PAOR TWO DAILY NEWS The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Inventory Clearance of BLACK & BROWN RUBBER OVERSHOES Zipper Fasteners, high or medium heels. Clearance Price CHILDREN'S SCHOOL OXFORDS & STRAPS Heavy Durable Seles. Clearance Price Third Avenue THE DAILY NEWS. FR1NCK RUPERT - BRITISU COLUMBIA and Dome $1.50 Black or Brown. 81.95 SMALLER CHILDREN'S BOOTS & STRAPS-Good makes. Patent or Call Leather. QtP Clearance Price UOVj We have just received a shipment of DANCING SUPPERS. Get the children their's now while the sites last Phone 357 Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday., by Prince Rupert Dally News, Lhntied. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managlng-Edfcor ; i i: SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or c&rtier, yearly period, paid In advance - ti By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and For lessor periods, paid In advance, per week By mall fri all other countries, pe- year 9 00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per men, per Insertion Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers per Insertion, per line News Department Telephone 86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 9S Member ot Audit Bureau of Circulation DAILY EDITION i. .02 25 Saturday. Feb. 1. 1936 FINANCING ALASKA HIGHWAY An interesting suggestion has been made in regard to the financing of the proposed Alaska Highway. While it is impracticable to allow the United States to build the road as it would give them extra-territorial rights in the country, there would be no such objection to borrowing the money from them at a nominal rate of interest It could not be expected that Canada would build the road at her own expense as the chief object" would be to give United States access to her own territory and the UN1TK1) STATES ELECTIONS We shall in the next nine months hear a great deal about the failure of Franklin D. Rosevelt and of his plani2 THE MINERALS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA This Province has produced minerals of an aggregate value of $l,4244S,OOaoa The value of Mineral production for the year 1935 is estimated at $47,810,612.00, being an increase of ISr over the production for 1934." The high light of mining in British Columbia during the year has been the substantial increase in gold and silver For authoritative information reganling mining tlevelojunent in the Province, apply to THE DEPARTMENT OF MINES Victoria, RC "POOR MAN'S' PLANE TESTED IN Clyde Pangborn, famous ocean flier, was pictured in New York in the cockpit of the "Flying Flea" a poor man's aeroplane before he took it off the ground for a test flight around the field. Not everything was satisfactory to the test pilot, but he succeeded in getting it off the ground and flew it at an altitude of 400 feet, and at a speed of approximately CO miles an hour. The machine, recently received from Kugland. is only 10 feet long, and has a ing spread of 20 feet. It has a 20 horsepower, two-cylinder engine, and the trouble that Pangborn experienced with it in the test was caused by the fact that it lacks the ailerons and elevators of larger planes. It can be made to sell for between $300 and $350. 'SPORT ANNETTES I WIN OUT With Annettes finishing on top, the. first half ot the Ladles' Bowl-, to improve conditions in the United States, Tremendous J Turgcon. 2eo efforts will be made to defeat the champion of the com mon people and to discredit him in the eyes of the elec- sjoneJsr SPORT CHAT Chatting with a friend in SyJ- Emerge Victorious in First Half Of ney. Australia, E. R. T. Holmes. Ladies' Bowling With I. R. Grails , captain of the M. C. C. touring In Second riace I team, said he ha only one criU- jeism to make of Australia: "I have not seen a really man-sized bain towel" The same evening a bath i in...l in t V... .-I v Kai -... tl.a season was "mpletcd. tag League E T H this week and second half play wil 1 . cricketej..s hote start on Monday evening of next! , . J. E. Lovelock, famous New Zea- inAionoaynignvp.aj land and Oxford University rhiler. Canadian xxauonai Recreation As sociation won over Maccabees 1244 letw at lectures the Bri- 10 i.ta. u"Ko """-"jush AthleUc Association has ar- niiw Rlrrt 1371 ta 127S. Cens Of' j t ... tv-i road would benefit her much more than Canada. She i Annettes had the wh average of technlc ,or benefit 0l buddir could put up the cash and Canada could construct the its. 'track and field stars. highway, giving long term bonds in payment for the individual scoring was as foi- better nrannsal to make? Itos: . A special motor coach was hired i 'i Horton, 200; Munro. 243; Vance, J jy to corer journeys totalling about 294. (700 miles, to play three Southern Maccabees OotassL 300; Beale. -League matches In four. days. The Pettenrao, 217; Fritz. 196;: first game was at Bournemouth over Ranter. 132 to 121. averaie scorer was BaHinger of. Prince Rupert Grads with 282. Individual scoring was as follows: Doodads MeKeowu. 255; Ingram. 265; Smith. 333; Parent. 273; Cic-cone. 3&1. tint half of the season: j Q. TU. 'Annettes 21 19701 P R. Grads -23 1MS9 EvvKSads 2S Blw Birds 2 1TB34 Maccabees 2 176M Raag-ers - 2S 17654 jC- N. R, A. 25 15047 24 14(21 jRrunettrs !the second in London and th Annettes Skattebol. 266; Basso- third ai Yeovil In Somersetshire Bert 267; Owens. 346; Mors, 235; t ! Henri's Choice, the racehorse tors but the present indications are that he Will be rV Blue Birds Boulter. 29: Pierce, who broke his neck at UrerpciH tnrnwl fnr anntW ffvnr vwirs in nvmivr rioxt. The 237: Hartwte. 167; Webster. 132; , ast year has made a wonderfj greater the efforts to defeat bim the greater will be then. UG Ipci onf oTS 5LS efforts to elect him. If the country is not divided by thej Tnayw'oTuus week Premier hurdle races, at the Grand Townsedite5, Roosevelt should get a Second term and he rjoodads beat Ptlnc Rupert Gradsi-,ain'arT meeting at Sandown Pa rrtKiMv will Wi51 iliatiA ?c Ai&if fWtiAn smnntr thp i ,j .kiu uuMhrn n;nexl month. The accident occurred lVocrats there are greater divisions in the Republican ranks. High a fear ago ana tar seven we? tne norse iay in Ainiiee rart- jcwuw suutes iui his ma .a piaster of parts. ; A. D. Locke. South African yocth. .who holds three golf champion- Prince Rupert Grads-StirodahL . Ifc - - - 411, UJIUI(, Blaln 267; BaXUnger. 43. v .m x m. t won the South African open and Marraoe-vw. "-""".Taal Amatevr charanianshio V. SB. Daalnato. 2; Mtano.TvtaBnt n M fram j & 215. Berg, 332. Mkl Rangers Montsocaefi. 271; . j Lrtthford. 153; Fortane. 2S0; Raj-j The Uaiverdtf of X'asaaris 26- j jbooe, 573; AraMW "delauKt, lSl. memher freshman KiMhM sqiEtdl The ratal Veagee standing for the has 1 pUrers who aeasare six. feet or store, tadudics a sUrttn; At. hneup that averages six-feet-three , TO and a six foot-seren centre i e 654 eu C32 577 5C3 O'Mn MAKES SLir PERSHORK, Has, Fch. 1: CP A man ccocertjed to a theft charge was given pejmfejfcw by the local magistrate to get married under police supervision but the girl declined to 50 xhrontsh tnh the Derbyshire Covnty Cricket Cb( Hinton Coal Phone 51 CENTRAL HOTEL High School SuccessfulTea Bowling Play , And Sale Held By (Trojans Take First Place in Hoys'; 1 Division High School Bowling League results last night were as follows: Boys Squirts 6C0, Tigers 689. Trojans 814. Bombers 270. Cubs 544. Big Five 401. ! Wolves 49C, Punks COG. , High scorer David, Houston 203 ! Girls Twlrlers 606, Lucky Strikes 629. Quintuplets 672. Five Clams 532. BJSt Bets 637. Aces 637. ' High scorer Nora Postulo 179. t Hoys Standing; ! O. TU. I Trojans i 3116 ! Tigers Squirts ... Punks ... Bombers . 4 4 4 4 Big Five 4 Wolves 4 Cubs 4 O iris's lauding Twlrlers - 3 Lucky Strikes 3 Quintuplets 3 3046 2911 2SS5, 2491; 993 2073 2061 1837 Five Clams 3 1882 Best Bets 3 1876 Aces 3 1874 SWALLOWED CUSS LEWISHAM. Eng. Feb. I: (CP At the inquest Into the death ot Thomas Johnstone, 71, a doctor suggested that be had swallowed a piece of glass in mistake for an, acta drop. lis doing everything possible to en-isure that W. H. Copson, its clever young fast bowler, will be fit for I the coming season. Copson broke .down last summer but specialist (who examined him reported no I serious, trouble. A. recent examination was equally satisfactory. Two hundred mounted Republican guards and special police were on duty at trie Pare aa Princes for a soccer match between the Railng Club of Paris and Moscow team that had been criticized on account of its alleged political significance. The game was played in the friendliest spirit the Paris team winning 2 to 1. R. N. Tisdall. former Cam-hurdles champion, has resigned his position on the staff of S. John's College In Johannesburg is one of several well-known ata-n order to become a physical in a N. R. A. Tens. 225; Morse. 232; :Dy Folkestone football club recent- structor. He is also anxious to; represent Ireland at the Berlin Olympiad. A Japanese boy may be quarterback at the University of Washington next fall. Harry Yamaga-machl. former Seattle high school centre, was converted Into a capable signal-caller on Washington'! frosh squad last autumn He Is IS years old and tips the scales at 170 Catholic Ladies A successful and enjoyable tea !nnd sale of home cooking was held iby the Catholic- women on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. ;j. Lome McLaren. Borden Street. 'Mrs. McLaren was assisted by Mrs. iG. W. Nickerson in receiving the, guests. ! Mrs. W. 11. Klnkade and Mrs. J ' Fred Ritchie poured, the tea room 11: IVORY C I 'Demg in cnarge oi Mrs. ai. n. oui-i ,bank. Servlteurs were Mrs. C. P.! '.Balagno, Mrs. Peter DeJong, Mrs. I William Rosers. Mrs. J. L. Blaln At ..and Miss. Olive van Cooten. Mrs. A. 779 D; QUUes was cashier. 702 The home cooking table was in 729 charge of Mrs. R. E. Moore and 721 Mrs. Hubert Ward. 623 Mrs. Hubert Ward, with No. 65. 599- was winner In the raffle of a tea 511 set 213 UOYAL BOO.YGlT.VED 603 LONIX)N. Eng.. Feb. 1: (CP) - 637 Major J. G. Middle, 85, who died 629 at Wood Green, was a survivor 627 of the march from Kabul to Kan-625 dahar. He did duty in Queen. Vlc-625 toria's drawing room and, was a bodyguard at the bier of Kins Edward. Saturday, February 1, 1938 ELECTROCUTED IN .BATH COLESHILL, Warwickshire. Eng . Feb. 1: (CP) The danger of touching an electric switch. wlih wet hands was stressed, at the inquest into the death ol Horace B. Richardson, 27, of' Bickenh'Jl He was electrocuted -while In his bath. Rex BOWLING CLUB LIMITED FOUR GOOD ALLEYS Weekly Prizes For Hih. Score Grotto Taxi 456 3 CARS AT YOUR SERVICE Proprietors Bert Morgan & Bud Harm Don't forget the number 156 UTILAC The original four-hour enamel, still first in quality Its rich, satin gloss finish lasts, and lasts, continued washing has practically no effect on it Easily applied, and economical to use. GORDON'S HARDWARE McBridt St Phone 311 UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER FROM PRINCE RUPERT 00 FROM PORT SIMPSON $35,35 From a bowl for keeping fishes To a set of china dishes; From a nest of new utensils To a brush Almost anything you're needing Is displayed in ads you're reading; So when shopping for essentials Do not rush! F or the one who heeds these pages Is the one who truly gauges Honest bargains ... truly sees The "goods" from "bads." You'll avoid the crowds and hurry, You'll save money, time and worry Just by sitting down at ease To read the ads! RETURN. All Meals and RETURN. Berth Included. Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from Intermediate points. Special Tickets on Sale Between November 1st, ISIS and February 29th, 1936, inclusive Good to Return up to March 31. 1936. Children Half Fare. Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar. Vancouver S.S. CATALA Tuesday. 1:30 p.m. Thursday, pja. Si?. CARDENA Friday, 10:30 p.m. Monday, a.m. Tickets and All InformaUon from Prince Rupert Agent - R. M. SMITH - Third Ave, Phone WS or Pursers S. Catata and S-S. Cardena.