14. i.mhar 1ft 103S ' i GAO7. HUVSJ nam WON QEDAft pnEST :j" ' - 1 " Frank. Phlscatdr, who arrived In Thomas Kaye.Unlon Oil Co. of; HiiMhar In trip raf. the city, from Terrace on Tuesday ficlal, who'nas been In the city for . LVAAL 1NLW5 NOTES night's train sailed last night on the past week or to In the course of Tea at its Best a tcuai i jor hi Rnlklev Vallev District .---i- the Prince Rupert for a trip to rone of his nerlodlcal tours, sails to Seattle, night by the Princess Louise;, on his ., -at Rmitners was held by, a t r J. r,xn. vrrflth: Lelac. with . -n i iu. ... ... . ...., 6. return to Vancouver. , taviK' wn., oa la-ii. uiKjil oil me rrinp.e nn tho Prinno Do f- Mrs. N. Sherwood of Terrace ar i-AA , ' - AVUIJUII. AVI VailLUU' ... 1' ' - - V u Ol.l. UAL ...UIV.... U. rived in the city on last night's1 W. H. Tobev. C. N. R. divisional mm .j ficlal business. .trip to California. train from the Interior, bringing in superintendent, and Peter Lakie, Mrs. Adams for treatment at the district freight arid passenger . 1 1. . C. Gillespie, manager of Oceanic John Quiner of Ketchikan, brother Prince Rupert General Hospital, agent, returned to the city on last cannery, and W. O. Mitchell accountant, ot Mrs. Peter Black, arrived In Mrs. Adams was moved from the night's train from a trip along the will sail tonight on the the city from the north on the train to the hospital in the am- line as far as Prince George on of- Cardena for Vancouver where they Princess Louise yesterday afternoon. bulance. ficlal business. TEA will spend the winter. I 1 O 19. , n..ll i ml I .... FOR SALE Bridge &no r",i t 1 k f 11.1111 iz. ucutuiucx 4J . sbyterlari Church, 8ept?mber Lueen Mary tea, Mrs. iner's. September 29. , lunlor Chamber of Lee. October '2. Hell- pommerce (212) tome o Bazaar, Catholic Hall, lober 7 and 8. 4 ffnited Church Supper, October 9. Ladles' Music Club Tea Musicals, Canadian Legion .Bazaar, Odu- ,15. aptlst bazaar' carnival. Oct. 24. gyro Hoedown, Moose Hall, Oc- er 30. Peter's Church Bazaar, Noy- er 12. JO. B. A. Bazaar. November l SALE Buy the best- Bunsen Burner. Phone Black 461. SALEKltchen range, double d, dresser, heater, sewing ma- pe. Apply 711 Seventh Ave". fsi, .(221) )RY SAMPLES MUST GO need the space. 10-Plece ose-Pillow-Arm Chesterfield ultes $72:50: 10-Piece Bed- Hesterfleld Suites. $79.50; 3 oom GroiiDS. 60 hleh-erade sensational (bargain $160 trms If desired. Free storage plius Shore Mall Order House, 102 Beklns Bldg. Vancouver, SALE Hotise of four rooms Pd bath, earaee. bn beautiful iham Avenue. Fine' view. Price Reasonable -terms, Resl-ntlal i.00. lots for sale at very low, ices to DrooseDectlve home pilders, Taxes oh hotaes' are '""In' Prince .Rupet .than hi cities, m British Columbia W now is' the' time to acquire home'; 8efe City Commissioner. FOR RENT PERSONAL ClPt vlirn. .t (ZZ3 ) REft steam heated apart Pnt. Large and bright. Furnl p for sale. Apply 305 3rd Ave. none 055. (21 1) LOST IT 8haefer fountain ftone Qrppn 275 pen (220) ..6vi tt. UIIUC, ilCW US" lnvlgorators and other Giants, One dose peps up or ls glands. If not rieliirhtwl -iiua icw cenu paia r write. Ormes Umited. tf YEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, est grade 15 for $1 Pnrlfir? ..wmihic. vauuuuvci. . 1 It CAN MAKE MnKEV Home Permanent Way-.ffiiCurllng Machine w.uq. no electrl city or exnerienrft nped m.?"rl?.$uanteed to last ftK-AU uPPllw 'or six i rh co, 8ie,iSreaid- ni3 MARVEL U1 A W. Ji Raymond of this city, who oeen in Vancouver for some time, i Herbert Morgan, son of Mr. and is on a trip, through the central in- Mrs Bert Morgan, is among local terior, left Smithers for Burns Lake Hlgn School students who haye yesterday and Is expected to return J been successful in completing their to town this week-end. Junior Matriculation studies. The rire ProvInclal Constable David B2ll-at department had a call i . 10:45 this morning to a chimney !use' who has bn statlonl ' fire at the King' George Cafe at the 1 Btoo durlnS the summer, corner of Second Avenue and 'ral,ed lMt nlght on the Prlnce Ru" Elghth Street. No damage was done.1 Tu ff Victorla' He south i with him an insane patient from Trevor Johncton will leave on this 8mlthers for Essondale. evening's train, for St. Thomas, !,T .. Ont to meet and accompany home "l0.llve tniel Ut Mrs. Johnston and family whojailway Is Here have teen spending the summer On Western Tour thprp ' Miss Sylvia Mayer, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. S, J. Mayer of Sml-1 thers, arrived in the city from the interior on last night's train and sailed on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. She plans on taking up nurses' . training In the south. Homer Clay sailed last night on the Prince Runert for Vancouver! enroute to Trail where he will enter the service of the Consolidated J. ltcceru, chief of motive power anu cai equipment tor the Canadian National Railways with head-4uaatrs in Montreal, arrived In the city riom the eas on last night's mm m ine course cf a western Inspection tour and sailed aboard the steamer Prince Rupert for Vance uver. Kj was accompanied by X icoct ji Montreal. Archie Watt, divisional master mechanic at Prince George, came in from there with Mr. Roberts. Mining & Smelting Co. as a me-; SENIOR MATRICULATION mama Mrs. uiay ana lamny have CLASS IS ARRANGED i Arrangements are now being Fred Nash B. C. L. S. of Terrace ' made here for the operation of who has been on a trip into the At- Iln district on professional busi ness, arrived In the city from the north on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon and will proceed on this evenlng'3' train to the in terior. H. L. O'Keefe, a locomotive engineer from the Chicago, Burling ton and Qulncy Railway inthe Eastern States, and Mrs. O'Keefe, who arrived in the city by train Tuesday night In the course of a western tour, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Louise for Vancouver. Rt. Rev. J. R. Coudert O. M. I., co-adjutor bishop of the Roman Catholic Church for Northern Bri tish Columbia r.nd the Yukon, returned to the city on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon from his first trip to the Yukon and Northern "British Columbia on ecclesiastical duties. Rev. Father Joseph Allard of Atlln also arrived from the north on the steamer! a Senior Matriculation class at the King, Edward High School this year. A suitable male teacher Is to. be secured ,and classes will start as soon as possible. There will be at least ten pupils. Hotel Arrivals Savoy. R. .Adkln, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Brash, M. Kuprosky, Mrs. R. Jones and Miss T. Jones, city; J. H. Jones, II. Clay and Jack Ben nett, Jap Inlet; Mr. and Mrs. C, Ros and Mrs. D. A. Johnson, Port Simpson. - Royal Mr. and Mrs. C. Oswood, Ketchi kan; A. P. Turner, Anyox; W. L. Grant, Smithers. Prince Rupert Fred Nash, M. E. Hippisley, Mrs. Dubeau, W. L. Jordan and J. Do-ney. Terrace; A. D. Matheson, Carlisle Cannery: Mrs. S. R. Donaldson', Port Esslngton; .T Kaye, Van- same icouver; J. Price. Barrett; A. Watt, C. N. R.; C Gillespie, Oceanic. MADE IN B.C. Tomato Vegetable Clam Chowder Cream of Oyster nri.tW aui BpH Save flylmer Soup Labels HI Here's your opportunity to quickly acquire a full st of Genuine Tudor Plate Silverware (Oneida Community) at a fraction of the regular retail cost. Supplied in the beautiful "Barbara" pattern to match your AYLMER Soup Spoons. This beautiful Tudor Plate is the identical fine quality advertised in Canadian publications Silverware of chaste design heavily plated and exquisitely finished. Start saving AYLMER Soup Labels today! For free, illus' tratrd catalogue of Tudor Plate and full particulars, write: CANADIAN CANNERS (WM.ni) LIMITED Vncouvr, B. C. Your Grocer sells AYLMER Soup mm PERSONAL XMAS CARDS Special 15 for $1.09 Regular $1.00 per doz. All orders placed before Sept. 30th will be' filled at the special low price of 15 for $1.00. Place your order now and obtain this genuine saving. This offer positively ends September 30th. We are featuring a splendid 'line of Personal Xrhas Greeting Cards. Do not fail to see them at an early date. ' v - V v Wkat are you Reading! Our Rental Library is the One Best Answer 75c for a month and the Books of the Month are at your disposal. New books added right from the publishers every week. Read as many as you like. Canadian Pacific n To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Forts I SS. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday at 10 pjn. To Vancouver direct SS. "Princess Louise," Sept. 9th, 17th, 25th, Oct. 4th, 16th: SS. "Princess Norah?' Oct. 25th, Nov: 3rd. To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway SS. 'Princess Louise," Sept. 4th, 13th, 21st, 30th, Oct. 12th. SS. "Princess Norah," Oct. 21st, 30tK For Information and Reservations W. L. COATES, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. Used Goodsiift Bought, Sold or-Exchaihged : i HEATERS BEDS Of all sizes KITCHEN RANGES SINGER SEWING MACHINE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Tenor Banjo, good make; "BM Flute, Guitars, Etc. RADIOS, GRAMOPHONES L BARBER CHAIR in good condition NATIONAL CASH REGISTER D. EL IO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 421 Third Avenue