Friday, December 4, 1930 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE Tim El GOOD FOR ONE FOUR OUNCE TIN OF r rv a i r BAKING POWDFR witH the purchase ofl lb. package Braid'sTea or Coffee TO GROCERS tUlurrt hU Coup and recrtr BRAID TUCK & COMPANY rIU for ..m. from- LTD. VANCOUVER. B.C. PYREX GIFTS Pj rex Oven Ware and l'jrex Top-of-Stove Ware are ideal gifts. Made of clear glass they combine beauty with utility in your cooking equipment. Pie Plate Casseroles Custard Cups Measuring Cups Bread Pans THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Used Goods Picture Frames, price 25c, 50c & 75c Hand Sewing Machine $18.00 Badminton Racket, Slazengers $1.00 Violet Ray $5.00 Vibrators S2.50 & $5.00 Radios, Battery Sets ; ..$10.00 & $25.00 Violin, full size $12.50 Tenor Banjos $6.00, $18.00 Flute M... ........... $12.00 Clarinet V..... $15.00 D. E L I O FURNITURE EXCHANGE We Buy Used Goods of Any Description For Cash Phone Green 421 Third Avenue Business Hours Open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thurs. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER FKOM PIUNCE KUPEKT J32,Q0 KETl'nX- and HIOM roilT SIMPSON 35,35 KETUKN' nfciuded Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from intermediate points. Special Tickets on Sale Between November 1st. 1P3G and February 28th, 1937, inclusive Good to Return up to March 31, 1937. Children Half Fare. Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar Vancouver S.S. CATALA Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Thursday, p.m. S.S. GARDEN A Friday, 10:30 p.m. Monday, a.m. Tickets and Reservations from I'Hncc Ilupert Acnt - A. W. NEWMAN - Third Ave., Phone 508 If Convenient Please Purchase Tickets at Office UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. SPECIAL NOTICE Christmas Holiday Sailings to Vancouver via Waypoints: S.S. CAUDENA Leaves Prince Rupert Friday, December .4U 18th at te.nnM 5.00 p.m. Arrives Vancouver Sunday, December 20th at 2:00 p.m. (approx.) LewMApr1n?e"Rupert Tuesday, December 22nd at 120 noon. Arrives Vancouver 'Thursday'December 24th at 9 00 f pPP' 1st at 8S. Friday, January Catala leaves Vancouver northbound 9:00 p.m. arriving Prince Rupert Sunday, p.m.. January Jra. SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION FAKE, $3. 00 .,,. early nu... .i. rocprvntion A. W. NEWMAN, Agent, Prince Rupert LOCAL NEWS NOTES Nice line of elastic girdles and William Duff, well known plo- corselettes just arrived at the Dol- neer of the city, Is again a patient lar Store. tf. In the Prince Rupert General Hos- 'pltal. Mr. and Mrs John Joyce sailed. last night on the Prince Rupert Capt. William Strong, well for Vancouver eniroute to Port known traoer ana, transportation Albernl where they will take up future residence. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Arnold and family arrived in the city on last night's train from Pacific, where Mr. Arnold is station agent for the Canadian National Railways, and sailed on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. THE COUGH DROP medicated with throat-soothing ingredients of Vicks VapoRub. Mrs. Harriet Pullen, pioneer Skagway hotel proprietress and one of the best known and most colorful personalities of the early days of the Klondyke gateway port, wa3 here aboard the Prin cess Norah yesterday afternoon JONES Family I'HONE 957 per lb. : T-Bone Roast per lb. Pot Roast 6 lbs Boil Beef 4 lbs Hamburger, 3 lbs. it 2 lbs. Onions Round Steak 3 lbs.' Sirloin Steak Rump Roast per lb Fillet Roast Market Specials BEEF Rump 'Roast of Beef 6 lbs Prime Rib Roll per lb. Sirloin Tip PHONE 957 3 lbs Lamb and mutton Leg of Mutton per lb Shoulder Mutton 6 lbs Leg of Lamb per lb Boned and Rolled Shoulder Lamb, per lb Loin of Lamb per lb PORK Legs of Pork per lb' Shoulder Pork per lb Fresh S!da Pork per lb. BaconBy piece- per lb VEAL Boned and Rolled Shoulder per lb per lb Leg Roast per lb B Grade Eggs with meat only, per doz. 75c 15c 15c 18c 50 c 25c man of the TaKU ana stuune River districts, arrived in the city on the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon from Juneau. 25ci 40c 50c 18c 75c 25c 15c 25c 22 c 18 c 15c Mrs, M. Murphy, after a very enjoyable month's visit here with her sister, Mrs. R. W. Cameron, is 1 sailing by the Princess Adelaide tonight on her return to Van couver. 25c 15c 15c 20c 15c 25c DON'T BE LATE Order Your Xmas SUIT or GOAT today from House of Stone or House of Hobberlln clothes Large selection, fit guaranteed. LING - The Tailor 817 Second Ave. Phone 649 Don Crerar, local freight agent of the Canadian National Rail ways, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver en route to Saskatoon where he will ! attend a convention of agents. Alex Mah of the Sunrise Grocery staff was taken suddenly ill in the store yesterday morning, being removed In the ambulance to the Prince Rupert General Hospital. It was reported this morning that his condition was net serious. Sigurd Wallstedtl -well known here as an organizer of the Moose Lodge, was a passenger aboard going through on a trip to Seattle, the Princess Norah yesterday af- .ternoon going through from Jun- Miss Helen Randal R.N., regis-on a trlP to Seattle. trar of the Graduate Nurses' As-1 sociation of British Columbia and! D- c- Sharpstone, prominently Inspector of .training schools for Identified with mining develop-the province, sailed by the Prince 4 at Tulsequah on the Taku Ruoert last nleht on her return Rlver and .Mrs. Sharpstone were vnnivor after noiHnr Vior passengers aboard the Princes! annual visit of InspecUon to the Norah yesterday afternoon going Prince RuDert General HosDltal. w vuuuuvvr. V. I. Haihn, superintendent of the Yukon and White Pass Route, and Mrs. Hahn were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through for a vacation trip to S2attle. Provincial Constable H. L. Me Kenney of Terrace, who has been a patient in the -Prince Rupert General Hospital for the past two or three weeks, leaves by this eve ning's train on his return to the Interior. Nell McDonald, who has been i patient In the Prince Rupert Gen erai Hospital lor the past seven or eight weeks as a result of an accident, Is making a good recovery and expects to be able io leave the Institution in about a week's time. BIDS WANTED up to December 5th, for the pur chase of Lot 13, Block 34, Section J, Third Avenue, opposite site for new Post Office. Highest bid not necessarily accepted. Collart & McCaffcry Ltd. First Grade 3 lbs. Legs per lb Loins per lb. Shoulders per lb. Butter LAMB Pot Roast Beef per lb. Cross Arm Beef per lb. Pr'me Rib Beef per lb; Chopped Suet per lb. "B" Grade Eggs In cartons, 3 doz. Fruit Mincemeat 2 lbs Peanut Butter 2 lbs. 89c 25c 25c 17c Have You Tried Bakcasy? (Limit 6 lbs.) 3 lbs. for 40c 10c 12c 15c 15c Fresh ROASTING CHICKENS Average 5 lbs. e)(?n per lb. atll These Are Fresh $1.00 25c 25c SELVIG IS REELECTED Is Again Chosen to Head Sons Of Norway Lodge Here Many New Members Joining The Sons of Norway last night elected officers for the ensuing year as follows: President, Gunnar Selvig. Vice-President, John Murvold. Judge, Anton Dybhavn. Financial Secretary, John Stor-seth. , , Regent, Miss Rensvold. ; Secretary, Miss Fredheim. Assistant Secretary, Mrs. Hans Underdahl. Treasurer, Mr. Hundelde. Inner Guard, E. Jensen, Outer Guard, T. Murvold. Trustee, C. Aune. Marshal, Mrs. A. Dybhavn. Assistant Marshal, Mrs. Olof Skog. witching TORTURE In AMinult For quick relief from the itchbf of enema, blotohM, pimpiea, atnietei loot, eruptions, apply Dr. Ueoois Kl icalee, rasbet and olbtf ilda mire, eoolmi. eBtisfD- tie. liauid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION, lti iratle o&i soothe the Irritated ikin, Hear, treueleee end ttali-leei driee fast, Slope the moat lnteoee ittntnf In-etantly. A 33e trial bottle, at drug etoree, prove iter mooej back. Aak lor D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. 21 HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. A. Marven, Jun eau; H. S. Kelser, Inverness; W. Strong, Tulsequah; Harry Tbwne, Toronto; F. Henderson, Vancouver; J. A Duclos, Prince George; Miss E. Closs, Port Esslngton; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wetterstrand, Prince Rupert. Announcements Gingham Dance, Moose Hall? I The A Lutheran Bazaar, Mctropole Hall. December 4. Presbyterian tea, December 9, Cambrai Christmas Spree. December 11. Recreation dance, Hall, December .18. Spinsters' Oddfellows' Canadian Legion Christmas Tree December 19. Orange Hogmany Dance, Decern- ber 31. SEE The Knox Hotel For special rates on room and board to permanent guests K. DItASELL N. M. BRASELL Pre Christmas SPECIALS Microscope Sets to clear, from 49c Jasmine Manicure Sets regular $1.00, special 69c OrmeslM. 77lm Pioneer Druqr? tats ' ILe Recall Start f hones; 81 Ik 82 Open Dally f rom 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Suudays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2. p.m., p.m. till 9 p.m. Winter is again with us and as usual wc arc at your service to assist you solve your fuel problems. We have coals for all stoves, heaters ami furnaces. Phone us for prices. Mayfair Winter winds Acam &re chilling. tmayour' coAlbirt needs refilling.' 651 PHONE 652 Em PHILPOTT- EVITT & Co. Ltd. Gift Shop 1 invites you to inspect their stock of gift suggestions to suit every purse Prices from 15c up We have a large variety of merchandise to choose from "Do your stopping, for your Christmas shopping" at the "Mayfair jjfe Gift Shop" Vf4f 4t4t4f VV41Vyyyf lf4.V4tlV Did you guess how many Candies there are in the Jar? 5fr . See our window for further details 4V1M 1 " :i : eti V 3 U4 ! ) All t.