IK. f ' I ri m i ft ; 1 KM wi Hi i; I . i 1 4 paqi iotm Christie's Family Cream Sodas, 1-lb. pkg 3 pkgs. Dr. Jackson's It. M. Cookies, 12 doz. to box Gold Seal Herrings In ' tomato sauce, large tins King Oscar Sardines 3 tins CR1SCO 3 lbs. 6 lbs. SU7; 9 lbs. LUX FLAKES 2 large 2 small, 4 pkgs J MUSSALLEM'S Cash Specials Before tock-takins. Always bargains for you to save on 17c 50c 1.15 10c 35c 72c $1.09 45c TOILET TISSUE 9Qf ' 10 rolls Blue Ribbon Malt Hop ! Off PX.OU flavored, 3-lb. tin SLOANE'S MALT -f , 2i-lb. tin BROWN SUGAR (LimU-201b.SJ.10 lbs OAK, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables j at Reduced Prices MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Wbrre Dollar Have More Cent" r. O. Box S75 Phone 18 t'EKTil ICATKS OF tMPKOVE.ME.NT9 SILVER KINO No. 1; SILVER KINO No. 2; SILVER KINO No. 3: 8ILVER KJNO No. 4; SILVER KINO No. 5; SILVER KINO No. 6; SILVER KINO No. 7; SILVER KINO -No. 8: BLUEBIRD No. 1 & "BLUEBIRD No. 2 MINERAL CLAIMS. Situate. in the Attln Mining Division of Casslar District. ." Where located: Whitewater Creek, Tulrequah River. TAKE NOTICE that D. C. Sharpstone. acting a agent (or Raymond L. Walker, Free Miner' Certificate No. 689 1-D; Daniel II. Moller. Free Miner' Certificate Ne. M8T7-B; Harrj C. Bracken, Free Mln-' er'a Certificate No. 64876-D; Arthur Hed-man. -Free Miner' Certificate No. 64890-D; 'ALwka Juneau Gold Mining Corporation, Free Miner' Certificate No. 98026-D; Walter Barren, Free Miner's Certificate No. 64883-D; D. J. MacDouga.il. Free Miner' Certificate No. 64889-D. Intends sixty days from the date hereof, to apply-to the Mining Recorder for Certificates of Improvements for the purpose of obtaining Crown Grants of the above claims. And Further take notice that action, under section 85 of the Mineral Act, ruuat' be commenced before the Issuance of such Certificates ol Improvement. Dated this first dy of December. 1935 MURESCO 11 : puts SSBmin A RICH FLAT FINISH tut will not rub off,. Walls and Ceilings crck,chip or ptel Mtde in 18 Tints And White NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli, Proprietor MA HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kates 11.00 ua 50 Rooms Hot it Cold Walei Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O Box 198 75c per package 10c Half package Gordons Hardware Phone 311 LINOLEUM RUGS SIZE 6x9 Regular price $7.50 " Sale Price SIZE 9x10 J Regular price $13.00. Sale Price PRINTED LINOLEUM By Square Yard Regular price, 90c square yard. Sale Price, square yard NEW BEDS COMPLETE Regular price, $35.00. Sale Price McBride St. Last Day of Sale Tomorrow - 'CONGOLEUM GOLD SEAL RUGS SrZE-Ti9 Regular price $7.50. Sale Price SIZE 9x9 Regular price $9.00. Sale Price . . .V $5.50 $6.60 $5.65 $9.75 69c $29.00 D. ELIO -Exchange The Letter Box THE SKEENA BOUNDARY ; Editor, Dally News: I I see by your paper the fisher- jmen held a meeting on the ques tlon of moving the boundary on the Skeena. The powers that be want to move It down to Point Lambert. Instead of moving it jdown they should move it up, and close the fishing down outside, a: when salmon get into fresh water they don't leave it again. The gas boats are going further out after sockeye every year, pretty soon the Skeena Sockeye will be over In Japan. The independent f 1 s h e r m en wouldnt mind if the canneries were closed down for a few years, there are canneries on the rive that had only two white fishermen .out of 80 boats. What we independent whit fishermen want is the boundary left exactly where It stands today. I for Spring Salmon and Coho' I fishing, The canneries have been tryln 'hard for years to get the whit men off the river. Last year we .had the best Cohoe fishing in years but out of about 400 boats there were only twenty-five white men, the only white fish buyer was sent below to get him out of the way. After the Japs come traps. I see some of the fishermen are worry , lng who pinches .them. I wou! Just as soon, be pinched by a nol lticlan as a patrolman put there by the canneries. I expect If the river closes down the government will send someone out to feed the seals. ' A FISHERMAN, Haysport, B. C. DAILY NEWS mJ Lam London Council to Make New Effort to Clear Slum Area While some work has been done toward' the clearing of the slum i of Britain, the claim Is made by the London County Council that it is mostly talk and not much action. The council, composed largely of Labor representatives, is launching a new plan lor London's metropolitan area. Above are actual scenes of slum cljarance in ,London, showing a new street where children may play in safety and enjoy plenty of sunlight and fresh air. Left, a scene in a section of London's slum area showing intolerable conditions in which one-sixth of the population of Britain are forced to live. COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSOX ALBEKTA COAL BULKLEV VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 OFFICERS jKincolith Senior pi rrTpn' Society Elects liUHVl MULMT i A. K. Nelson New Head of Moose Legion Social Follows Meeting Year's Officers KINCOLITH, Jan. 15:- colith Senior Society, ! follows: Secretary, W. F. Stewart. Clerk. William Stevens. -The At a well attended meeting last' ommunltv organization of this : night the local Moose Legion elec- Naas River natlve vlnage, has elec tee oiucers lor ine ensuing year ted omcers for tne year 1936 as as loiiows: Great North Moose, A. K. Nelson. South Moose, Casey Vink. East Moose, Ole Stegavig. West Moose, Frank Morrison, Guiding Moose, William Herder, Fred Scadden. Treasurer, Alois Ohnesorg, Custodian, J. L. Blain. Argus, William Gray. I Following the meeting of the Legion, a very pleasant social evening was spent Jointly with the Ladies' Moose Chapter members. Bridge was played and, at midnight, delicious refreshments were served. Prize winners at cards were: ladies' 1 first, Mrs. R. Peterson; second, Mrs. Charles Edwards; men's first, Al bert Lindseth; second. William Mc-Callum. There were a number of speeches during the evening by both ladles and men, Honorary president, Peter Stew art sr. Honorary vice-president, Ben Benson. President, Sam Lincoln. Vice-president, Simon Smythe. General manager, Jeffrey Ben ' son. , ManagervGeorge Alexander. art. t. Musical instructor, Charles Mc Neil. Stage manager, J. E. Stewart. Chairman, Silas Maxwell. Pianist, Arthur Nelson Jr. Mrs. A. J. Webber and Mrs. Er nest Anderson were heard as solo ists on a special experimental broadcast from the local radio tatlon at midnight last night Mrs. J. S. Black being Islands, having come north from Vancouver to Massett on the present trip of the Prince John. Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Birch Wood Cedar Wood Jackpine OFFICERS Mrs. ham. INSTALLED Charles Edwards New Head Of Women Of .Moose The Women of the Moose last night had officers for the year 1936 installed as follows by Mrs. Charles Edwards, grand installing officer, and Mrs. O. Stegavig, grand guide: Senior Regent, Mrs. Charles Ed Past Regent, Mrs. D. C Schubert. Junior Regent, Mrs. Peter Wing- Recorder, Mrs. Hugh Smith. Chaplain, Mrs. T O Morgan. Treasurer, Mrs. A. Wick Argus, Mrs. R. Peterson. The presentation was made to Mrs. D c, Schubert, retiring senior KINCOLITH, Jan. 15. The Royal Purple and Senior Societies at Klncolith on Saturday night last Rev. Robert C. Scott, moderator , held a very enjoyable concert and of the British Columbia Conference ! party in the Jubilee Hall, there of the United Church of Canada, is: being a large attendance of village a visitor on the Queen Charlotte folk at the affair. J. E. Stewart was toastmaster. One of the many speakers was Rev. Oliver Thorne, the village missionary. There was an orchestra present which .rendered numerous acceptable selections. Dinner was also served. The list of speakers was as follows: Mrs. Evelyn Nelson. W. F. Stewart, Sam Lincoln, Mrs, Arthur Nelson, Rev. Oliver Thorne, Peter Stewart, Charles Elliott, Matthew Stewart, Jonah Haldane, Mrs. May Burton, Silas Maxwell, Mrs. Melissa Clayton, D. H, McDonald, Mrs. (Captain) F. Watts, Herbert Doo- lan, Mrs. Edith Aylwln and Mrs. Bertha Haines, all of whom are prominently Identified with various village organizations. Selections by the orchestra were "Onward, Christian Soldiers," "Thunder March" and "Cavalry Charge." UMl ACT Notlre of Intuition lo apply to Laf Land tn PRINCE lUJPERT Land Recording District of Range 5 Coast, and altuat xbout 1-2 mile aouth of the w, A Brown Homoilte Leas on Bklakl Bar Stoplien Island. Take nottc that William Anthonf Brown of 8klakl Bay, Stephen li occupation Flaherman and Trapper tn. tends to apply for a lea of the follow. ln dencrlbed' foreshore lands: " Commencing at a post planned on a Mnall Island within an Inlet of Ski-ak Bay. about 20 Feet wet of rov boathouse, which I located approxlo). ately 3-4 mile outh of. the W. A Brown Homealte Lease thence Weat 1.200 Ftoef, thence North 900 Feet thence East 1.8O0 Feet; thence South 900 Feet; thence. West 800 Feet to point of commencement and containing Thirty acre, more or Ie. WILLIAM ANTHONY BROWN Dated November ita, 1033. CZECH STAR j FEATURED Francis Lederer Has Leading Role In "The Gay Deceiver" At i Capitol Theatre Francis Lederer, romantic Czech star, who is rapidly gaining in popularity, heads the cast in "The Gay Deception," a light-hearted inspired comedy, which is being featured on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this mld-wcek on a double bill with "This is the Life," starring nine-year old Jane Withers In a singing, dancing and dramatic role. The gay deceivers of "The Gay Deceiver" arc Lederer, a prince masquerading as the member of the staff of an ultra-luxurious hotel, and Frances Dec, who is having a fling on some money she has won and pretends to be an heiress. The pair meet and the principals arc whirled through a hilarious scries of comedy adventures to a Joyous romantic climax. Alan Mowbray and Benita Hume are seen in the principal supporting roles. t "This is the Life" finds little Jane Withers singing, dancing and, clowning as a child star who de sires only to be a normal youngster. However, she is the virtual slave of unscrupulous guardians who arc making a "meal ticket" of her. Featured with Jane Is John Mc-Oulre, who scored a hit In a Juven ile role in Will Rogers' "Steamboat Round the Bend." Others in the cast are Sidney Tolcr, Francis Ford and Sally Blane. WHIFFLETS From tho Walprfronf C. N. R. steamer Prince John, Capt. Nell McLean, arrived in port at 2 o'clock this morning from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands with passengers, freight and mall and will be here until 10 o'clock Friday night when she will sail on her return south over the same route. C. N. R. steamer Prince Ocorgc, Capt. H, E. Ncddcn, arrived In port! on time at 10 o'clock this morning Musical director, Matthew Stew- regent, of a beautiful silver cake Irom vancouver. l owe'l 'ycr and; Falls and will sail 4 o'clock mat in rntti f w e.,t.. .Ocean at Kincolith Party r. reatly Enjoyed Night by Royal Purple Arid Senior Societies this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow night southbound. THE KINO'S AUDIENCE LONDON, Jan. 15: ICP) The King had the biggest audience that Affair Staged Jointly on Saturday has ever listened to one man when ne Droaacast nis t;nnstmas message, officials of the British Broadcasting Corporation estimating the number at 500,000,000. Wednesday, Janniry i5 , TONIGHT and Till rs ITS THE GAYEST OP A furore of fun giorlon gay and gayly romantic J ineuy vi .i man WHO Isn't wh he seems . . and a Slj 1'iwn gm n no seems what t s Isn't I n ACf itt'ci LEDERER AJOUl.UMV FRANCES DEE Si laiBinn. I Nil A HUM! U i AlAN MOWIIAY ahm lAMiigrp I Hi7 (At 7:11 & 9:431 ' - PLUS Ho, For the Life of a HotJ .Meet tiieiniRijest Little Cw In Show Business! Jane Withers - m "THIS IS THE LIFE' - ,v!th SALLY IU.ANE JOHN .Mc'r.l lKK (At 8:27 Once Only Don't Put a Dollar Ob Any New Car Until You See the ... . New Chevrote Solid Steel Turret Tup Perfected Hydraulic Brata Improved Six Clylnder Mot Fisher No Draft Ventilate Knee Action Front WhetU Kaien Motors Limited CHEVROLET DEALERS Third Ave. rhoneSl We Have the Goods That Make Good Business Better Correct management requires correct ciiiipincn'l and supplies. Our stock is complete and modem I 9 Files, Folders, Binding Cases, Account Books, Hound and Loose Leaf Ledgers, Columnar and Analysis Books. Remington and Underwood Typewriters, for sakr rent. Ribbons, Carbon Paper, Typing and CoFJ' Papers. Adding Machine and Cash Register Kol Pencils. Pens. Blotters. Ink. Glov Paste. Mucilep. Stamp. Pads and Ink. Staples, CHps and Fastener Rubber Bands, Erasers, Lte. Everything in Stationery for the Office. Garage Warehouse or Shop. Agents for Office Specialty Equipment and Globe Wernicke Office Furniture. It's good business to use efficient methods. Imi,roYC yours with better equipment and supplies.