PAGE SIX I P Box No. 2 Beautiful colored folders and envelopes. Friendly senti ments 75 Box No. 4 Here is Value! Box of 21 Xmas Folders, nsat- JfpPut $1.25 G 1' w- , V,(tCit WATERMAN'S Latest Perfected Ink-Vue Pens Greater ink capacity than any other pen at this price. M EXTRA SPECIAL FLASH LIGHTS Made in the British Empire 3-Cell Complete With Batteries and e.BuIb $1.00 2-Cell Complete With Batteries and SSaBulb 65c Extra Batteries 25C UNEQUALLED VALUES IN CHRISTMAS CARDS This year the store has excelled all previous efforts in mustering an almost bewildering variety. Every type of appropriate, artistic and beautifully designed cards that human inqenuity could create is spread out before you, our selection being extremely varied and unusual. Why not come in before the rush when you can choose carefully and find exactly the right cards to express your own sentiments. They are plainly priced and conveniently arranged Hux No. 1 One Dozen. All folders, gaily decorated 35c with envelopes Box No. 3 Large delightful Xmas Folders. Every card differ- 75c ent, 16. cards Box No. 5 Box of 21 Gay and Colorful Cards ana ci nn Folders, friendly sentiments pl.UU SPECIAL 10 Cards and Envelopes 4 CT Cellophane Wrap, pkt XoC t Gift Wrapping; Papers Tinsel and Cellophane Hibbons, Tags, .Seals, Enclosure Cards Make your parcels say "Merry Christmas" to the last detail. Brighten them up with Festive Wrappings! There is also on display a splendid array of ARTISTIC GIFT CALENDARS Come in and look them over there's no obligation to purchase. Rose, Cowan & Latta Ltd. BESNEll BLOCK, TII1KI) STREET ENTRANCE We loan you free a complete Home Permanent Wave Machine for 3 months. All you need do Is send $3.00 to cover the cost of shipping and the oil for 0 complete Permanent. Will not harm the finest hair. Any one can guarantee a perfect wave with this machine. No electricity or experience needed. When you have used these supplies more oil can Be obtained from us at fifty cents a Marvel Wave Factory 1183 East 41st. Ave. Vancouver, B.C. '-rt-tf1f'iii' !'- ERSONAL uREETING LARDS A Beautiful Selection to Choose From at Reduced Prices, Including a Box of Gold Initialed Stationery with Orders of Over Eighteen Cards. 12 Beautiful Assorted Cards in Boxes CAst Superfine Cards jOn npr hnv VJ O0.l, AVls SHEAFFER'S Latest Improved Pens & Pencils Your name free in gold letters on any of these pens or pencils. WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU to visit and inspect our enqrmous stock of Christmas Gifts for every member of the family. Be Sure to Visit Our Wonderful Basement Store! Shop early and receive greater individual attention AX HEILBRONER DIAMOND SPECIALIST Former Attorney General's Son Is Rhodes Scholar VANCOUVER, Dec. 4: (CP) E. Davie Fulton, son of a former pro vincial attorney-general, the late Fred J. Fulton K.C., has been selec ted as British Columbia' 1936 Rhodes scholar. He comes from Kami oops. "GOVEKNMKNT LIIJI Oil ACT" .Votlce of Application for lleer l.lcfnn NOTICE a hereby given that on in, Fifteenth day of December next. Hit undersigned intends to apply to tlu T.lnimp Pmirnt nKt 1 1 .... 1 I wm.ww. ,Ul"n 1 i 1A C Jit respect of the premkes, being part ol tKj' hiiuk. w 5. .".. Hotel, situate on Colllfion Avenue, New lSnantX n..Ji.ujibn. ihe lands descrifcod Mitl' .Mft' MiieUtiV'Tnlf. I. .1.. Prince '. Rupert lVand ' aegisrtatton DU-trlot In, the province of British Columbia, fotLth sale of beer by the glasi or the bottle for consumption on ilt premise or 1 elsewhere. Dated 'thfa 5th day of November. AJ3. 1036. CARL KIRMIS Applicant. IX THE Kt'rilEMt COUtT OK MUTISM COLI'.MIIIA IV I'lilllllTI' In the Matter of the "AdmlnMrutlop Act" Anil In the Matter of the Estate of Wllllair. iioruon Andrews, Deceased, Intestate TAKE NOTICE that. Jw nrri hi. Honor, W. E. Fisher, the 20th day of November, A. D. 1936. I was aDDointed Administrator of t.h &tA.iA r wmt.m (Jordan Andrews, deceased and nil parties having claims against the ald estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 21st day of December. AD. 1936, and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, , , Prince Rupert, B. C. Dated Um snt.h Hon u-, i ' r. A. D. 1B36. LA Nil ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lean land In the Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Rane 4. Rnut Tjir.H nixtrvi and situate approximately one mile Ir. a Southerly direction along the coast u i.iuwu imjki iBiaiia irom Keo Fern Point, said Red Fern Point belnj , .wivAtuiubciy iour mues in a western Mlrantln - r-. . n PrinCH Runert. R n Packer Intends to apply for a lease of "" iuhviihj aescnoea tanas. commencing at a post planted at hluu water m&rlr rvn thA hrd.iinA i ... middle of a bay being approximately one mile South of Rod Fern Point thence three chains North-East; theace fifteen Chains East thence five chains ouuta. vnence iirteen chains West thence Northrlv .v.. I I . 'J -w L4.y llVdlVfll UlIU. I H lOW WaXer. trntnn. fnllrnclt Water tO a OOlnt nrnn1t th jjpost and containing five acres, more or 1 1 T , 1 n . . Dated 13th day of Crtoberl 1938 HOTEL NEW ROYAL " , J. Zarelll Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Room's Hot it Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 THE DAILY NEWS Baldwin's Ultimatum Continued iram Page 1 that the government was definitely opposed to this. Later today Mr. Baldwin again went to Fort Belvedere, the King's country residence, arriving there at 6:05 p.m. "Nothing but a miracle" will pre vent announcement Monday of the King's abdication, Havas News Agency said tonight. Demonstration For King: There was a demonstration of ' affection for the King at the changing of the Guard outside Buckingham Palace today and also at a peace meeting at Albert Hall last night when a crowd of 7,000 cheered and sang "God Save the King." Mrs. Simpson left Fort Belvedere last night for Rouen, France. She was placed in the car by the King himself and was accompanied tc France by her chauffeur, one of the King's secretaries and a Mission Finishes 'Continued uom P.nt; ! what we can do ourselves in order. ;o obtain forgiveness. The measure 1 ji our iorgiveness witn cod is our forgiveness of others." The "Returning" Son The Bishop referred to the par- ible of the Prodigal Son, preferring to call him "The Returning Son"! md emphasizing "returning." Ad-i mitting wrong was a hard thing, i As soon as he had made un his1 mind to do it the father anticipated vs desire and ran to meet him.' This was true to life. An earthly father was usually eager and anxious to forgive when confession had jeen made. This was a picture of God. God :ould not save a man until he was :eady to admit his faults. There :ould be no forgiveness without ad- nlss'on and confession. Then the ower of God came in. "We may not break any of the Commandments yet be guiltv of in. To know the right and do It .lot the sin of doing nothing Is he most popular sin in the world. It Is along 'that Vm that most of us will get into difficulties on the day of judgment. We condemn men who fall to do their duty. We need n6t be surprised when God does likewise. "Christian people are to bt witnesses standing for what is right, true, honest and good. "The viewpoint in Christian experience is confession and then to "ft up to God in all that we do." I a? Mrs. Hugh Forrest sane "'Come Unto Him." MRS. MILLS RETURNS TERRACE. Dec. 4: Mrs finl Mill returned to Terrace on Monday after having undergone an jpexauon in uie Prince Rupert leneral. Hospital. Ij? 1 TINY FILM STAR HERE Ever Popular Shirley Temple in "Poor Little Rich Girl" At Capitol Theatre Surrounded by an exceptional cast, singing five new song hits and with a splendid story for her remarkable acting talents, Shlr-ey Temple, lltte queen of all the "uveiille screen stars, is coming (o the Capitol Theatre here this .veek-end in "Poor Little Rich 3irl." It. will undoubtedly, be a real treat for all local movie fans ho are every one admirers of Shirley Temple. Shirley is seen as the little daughter of Michael Whalen, a wealthy young business man, whe Is far too occupied making money to devote much time to his child. Shirley persuades her ,father to send her to boarding school but, on the way to the train, she wanders Into the busy streets of New York where she has many exciting adventures. Jack Haley and Alice Faye, an out of work vaudeville team, find Shirley and take her into their act. After several complications In the plot, there Is a whirlwind of exciting events before a thrilling climax is reached. Twenty -Five Years Ago December 4, 1911 The 530 lots In Section Two of-ered for sale at auction brought a jtal of $573,335 or close to $1,000 jer lot. The highest price paid was 7 V. D. Casley and Wllfr'd Grat-311 $5,230 and $6575 for a pair t the junction of Second Avenue vlth Moresby and Atlin. The sale us been concluded by Auctioneer rrank Ellis. .With the pelt of a beautiful slier fox valued undressed at $000, oe Bclway, well known Skcena liver trapper, arrived recently at is camp at Mile 65.' The body of a new arrival ir hi city from Vancouver wa und In a pool or blocd in hi 00m at the Quen! Hotel bj 'anaspr Gcorr Poupacfetpolis. ij" "'d cut his own threat with Fishermen Do Well rrr.AND iiarbcr. n.b.. n.b ec. 4: (CPl Trr kb.tcr fi-'-!r. I'.m' for Grand Manan Islan -r.ed auspicious' y. More tha '.0,000 traps wore rat arid sz.r '5,000 lobsters taken. ITy a Dally News classified ad-frtlscment for best results. Gifts of Utility Wc arc offering this year many practical and useful gift suggestions. Drop in and inspect our stock. You will find many gifts at popular prices that arc sure to please. El rrTDir Waff,c Irons Toasters, lcr-LLLiLIRIL co,ators and Coffee Makers, Clocks, Sandwich Toasters, : Heat Pads, Curling Irons, Lamps. PYREX WARE We carry a complete stock of Pyrex Oven Ware as well as the new Top-of-Stove Pyrex, for cooking on the open flame. Stainless Steel Cooking Utensils The ideal ware for cooking. A very practical crift tnat will last a lifetime and always be appreciated. Other Smart Gift Suggestions: Sets, Serving Trays Clocks, Tools, Flashlights. Dinner and Tea 1 GORDON'S HARDWARE 1 New York Stoch Market is Lower Issues Off Irregularly After Very Active Day's Tradinj NEW YORK, Dec. 4: New York stocks were irregularly lower at the close following an active day's trading. The industrial average at closing was off UO; rails off .65, and utilities off .15. BAR SILVER DROPS NEW YORK. Dec. 4: (CP) Th : price of bar silver dropped back 1.0 4oc per ounce yesterday from 6V2C the day pi-jviou; There wa: further drop to 4534C today KEEP THE BREATH SWEET THE THROAT MOIST Pleasant, Soothinti 10&25 It Pays to Jiuy From MUSSALLEM'S Our prices are always right wltl the markets and we sell for Ies Mail or phone your order and sav FREE GIFT COUPONS for a Dinner Set and Rogers Silverware Prince Rupert, B.C. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE FURS TRAITLItS and DEALERS Port Esslngton, Port Simpson and Northern Coast Mink wanted at once for immediate delivery, and we are prepared to pay you the very top market prices. Also youi Marten nd Weasels. All your other furs at full market value Our world-wide connections enable us to pay you the highest prices for all your furs. A trial shipment will convince you. Do it now! A square deal or no deal! TRAPPERS' F.URS LTD Buyers, Exporters and Raw I'ur Marketing Atfiits PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. TOXICHT and SATUum ? P. j IPU'VE NEVER KNOWN HER AT HER BEST rv t;ii . nowi TEMPLE urru RICH GIRL "" ell fhiu Hon ALICE FAYE GLORIA STUART liny unrv MICHAEL WULEH 11 Wait Disney Silly Sm phony "3 MOUSEKKTKEllS- IJUSTKR K EATON i?luc Rlazcs" WORLD NEWS KVENTS DELICIOUS SUMMIT K'E CKKAM ! V-ialloiiv ami (.:illoni riio.xi: 657 Read Tip want ad Sr-CWITH THIS GORGEOUS huKl kNEW 1937 M0DEL CTEP OUT to LonJon, Tjrij, Rome, MiJriJ, with the radio that ii the sensation of the year , . . . RCA Victor's new Migie Vote el Hear the programs you want to heat . . , from far or near . , . nj heat them as Only die Magic Voice can reproduce them, with absolve fiJelitjr. The Nfagic Voice is rtrf magic Let us demonstrate it in this marvelous receiver with a tremendous tuning range . . . up to 22,000 kcs. Easy terms. A SENSATION AT $167.50 Jjd A Musical Treat "Moments of Melody" Program over Station CFl'K Evcrv Saturday. C:45 P.M.