Hazel and Verna Leask, the Prince Rupert yesterday from . ... oh Mrs. William Vancouver where hey have Hers 01 MJ been gbters"' , 0f Metiana. rptnrnpd on pending the summer LOCAL NEWS NOTES i B''y likeMariii't'' I ' y Sw t Disposition j I f Jk-?; H children mull get plenty of Vitamin B 1 & S f to brio ud ind nonriih the nmx. ill I yffmt yaw N,rch,'in 1 i BWHRf i Ji . IHllll i "M niolntV)pyrlht.Str We loan you free a complete Home Permanent Wave Machine for 3 months. All you need do Is send $3.00 to cover the cost of shipping and the oil for 6 complete Permanent. 'Will riot harm the finest hair. Any one can guarantee a perfect wave with this machine. No electricity or experience needed. When you have used these supplies more oil can be obtained from us at 'fifty cents a Marvel Wave Factory 1183 East 41st. Ave. Vancouver, B.C. Badminton Supplies mentis are reasonaDie in price, in a ranue unai -win -sausiy sun in hpfinnr nr PTrifrifnfM mavpr. nrnn in .inn intnrci our selection. wight, In cartons of three or twelve. '30C MiPlTr Dliilfivrf irnnmrc n..At InMnlln nsvnH ttnlnn In o nnrAr pncea snuttle cock. VSH iach Aoj GORDON'S HARDWARE D. Hi McBride Street Phone 311 Used Goods bought, Sold or Exchanged HEATERS BEDS-Of all sizes KITCHEN RANGES SINGER SEWING MACHINE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ten-or Bnnjo, pood make; Flute, iEtc. 'Radios, 'Gramophones BARBER iCH AIR in Rood condition NATIONAL CASII REGISTER ELIO FURNITURE ne Green 421 EXCHANGE Third Avenue j Basketball meeting Thursday, 7 p.m., Boston Hall, entry of teams, etc. (242) Miss Aileen Stewart, formerly of this city, was a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert yesterday going norm irom Vancouver to Stewart. For drunkenness George and Roger Powell, Indians, have been fined $10, with option of seven days' imprisonment, in city police court. Lady Bowlers A meeting will ibe held at the Alleys on Frida;, Oct 16 at 8 p.m. for the Durnose of forming a ladles' five pin lea gue. All interested are asked to attend. The presence of last yeavs captains Is requested. (243) George Morton Cunnlneham has been fined $100, with option of two montns' imprisonment, in cltv do- lice court for attempting to supply liquor lo Indians. He is serving the time.. Joseph Wickett of the staff of the Canadian National Railways city ticket office is sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for his home in Vancouver to spend a two weeks' vacation. Two local boys of Juvenile age, who were returned here Tuesday night from Prince George whew they had been caught riding the rods, are berng tturned back .to the; custody of their parents. i C. D. Newman Is expected-to In the city on the Oardena tomorrow evenlner from .VAnemi.' ver to assume his duties as local agent for the Union Steamship Co. In succession to Russell M. Smith who Is being transferred to Vancouver. Mr. -and Mrs. Smith expect to get away in a week or ten days. Vic Grant, who was taken suddenly 111 three 'weeks ago and has since been a patient in the Prince Rupert General Hospital, was sufficiently recovered to be discharged from the Institution Tuesday afternoon-. Mrs. fOr'ant arrived' fn town yesterday afternoon from Balmoral and together they will be returning at the end of the week to their home on the Skeena Rivet." POLICE HORSE KING'S CIIAHOF.lt SALFORD, Eng., Oct. 15: (CP) Cherry Grove, a prize police horse, has been sold to the royal stables for $750, as the King's charger. YOU COULD EXPRESS the cow::: but" Tonight's train, due from the east at 10:20, was reported this morning to be on time. Thor Johansen, for drunkenness, was 'fined $25, with option of seven days' Imprisonment, in city police court this morning. R. i a. Cunningham of Port Es- slngton arrived In the city yes-i ferday afternoon from the Skeena River for a brief business visit to; town. has been on a trip south, was a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert yesterday returning home from Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan 'returned to the city on the Laura F II yesterday afternoon from the Frlzzell hot springs where they have been spending a two weeks' vacation. Caiiqht a Cold ? help end it sooner, throat, end chest with VICKS Vapo Rub HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert John 'C. Grelg, Toronto; Stew-ant.Robsorl, J. C. .McLennan, L. H. Cha'pman arid" J. D. Galloway. Vancouver; W. Kaye Lamb, Victoria. Central T. Laiiten, H. J. Hallands, Claus Helland and F. Robinson, city; P. J. Rolls, ;C.N.R.; Alfred Hadland, Ooria River. Pastor and SMr. ! North Visited Terrace Mission ... I TERRACE, Oct. 15:-On Friday ! last Rev. and Mrs. E. J. North his charge at iPrince Rupert but Mrs. North Is continuing her vlsi',. j Theu'fchlirch ' Sunday "night was crowded to capacity. Some seventy people (gathered together for the service. Mrs. North was In- charge. Her messages in song were greatly appreciated. The choir sang .acceptably and the orchestra rend-ered suitable music. " T?7rfT-"" MX '-'"' '' l"J" I M'Wa '""ffa . BW.i.Jl : 'JUasu Canada's IfaummM ; Lieut. Col. J. G, Wright of Van couver, secretary of, the British- Israel Association in, that city, was the speaker today at the regular weekly luncheon ol the'Prlnce Rupert Rotary .Club, president C. V. Evltt was In the , chair and .there was a good attendance of members with, a few guests, j 5. Announcements Canadian Legion Baraar, Octo-ber 15. Anglican Tea; at Mrs. Wlnslow.'s. October 16. f . Sons of Norway Hallowe'en dance, October 31. ' Hyggas Bazaar, October .23. Elks' Dance, Boston Hall, 23. Baptist bazaar carnival, .Oct. 24 Luther League Carnival Tea, Oct 29. arfd""itterson, Gyr Hoedo. Moose G. Murray city; jf Hall, Oc- II. Wllcock, Lowe Inlet. - Hill 60 Tea, October 31. Presbyterian bazaar, November S. O. N. Bazaar, Moose 'Hall, -November 13. tservkte In the Penteeostar, Chorch ! L, O. B. A. -Bazaar. -November' 18 here. Mr. North had to' return to! Lutheran Bazaar, Metropole Ha"., Nov. 27. C. C. F. Bazaar, December 2. St. Peter's Church Bazaar, December 3. Orange Hogmanay Dance, December 31. ITS EASIER TO TAKE KLIM Do you lug milk to camp wonder if it's pure stagger Under messy ice worry about it keeping? KLIM banishes all this! It is pure rich milk with all the cream left in, powdered for lightness and Vacuum-Packed to assure its keeping qualities summer and winter. KLIM is the ideal milk for prospectors and campers, because of its light compact form. It makes over eight times its weight in fresh, liquid milk. Simply add to water .and mix as you need it. No waste 1 No worryl No icel - CAMP AND HOME COOK BOOK For wow enioyment, we have gathered the best recipes of famous sportsmen and cooks. Book will be sent FREE. Just fill in and mail coupon. mum TIIK-B0RDEN COMPANY, LIMITED, -38-YirdUr Home. Toronto J. PUiit tend mi th new Cook Book, "Eiy Ktclpci for Cimp tai Kitchen," !!ftl. Ntm Sift x "JU JAJUSJl- SOAP SPECIALS Helena Rubenstein Soaps ACNE .SO A'P Regular $1.40 Special , , BLEACHING SOAP-Regular $1.65 ,'Special .. . , 4. . . COMPLEXION SOAP Regular'!55c Special .:, ,... . t r 1 ROSE HARMONY SOAP large cake ......... . , Canadian Rup ' Orates Ltd. "Jhti .Pioneer Drttqejists The ftexall Btorc Phones: 81 St SI Open .Dally .From m.m, till 10 pjn. 99 c EGG COMPLEXION SOAP Regular Sl.10.fiQp GLYCERINE PUMICE SOAP per cake . WOODBURY'S FACIAL SOAP- per cake1 3 for 10c 10c 25c Sundays and Holidays From 12,noon tlU,2 p.m, 7 p ni- lill & f.ta. Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1 :30 PJH Due .Vancouver, Thursday '.pjn. XS.S. CAROENA .FRIDAY, 10:30 PJtf. Due Vansouver, Monday am. ROUND TRIP FARE leaving Sunday 8:00 FM. calUng Pi Simpson, Stewart, Anyox, Naas River returning Tuesday, $14.4 Further information regarding sailings and tickets -from 1R. M. SMITU, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. .Phone Stt Pacific To Vanconver via Ocean .Falls and Way Ports . SS. "Princess Adelaide." every'Friday at ft pjn.- To '.Vancouver direct SS. "Princess .Louise," Oct. 4th, 16th. SS. "Princess Norah," Oct. 25th, Nov. 3rd, 19th. To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway ' " 63. "Princess Loulse,M Oct. 12th. SS. "Princess Norah," Oct. 21st 30th, ,Nov. 15th, "29th. For Information and .Reservations W. L. COATES, Gen. Agent, Ptinee Rupert, ;B.C. IJieFxsh .which made Prince RuperlFamoas ert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian ;Eish 4 Cold .Storage CtM LhL PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. it