Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, resident mining engineer for the provincla' government, and Mrs. Mandy, after an absence of six weeks on a trip through the mid-west and southern states, returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon. On the way back they stopped off in Vancouver and Victoria. YOUR OLD FRIEND HACK AGAIN Harmony Rose Glycerin Soap Glorious for the bath. Satisfying for everyday use. 15c cake; 2 cakes 25c TRY THIS NEW RELIEF Puretest A.S.A. Cough Drops Iictter than a gargle for simple throat irritations, ' dryness, tickling- 10c pkg. Ormes Ltd. Uiitt Ptonccr Druqgists The KexaU Btr Phones; 81 & 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 pjn. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. USED FURNITURE BARGAINS Reds, Spring, Mattress, in different sizes, $9.00 up Kitchen Ranges, from ,$15.00 up Still Cribs, with new mattress , . . $9.00 Radios .$10.00, $15.00, S30.00 and $10.00 Water Power Washing Machines $5.00, $7.'50 Hand Power Washing Machines $8.00, $11.00 NEW FLOOR COVERING Congoleum Rugs, size 6x9 . f0 size 7Ax9 g.0 size 9x9 $8.00 size 9x101 .,....$9.00 Linoleum Rugs, size 6x9 -JJJ size 9x9 size 9x10 J $10-,w Printed Linoleum, per square yard 8c D C I in FURNITURE L.LIU EXCHANGE We Ruy Sets of Household Goods Outright PHONE GREEN 421 arrived in the city on the Princess , Adelaide yesterday afternoon from ; Vancouver, being here to check up I on local reception difficulties. ! Look ladlesl Monday, April 27, we i have a special 2 for 1 on all ladles' ; clothes (except white wool and vel- : vet). One day only, so call early 1 1 . . . .. .. muuuay ana gci in on it. I'none 853, Ideal Cleaners. (98) A. P. Allison, well known Queen Charlotte Island logging operator, and son, arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon and proceeded on the Prince John last night to Mr. Allison's camp at Cumshewa Inlet. ! Miss M. Blackstock. who has been visiting here for the past couple .of weeks with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Blackstock, sailed by the Princess Adelaide last night for Vancouver enroute back to her home In Medicine Hat. Inspector W. C. Fowell R.C.M.P. arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon and proceeded by the evening train on a trip to Hazelton and Vanderhoof on inspection duties. He was met here and accompanied to the Interior by Sergeant F. J. Culverhouse of Hazelton who had arrived on Thursday night's train. Queen Mary Tag Day For Graves Of Soldiers On Queen Mary Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of s the Empire. .is holding 'ItsTannual ag day td- 'day for the purpose... of raising (funds for the care and beautifl- cation of soldiers' graves. Mrs. J E. Boddie is regent of the chap ter and Mrs. S. V. Cox and Mm. William Brass are in charge at headquarters in the Canadian Legion rooms, the taggers belni Miss Rosie Cox, Miss Nancy Dawes, Miss Maureen Klrkpatrick, Miss Norma Watt, Mrs. J. A. Teng, Mrs. William Brass, Mrs. W- C. Aspln-all, Master Peter Brass and Master Hugh MacKenzie. Dramatic Society At High School Amateur Movie and Picnic Included in Future Plans Following the Easter holidays, the first regular meeting of the High School Dramatic Club was held yesterday. Molly Winslow, the president, presided. Future activities of the club were outlined by the sponsor, Roth Gordon. In the near future the members of the organization plan to pro duce a short amateur movie. Some mention was also made of a club picnic to be held before the end of the term. L 1. Announcements Saturday Night Dancing Party, Commodore Cabaret, April 25. Rebekah Bridge, dance. April 29. United Spring Sale, April 30. "Johnny Grows Up," Anglican Church, April 30, May 1. Gyro Hoedown, Moose Hall, May Canadian Legion Spring Saie, May 13. j Anglican Tea. Mrs. C H. Ormc. May 14. Day May 15, Moose Hall. Elks' Kiddles Flag Day May 25. I may not mention the make special price. Evidence and argument of coun sel in the case of John French, charged with supplying liquor to Indians, occupied Thursday afternoon and yesterday morning in city police court and adjournment was made until Monday for deci f April 25, 1936 Saturday, DAILY NIW1 PAQB THRU LOCAL NEWS NOTES g o. N. meeting tonight. Coins out of business. Every-thing must so. Bargains galore. Oration's Variety Store. (98) Final concert Philharmonic Ro clety, Capitol Theatre, Sunday 9-15. Admission by program, 35c. Special. For one week only, ladies' silk dresses dry cleaned for 75c Phone 8 and 118. Pioneer I Canadian LaundryLtd. (98) II, s. Parker left on last evening's train for Decker Lake, being on one of his periodical business trips to the Interior. Ernest Stacey pleaded guilty In city police cmirt this morning before Magistrate W. D. Vance to a charge of being the guardian of a child under the age or fourteen and permitting the child to be on the street after curfew hours it4, night A fine of $5, with option of three days' imprisonment, was Imposed, The fine was paid. Kitchenware, dlshfs, washday needs, tools, baggage, at closing out prices. Gratton's Variety Store, 2nd Avenue, og) H. M. D. Lambe Of the nnn-irflnn Fish and Cold Storage Co. staff left on last evening's train for a business trip to Edmonton, Calgary, Regina and Saskatoon. Annual Church Service of Prince Rupert Lodge No. 63 I.O.O.F. will be held Sunday April 26th, at 7:30 p.m. at the United Church. AH Oddfellows and Rebekahs are requested to meet at the Lodge Room at 7 p.m. sharp. W. Oeddes N.U. II. M. Daggett Rec. Secy. (9?) Tonight's train, dua from the East at 10: 2, was reported this morning to be on time. Eric Rosang sailed last night on the Prince John for Cumshewa Inlet where he will join the service of the A. P. Allison Logging Co. Come in and see the sensational bargains at the going out of business sale. (Jratton's Variety Store. (08) B. Irvine, federal radio Inspector, JULIUS SHORE MAIL ORDER HOUSE OPENING SALE Western Canada's Newest JHail Order House Brings You the Greatest Bargains you have ever seen! Everything that is good at guaranteed savings! .'It's Easy to Order By Mail You Save Almost Half Act Quickly New as Tomorrow! Comfort Convenience mWkwu MODERNE BED CHESTERFIELDS Here is the very latest thing in Living Room Comfort. A Chesterfield that is new as tomorrow with a guaranteed simple action that a child H could operate. Just lift the seat and the back lowers to make a luxurious bed. Covered all round In plain tapestries, plaids or homespuns. Complete with wardrobe for bedding- Amazing Value! 9-Piece Chesterfield Groups A splendid opportunity to buy at a bargain price 3-PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE BRIDGE LAMP AND SHADE TABLE LAMP AND SHADE SOLID WALNUT END TABLE FOOTSTOOL all for $?A85 69 10-Piece Chesterfield Ensemble including Radio The luxurious Chesterfield Suite would alone bargain at the total price! 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite Bridge; Lanlb tind . Shade TaBfe L'ambslria' Enade Walnut Coffee Table or Chesterfield Table (your choice) Walnut End Table Radio, latest Table Model, all electric be a 119 because of the sion by Magistrate W. D. Vance. Sergeant G. H. Greenwood prosecuted and Milton Gonzales defen-; ded. The case of Henry Collison, 1 Indian, charged with having liquor in his possession, has been adjourned until Monday. j CHURCH NOTICES first Presbyterian church Preacher Rev. XV. I). (Jrant Hollingworth, U.A. Organist: Mrs. E. J. Smith ill 11 A.M.. Sermon Subject, "CONQUERING THE WORLD WITHIN" 12:15, Sunday School 12:30, Westview School 7:30 P.M., Sermon Subject, "MASTERING LIFE'S INEVITABLES" Worry, pain and failure! How shall we overcome them? Has the Church any practical message to the worried, to the man suffering from an Incurable disease, to the disheartened? , Critics claim that the church Is falling, that it Is not in-touch with human needs. Come and hear what the church really DOES say about these pressing problems. ALL VISITORS WELCOME There is a Reason Why Our Coal Business Has Grown In Spite of Keen Competition We sell the best coal in tow": , ssdtsfyhf- We deliver promptly. We can prove Wo Vinvo nniivtnmm rlrir- iis ers. . yourtryMf. If you are not already a LSMH customer of ours nnnnp fnr n rvlnl nr- Anv, nt n 1 lUllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllilillilill PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. 651 PHONES 652 48 75 Chairs to match are specially priced at $23.50 each. If you want your home to be up to the minute in style order one In a contrasting color. TERMS Arranged to suit. A deposit will hol4. Free Storage PYREX COFFEE MAKERS Make your coffee the way the best hotels do. 8-cup Model for use on stove, gas flame or electric heater. Approved by Good Housekeeping. Reg. $4.75. 200 only. QA QS Delivered Free i?VO SAVE ON PAINT EMPIRE HOUSE PAINT A high grade paint of proven quality. Colors: Ivory, Cream, Dark Cream, Buff, Brown, Chocolate Light Grey, Medium Grey, Dark Grey, Dark Green, Flat White, QC 7Q White and Black. 1 Gallon f 1 Qt., 79c; l Qt. S1.0S; 4 Gallon Tins, Engagement Special all for 2 Gal. S1.45 Save still more by ordering 4 Gal. tins at $9.95 EMPIRE PURE PAINT Here is real value 1 Colors as above plus Jade Green. 1 Gallon $3-29 V2 Gal. $1.85 Special $12.89 Engagement Ring Wedding Rir.f Furniture Carpets Dishes Cutlery 88 Pieces in $ 239 A positive sensation! Offering 3-rooms of high grade furniture and you pay as little as $10 or $15 Cash JULIUS SHORE MAIL ORDER HOUSE P. O. Box 985 Vancouver, B.C. Warehouse: 929 Main St. MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE SLUMBER KING SPRING Guaranteed And the price is only $13.50 They are built for sleep. PHONE 775 Union Steamshipsrtimited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJM. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Stewart, Anyox and Naas River, Sunday, 8 p.m. Further information regarding sailings and tickets from R. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone S68 TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.