4 U I BLINDING HEADACHES MADE HER HELPLESS Forced to Lie Down For Hours At A Time Other sufferers from headaches will be interested to read this letter: "Until last summer I was subject to very bad headaches. While they lasted I seemed to lose my sight and all power in my hands, and was forced to lie down for hours at a time. My aunt (who has taken Kruschen Salts for 12 years with rwnflrlnl rpsiilfs. sntrtrocfort mv regularly in future." (Mrs.) M.W. Headaches can frequently be traced to a disordered stomach, and to the .unsuspected retention In the system of stagnating waste ,ma-terial which poisons the blood. The numerous salts in Kruschen assist in the complete elimination of waste matter, resulting in a purer blood-stream, and .hus helping to bring relief from headaches. Reach the most people In city and district with an advertisement in the Dally News. OHEII FOR SALE FOR SALE Child's" Simmon's crib. Phone Blue 610. (241' FOR SALE Buy the best. Bunsen Oil Burner. Phone Black 461 FOR SALE $100 violin. Any offe considered. Phone Red 403. (243 1 FOR SALE 9-piece Walnut Dining Room suite, good condition Phone Blue 450. (241 FOR SALE 32 ft. trolling boat, 7 fU beam, 12 h.p. Palmer engine. Phone Black 963. 24J) FOR RENT ORCHESTRA IS ENJOYED New .Musical Group Makes Favorable Impression in its Debut Last Night A new local orchestral group which has been drilling assiduously for 'come time under direction of H. N. Brocklesby made its public debut between picture programs at the Capitol Theatre last night and created a very pleasing impres sion upon a large audience. The orchestra, consisting or. some trying them. I did so. and I've not had any return of those headaches K6"1!"' ! d has reached already for months, in fact I feel quite bet-lsP f1? f m,B Ui au , u, u u. ter. I shall always take Kruschen , Stage settings were quite effective for the presentation. With Al Small as master of ceremonies, having been introduced by Manager D. G. Borland, the program, of variety nature In popular vein, was as follows: Introductory "Hungarian Melody." Orchestra "Cossack's Revels" (characteristic dance). Violin solo "Tarantella." Bert Cameron. Vocal quartet "March of the Mannequins," Dr. R. G. Large, J. A. Teng. Leonard Cripps and N. R. Redman. Instrumental trio "The World Is Waiting For the Sunrise," Bert Cameron, G. C. Walker and Dr. H. N. Brocklesby. I Orchestra "Would Yon?" frnm "San Francisco," Miss Betty Woods soloist. March "A Frangesa." This program will be repeated tonight and next Monday and Tuesday the orchestra will make another appearance, featuring selections from "Chu Chin Chow." It is planned to present the orchestra at the theatre every two weeks. The personnel is as follows: Miss Nellie Lawrence. Miss Elsie Franks. Miss Edith Johnstone. Miss Phyllif Hamblin. Miss Aileen Hamblln, )Vi7ner Bryant. Bert Cameron, N L. Freeman. Robert Hale. George Brown, Guido Bussanlch', Mario Bussanlch, Tom Johnstone, Bertie O'Neill, John O'Neill. G. C. Walker. OFFICE Furniture For Sale-Office. Walter Howarth and Billy Hadden deik. Remington typewriter, type- ;. n-ritn. rnrlr 1 J ft J .r.. I ... ... . "'" ut-Mk, iuucu iujj ucsi, .o vy. Kaye lamo cr victoria, pro- snow case, electric neater, 3 olllce .vinclal library commissioner. Is ( chairs, swivel arm, chair, safe yisltor In the cty on official duties . 31-33-59", leather couch, "6x9 ,WU- having arrived on" the pfrnce Ru- ion rug. electric fixture, 10 vo- pert yesterday from ttie south. , lumes world book, set; steel filing i cabinet, T section. For further mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm particulars call S. J, Jabour; : Phone, Office, 13; Residence. 180. FURNITURE Factory sampler must' go this week. Three-room groups, j 60 nign-grade pieces, guaranteed the most sensational bargain ever offered In Western Canada $160.00; 10 - piece Chesterfield Groups $65.00; genuine Walnut Cedar Chests $1450. Terms If desired. Free storage. Write today. Julius Shore Mail Order House, 801 Beklns Bldg, JONES Family Market PHONE 957 Specials Sirloin Steak - 3 lbs Round Steak 3 lbs .. Pot Roast 4 lbs. BEEF FOR RENT Tw'o roomed furnished ' prime Rib Roii' lbs.' & cottage, available at once. Apply e n,,, cjc I'LT WeSt r Phone Hamburger, 3 lb's'."& PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $1. Pacific Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver. OVER 900 have joined our group forming to provide each member with $1000 protection for loss of me irom any--cause up to 60 years of age accepted without meaicai examination, estimated cost $10 to $12 per year, write for our -over the Top" drive offer, and particulars, Western Mutual Benefit Ass'n, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) MEN Get vigor at once. New Os- trex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster invlgorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up or gans, glands. If not delighted maicer refunds few cents paid uaii or write, Ormes limited, tf, PHONE 951 2 lbs. Onions ' T-Bone Roast of Beef per lb Rump Roast of Bee! 5 lbs. &7a 1 HaKVi-jiro LAMB AND MUTTON Shoulder of Mutton I 6 lbs Mutton Chops 3 lbs. ' Rolled Shoulder of Lamb per lb Lamb Stew, 2 lbs. & 1 tin of Peas VEAL Veal Chops 3 lbs Rolled Shoulder Veal 4 lbs Veal Stew, 2 lbs. & 1 tin of Peas Veal Steak per lb 50c 50c 25c 20c THE VERY LATEST IN FINE FURS AT GOLDBLOOM'S Everyone looks well in furs. They give a feeling of superiority that cannot be achieved in any other way. Goldbloom's furs look rich, stylish, superior. Look them over and try them on before deciding to buy. STIRRING MESSAGE Visiting Britishrlsrael Speaker Is Heard at Meeting Last Night Rev. F. W. Dafoe presided at the British-Israel: meeting last night Sea northwest of Palestine mentioned by the prophet Jere miah. In a pleasing manner he ment and history of Israel frvu! the time of David to , iheoreserit lay and urged his hearers to re-; ad the Bible In the llzht fi 3rlush-Isra;l truth. Closing declif -his . dd;ejs luumately. - nlace comev"ttt comes'lt-.the the Ith I the! must! BURIED AS GYPSY KING MANCHESTER, Eng., Oct. 15 1CPJ In old Romany custom, the body of William Herron, a gypsy! king, lay in state in a ceremonial j tent for two days, his caravan and ! personal effects being burned as he was buried. Gilker. Cot ght urgeoii'ilearers M''" I ... ,. 1J scriousiy consiaer tne claims God and His Christ, Oi DAILY NEWS TEA AND MUSICALE Delightful Affair Held Yesterday Afternoon by Ladies' .Music Club In the hall of St. Andrew's Ang- in the Baptist Church when Lieut. Ucan Cathedral wnlcn was attrac ool. L. o. wrignt oi .vancouve. brought a startling message of In spiration to a capacity audience. Opening his 'address with greet ings from the .Vancouver AssocU- tlvely decorated with autumn leaves and flowers, a very successful lea muslcale was held yesterday afternoon by the Ladies' Music Club. The affair was 5,2ft "rrfharTn JSL in May. 1935. with a crew of 14 men --e--- --- cuuve. ine many cucaio wc.t future, greater co-operation would comed by he prcsidenti Mrs. Shel-be effected between these Iwo tQld Darton Presiding at the tea points and that speakers would Uble wefe Mff R u McIntosh, more frequently visit tnis cuy w .,., nH Mr- r. r. - - itllU IT, 11. A It Is 4 1. 111 tV v . from this time. He spoke of the growth of the movement whicli boasts over 250 publications pro moting Its beliefs.- ldus fulfilment of all that is written them. in the Cullln. i i During the afternoon there was a fine program consisting of the following numbers' In a forceful manner, Col. Vfval cnln "riant. In thp Fnrpst" Wright traced the purposes of God (Landon-Ronald. Mrs. Ernest An- concerning Israel and uie marvel- Person. Violin solo. "Forgotten," Miss Nel- Bible concerning e Lawrence Piann riiipt. "CCnmuflalrps ' " Mrs. I Pinnn rtnpt. "Mnyiirlra " Mrs W aasms niS aaoress on 11 oamuei w - Stamford ar.rt Mrs P. J ir. Rtamfnrrt anrt un P. t Rmlth 7-10, Col.- Wright declared the c.fh i ZZi'TZ Appointed Place" referred to in . . . ' BraTOr T D n this text was the Isles of the " ' 7J Vocal solo, "Prelude" from "Cycle 1 Mrs. re W. W T L. of Life" Mrs' J and said that .the Anglo-Saxons were the only people who observed - ; his day (Sabbath). "This fact Is but one mark of identification " that we are Israel." Bible's Veracity The .speaker referred to the Great Pyramid, pointing out that this structure was a witness to the veracity of the Bible. British Israel truth was founded not on he Pyramid but on the Bible. The dating of the Pyramid had fully testified to the truth of the 5ible and the history of Israel. We shall look back and flnrt mi-. hat September 16 was the begin-J ling of a new condition of thinrs i imong the Israel nations." I The speaker traced the move-' Will Sail Again For 33,000 Miles Mrs. Elcctra Johnson of Boston Will go to Far Corners Of Earth BOSTON. Oct 15: (CP) Mrs. Electra Search Johnson, wife of the skipper of the sailing yacht Yan- i Irno c ctViorinl Art f r Ioqva rtn an. for the occasion . Qther 33 0OO.mU, crulse around the i world very shortly. She will be remembered as the 1 globe-trcttlng wife of Capt. Irving Johnson who sailed into Gloucester and women adventurers after a 20-month world-girdling cruise that took the Yankee to the far corners of the earth H Carson. 'Smith. "PAUPER" DIES RICH LONDON. Oct. 15: Thought by neighbors to be a pauper and on re lief or old age pension, Eva Sanger, a spinster, died in her squalid home In Bloomsbury leaving about $470,000. n. ivitAjcuu. j nano soio, impromptu iscnu- as nano sow, " ine Lars, Airs. j. u. Derw, miss xsiargarei Mcuanery. 'I Magic Vole. Model 151-1 .with Mine Brtnn Mtpc Ere M A1CU1 1UDCT. $260.00 The five "tone pipri "of the Mitic Vice. Tiiiblt ptool ct the cotdta eon-Itmclion which tnes into this RCA Via Of Radio to provide the liviof woiv del ol Mi fie Vnct! . . radio's new voice of ab-olute rcilitm. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Using a one-thousand ton barge for the work, Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. has been recently delivering heavy consignments of mining and. milling machinery from the old plant of the Granby Co. at Anyox to Stewart for use In connection with mill construction and other work at the Big Missouri mine. Several pieces of the equip ment from Anyox has been brought to the local dry dock for renovation before being taken on to Stewart Capt. L. P. Sunderland, owner and skipper of the Ketchikan hali but boat Sentinel, who Is very well known in Prince Rripert, and Mrs. Sunderland are at present in Seattle on their way to their native home in Norway where they wll pay a four months' visit. Capt. J. R. Elfert, iiarbor master, has received official notification of new regulations whereby, in future, all fish packers and small freighters operating on this coast will be required to have certified masters. lnlon Constable A. J. BCA VICTOR 't .1937 mil MAGIC VOICE and Dom- Watklnson. HERM u real Migic , . . the Magic Voice! This 19J7 addition to the new Magic Brain was achieved by sweeping changes in set design . . enabling this new RCA Victor Radio to speak in a clear, new voice . . . beautiful as only true fidelity tan be beautiful. TraTtt-ling through the tonal corridor of the five silvery pipes, sound;lo4es,all rnecbanical quality. Htari thti Afaiic--Voice.; in jOur sliowrocirni' and know " the pleasure of hearing radio as you have always hoped it might be , . . judge how richly the Magic Voice deserves its name. And remember in cabinets lovelier than ever, there are many other RCA .Victor, models, striking a new tugnio vilutf and performance. Easy terms. Three models featur?. AUgic I'oicr m .codMz B. C. Clothiers Ltd. WEEK-END SPECIALS Ladies' Brown Rubbers I Ladies' Fine Ties and 1 I AfX Broken lines I Oxfords- I 9 wmsx 7Q I Special I Now Ladies' Pumps and Ties I I Ladies' Rubbers 1 Not".'!" I L79 gjon make 69C Ladie.' Oyerahocs - I -1 OPi I Boy.' Solid Leather Grcb I rt 1 L39 1 i- j 2.79 Boys' Rubbers I Q P- Men's $4.00 Knee Rubber i xH Nw - 1 85c I Sr 2.95 Phone Black 324 B. C. CLOTHIERS LTD. Third Ave. The Thursday, 0etober u Naskecna ON THE SCREEN this morning and Is due me V? back night. to. I 1 in ian 11 MIS TOMciif Last Complete Show, 8:n ON OUR STAGE Something New! "The Capitolians" (At 8:17 Once Only) VIRGINIA BRUCE In "Shadow of Doubt" wun KiCAltno COKTEZ ,(At 7:00 & 9:47) TLU8 William Boyd in "HEART OF THE WEST" (At 8:47 Once Only) Coming Frlday-Saturday "The Last of the Mohicans" It Pays to Buy From MUSSALLEM'S me inuian uepurunenbs puwtnour prices are always right tith cruiser Naskeena Is on a trip to. the markets and we ii f, 1... Piano duet. "Country Dance." Port Essington today with Indian , Mail or ' phone your order anrt CUmfnrJ nnA f r T At tlT n Colllson J T-v ""UMTS Agent W. E. ner Set and Rogers Silyemrt. Prince Rupert, B.C. mit e e a i t r nix ECONOMY STORE COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed1 FAMOUS EUSON ALBERTA COAL hui.klky Valley coal vancoiivek island coil PRINCK RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE; 58 and SSI PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll m Prince Rupert. Jasper Telkwa and Black Diamond COAL Dry Wood PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue