdrle finished with twenty-seven points, two mere than Ayr which played Its concluding fixture with Third Lanark yesterday, losing six to four Aston Villa's heavy expenditures of a few months ago on first class players failed to keep the famous old club in the first division pi the English League. The Vllian? were beaten at home 4 to 2 by Blackburn Rovers today and the pair, as a result, will play In the second division next year for the first time in their long history. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE W. L. Three Two Taxi ...9 3 Bankers 8 4 Biological Station 8 7 Oilers 6 6 Rupert Butchers 6, 6 Watts' Grocery 5 4 C. N. R. A 5 10 Kalen Motors 5 10 FOR SALE FOR SALE Wicker baby buggy. Phone Black 594. (99) GENTLEMEN Personal drug sun dries. Highest Grade Latest Delivered. 15ior $1. plain wrapper). Pacific Supply 751 Granville, Vancouver. SEALED Tenders will be accepted by the undersigned for the purchase of fully equipped salmon troller "Hope," 8 h.p. heavy duty Vivian, engine, now moored at Armour's Salvage Dock, up to noon, Monday, April 27th Terms strictly cash. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Norman A. Watt. Administrator of estate of Frank Aker, dee'd. (98) MALE HELP WANTED K LESSON from the depression-Be a Civil Servant Postman, Customs Examiner, Clerk, Stenographer, etc. Free Book'e. "How to get a Government Job." M.C.C. Civil Service School, PERSONAL PRIVATE Home Kindergartens pay. Wn start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg, (tf) MALE & FEMALE nELP 275 CLERKS Wanted at. Ottawa by Dominion Government for 1936 Prairie Census. 6 to 18 months employment at $75 per month with possibility of permanent po sition In the CtvU Service. Appointment by written examination to be held across Canada. Men and women between 18 and 35 (Ex-Servlce men no age limit) with three years high school may obtain full Information and advice free from the M. C. C, Civil Service School, Winnipeg or Toronto (10). Dominion-wide and oldest In Canada. (tf) AI'CTION HALE Timber sale X18771 There will be offered for sale at Pub. Us Auction, at noon on the 4th day of June, 1S36, in the office of the District Forester, Prince Rupert, the Licence X18771. to cut 9.442,000 feet, board measure of Spruce. Cedar and Hem lock on amw altuated on Hutton lnlt. Juan perez Bound, Queen Charlotte islands Land District. Three yearn wUl be allowed for- re moval of Umber. "Provided any one unable to attend the auction In perean may aubmtt tender' to be opened at the hour of uuciion ana ireufcea as one dm." Further txu-tlcul&ra mav be from the Chief Poreeter, Victoria, BO, or uiairict roreater, Prince Rupert, B O, DAILY NEWS Saturday, April 25, i S PO RT' TEAMS ARE NEW YORK RELEGATED: IS BEATEN Airdrie and Ayr Drop in Scottish Lrajue Villans and Blackburn in English 'Giants Suffer Another Loss- dlans Are doing Strong In- BROOKLYN, April 25: (CP) New York Giants were defeated again by the Brooklyn Dodgers at Ebbetts Field yesterday, the score being 8 to 2. The Dodgers, as a result, advanced from sixth Into fourth place. The Chicago Cubs, playing at home, won an easy 6 to 1 victory over Pittsburg Pirates and" went into a tie for second place with the Cincinnati Reds who, with the St. Louis Cardinals, did not play yesterday. The lowly Boston Braves defeated the Phillies at Boston 4 to 1, the Phils slipping from fifth into sixth "place. The Cleveland" Indians stretched their margin of leadership in the American League by winning again over the Chicago White. Sox at Cleveland G to 2 while the second place Boston Red Sox were losing 3 to 1 to the Philadelphia Athletics at Shlbe Park. New York Yankees scored a decisive 10 to I victory over the Washington Senators at Yankee Stadium and ousted the White Sox from third position. Detroit Tigers went Into the leadership of the second division by scoring a 9 to 3 victory over the St. LouLs Browns who dropped Into the cellar below the Mackmen. Yesterday's Big League scores: National League New York 2, Brooklyn 8. Pittsburg 1, Chicago 6. Philadelphia 1, Boston 4. American League Washington 1, New York 10. Boston 1, Philadelphia 3. Chicago 2,, Cleveland 6. Detroit 9, St. Louis 3. JR. LEAGUE OPENING UP Second Half of Schedule To Commence on Saturday Next The executive of the .Junior Football Association met last eve-and drew up 'plans for the completion of the spring schedule of the 1935-1936 season. Games will be played on Wed nesday evenings and on Saturday afternoons. The grounds at Acrop olis Hill need rolling and levelling off and City Commissioner W. J Alder will try to have this seen to during the forthcoming week. The games will begin next Saturday. King Edward High School won the first half of the schedule after a play-off with Booth Mem orial School and. In case of the second half of the schedule being won by a different team, a playoff will be arranged. Thanks to the splendid support of the Prince Rupert Parent Teachers' Association thev three competing teams will have new sweaters this year. King Edward High School colors are green and gold; Booth Memorial School,. white and' blue vertical stripes and Bor den Street School, red. with white trimmings. The boys are looking forward to their new outfits and there is no doubt their play will benefit as a result of the Im proved appearance. The schedule is as follows: May 2 Borden vs High School May 6 Booth School vs Borden School. way 9 High School vs Booth School. May 13 Borden vs High School May 10 Booth School vs Borden ycnooi. May 20 High School vs Booth School. May 23 Borden School va lilrrh acnooi. ... . ...... May 27 Booth School vs Borden School. May 30 High School vs Booth School. June 3 Borden School vs High acnooi. June 6 Booth School vs Borden School, June 10 High School i Booth School. Those in attendance at the meeting were Arthur 8utton, (High School) W. W; C. O'Neill (Borden Street School) and Miss 8. A. Mllss, secretary-treasurer, with J. S. Wilson presiding. Taxi Men Take Bowling Lead Three Two Taxi defeated Cana dian National Recreation Associa tion by a score or three games to nil last night to move out into exclusive leadership of the Commercial Bowling League. High scorer of the evening was Andy Donald of Three Two Taxi with 161. Next games In the Commercial League will be played Monday night as follows: Rupert Butchers vs. Bankers; Oilers vs. Watts' Grocery. Details of scoring: 32 TAXI 1st 2nd 3rd Houston 139 171 133 Dickens 156 156 135 CaUleronl 145 136 180 Donald 165 1C1. 153 ICinslor 131 174 141 ilandicap 0 0 Oj Totals 736 798 752 1 C. N. R. A. 1st 2nd 3rd McLeod 113 88 111 Arrol 113 110 125 Rogers .....'..100 137 114' Teng ! .140 102 134 1 Thompson .:. 168 162 144' Handicap .. 29 29 29. Totals 669 628 657 Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE W. New York 7 Cincinnati 5 Chicago 5 Brooklyn ...5 Philadelphia 5 Pittsburg 3 St. Louis ...3 Boston 3 L. 3 4 4 5 6 4 4 6 AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. Cleveland 6 2 Boston 7 4 New York - fl 4 Chicago 4 3 Detroit 4 4 Washington .5 7 Philadelphia 3 0 St. LouLs .2 7 $ 200 CASH PRIZES Must Be Won! This Week's POINTS TABLE Pet. .700 .546 .540 1 .500 .455 .429 .429 .333 Pet. .750 .630 ,G00 .571 .500 .417 .333 .222 A -12 N 17 B 38 O 18 C 35 P 39 D 48 Q 21 E 15 R 45 F 36 S 34 0 13 T 28 H - 8 U 24 1 10 V 30 J 22 w 50 K 40 X 23 L 32 Y 20 M 33 Z 19 Letter Values will he chanced eaeli week HOW TO WIN! For Koor WHITE FOR COMPLETE LIST OF WORDS THAT MAY BE USED IN THIS COMPETITION. This' advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Ready Roofing the the summer summer cabin that needs repairs to the roof iimh hi? is. the iileal material to use. Easv to apply, the roll y square nuarc feet feet of of surfactant! surfactant! Is Is cumpl complete with with roofinp mK, naiU and " iuu cement. Koiis are 36 IikCjs wide and medium fl heavy weights are r,iiintliO(l In ni. - - r. i i i . THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. For Your Garden We carry a complete stock of Gardening Supplies Seeds, Garden Tools, Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, .Watering Cans, Fertilizers, Garden Fencing Feed Everything You Grow with thi c, balanced diet HI Fertilizers Vigoro, per lb. 6c Bone Meal, per lb. 5 Cheaper in large quantltiej Garden Lime, 50-lu. bag "St GORDON'S HARDWARE llride Street hone 311 TW'iIK. Vmt'f InlfoK rri. .... nr..-.ll v.. n i Valu -Words JUBILEE Competition First Prize $50. Second Prize $25. Third Prize $13. Fourth Prize $10. Ten Prizes $5 Each Special Lowest Score Prizes, $25, $15, $10. Puzzle No. 4 Points Across Points Down . Total ENTRY FEE 25c Solving crass-word puzzles is a fascinating pastime, but constructing them can be even more fascinating. In this VALU-WOIWS Competition you are invited to construct a simple cross-word puzzle Instead of solving one. There are no clues to bother about and the diagram is" already provided for you. All you need to do Is to complete the crossword using any word which meets with the rules of this contest. No word may be used twice In . one puzzle. "Across" and "Dqwn" words must Interlock, so as to form a complete cross word puzzle. Each letter has been given a certain number of points, as shown In the above table of letter-values. When you have completed your puzzle, add up the'score made by the words across. Then add the score made by the words down. Letters in the .squares marked by a small "x" count one way only. The specimen shows you how to do this. The highest total wins first prize, next highest second prize, and so on. Now it is up to you I Fill in your words lightly In pencil until you have selected those which you have decided upon finally, Then use ink. In the event that you spoil the printed form, you may send In your own copy on plain paper. . 643 , G08 ,1251 Points Across Points Down Total RULES 1-First Prize of $50 cash will be awarded to the entrant whose solution has tne Second Prize of $25, Third Prize of $15, twin Prize of $10 and Ten Prizes of $5, each win " paid to the next highest solutions in order, ab a $25 prize for the lowest score. $15 for tne dm lowest and $10 for the next, In event oi u prize money will be divided, , 2 No entrant will receive more than one pna one week. 1 I'nl... f.. 9 MA..., tnw j.ifti rntrv. 4- Use words in everyday use, such as aPPcK the ordinary school dictionary, Words DO NOT appear in Nelson's "High RJu tionary, and proper names, are dlsquaw Roots, abbreviations, suffixes, prefix or S combinations of letters which do noi words in themselves CAN NOT BE ACCtn (e.g. Mrs., pre, mal, d&- et cetera, or jN. : 5 All squares must be filled In. UselNK DELIBLE PENCIL and BLOCK LETTU. 0 Entries must be mailed' from ,yu' P? , ' ioj6. not later than midnight, Saturday, May 7- Remlt by coin, postal note, etc. Stamps w cepted. . vith 8 The prize money, lias been lodged in iru.Sk tlngJ i the Bank of Montreal, Carrall and Branch. Vancouver, B.C. . . ,nHln on 0 The Judges' decisions are final and all points. Employees of. this conce rna na w bers of their families are not allowed 10 Ali entrants In this competition will be senjj list of the prize-winners and the wl""t"a ts o lion. lllcSC Will DC orllt i ,iuiiH la w rnnpst. request. Wlnnpra Winners will will be DUbllSneQ paper, May 10. Entries Must Be Mailed by Midnight, SATURDAY, MAY 2 I agree to abide by the rules of this competition and enclose NAME ADDRESS (P.R.N.) Ma to "VALU-WORDS," P. O. Box 999, Vancouver, II. C. (amount)