PAOtTWO DAILY. NEWB., DAILY KJJl'J'.Uft THE DAILY NEWS. PUINCE RUPERT v BRITISH COLUMBIA Published 'Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULL EN Managing-Editor Playground Committee Thanked The Prince Rupert Gyro Club, at Its regular monthly business 'luni- cheon yesterday, decided to offer its co-Cperatlon to the Prince Rupert Rotary Club In connection with the project of developing Morie Creek as a skating resort In winter and swimmlnjj pool In summer. The Gyro Club, which has carried out some development there' In the past as a skating rink, win name a committee to consult with the Rotary Club In regard .to the latest proposal. The Gyro Club received the final report of the playground committee which had charge of supervised playground activities during the past summer. A vote or appreciation was tendered to the committee of which T. 'N. LePage was chairman. The club received communications from William Hudson of Victoria, the new district governor, who announced his intention of Color Not t. You'll .k more brown shoes thin ever this Fill, both for dressy. daytime weir and iporti wear; But black is still the mott-in. fashion color, . , , , . , F Thursday, Oct. 15, 1036 GYROS MAY London Digging AID ROTARY F c Speed Co-operation in Morse Creek De' velopment to be Offered I Work Proceeds on Tunnel Between Marble Arch and Oxford , i Circus LONDON, Oct. 15: (CP) While London -sleeps pneumatic picks and sledee-hammers make loud noises, jbut only gangs of men in the tube tunnel between tne iwarme Arcn and Oxford Circus hear them. They are working underneath Bond Street on the Central London line, straightening the tunnel's kinks and relaying the track, so that the underground trains may travel 10 miles an hour faster and run more frequently. visiting Prince Rupert in January, and from N. F. Pullen, new president of the Vancouver Gyro Club, to whom a message of congratulations had been sent On October 28 the Gyro Club will hold a farewell bridge party in honor of three members Rev. W. D. Grant Holllngworth, S. J. Jabour and T. N. LePage who are leaving the city. W. F. Stone and G. L. Rorie were I elected members of the club. e APRICOTS Natural flavor and. color Most housewives .have, tried Royaf) City .Apricots' one of our most popular fruits. Dellciously appropriate for any de'ssert, Ice, parfait or cocktail. N m tux M.i This advertisement Is not published or, displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. NEW STUNT .FORGEESE .Man Baits Honkers In Opn Cariboo Country QUESNEL, B.C., Oct 15: (CP Valley residents of Lac" la .Ha1". j ;5 miles south of this central Bri-Itlfh Columbia mining town, bo-?it la' goose hunter without a peer Percy Ogden stalks them In open eomUry3jjsdairt cover and Irritates a feeding bird to approac.) his" flock. Once a flock is sighted feeding In a grain field, Percy goes into action. Unlike ordinary goose stalkers who crawl forward fr i bush to rock or other cover ;he stalks iln the open. He moves o . hands and knees, head down, emulating i feeding bird or animal Out of the cornier of his eye on the outskirts. When the guard shows signs of asarm the stalker immediately becomes Intent on "eating grass." In this manner Percy his b-.i able to approach within easy gunshot range of numerous flocks of j geese. On a few occasions he ha.c. I actually penetrated the bireV feeding ground. In the Ootsa Lake country north of here, two Canada wild geese, caught as goslings, have been trained to honk down the it own companions to within shoeing range of concealed hunter.. One of the birds, known as "Mac," follows Its owner, Wlllla". McNeil, around Uk a dog. The second bird, named Teetle," ridei the roof of a hunting houseboar and, enjoys the sport equally as well ' as the hunters. The trained honkers have saved their owner and the men who ha, . hunted with them many miles of rawling upon hands and knees. Palestine Situation ( Continued from Page 1 best endeavor to facilitate the achievement of that object, It be ing understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice 'the civil , and religious rights of the existing '.non-Jewkh communities In Palestine." Prof. Garstang says the mandate was created with the latter aim in view and, although It contained the proviso quoted the Arabs received it with misgivings. Palestine's resouices are very united and the Arab population and other small communities al- eady number nearly ,1,000,000. The Arabs became alarmed when in 1926 the tide of Jewhh .Immigration .eached the high level of 13,000, Sconoinlc problems ensued, The administration advised restraint and immigration was limited. As a result of repeated riots and disturbances, the British govern ment sent two royal commissions to the Holy Land and, upon their findings, a statement of policy; published in 1930, recognized "that there was a. shortage of land, and that Immigration should be more. closely controlled." "It would' appear to have been the plain duty of His Majesty's governments iProf. Garstang continues, "to have suspended lrriml-; gratlon entirely at this, stage; What, however, followed? During the last five years more than .160,- uoo jews were admitted into th country and a further 100,000 acres passed from the Arabs to. the Jews: No country In the world could support such rapid development as this." 3n Step with Q'aLL tfasklonsJ J No shoe li more deservedly popular for -walking and general wear than the Oxford Tit. The "Onyx" model illustrated is just one of .several smart Oxfords that you may choose in curators for your Fall tnitmblt. A11 tht wanted. colon and leathers, , t Onv. Where Most People Trade DY DLRCHFOtlD AMILY SHOE STORE LT PHONE 357 (Estab. 1908) D THIRD AVENUE SPORT CHAT C. Knight defeated G. Crichton, eight and six, in the36-hole final of the Scottish professional match-play golf championship at Barry. Angus. Both finalists were Carnous tie plaers. Blr Clement H. Newsum, prominent Lincoln industrialist, has been appointed president of the Lincoln City Football Club. The team plays in the third division of the English League. It Is regarded In Australia as almost certain that 'Don Bradman, great Aussie batsman, will captain Australia in the approaching test cricket series with England, succeeding W. M. Woodfull. he keeps close watch on the sen- Grassy turf or glassy Ice It's all tlnelor guard goose, always postcijthe same to Bob Petersen, a mem- ber of "the United ;States Olympic ice-skating team, "who Is trying out for a backfield Job on the Marquette eleven at Milwaukee. Petersen went on leave from the university to make the".wlnter trip to Germany. SENTENCES BOXER LONDON, Oct. 15: (CP) "You are obviously a ylc!ent and dan gerous man," said Magistrate J. B sandbach in sentencing Thomas Hyam, 24 year old St. Pahcras boxer, to prison for six months for assaulting a policeman. We sell circulation. We have It. 1 it's made with BECAUSE u'&cir .wheat, nothing added nothing taken away, Skredded Wheat i$ packed with vital food essentials iii their most, delicipus and digestible form. 12 big bisculli in trerf box nracTtatMci CT tVTtM (OCLIiU. Allen Team Wins . , ! Over Scott's ;In i Table Tennis Nelson Allen's team defeated Gene Scott's 22 to 10 In the City Table Tennis League last evening. Tonight Calderone and Currie teams meet in a regular fixture and Brown and Mcintosh rinks In a postponed match. The fixture scheduled for Tuesday evening between the two Japanese teams -was postponed .until next Sunday. , NEW MOTORCYCLE .MARK SYDNEY, Aust, Ovt. 15: (CP)- .orded by a motorcyclist In Australia when he reached 130.43t miles an hour. (Ms average speed was 123.883 -miles an hour. RUGGER PLAYER'ORDAINED CHEIMSFORD, Eng., Oct. 15 (CP) Tom Holllngdale, Welsh International rugby star and 'former captain of Glamorganshire, was crdalned deacon by Rt. Rev. Dr. Henry Wilson, Bishop of Chelms-.ord, recently. PROBE INDIAN CRICKET TOUR BHOPAL, India, Oct. 15: (CP) The Indian Cricket , Board, of Control will inquire Into the conduct of the entire tour of the Indian team that toured England, especially with reference to discipline. NEWMARKET, Eng., Oct. 15: (CP) Ah increase In the number. bf United States race horses to be trained In England during the forthcoming season Is recorded In racing quarters. 'Et ll wlth mill tvppfW with yur favartU frIU f tVrrt. ) "n lh pUf aJ U fill TIP TOP Backwar Must Beware SELVIG'S English Uudge iRemlnds tFather That Wktoifon tEra dlas ,Pasd Arthur Senior attained tne high- nls daugntrs had taken charge of; est speed on tne roaa so iar re- things. "Times have .changed," said the , SOCCER CROWD STAaiEKDES p.ucnnw rv-t .IS (fiPJ were taken to hosnltal. 'LADIES' 'BOWLING LEAGUE The annual meeMng of the 'Ladles' Bowling Lefigue. Which was to have been held last Monday evening, was postponed until .tomorrow night. Table Tennis Schedule October 15 Oalderoni vs. October 19 Mcintosh vs. Scott. ' October 19-rAllen vs. CalderonU You know when you eat crhp, golden-brown Shredded Wheat that it's rich in the food values vouneed, to help keep you fit-but, you eat it for its delightful flavor. THI CANADIAN SHMDDED WHIAY COMPANY, LTD. NUfira Fall . CiiuSi SHREDDED WHEAT MADE IN CANADA - OF CANADIAN WHEAT TPT0P CLOTHES PERSONAL TOUCH BecaiUeTiUToDTiilora lure develops their grrt fcil!tif o tint each' iixiirlriiUl cuitomer it conufdrrnl iu ntirelr tart. clothing requirement it'g impoiLle to etixi knowing Tip Top Clotliea when you ee them. Only tawi-culling and tailorinr to 21 personal measurement! ean develop tlut perfect tu-Only ln-livi(lualize,l attention, by mcaiu of many hatulnuhimt operation can brimj out' those smart lines. Only Tine tailoring ran rive yodthat ease1 ' n ..... i in iiawirnnijic. Jt tnie.'l'ercmal touch means everything in GOOD clothing and Tip Top Tailors will Uke.this penonal I nl.r.if (. ...... f . 1 . . . ."..yu.viTO,uni,m price is the onlv price, - rum.rBrt! i,j over inree millon buyer. P. CRAVETT0 PhoneiBluc 438 prince Rupert ,-1 1 vrriiVM i ' afsj Thursday, October 15, hNABOB iCOPFEE HULL, Eng.. 'Oct. 15: (CP) Aiglrl rs ( of 20 summonsed her father at the see(jed.rjr;Seed Was Raisins Hull police court on a charge of, pCtlpkgi assault because ne unswieasun "lc DA.TES-Pltted, 16.1-z family being In the house by nine j ,2 pkgs o'clock at nights and had .raised & , Nabbb .SZ row when she was out till .10:30., The father, In his defence, asserted j IGINQ s,UOAR- 2's magistrate to the .defendant. "You (HONEYr' are living In. 1938, not In the '-Vic-1 f . torlan era." He -bound the father peanut .bI over ',2 lbs .. nuuervo .di nur ,2'R ROGER'S. SYRUP- Thirtv nersons. Including several women, were Injured in a stampede i for the exits at Ibrox Park after 5' Helmet Corn tBcef per tin tween Rangers andiCeltlc. Thirteen "'wywH- 1-lD. iUUX , (Best Food Mayonnaise- per Jar mi m ecials 36c ISc 25c 29c 22c 25c 54 c 25c 16c 36c 11c $1.15 22c ,BestFoodiRelsh Spread-- -ftan ' oer lar it 'LlbbVs Bweet Mixed Pickles, per Jar 25c FREE .DELIVERY j Phone ,765 303 Third Ave. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarelli sProprietor "A IIOAIE A WAY 'FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 41 P.O. Box 191 MacKENZIE'S 'FURNITURE To Insure comfort and restful 3leep. sleep on a Slumber Kiri( 'Sprint And Innersprlng Mat itress which bears Simmons famous bedding name. 327 Third ttve. Phone 775 DELICIOUS SUMMIT JCE CREAM In HiOallon and Gallon! VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Rupert Table -til lentils dub OPEWUVEIIY BAY r- -. -8 tb and 7 to 12 t. ' IPhbne ;672 "for reservations Rex Bewling Club Exchange Block Sixth 8t. and Third Ave. ;Phone'658 Nflllee at ilntentlmi to M'M .In the Prluoe Hupcrt Land titntt situate approximately one w , line cX .Prlneeii twyal IiU) '"Li,,. FVrn Point. Mild Red Fern Poln?;j-i; approximately four mllei In wri dJrrctlcn .from Ba.rnjird Cove ... TtJie N6Urt UvRt Han H1""1 Prlnoe Huptrt, .BJC., oWuo" J t Packer .InteJida to apply for the fcllowing dtacrlbed land. mvnclivg at a post planted Jlt wt.r mark cn the ahofe-lln w ,f ' middle cS a bay belns apFroximf one i mll .-South of 'Bed J tww 7c( thence three Jv.lm NorU.-EaM, HMeen ctonlns Eoit thence v c"ttl South, thence -flMeen chaina thn 'Northerly 4 trie nearest i at 'low -ater, thence tsllo"1 U(J water to -a -point opposite U ' w Dtl and cont4.1nJn five acres, nw" HANS HANSKn DatW 18U. uy cit OCUtr,