mi , February 1, 1936 . DAH.Y NEWS ANT01NE CUIOT OLIVK OIL fto finer grade on the market, four sizes 25c, 40c, 75c, $1.25 iaratfn ran(l Lon,r Fi,)er Hospital firadc Absorbent Cotton 35c per Mb. roll IMIAKMAL HOT WATER BOTTLES British make. Guaranteed for two years Special price, $1.25 DOMINION HOT WATER BOTTLES Guaranteed for two years Special price, S1.25 VACUUM BOTTLES IVlil KCrJ liUL lujunta nut xui lsx jiwuio, uaiuuuul I 1.-. linhli'n 4w.l Iinf Price, 50c Qrm.es Ltd. CEta Pioneer Druqefists rb Rull Bton Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. liadijJ tnd Holidays Prom 12 noon till 2 p.m.. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Used Furniture Rmmons Steel Cribs with Mattress OC A A up from ?w.vv Rteel Beds with Spring Mattress CO Aft up from vvvw Drop.Siderouch with.AIattrcss Cfi Aft at wtv v New Furniture nplete Beds, Cotton Mattress, C99 ft Cable Spring, price, up from V )amask Table Oilbloth, 45 inches wide ftp Kice, yard Z fork Bath Mats, 20x36 Sil 45 price, each D. ELIO i 1ITURE EXCHANGE Green 421 We Buy Household Goods HOUSE HEATING HELPS 'lb(ws, Coal Hods, Stove Boards, Stove Shovels, Hampers, Stove Pipes, Spark Guards, Furnace Scoops Waters,, from $1.50 to $22.00 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. wsA which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Man Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. LOCAL NEWS Cash for old gold. Bulger's (tf) T. J. Shenton sailed last night on ,the Princess Adelaide for a Dustiness trip, to Seattle. W. R. McAfee sailed last night on the Cardena for a brief business trip to Vancouver. C: R. Cocks of Port Esslngton sailed last night on the Cardena for a trip to Vancouver. H. S. Parker left on last evening's train for a business trip to Decker Lake and other Interior points. You can rent a. car at Walker's as low as $1.50 a day, plus 7c a mile. Albert Hadland, vocalist and guitar player, and Ray Fossum, banjolst, were heard over the local radio' station on program. Mrs. G. a. Walker, who has been on a month's trip as far south as California, returne'd to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday The spring session of the Su- I preme Court In Prince Rupert this I year will be on May 13 while the fall session has been set to open Sep-! tember 30. At Prince George the spring assizes will open May 20. where she will visit with an aunt. According to any doctor you ask, the only safe way is never to give vnup child a You on assist others bv ref usim lV.V. 1 i 1 I MS remedy you don't know all about, without asking him first. When it comes to "milk of magnesia," that you know everywhere, for over 60 years, doctors have said "PHILLIPS' Milk of Magnesia for your child." Soalways say Phillips' when you buy. And, for your own jieace of mind, see that your child gets this; the finest men know. Made in Canada. to accept a substitute (or the KjjnC? ntsia. in mis in uw interest of yourself andyourchiuiren and in the in-terest of the public in aencrul. PlULLIPS tiZt, crf.Alaqtteiia. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD ShlplHiIkiera and Euglaoera. BraVM Cjisrlaig.. Electria amd Acetyls Welding. BpeeUllsU oai Sawmill amd Miming Machine?. AD Types Gas Eoflnca Rsatalred and Overhauled. Hollywood At Birthday Party iMt ii LwjT lj i I NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates fl.00 up 5u Rooms Hot d Cold Waler Prince Rupert.. B.Ci. Phone 281 P.O. Box IBS I Of Dave Borland .When Dave Borland arrived home from the theatre last night he either saw a vision or dreamed a theatrical dream for his house was filled with, movie characters whom he had seen so often. He was home earlier than usual,. possibly because of an invitation from Mae West to "come up and see me some time." There were present Minnie Mouse, Popeye the Sailor Man, Laurel and Hardy, Topsy and Eva, Mutt and Jeff, Tugboat Annie, Jane Withers, Dr. Fu Manchu, Kate Smith, Mae West and others. These celebrated people sat around the bridge tables for an hour or two and took part in various contests suitable to a birthday party, leaving at a rather late hour on the Theatre Limited for Hollywood. It is said that all these familiar last evening's characters made Dave feel quite at home, so the evening of his birth day was- a very enjoyable occasion. Unique Dramatic Demonstration At Children's Hour A unique dramatic demonstration was staged this morning a; the Story Hour before an audience Miss Thelma Brown of Port Cle- of eighty-four children. Mrs. J. T. ments, who arrived in the city this Mandv Pened the nour bv readlns? week from Nanalmo, where she has a Jetter from a troop of darkle hepn standi snm tlm. wt hv who later appeared, much to thi last evening's train for Woodcock !"rprle f a"- rs- Ar,th,u.r Su"n Mrs. G. P. Tinker and Mrs. F. T, Robertson were In charge of thi.? turned to Port Clements on the bnd lsteby M.rs' f- f Prince John last night. A Law Every Mother Should Know ani Ohserve Sever Give Your Child An Unknown Remedy without Ashing Your Doctor First Smith, Mrs. O. C. Young Mrs. J. A. 'Barry and Alex Mitchell. 1 The story of "Bing, Bang and Bong was told by Mrs. F. E. Rob ertson. Molly Frew and Peggy Large sang appropriate -songs. A ghost story, acted by the colored people, was pery amusing. Th3 gram were: Howard Mllo, Jim I Ladicos, Jim Barry, Frank. James, John Currie, Archie McLeod, Buddy Morris, Sydney. Youngman, John Macey. Bruce Carter, David Carter and Ed Ciccone. Alex Mitchell sang .negro songs. Next week's program for children 9 to 12 inclusive, will be in charge 'ot Mrs. Robert Cameron, Mrs. A.I H, Waddington and Miss Venetia ' Feero. Announcements Jlggs- supper, February 4. Prince Rupert Badminton Club dance, Elks' Hall, Friday, Feb. 7. Moose Legion anniversary novelty dance, February 7. Anglican Girl's W. A. Tinker's, February 8. Tea, Mrs. Ladies' Music Club Tea Musical? February 12. 13. United Valentine Tea, February Cambrni Valentine Dance, Feb ruary 14. Valentine tea, Oddfellows' Hall, February 20. C. N. R. A. Annual Dance, Elks' Hall, Friday, February 21. MOOSE HALL Moose Legion Anniversary NOVELTY DANCE Friday, February 7 Fun Galore 25 Useful Prizes Refreshments Come and enjoy yourself Five-piece Orchestra SNAP i t k r i n i OWDER cliawi rotrtwn WINDOW, MIMOtB. (AM TU1 ,U "'ASM ASMS. CAMMO Dramatics At Casts Selected For Playlets-Screen Tests Prove Divertinc Yesterday afternoon another well-attended meeting of the King Edward High School, Dramatic Club was held. The program consisted of a sel-i ectlon of casts for two one-act plays "The Mouse Trap" and 'Shivering Shocks." After the meeting Roth Gordon, the sponsor of the club, took mo tion pictures, of the assembled members. The making of "screen tests" of five students nominated by the group, was a novelty feature, provocative of much, merriment for all concerned. Those participating In the teste were Dick Clark, June Armour. Margaret McLachlan, Harold Ivarson and Betty Wood. mm FOR SALE FRESH Fish for sale aboard Helen II, Cow Bay. (tf) FOR SALE Dodge touring car engine 30 to 35 h p. $20 cash. Phone Blue 825. (29) TOBACCO Sample package, 10 lbs. mild or strong leaf tobacco, with preparation to give good aroma to tobacco free, all for $150 or 50 lbs. $5. Agents wanted. The Capital Gasoline Light Co.. 4 Cumberland St., Ottawa. (35) LOST LOST Brown hunting coat, on highway between Oliver Lake and McBride Street. Finder please leave at Dally News office. (27) LOST Friday pjn. on McBride or Fifth Avenue West, pearl dress clip, not valuable but one of set Please phone 857. 28 LOST Pair lady's skates at Lake Oliver. Finder please phone Green 496. (28) FOUND FOUND Bunch of keys in leather case. Keys rusty, evidently been lost some time. Apply Dally News. (tf) Dally News want-ads bring PERSONAL PRIVATE Home Kindergartens pay. Wf start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg. (tf) MALE HELP WANTED 4, LESSON from the depression- Be a Civil Servant Postman, Customs Examiner, Clerk, Stenographer, etc. Free Book'e "How to. get a Government, Job,' M.C.C. Civil Service School, Win nipeg. RELIABLE man to take care store route. Distribute and collect. New product. Protected territory. Earn excellent weekly Income. Berland Nut Co., St. Paul, Minn. TlMlil.lt SALE X19fii! Sealed tenders wlU be received, by the District! Forester, Prttice Rupert. B C. not later than noonVui the 17th. day of February. 1936 for the purchase of Licence XUKSOO near Griffin Paw. O. R 3. to cut 1320 M board feet of Spruce, Cedar, Hemlock, and Balaam. Two (2) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria, B. C, the District Forester, Prince Rupert, B. C. Ranger L. B. Webster, Ocean Falls, B. C. IX THE SI THEME TOIRT OF BRITISH roi.i'Miiiv In. Probate III (lie Matter of the "AdmlntMratlnn Act" And n the Matter of the Eiitate Of Ollvre PrliMuln, oMienvlfcs knnwn as Ollvec l'eliMUlii. Ieveurri, Intentate. TAKE NOTICK that by order of Hl Honor, W, K. Fisher, the 17tU day of January. A. D. 1936. I was appointed Admlntotrator of the estate of Ollvre Peloquln. dscensed and all parties nav lug claims airainst the said estate are herebv rwmlred to furnish same, prop erly verified, to me on or before the 18th day of February, a, o. idso, ana m Hurtles lruOeDUna to uie Mie- are re- red to pay tne amouni oi am idebtednew to me- forthwith. 1030, NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator, Prince Ruvert, B. C Da-ted the IBth day of January, A. D CHURCH NOTICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH J Preacher Rev. W. D. Grant Hollinsworth, BA. j-ji' Organist: Mrs. E. J..Smith 11 A.M;, Sermon Subject: "WHAT RELIGION DOES FOR US" 12:15, Sunday School : 7:30 P.M., Sermon Subject: ' "JOHN CALVIN THE FATHER, OF THE REFORMED CHURCH" Being the first of a series on. the origins and principles of ' PRESBYTERIANISM . Anthem: "Softy and Tenderly Jesus is Calling" . All; Visitors Welcome ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean, 11 A.M., Morning Prayer and Holy Communion Subject. "JESUS UNDERSTANDS" 2:30 P.M., Sunday School 7:30 P.M., Evening Prayer and Sermon Preacher Rev. Commander O. T. Hodgson, O. B. E. District News NEW HAZELTON away after a brief Illness with pneumonia. Deceased, who was 36 years of age, is survived by a widow and six small children. The annual meeting of. the paU rons of the Hazelton Hospital was held last Saturday evening. The annual hospital report was presented by R. S. Sargent and the Woman's Auxiliary report w.u given by Mrs. W. S. Russell. R. S. Sargent was re-elected chairman other members of the board belh M. A. Myros and W. S. Russell Mrs. James Turnball was elected auditor. A committee consisting W. W. Anderson, Cooper Wrinch and Mrs. J. C. K. Sealy was delegated to. go. Into the matter of re viving the celebration of Hospital Day. A special memorial service for the late King George V was held In St. Peter's Anglican Church here on Tuesday by Rev. B. Shear man. There was a large congrega tion. I ROSES Order your roses now for spring planting. ,rcr dozen, $3.00 and up-Other Shrubs same price ARTHUR BAYNE Successor to Glennle's MACKENZIE FURNITURE FURNITURE FLOOR COVERINGS, BEDS SPRING MATTRESSES All Kinds Phone 775 Third Avenue Kaien Transfer For Coal and Wood of all kinds Haulage & General Transfer Work Service Is Our Motto PHONE 60 CERTIFICATES OF IMPROVEMENTS SILVER KINO No. lj SILVER KINO No. 2; SILVER KINO No. 3; SILVER KINO No. 4; SILVER KINO No. 5; SILVER KINO No. 6: SILVER KINO No. 7: SILVER KINO No. 8; BLUEBIRD No. 1 Sc BLX7EBIRD No. 2 MINERAL CLAIMS, Situate In, the AUln Mining Division of Cassiar lrtstrict. ! Where located: Whitewater Creek. Rev. Dr. S. S. Osterhout of Van- ,3IRLV"; . couver. superintendent of missions M t or Raymond l. walker.. ior ine united unurcn 01 canaaa. Free Miner's certificate no. b88i-d; was a visitor in Hazelton from gan' JJ0"'- Fre,M1?rr "i" last Saturday until Tuesday when er.. certmcate No. 64876-D: Arthur Hed- he left for Prince Rupert to at- , man. Free Miner's Certificate No. 64890- ' D Alaska Juneau Gold Mining Corpora-iciia tend the uie semi semi-annual annual rresoyterv Prpsbvtprv . rwrtifwt.. h oRnis. meeting. W. J. Greer of Hazelton left on Tuesday of this week for High D; Walter Barron, Free Miners certin-cate No. 64888-D; D. J. MacDougall, Free Miner's Certificate No. 64888-D. Intends sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for Certlfl- Prairie .to attend the funeral of hisi""9 r improvements ior tne purpose son, Vance Greer, who . I nf r.Vit a i n In (7 nmvn OrftntA nf thm ahoy Pa!J!clatan. And Further take notice that action. under section 85 of the Mineral Act, must he commenced before the Issuance of such Certificates ol Improvements. Dated this first dav of December. 1933. Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockeye Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL Packed by- the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince . Rupert. 1 sizzzr ' - - - - -- v vrr For - - : COAL ! LUMBER i Building i Supplies Pfcone r PHiipnTT 1 llllil uu evih & Co. Ltd. 651 and 652 ll 1 ti- ll