c Yo Be Wedded? PREMIER KING OTTAWA, Sept. 18: It was reported here yesterday on good authority that Premier W. L. Mackenzie King is to be married soon to Mrs. Buckley, charming widow of the late J. F. Buckley, former Liberal member for Atha-baska, Alta., who was killed In an automobile accident four years ago. Mrs. Buckley is at present in Vancouver. G.0.P.N0T OBJECTING Would Welcome Recount in Maine Senatorial Contest, it Is Declared NEW YORK,. Sept. 18; Republican National "Chairman John Hamilton said last night that his party would have no objection to a recount In the Maine senatorial elec tion, in, which Senator Wallace IL White, Republlcart was declared re-elected by a majority of 5,081 over his Democratic opponent Gov ernor Louis B. Brann. Hamilton expressed confidence that the recount, If held, would only increase White's majority. Discussing the grounds of pro test as "violation of the federal election law," Hamilton had cer tain caustic comments as to Democratic pre-election activities in other parts of the country. Interlocking Of Munitions Makers Seen WASHINGTON D. C, Sept. 18: was stated before the munition investigation committee here yesterday that the Dupont Interest? had Invested nearly a million dollars In a German munitions trust and that arrangements had been made for an Interchange of pat ents. Two Ministers Visil Alberta Cre'rar and Gardiner Coming Out From Ottawa to I'rairie Province Next Week EDMONTON, Sept. 18: Hon. T. A. Crcrar, minister of trade and commerce, is due to arrive ln Ed monton September 23 in the course i of a tour of the west and, after a brief .visit here, will proceed to Calgary. Hon. JameS Gardiner, minister of agriculture, is also coming at the same time and hopes to pay a visit to the Peace River district. Halibut Arrivals Summary American 47.500 pounds, 9.1c and 6c to 9.8c and 6c. Canadian None. American Kanaga, 27,000, 9.8c and 6c, Cold Storage. Summit, 17,000, 9.1c and 6c, Booth. Wabash. 3,500. 9.2c and 6c, Cold Rtornce. NAKAIMO MAN IS NINETY MAWATMO. SCDt. Arexauuct oi """"""' vw Park pioneer l.-.Jj brate'd t,i. his ' ninpMeth ninetieth birthday birthday yes- yes- terday. IS READY TOJFIGHT Invading Forces Would Have Little Chance in Russia, Says War Commissar MOSCOW, Sept. 18: The War Commissar of Soviet Russia declared last night that the Red Army was now ready to face the world. "Any nation that would be so told as to Invade' Russia," he declared, "would have Its forces cut to pieces." Appeal Entered By Halibut Boat Margalice is Taking: Conviction For Illegal Fishing- To Higher 'Court Announcement of an anneal Is made in he case of the Prince Ru pert; halibut boat Margalice, dapt. Jack Christiansen, which was fined $100 by Stipendiary Magistrate Andrew Thompson in provincial police court Wednesday for fishing halibut in Area. No. '2 during, the close season. L. W. Patmore Is actlne as counsel for the Margalice which pleaded not guilty to the charge. The Cape Rape, Capt. R. B. Mor gan, was alsq fined $100 on a similar charge but, as there was a plea of guilty, there can be no appeal. Rlizzard In Peace Rivei arlr Winter Storm' Isolates Sonv Communities of Northern Agricultural Area PEACE. RIVER, Sept 18:One b 'he worst blizzards in years war ontlnulng In the Peace River db-rlct last night after having been mi for thirty-six hours. Telegraphic communications were Interfered with yesterday and the only cantact some communities had, yesterday with, the outside world was by short wave radio. Churchill Scion Chasing Sister Would Talk Her Out of Plan To Marry Young American Actor LONDON, Sept. 18: Wilfrid Churchill, son of Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill, embarked for New York aboard the liner Queen Mary, chas ing his sister, aboard the Bremen, wltha view to talking her out of marrying a young actor with whom she took part ln a recent play. Thirty Salteries Granted Licences One Less riant Bring Operated This. Year Than Last VICTORIA. Sept. 18: (CP) Thirty salmon salteries have been licensed by the provincial government this fall ln British Columbia. Seven plants which operated last year will be closed down and six new ones opened, the department says. Ex-Mayor Taylor Running Again Will be Again In Field For Chief Magistracy of Vancouver, He Announces VANCOUVER, Sept. 18: Former Mayor Louts D. Taylor, despite advancing years and frail physical . ..... - - .', 'be, 'be a a candidate candidate for for mayor mayor at at the the forthcoming civic election. PROV u- I VICTORIA. B.C. Today's Weather tomdrroVs Tides (8 AM.) Oil WMl Prince Rupert s x light high 3:02 a.m. 19.0 ft. southeast wind; 30.10: 14:58 pjn. 20.5 ft. temperature, 60; Low 9:02 a.m. 6.2 ft. 21:35 pjti. 4.0 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLOMBIA'S NEWSPAPER u ' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1936 TRICK: 5 CENTS ILL UKbb DISARMING renin ti" Move at Geneva Canadian Delegates Arrive paim.S. Scot. 18: France, it was . . t t a ...iii nnnn n nrur mrnn.ipii . iv 1 1 l r i,v" -- 1 general European d I sarin a - rut a b tu lnniP nf Valtnnti Aiim- i ttu n vlnui In pnriitip thi i vm tif TJi pn.nnm. of United States and Japan, it l .. UlnU Mil Inna 14 la arl. I I IIU " w - ciimK tnmr fftttlrl mt ? i ...AnACB will cnil fr Vi One of the first proposals of til J I A At raniC WUi Ut. ilia ail atMfravaia . . . A t Mil .n.nii nun ncn inpir mi iiarv . IIEI iSi iJJIt. doin p. ilie aiNarmaniciii campaign Kin La kmi A mn 1 In4n n an. CANADIANS LAND Prnm r IV I. TlfarunTi Klnr II . 1- . A I j I J.1...4tn 4- II.. V ...... n in iirirEitiiiiii lii liic irii; ur Natiins assembly in Geneva d yesterday on the steamer n-U 1 nrrsH in iiruuiii. o isnn lei s Further Details Of Ocean Flight nwrinM Ronf ! IPiirtlwM I.. - I -1 -. 1 U.'.il 1 1 V 111. UIU LiLCll OUU 'iiMiifii I iiu li I. ;i"llHM ijim r t.m ir i ii"" vi Ti iin i iruiiM-r 11 v.hiis jamcs a. Mouison siaiea yc& from Brokklyn and make a to east crossing. He hoped sain. Ln rp.ir.n r.nziana in seveiv- i. t . w w t m m Mf Harvard To day Attrnding Three Hundredth Anniversary of Founding; Celebration It t f ii n t Trt fv? Ton n t no t n rtp the foundlnz of Harvard Uni u m rm r Ann n a iir i i ttt y r " k i i nis nome at Hyde rartc, ew w remain unm ne goes w iicu.sn npw Ynrir wnpr n win 1 ivv . I. i I ww v-va - ONP. TIME B TV X A. 1 A. A U H r 4 m m m IN CHURCH Byron Sykes Dies In Edmon-i ton at Ace of Nlnetv-Five Five Brothers in Clergy DMONTON, Sept. 18: Rev. fciyKes, one or five broinen of whom were ln the ministry the Presbyterian Ohurch, died v yi'sveroay at trie great age oi years. He and his brothers had n service with the church In Michigan. He is survived by a v.vv 3Vli9 tXlkXA OLA U.aUA"" s. C HEALTH PLAN WILL SWEEP CANADA, MEDICO BELIEVES VICTORIA, Sept. 18:-Dr. erman Robertson, nresident 1 the Canadian Medical Arso- ailon, eXDresses thp nnlnlon tin! IL. .... . - vile fir lien I'n imn Q wm it surHnrp hnn ....... win TT . . . m "ii me rest of Canada REBELS ADVANCING ALL ALONG LINE IN SPAIN; FIGHTING VERY BLOODY Over Four Hundred Reported Left Dead on Field Near Talavera With Insurgents Advancing Ten Miles MADRID, Sept. 18: (CP) Insurgents manned machine guns today to hold off charging government troops after withstanding the explosion of one ton of dynamite in the first sti ge of a plan to blow up the Alcazar at Toledo. The blast enabled troops to pecupy surface build,, ings but 1700 nsurgents, including women and children,1 fortified the hwer portion as troops planned a bayqhet charge. In the Talavera sector today 750 government militiamen were mowed down like sheep as they ;stood huddled beforp machine guns, the Fascist command reported. TOLEDO, Sain, Sept. 18: Leaving some 400 dead on the field and taking hundreds of others injured with; them, Spanish loyalist forces were .reported list night to have retreated ten miles along the main road towards Madrid before the rebels after one of the. most sanguine battles so far in the civil war. The scene of the bloody CORRESPONDENTS ARE TAKEN INTO CUSTODY; FOUND NEAR AIRPORT ' MADRID, Spain, Sept. 18: I Three well known American f war correspondents, one of them Floyd Gibbons, have been taken Into custody for alleged Infraction of regula- 4 ; tlons through having been ln t the neighborhood of a secret air field where German avla- tors are said tobe .based, Jn collaboration with the rebels ln the Spanish civil war. Blum Hopes To Have Mills At Work By Today PARIS, Sept. 18- Following a .onference at his home last night oetween representatives of employers and employees at which .he former agreed to grant a six percent increase in wages, Premier -eon Blum expressed hope that the Lille textile mill strike would be mded today and the plants humming again. Rickenbacker At Musgrave Harbor Not Sure Whether or Not Richman And Merrill Will Fly Disabled Plane to New York MUSGRAVE HARBOR, Nfld. Sept. 18: Bringing spare parts am supplies for Harry Richman anc Dick Merrill, who were forcec down in a swamp near here on Sunday during a return flight across the Atlantic Ocean from, luciiuati a.iu icuci aity iiom New York arrived here yesterday.! There was some question last night. as to whether or not an attempt would be made to fly the ocean ! plane back to New York. Official viuai was again maae mai men- man and Merrill had quarrelled durlng the homeward flight. BAR SILVER NEW YORK, t CP. -Bar silver was unchanged at 443,4c per ounce on the New York metal markef today. Herbert Shandley Is Victoria Judge Well Known Barrister Appointed To Vacancy on Bench In Capital City VICTORIA, Sept. 18: Herbert ... u.u.,u.Vj, v. uouuki, nan been been appointed appointed to to the the Countv County Court Court bench here. nana-to-nand: struggle was In the vicinity of Talavera. The government last night was reported to be. rushing reinforce-; ments from Madrid in the-effort to hold the Talavera line. An appeal was Issued for tan thousand volunteers to man rifles which had 'ar-! rived from Mexico and enlistment was under way. From all parts of the countrv again came report': yesterday of loyalist reverses ah:! the insurgent- were confident of an early and complete collapse. Several were reported dead as a "esult of. mutiny aboard, govern neni..warsryiw.jr?T-- - Santader on the north coast was reported In a state of wild disorder .1 U ... , 'l . n i . mi t ci usees pouring in I rum jjw. oa. DIG TRENCHES IN MADRID JEREZ DE LA FRONTElU, Spain, Sept. 18: (CP) Government workmen were digging trenches in the streets of Madrid today as the insurgents nearcd the capital, Fascist reports claim. PattuIIo Attends Armstrong Fair Gives Address, Emphasizing Iin- portance of Prosperous Agricultural Industry ARMSTRONG. Sept. 18! Premier T. D. Pattullo attended t';o Provincial Interior Exhibition hera und gave an address during which he stressed the importance of a prosperous agricultural Industry to. the province. Anthony Eden Back at Office ,ic n.rinn i Foreign Secretary Recovers From Chickenpox Planning Conference LONDON, Sept. 18; RL Hon. Anthony Eden returned to the Foreign Office yesterday following an uiness wun cincKcnpox ana is renewing consideration of plans, for a projected five-power confer- 'ence In London. Soil Of Pat Burns Dies Only Child of Canadian Meat Baron Succumbs to Heart Attack At Age of Thirty CALOARY. Sept. 18: (CP) Patrick Thomas Burns Jr., aged 30, only son of Senator Patrick Burns, died here today of a heart attack. CANADIAN COLD PRICE MONTREAL, Sept. 18:The Ca- nadian gold price was down '3c;yes terday at $34.75 per fine ounce.; WOULD UNITE AGAINST , INVADER, ASSERTS BLUM OF FRANCE OVER RADIO PARIS, Sept. 18: In a 'ra- dlo broadcast spoken in three languages French, English . and German Premier Leon Blum of France declared that France would defend herself from Invasion no matter how she mleht be intprnaliv rfivi. ded politically. Jueen Victoria Of Spain Called To Sons Bedsidi NEW, YORK; Sept. 18: Former $ieen Victoria of Spain, paying her first visit; to, the United States, arrived here yesterday, having been , 'ailed On account of another serous Illness of her son, the Duke of Vturias, the Crown Prince, with 'lemoDhllla following the lancing of V boil on his hip. HITLER, THE PEACEMAKER i f- Qcrmany Pleased at Suggestion That Der Fuehrer Should Be Awarded Nobel Prize BERLIN, Sept. 18: Germany was pleased last night with a suggestion that Chancellor Adolf Hitler should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for. his opposition - to-Bolshevlsm and, his efforts to prevent the Span ish civil war from becoming a gen- IJtfAf furnMan t.o V i t Speaking last night, Hitler charg- ed that the German armv of thel Great War had been betrayed betrayed at tnP lfrn intr nf of ihn the Armistice. Arrrtlcflia He, 17a made no specific reference in re gard to whom he blamed for the f betrayal. Arrests Made In Connection With Forgery VANCOUVER, Sept 18: Two arrests have been made by the Vancouver police in connection with clever forgeries of checks ranging from $40 to $160' on the B. K, Logging Co. Heavy Rains In State of Tex&s Twenty Inches Has Fallen During Past Week, it is Stated AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 18: Twenty Inches of rain is the torrential precipitation in Texas dur ing the past week. Rivers continue J nomeiess an(i doing much damage.1 Tne concha River last nieht had inundated whole rltv Works in Ran Aneela Thousands of nponW h-,v 'hwn'a8- rirtvn fmm thpir v.nmoa i jowands along the Colorado mver near Austin ' Pound Sterling And Canadian Dollar Oh New York Exchange NEW YORK, Sept. 18: The Bri tish p6und sterling closed at $5.06 1-16 on the New York for eign exchange market yesterday as compared with $5.05 in Montreal. The Canadian dollar closed at a premium of l-16c. Card of Thanks Mrs. Robert Blance and Marjorle wish to thank their many kind friends for'. help and sympathy and for floral tributes during the time of thejr .recent bereavement GETS BIGJT0RM Steamer El Amarante in Trouble Last Night Hurricane Does Damage Ashore Too NEW YORK, Sept.. l8:-Owners of the steamer Al Amarante, which is believed to be carrying no passengers, were advised last night Chat the vessel was In ' distress (sixty miles off Cape Hatteras in ft great hurricane 'which' was sweeping the Atlantic seaboard. The 75-mlle jtroplcal gate wa3 gaining intensity along the North Carolina coast last, night. At midnight the barometer had dropped bo 29.15 and was still going' down. Telepnone lines had been severed or hours. Coastguard vessels wexs removing hundreds of peble, frobi points of danger. Summer fesorters were being evacuated and arr ""angements were being made for special emergency relief measures. Night of Terror NORFOLK, Va., Sept. 18: (CP) four hundred persons, trapped on Ocracoke Island, North Carolina, ?merged safely today after a night pf hurricane terror while the storm swept northward along the coast of the United States. A nine-foot tide, driven by a gale, swept completely vcrrcs the island as the inhabl-ants took shelter ln a lighthouse. Along the coast communications ere wrecked and seaside com-nunities. flooded. Missins Fliers Are Being Taken To Edmonton Now FORT RELIANCE, N.W.T, Sept. 18: Flight Lieutenant Sheldon Tnlpman anH Alrprdff-trHon .f TJVrt . j. f.ii i.i L,u ,,, , ' & J Jf . Po,nt Lake 250 mll?s north of heref after having been missing for a oionth while on a survey flight, were receiving medical treatment U the Air Force base here last, hlght. Considering that they had ubslsted for a month on a diet consisting of little more than wild' berries, they are ln fairly good shape. They are to be flown today to Edmonton to receive such fur ther treatment as may be deemed necessary. ENROLMENT UNCHANGED Total of Pupils Attending School Here This Year Practically Same as Last Year Taking int6 account the ten pupils who will be enrolled ln the Senior matriculation which it his been decided to 'conduct again at King Edward High School, enrol- ment this term at the city schools totals within one pupil of last year at tne 83016 l'me- There are now enrolled an aggregate of 1122 pu- PiIs as compared with 1123 a year Today's Weather Terrace Raining, calm, 50. Alice Arm Raining, calm, 52. Stewart Raining, calm, 45. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 44., Smlthers Cloudy, calm, mlider. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm, 48. BIG STOCK OF LIQUOR FOUND IN BASEMENT OF PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS : MONTREAL, Sept. 18: Pre- mler Maurice Duplessls is wondering what to do with six 4 hundred bottles of wine which have been found ln the base- ment of the Parliament Build- lngs. The liquor was the pro- periy oi a lormer speaker,