z local news notes (65S2?3 . 'f nrinff ror ,v s Milk In 'Summer Id X 1 JvAWtsTfT thoughtlessness. The It was Just Leather had teen cold so long that When the first burst of warmth 'came t neglected everything, milk included. One .evening I noticed In a letter from a woman the paper who opened a can of milk as soon it. she got it, poured It in a pitcher and put it away. Why I hadn't thought of doing that before I don't know. It was a tetter to Pa-Ific Milk and I am a constant Jjcer of Pacific muic. Airs, u. in a letter usi received. Pacific Milk IRRADIATED OF COURSE DF.LICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CRKAM In 14-Gallom and Oallons VAI.KNTIN DAIRY NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, Zarelll, Proprietor "A UOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.01 up M Rooml Hot to Cold Walei Prince Rupert, B.C. phone 281 . P.O. Box 190 Held McLennan sailed Saturday Canada t t,n, ?HBi?..?H. Monthly brief business trip to Vancouver. Frank W. Allen arrived in the city on the Catakt this mornin? from Vancouver to pay a visit to his home here. Judje and Mrs. F. McB, Young, after a visit of a couple of days to town, sailed by the Prince George Saturday evening on thei: return to Vancouver-. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Mitchell ailed Saturday evening on the Princ- Oeorge for a trip to Mis A. J. K!rkaldy, who arrived In the city last week-end from Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. meeting Wednesday, Faster Willan sailed on tht Prince Oeorge Saturday evening for a business trip to Vancouver Miss Olive Oordon R.N. and Earl Oordon sailed Friday night on the Princess Adelaide for a vacation trip to Vancouver. City Commissioner W. J. Alder Is sailing this afternoon on the Prince Rupert lor .a two weks' vacation trip to Vancouver. Staff Sergtant O, H. Greenwood, chief of city police, is this afternoon on the Prince (Rupert for a trip to Vancouver Terrace, sailed Saturday evening on escort duty. on me rnnce ueorge for Van- couver where she will embark for Rev. S KuVey. AngKcan Church a trip to Australia. missionary at Alyansfc on the Naa 'River, was a passenger aboard the Dan McDonald, for drunkenness, Catala this morning returning was sentenced to three months" noith afttr a trip to Vancouver mprisonment, without option of s. ; fine, In city police court this Mr. and Mrs Fred Hardy sailed moinlng. He Is a frequent offend- Saturday afternoon on the Prin- er- ' cess Alice for a vacation trip ta Vancouver and elsewhere In the Sam Cecil, Indian, was fined, south. $15, with option of seven days' mpruonmeni, '" m ... cuy i.,v. ponce court vuvii Mrs. iviio. W. . C. v. Little inline and ana son son and ana Bafcaar fr Boys' Band Septem ber 19. Catholic Bazaar, October 7 and Canadian Legion Bazaar, Octo ber 15. Baptist bazaar carnival, Oct. 24, L. O. B. A. Bazaar, November 19 COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and SSI DAILY K3171 Carl P. Dietz, a member of the board of aldermen of the city of Milwaukee, and Mrs. Dietz were among round ' trip passengers to Alaska going north aboard the Mrs. G. W. MacKay and daugh ter of Dawson arrived on the Princess Louise this morning from Vancouver and will proceed by train this evening to Smlthers to visit with Mrs. MacKay's mothef, Mrs. K. E. Blmle. Later Mrs. MacKay will return south to rejoin her husband, manager of the Government Telegraohs at Dawson who is outside for a vacation. RETURNS AFTER 23 YEARS SOUTH BENFLEET. Essex, Eng., Aug. 10: (CP) Believed killed hi the Battle of Jutland, John Evans, stoker In the Royal Navy, turned up recently. He was discharged from the navy In 1919. CLASSiFjEO FOR SALE GENTLEMEN Personal drue sun dries. Highest Grade Latest. Delivered, 15 for $1. (plain wrapper). Pacific Supply 751 Granvlile, Vancouver. SACRIFICING Factory samples. 10-i piece Chesterfield Suites $72.50; 10-Piece Walnut Finish Bedroom Suites $69.50; 38-PIece Breakfast Room Groups $21.00. Many other bargains. Terms if desired. Julius Shore Mall Order House. 1402 Bekins Bldg, Vancouver. WANTED WANTED Woman cook for In terior hotel. Apply A. Annan, St. Elmo. tf. PERSONAL MEN Get vigor at once. New Os trex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster lnvlgorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up or gans, glands. If not delighted, maker refunds few cents paid. Call or write, Ormes limited, tf. GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $1. Pacific Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver. ix tiik xrruKME roi iit ov nimisil IN PKOHATK III The Mutter of The Administration ACT A li it In The Matter of The Estate ff Martin C. return. Ieveed TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honour Judgte FUher, Local Judge of the supreme Court ca British Columbia mtde ithe 0th day of Aucust. 1630. ! was appointed Administrator of the Estate or Martin u icuies, Deceaeeu lth the Will annexed, late of Port Ewlngtan. B. C. who died on the JStrt or' 16th day of June 1936. All persona having claims agki,t the said Estate are hereby required to furnish same properly verified to me on or be fare th 8&tih day of September, 1936; otherwise deposition of th said Estate will be made without regara thereto. All parties Indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to m forthwith. Dated this 10th day of Auguat. A D 1B36. NORMAN A. WATT Official lrfminlsfsfn rrlficy Rupert, S. 0. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert j Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Mollek and! Princess Louise which was in port I H, V. Mills, Victoria; G. H. Pav-I this morning, Mr. Dietz collects an j ord, Philadelphia; Jenny Llndh! clent typewriters and has 642 dif- j and Edna Anderson, Minneapolis j ferent mates of machines. Miss L. M. Deacon, superintend ent of the Crosby Girls' Home a Port Simpson, and Miss G. Staple and Miss Bedford, members of the staff, were passengers aboard the Catala this morning returning north after a vacation trip to Mr. and Mrs. George Messer-scbmldt and daughter Of Juneau were passengers aboard the Princess Louise this morning returning to the Alaska Captlal after a trip to Seattle and elsewhere In the south. Mr. Mcsserichmldt Is a pioneer baker of Juneau. B. A. Latta, Edmonton; J. H. Hume, Ottawa; Thomas H. Mc ; Cubbln, Pacific; Kenneth Attriej ahd Bob Arthur, Toronto; G. M. ' Robertson, E. W. Hodgson and L. j F. West, Vancouver; Mrs. Chris' Odegaard ahd son and Mrs. Bertj Espeseth, Petersburg, Alaska. Royal j V. Lehto and P. Kordts, Prince : Rupert; O. Ohen and Leslie Rov New Westminster; J. Kjinmer and K, Welb?rg, H.M.C.S. Vancouver Mr. and Mrs. Eirl Walker arid' daughter, Liberal, Kansas; J Mc-' Grath, San Francisco; C. Jaeobson, Surf Inlet; Bill Westley, Remo. Savoy Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lea.k, Mrt'akatla; N. Bentley, Prince Ru- Mr. and Mrs. C, O. Matson of Pert; A. D. Stewart, Lewis Island- Pentlctcn were here today aboard' M- AHard, Inverness; Rev. M. H. the steamer Prince Rupert return- Lawce and E. Dupont, Claxton; ing south after a trip to Dawson. George Stewart, Celta Brown, t. D Mr. Matson went north for an of-!Almas R' Wicks, W. MacKay and ricial visit in his capacity as grand,3"- Vancouver; Mrs. Agnes patriarch of the Grand Encamp-:Wllllams' Jerrace' JhlW ment of the Oddfellows for British !c!fn; F- Gof" and family. Columbia Port SP900: A. Campbell, Klt- j wanga; Mr. .and Mrs. C. Bellvllle, rvJvL, Winnipeg. mi r m unr turned to the city on the Princess j. ElsVr, Chiia'go news editor of Louvse tnu morn.ns fr:m a ti.piNew York Journal of Commerce, -- his morning for drunkenness daughter of Woodcock arrived In 1 ,1 VS --.,, ttLiM j brier ,fPf OK. y Wi wife, w here , .J as accompanies!, Dy lier nicte this morning maknz the Alaska Sam ?am Pierr Pierre, who who xnnnHwl supplied him, him wt was the v, .u- city from the Interior on this fined $100, with option of ont morning's train to spend a few month's Imprisonment. days here visiting with friends. Dr. G. Burke, physician and sur geon from Fort Yukon, Alaska, Seattle whence they will proceed on a trip to South America after which they will go to Baltlmoie where Dr, Burke will take up postgraduate work at John Hopkins Unlwrslty and Hospital. NOTICE Time is Near, Hoys and Girls, to Go Over Your School Books Ave have demand for them. We suggest you bring your books and GET CASH FOR THEM EVERYTHING ROUGHT OUTRIGHT D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 421 Third Avenue TheFxsh which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Miss Lois Studdy of the student and Mrs. Burke were passengers hutsin8 sta" of the Prince Rupert aboard the Princess Alice Satur-"",c,iU nP buw-uib mom day afternoon going through to ,ng on the Cata,a 10 8Pend a hoJl day visiting at Stewart. Charles Graham, inspector of mines, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to the Tulsequah and Taku mining district on official duties. H. J. MacKay, C. A. Chlsholm and E. J. C. McFeely, who have been In the Yukon as member of a Geolo gleal Survey party, were passengers aboard the Prince Rupert today re turning to Vancouver. Dr. G. J. Glllam, physician at the Royal York Hotel at Toronto. and Mrs. Glllam were here aboard the Princess Alice Saturday after noon going south after having made the round trip to Skagway Miss Eleanor Moxley, who has been In Ottaw-a In company With her father. W. D. Moxley, returned to the city on this morning's train. Mr. Moxley Is at present In Sml-thers and will be here in a few days, It is expected. as a result or an affray on Third Avenue Saturday nigh: Frank Joseph, an Indian, appeared in city police court this momin? on a charge of assaulting Andrew Pierre and was remanded' until Tuesday. . Thomas McCubbln, well known Pacific merchant, arrived In the city from the Interior on this morning's train and will sail tomorrow afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver where he will meet his daughter,, Miss Norma McCubbln, who has been attending summer school for teachers in the south. Miss CcCubbln teaches at Announcements Miss Joyce CoUion, who is hometrlp on the PlinMS3 Louhe. ' : nam ner nurses training auuesi at St. Paul's Hosp'tal In Vancouver to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Collison. Synopsis of Land Act rsE-ntrTioMs VACART, nnrt served, turrtytd Crevn lD4i ma? b pre-empted by British subjects over II years of see. and by aliens on tfeelarinf Intention to becomt British subjects, conditional upon residence, occupation and Improvement. Pull Information eoncernlnc Pre-emptions is flven tn Bulletin No. 1. Land Series, "How to Pre-empt Land," copies of which can be obtained free of charge by addressing the Department of Lands. Victoria. B.C.; Bureau of Provincial Information, victoria, or any Oovernment Agent. Records will be granted covering only land suitable for agricultural purposes within reasonable distance of road, school snd marketing facilities and which Is not ttmberland. Le., carrying over 5.000 board feet per acre east of the Coast Range and 000 feet per acre vest of that Range. ' Applications for pre-emptions are. lo be addressed to the Land Commissioner of the Land Recording Division In which the land applied for Is situated, on printed forma obtained from the Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for fire years snd Improvements made to value of 110 per acre. Including clearing snd cultivating st least five acres, before s Crown Grant can be received. Pre-emptions carrying part time conditions of occupation are also granted. rvitoiASE or lease Applications are received tor purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not bcsig ttmberland, for agricultural purposes. Minimum price of first-class israblel land Is 15 per acre, snd second-clsss (grazing) land. IIM per acre. Further Information Is given In Bulletin No. 10. Lsnd Series, -Purchase and Lease of Crown Lands." As a partial relief measure, reverted lands may be acquired by, purchase In ten equal Instalments, with the first payment suspended for two years, provided taxes are paid when due and Improvements are made- during the first two years of not less than 10ft of the appraised value. Mill, factory or Industrial sites on timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or leased, the conditions Including payment of stnmpsge. tJnsurveyed sreas, not exceeding SO seres, may be leased as homesites, condl-tlonal upon a dwelling being erected In the first year, title being obtained after residence and Improvement conditions are fulfilled and lsnd hss been surveyed. For grstlng snd Industrial purposes areas not exceeding 640 acres may be leased by one person or a company. Under the Orating Act the Province ti divided. Into' graslng .districts and the range administered irnder, grstlng regulations amended from time-to' time to -meet varying conditions. Annual graslng permits are Issued based on certain monthly rates per head of stock. Priority tn graslng privileges is given to resident stock owners, stock-owners may form associations tor rsnge management. Pree or partially free permits available for settlers, campers and travellers, up to ten head. LAXU ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease vn Trin Tjiiiwt Txrut Refordlne Dis trict of Range S, Coast, and situate li Hudson Bay Pass midway between Baron and Dundas Islands, being one-hall mil south of the most northerly of the Narea Islands. Take notice that Korjen irvine, oi n,n oi.nA rw-iinntten Shell deAler i , ..v. uv, j. --- intends to apply lor a lease of the following described foreshore lands: commencing at a puei yiauvcu uu AnA.haif mil omith nf .the most northerly of the Narea Islands. Uiene . . . . i . i. . ., . 1R AhBlnr wefit io cnains; wiwv-: wwi aw v., t.A- Ad-. i ha.injf thenm north 15 wirmr w " . i chains to point of commencement and containing .o tw-i. i"v n. Kimcm ui-r,.v sibvi.c Dated May 20th, 1938. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apppty to Lease Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Range 5, Coast, and situate fronting on the north shore of the" most southerly of the Naxea Islands. Take notice that Robert Irv'ne of Prince Rupert, occupation Shell dealer Intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore lands1, Commencing at a past planted on a rock 300 feet north of the north shere of the moat southerly ot the Nares T.i.n. t,rw vt IS chains: theuce south 15 chains thence eaat 15 chasns: thence north is chains to pomi or commencement and containing 23.5 acres, more or less. KOIICKT 01.EN IRVINE Dated Uay soth, 1830. VAJOM TSOS9 5 SKfl8 -1 Anna May's Daddy IITTLI j can tell in a second the difference between Best Foods and ordinary dressings! The reason is Best Foods is real mayonnaise. It is so much richer and creamier ... and so much more full-bodied! For, you see, Best Foods is made from the same fine foods you use .yourself! Choice salad, oils, freshly-broken eggs, a specially selected vinegar, and imported spices. All douhlt ubippeJ to velvety smoothness. So, when you select the dressing for your salads, be sure you ask for Best Foods. It's all mayonnaise. Nothing else! And it costs but a trifle per salad. Parke Davis Vanilla Extract Special The finest extract on the market made from the pure vanilla bean 3oz.50c; , 6 oz. 90c; ,16 oz. $2.00 Enos Fruit Salts 79c Kruschen Salts 69c Bayer Aspirin . . . .22c, 39c, 98c Candy Thermometers 75c (assorted styles) Ormes Lid. "Jiie Pioneer Druggists The Kexa.il gtr Pbones: 81 & 82 i " Open Dallyj from &iiU 10 vrt. Sundays and Holidays From 13 noon p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p in. Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. Du Vancouver, Thursday pjn. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJV1. Due Vancouver, Monday ajn. ROUND TRIP FARE leaving Sunday 8:00 VAX. calling Pt. Simpson, Stewart, Anyox, Naas Ri ver returning Tuesday, $14.40 Further Information regarding sailings and tickets from R. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 Canadian Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way'Ports SS. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday at 10 p.m. To Vancouver direct SS. "Princess Louise," Aug. 1st, 15th, 29th, Sept. 9th. SS. "Princess Alice," Afig. 8th, 19th. SS. "Princess Charlotte," Aug. 22nd. t. To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway SS. "Princess Alice," Aug. 3rd, 14th. SS. "Princess Louise," Aug. 10th, 24th, Sept. 4th. . SS. "Princess Charlotte," Aug. 17th, For Information and Reservations - W. L. COATES, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert,. B.C.