JONES Family PHONE 957 Market Specials NO. 1 VEAL Boned & Rolled Veal per lb. Shoulder of Veal 4 lbs. . P1IONE 95i Veal Chops 2 lbs. Leg of Veal '''' per lb. L melt of Veal per lb - NO. 1 LAMB Legs of Lamb per lb. ... - Loin of Lamb per lb ., x Boned & Rolled. Shoulder of Lamb, per lb. Not Rolled Shoulder of Lamb, per lb , Mutton Chops 2 lbs NO. 1 BEEF Pot Roast of Beef 6 lbs Rump Roast of Beef per lb T-Bone Roast of Beef per lb Sirloin Tip Roast per lb Round Steak 3 lbs ,. Sirloin Steak 3 lbs Loin of Pork per lb Frying NEURITIS 15c 20c 18c 40c 50c thin tht btlpa t f duh, 'poof ift . Thcarab lk la la. Pain aiet off I Mia "KMG OF PAlHy It Pays to Buy From MUSSALLEM'S Our prices are always right with the markets and we sell for less. Mail or phone your order and save FREE GIFT COUPONS for a Dinner Set and Rogers Silverware. Prince Rupert, B.C. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Story of Trip To Canal Zone Edward Lipsett Tells of Visit To Columbia and Costa Rica At Rotary Luncheon I The story of a trip to Colombia jand Costa Rica was told by Edward 15C'Lipsett of Vancouver at the lun- j cheon .of the Prince Rupert Rotary' pi Club at the Commodore Cafe yes- i terday. What seemed to have par-QCpJticularly impressed Mr. Lipsett in ,regara to Colombia was the large "flfijplcrop of beggars which kept up" a continual barrage on the visitors. Q Ap; At Cartagena the people had nei-" 'their water supply nor seWer sys- jtem but the country around was af infested with snakes. The natives p ""jwere very clever in using the ma-CTfiJ;che'e 'n cutting a path through 31'ithe Jungle. Occasionally they met OApjwith a boa constrictor but they M cut off his head and used the body g ,for food. A traveller in that coun-XOls try found his party had run out of qj Ifat for frying. Next morning they O DC had fried eggs for breakfast as usual and, when-he inquired where ffft they got the fat, they said it was DU Is snake grease. The beauties of the canal and surrounding country were extolled by the speaker and also the won derful healthful condition made possible by the American engineers who rid the whole section of the country of mosquitoes. j Costa Rica was a wonderful pro- j rfnrpr nf rnffpp nnH fruits Hntroi 50C!uantltles were exported. A visit was paid to San Jose, about four 25C!tnousand eet up ln tne mountains. Tnere tne climate was very, pleasant compared with the coasfl which was too hot for clothes, j , Cattle were kept in large numbers iln tne high country and the meat exported. Mr. Llpsatt told a number of interesting stories and his snappy way of telling of his experiences kept the members of the club and visitors Interested all the time. .New York Stock List Moves Up NEW YORK, Sept. 18: Most of -the New York tock issues gained gi:ound .yesterday. Industrial av erage at closing was up 1.09 and 166 25; rails, up .55 at 55.20 and utilities up .15 at 33.82. Working Husbands Should Get Rest LOS ANGELES, Sept. 18: Husbands who go to work should not be expected by their wives to do house work, a Los Angeles Judge decided yesterday. WEEK END SPECIALS ' FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Sharps Rum & Butter Toffee-Special, per lb Ormes Autograph Chocolates-Special, per 1-lb. box Lifebuoy Shaving Cream Reg. 35c bpecial, per tube ". . . . Modess per pkg. 23c ,39c 29c Listerine Travel Kit Special Consisting of 1 Lis-terine Tooth Paste, 1 Tooth Brush, AQo 1 Moire Bag; all three for I Fitch Special Fitch Shampoo, 55c; Fitch Hair ionic, zoc; rucn acaip isrusn, ouc; KUo $1.30 value; all three for WW 22c L 41c Ormes Lid. "3iut Pioneer Druqgiats ILc RcuU Bton Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. 8nnday and Holiday! From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 1 p. m. till 9 p.m. ! - ! WHIFFLETS ! From the Waterfront : : ! According to word received in Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon from Alaska, business people of Ketchikan, June?u and other Southeastern Alaska ports have been warned by the Alaska Steamship Co. that the company may have no boats operating north from Seattle after the end of the month owing to marine strike conditions and advising that supplies be brought in before that time. The present agreement with longshoremen at Seattle expires at the end of September and, apparently, a marine tie-up is regarded as quite possible. There' were 151 passengers in all aboard the steamer Princess Louise on her arrival here yesterday afternoon from Alaska enroute to Vancouver. Eight passengers disembarked from the vessel here while.four took passage at this port for the south on her Three hundred and seventy-six whales have been taken this season in waters around the Queen Charlotte Islands by the six ships of the .Consolidated Whaling Corporation operating the whaling stations at Rose Harbor and Naden Harbqr. C. P. R. steamer Princess. Adelaide, Capt. Henry Anderson, is due fn port at 7 o'clock this evening from the,60uth and will sail at 10 p.m on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. A. S. Munrb, chief engineer: Fred Coram', purser, and other members of the crew of the steamer Prince George, 'which has been tied up in the local drv dock for the uintpr sailed for Vancouver on the Prince Rupert last night. Longshoremen's Leaders Meet In New York City NEW YORK, Sept, 18: The In ternational Longshoremen's Association Is in: session here to dis cuss the advisability of taking unified strike action aeainst th shin. owners. Among those attending uie meetings are the Dresident. Joseph P. Ryan, and Harry Bridges, militant longshoremen's leader from San Francsco. DAILY NEWS Vancouver War Veterans Dead Walter Wilcox Was For Years With Province Frank Donajhy Also Dead VANCOUVER, Sept 18: Walter Wilcox, for many years a member of the staff of the Vancouver Province and a veteran of the 221st. Battalion in overseas service, passed away yesterday. Another veteran also passed away in the person of Frank Donaghy who served in France with the Royal Fusiliers. SSL FLANNELETTE SHEETS Plain White English Sheets, full double ' size,. 'twill finish c A A Dollar Day, each JJjJUUU UNBLEACHED SHEETS Heavy quality English unbleached Sheets full double size o-i a a Dollar Day, each JJLUU. MATTRESS CASES Full size mattress cases, made from strong unbleached drill, all finished ready to use. Qj Aj" Dollar Day, each PxfD Rayon Brocade, 27 Ins. Wide .15 Shades, assorted designs, in good quality Rayon Brocade. C A A Dollar Day, 4 yards for gBBn V 1 " IT 11 1! WILL NOT RECOGNIZE' Uncle Sam Standing by Traditional Policy of Opposition to Con- j quest by Force WASHINGTON. D.C., Sept. 18: United States intended to stand by' its traditional policy of refusing to , recognize any territory conquered by force, Secretary of State Cordell Hull stated last 'night. He named1 Manchukuo and Ethiopia ln par? ticular. Trv a Datlv News classified ad 50 TRULY GREAT - NO CLAIM CAN EXAGGERATE ITS GLORY! The Star sand Producers of the Most Famous Film Hits of All Time . . Climax Their Careers in Ouida's Immortal Romance o! the Foreign Legion! IV two flags II at 7:26 & 9:43 1 I with RONALD COLMAN Of BEAU GESTE AND T Alt Of TWO CITIES' CLAUDETTE COLBERT Of -IT HAPPENED ONI NIGHT" VICTOR McLAGLEN Of "THE INFORMIR" ROSALIND RUSSELL Colored Cartoon "Run Sheep Run" WORLD'NEWS OF "RENDEZVOUS" TONIGHT and SATURDAY Last Complete Show, 9:17 I- -M J mm RICE KRI5P1ES -zz- Wdiy, BepteabeM. , j Suck a banana 7 intn . 1 .V of KelW. p: .l 1 "7" cerealthatcombine..:.!! Ml Wall a a " Kruple, . ,re I llllins t.n.1 41 At grocers every!, coiner Goo,e Package Made by in London, Ontario. ' SO CRISP they actoaiij ciackle in milk or cream SOUTH TO VANCOUVER Calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT Mondays, 3 p.m., and Saturdays, 7 p.m. Canadian National Steamships The Fish uihich made Prince Rupert Fam V8-31 oui "Rupert Brand" SMOKED IACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. I'RJNCE KUPERT. B.C. DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS 52x52 inch colored border damask table cloths; fast colored borders, Dollar nn Day, 2 cloths for J1UU BABY BLANKETS Elder-down baby blankets, pink and blue animal patterns size 36x50 inches, Q4 a a Dollar Day tJ)lUU SHADOW CLOTH 36 inch Shadow Cloth, fast colors, 3 designs only, British make. Dollar Day Q-f A A only, 3 yards for P1U,U DRAPERY HOME SPUN Shadow Home Spuns Assorted patterns, 50 inches wide, fast colors c a a Dollar Day, 2 yards for PlUU SHADOW CLOTHS 48 Inches wide, new designs, British make, fast colors. Tne best we have ever offered at the 04 nn price; Dollar Day, 2 yards for JUU CHILDREN'S ANKLE SOX Lastex cuffs, assorted colors, sizes 6 to 8V2. (g-f AA Dollar Day, 5 pairs for tJl.UU ORIENT HOSE Full fashioned pure thread silk, semi-service weight, made with all the newest features and all tlE ne.w..shades; Dollar Day, pair DOLLAR DAY SATURDAY FRASER and PAYNE'S This is one of our biggest DOLLAR Day events of the season. All new merchandise on sale. We have many more items than what arc advertised. Sec our windows Frjday displaying various other DolIarDay Specials! I lit NOTTINGHAM CURTAIN NET Cream color assorted designs, 36 inches wide, extra good quality, Dollar Day, 4 yds. for CURTAIN NETS $1.00 iu Pieces. HiiK curtain Net, assorted designs, values ln this lot up to 59c yard. Dollar Day, 3 yards for $1.00 May-Belle Panties and Bloomers ' Tea Rose and white, new crepe finish delustered, all sizes, Dollar Day, QO pair OuL Pure Wool Steamer Rugs 100 Pure Wool Steamer Rugs, fringed ends, full size, assorted designs QO QCT Dollar' Day, each ?vw TABLE NAPKINS Damask Table Napkins, size 18x18 inches, good quality, assorted designs. nn Dollar Day, 10 for 31.UU TOWELS 1 TOWELS! TOWELS! Job lot, all perfect, Canadian and English, assorted sizes and colorings, nn Dollar Day, 5 towels for O-l.UU Extra large white and colored Towels heavy quality, Dollar Day 4 for .... $1.00 Turkish Wash Cloths, good quality and good OCT size; 6 for ... )C TEA or GLASS TOWELS Red or Blue Check Towels, large size, 20x32 inches 21 00 Dollar Day, 8 towels for Vuv BLEACHED SHEETS Linen finished Sheets, English make, or.tra good quality, reg. value $1.M each, full size Q-f OQ Dollar Day, each QXU 36 Ins. Brocaded Satin Brocaded Satin, 36 Inches wide, ln shades of white, rose & dclph blue. C-J flQ Dollar Day, 2 yards for BOYS' GOLF HOSE Mercury make, 1007c pure wool, all sizes up to 10 in stock. SI VU 00 Dollar Day, 2 pairs for ? SEARSUCKER CREPE PYJAMAS Ladles' Searsucker Crepe Pyjamas, white with colored trim, all sizes, 04 f0 Dollar Day tfXtVV GIRLS' PYJAMAS Girls' Flannelette Pyjamas, in two-piece style Sizes 8. 10, 12 years. Ql 00 Dollar Day, suit $1. Ladies' Flannelette Nightgowns Good Quality Flannelette Nightgowns, assorted colored trims, all sizes. CI 00 DolIarDay $XVV SEARSUCKER CREPE NIGHTGOWNS Colored, Searsucker Crepe Gowns, assorted CI QO colored -trims; Dollar Day QX PRINCESS SLIPS Bias cut Taffeta Slips ln Tea Rose and white. pia'n and lace trimmed, adjustable shoulder C-J AQ straps, Dollar Day '. JXv HORROCKSES FLANNELETTE Horrockses White Flannelette, English make. 32 inches wide, finest quality manufactured Cl QO Dollar Day, 5 yards for UNBLEACHED SHEETINGS Made ln England, extra good quality, 72 inches wWc-clean and free from filling 40C LUJiui uay, yuiu