Portland Wins Over Seattle Beavers Take Third Straight Over Indians in Pacific Coast Lea'ffue Baseball Play-offs PORTLAND. Ore., -Sept. 18:--Portland Beavers last night won their third straight game over Seattle, Indians In the Paclfts Coast League baseball play-off, the score being 4 to ' 3 , Judge W. E. Jisner returned to PHONE 557 : NEAR 4 CINCH V 1 CAXZOXERI-McLARNIX : FOR GIANTS NEW YORK, Sept. 18; Tony Canzoneri and Jimmy Litte I)atlSPJ. of overtaken McLarnin will meet in Madi- , Now in rennant Race son Square Garden here on ! . October 2 providing the New ! NEW YORK. Sent 18: (CP) New Ywk. State Athletic Commis-York; Giants defeated Brooklyn sion considers the fighters are Dodgers at Ebbetts Field 17 to 3 in good enough physical condi- j yesterday to add another half game tion to enter the ring, it was announced yesterday. the cir.y on last night's train, from : VANCOUVER, sept 18: CP Smithers where he has been con- Wheat was quoted at $1.0358 on the ducting a session of County Court Vancouver Exchange today GOOD FOR ONE FULL-SEED PACKAGE OF BRAID'S Any JUw, t4th furch4 of Jour pocktU l regular ptict mmwL Id IIV JELLY POWDER HAND THIS COUPON TO YOUR GROCER JtUV rowDH SAKING MD TEA . COffU . SMCES - EXTRACTS BEAIB, TBCK t COMPAIT AM. VAKOOVE. SC ftdM com. TO in. Tdi C. IW GROCERS 4 "" " i p ml WJ.I k LSTEN IN TO a PLAIN JANEwJIM C'K'W'X EVERY MOWING AT 3-3S Where Most People Trade X F AMILY SHOE STORE LTl). (Estab. 1908 SEASONABLE FALL FOOTWEAR LADIES See our fine new assortment of BROGUES and WALKING SHOES. To avoid damp feet buy HARTT, PERTH, ONYX made Footwear whose values are always evident. THIRD AVENUE Introducing S CRAPE WINES CALONA WHITE MEDIUM SWEET CALONA RED MEDIUM SWEET CALONA RED DRY art; three delicious grape wines. They come to you from tunny Okanagan. Made to suit exacting taitei. Have won the praise of wine tnakera for purity, bouquet and clearness. Proof Spirit ... in four sizes: 26)t. 40.oi. Yi-Gal. 1-Gal. 60c 85c fl.60 pJOO The following Calona Wines also on sale: The .Champagne at $1.90; the Sparkling Burgundy at 1.73, and the popular Ver. mouths, Italian and French, at 1.25 At all Government Vtndor$. GRAPE WINES uatanaMHaaiin J C.W.4-SS This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, , to their margin ol supremacy in. jthe National League, their lead over the St, Louis Cardinals, idle yesterday, now feeing five full games. The Giants made 23 hits and Brooklyn. 8. It was the largest number of tuns the Giants have (made in any game this year. There is but the scantest chance of the Terry Men how being beaten for the pennant. In the only other National League game, a heavy hitting affair, Pittsburg Pirates, playing at home, defeated Cincinnati Reds 14 to 10, the Bvlccaneers making 22 hits to the Redkins' eight, j In the American League, Detroit, , Tigers took exclusive possession of third place by defeating Cleveland' Indians 5 to 2 at Detroit while St.j Louis Browns, at home, were down-j Ing the Chicago White Sox by a similar score. Despite the lateness of the season, four American League clubs have yet to decide runner-up positions and rights to world series shares only two and a half games separating the second ; place Chicago White Sox from the fifth place Cleveland Indians. Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. New York 87 Chicago 82 Pittsburg 78 Cincinnati 71 Boston 64 Brooklyn ...62 Philadelphia 50 charge of the meeting. 57 St. Louis 82 62 G3 67 74 78 82 94 AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. I New York 96 48 I Chicago 78 66 .Detroit 78 68 .534 Washington 77 68 .531 I Cleveland .76 69 Boston 72 74 I St. Louis 52 90 Philadelphia 49 95 INTEREST Pet .604 .569 .5CB .541 .490 .451 .431 .341 Pet .667 .542 .524 .493 366 340 . IN CARDS Active Season in Bridre and Crib bage Appears' Likely Annual Meeting Held A gratifying measure of Interest arid enthusiasm for bridge and cribbage activities on -a league basis during the coming winter season was displayed last night at the annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Bridge and Cribbage League. There was a good attendance and P. E. Wermlg, the re tiring president, was in the chair during the early part of the evening. Later W. A. McLean, after being elected new president, took The election of officers resulted as follows: Honorary President, Bert Mor gan. Honorary Vice-President, A. A. McEwen. President, W. A. McLean. Vice-President, D. A. MacPhee. Secretary-Treasurer, J. E. Jack. Aultors, J. A. Frew and G. W. j Johnstone. Another meeting will be held September 28 to receive entries and arrange the winter's schedule. A revision of scoring methods In bridge is contemplated this season. Present Indications are that there will be a bridge league of .eight or more teams and a cribbage league of four or more teams. Entries so far .are as follows: 1 Bridge Grotto, Musketeers, Rex Bowling Club, Ramblers, Canadian National Recreation Association, Swift's. I Cribbage Canadian National Recreation Association, Canadian Legion and' Elevator. TODAY'S BASEBALL American -League Detroit 0, Cleveland 3." 8t. Louis 5. Chicago 4 'Jfat nd of first half of. sixth). i National League Chicago 3, St Louis 0. Onlygamipkyed;. 1 Arrows Win DETROIT, stated here ;' . !! Series Defeated V. A-C. 19 to 9 to Capture Vancouver Senior Title VANCOUVER, Sept 18: Arrows defeated Vancouver Athletic Club 19 to 9 in the seventh and deciding game of th Senior baseball championship series and will now hieet loco. Bitsy Grant Is Finished With Davis Cup Play ATLANTA, Qa., Sept. 18: "Bitsy" Grant, third janklng United States tennis player announced last night that he was through with Davis Cup tehnls play as he intended to devote his time to selling real estate. He would still play the game entirely for recrea tion. Louis Going On With His Action Against Schincling Sept. 18: It was last night that Joe Louis, coloied heavyweight boxer, i had no intention of abandoning! his $500,000 suit against Max Schmellng, former world cham pion, and the magazine which pub lished an article saying that he (Louis) deliberately fouled Schmellng In their recent fight. This statement was made in SDite of Schmellng's denial that he had made such a charge. BACK FROM VIM Y Theo Collart returned home on last night's train nfter taking part in the recent Vimy Pilgrimage also visiting his native land of Belgium and In England. COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL RULKLKY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCR RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 WILSONS REALLY KILL One pad I kills filet ,11 j,y and eerr day for 2 or i wek,. J pad, earn pkt. INo spraying, mo tlrkincM, no bad odor. Ak yor DrufgUt, Croeery or Cenersl Store. 10 CENTS PER PACKET WHY PAY MORE? THB Wtl SON Fl V PAD yn , H.milioa, Qm. Insist on "GRANTS BEST PROCURABLE" The Original For SI at Vendor pr direct from "MaU Order IV pt." Iiquur Control Board, S47 OeaUy Street. ancouTer, B.C. r J .7 1 U sH Li vf 11 k I fl Bottled and ruaranteed by Vulllam ' wrant ec oona ijnuiea, orninaaica ana BalrEnlelenlivet Diitjllrrim- Ihiff. 11 town & GUhjdw, Scotland. NEW LOW PRICE w 35 am mm Q?ra?tZJ BKT PROCURABU v- IMsaaaaaaaSaaaV sJktaaaaaaBaaaaaaaar This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or the Government of British Columbia. GOLDBLOOM'S SPECIAL OFFER A large stock of Fur Coats and Neck Pieces at thirty to fifty percent (i:scount. BUY NOW AND SAVE AT G0LDBL00M - The Furriers This advertisement ii not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbta MacKENZIS FURNITURE Card Tables Irom 5.75 to 4.50 Ash Trays can be attached to any of these tables. Just arrived a full shipment of Spring Filled Mattresses from $20 up Also a new lot of Carpets just arrived. 327 Third Ave. Phone 775 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarejli Proprietor "A HOME AyAY Fit DM HOME" Kates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupetl, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Bx 19 Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.8.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P JVl Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.HJJ. CARD EN A FRIDAY, 10:S0 pj. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. ZUNR? TR",jrARE '"" Suo-y 8:00 P.M. calllnS Pt. Simp-son, Stewart, Anyox, Naa. River returning Tuesday. $14.40 USii"fS.t,0n rC8.ardlng 8alIlnfl and ticket, from R R. M M. SMITH,; Prlnc. Rpfrt Agent, Third Ave. Phone 561 EGGS Shamrock "A" Grade in Cartons 7-2doz 0L YOUNG RULKLEY VAi.LEY VEAL Shoulders, 4 lbs. 50c Shouldei-s, lb. . 22r c (Rolled) Breast, 3 lbs 25c STERLING BUTTER 1st Grade Q"io 3 lbs. Jll BULKLEY VALLEY BEEF Brisket, 3 lbs. , 25c Fresh Ox Hearts I each 25c Boiling Fowl, lb. . 25c 1 Boston Butts, lb. 23c I Sausage Meat 2 lbs. 25c Picnic Hams, lb. 20c ; Cottage Rolls, lb. 25c I Fresh, Whipping Cream pinb 25c nrxiciors SUMMIT ICE CREAM In J,-(;ailon and Gallrnu VALENTIN DAIRY PnOXE 57 -7 ... CANNEil) SALMON GOLD SEAL fell 5S mm PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with anau the year round payroll Prmee Rupert. Hyde Transfer Jasper Telkwa anJ Black Diamond COAL Dry Wood PHONE ii Office 315 Second Avcnne clafled Try a Daily News vertlsement or,,bcat tefSJ