PAQ1 jotjh SWEAT OUT THAT COLD! Colds mean poisons in the body. It'i easy to sweat them out with mustard baths. Soakyour whole body in a ioJath with 3 table-spoonsful of Colman's. Or wrap yourself up warm and take a gleaming mustard fool bath. Then pet into bed right away and perspire. Just try it. You will find Dr. Mustard's way 74SC is the Dest nome remedy . . . Simple and old-fashioned Think of Them Together Groceries at Mussallem's "Where' Dollars Have More Cents" BLACK FIGS 25C SAANICH CLAMS Talis 3 tins SNOWCAP PILCHARDS 9Qp Tails, 3 tins LIBBVS CORNED BEEF -J f xell l's, per tin LIBBVS PORK & BEANS f ACp ' l's, 3 tins w CORN NIBLETS Del Maiz -Opi 0s 12-oz. tin JAM Pure Strawberry SQo! OOK,, 4-lb. tin MONOGRAM MOLASSES l fp 1Ul Hi's, per tin GINGER SNAPS -f C p j 5 doz. AOo: SUNKIST ORANGES AQp! Extra large, per doz. GRAPEFRUIT California "f ft 3 for I.UI Mixed Nuts FREE with each order $1.00 or over MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cent' P. 0. Box 575 Phone 18 Kaien Transfer For Coal and Wood of all kinds Haulage & General Transfer Work Service is Our Motto PHONE 60 . , For - - j COAL LUMBER Building Supplies Phone PH1LP0TT Evin & Co. Ltd. 651 and 652 WOMEN AS SENATORS Mrs. Rose Long Joins Mrs. Hattie Caraway Mrs. Tom Schall Running WASHINGTON, Feb. 20: (CP) Death and gallantry have combined to push ajar the exclusive doors of the Senate for two senatorial widows, and may open them for a third. (The Senate of Canada also has two married women members, Hon. Calrine Wilson of Ottawa and Hon. Iva Fallls of Bethany, Ont.) The United States Senate's first and only elected woman member is Mrs. Hattie W. Caraway of Arkansas, Vho was appointed to the office in November, 1931, after the death of her senator husband, Thad Caraway. Mrs. Rose Long has been named to succeed her husband, the late Huey P. Long of Louisiana. Mrs. Margaret Schall will campaign in Minnesota for the seat of her late husband, blind Senator "Tom" Schall, recently struck and killed by a motor car. At the time of her appointment, the naming of Mrs. Caraway was regarded as a courteous gesture. But, when November 1932 rolled around, she took to the hustings on her own and won in a campaign that gained much color from the assistance given by Senator Long, her Louisiana neighbor. Now Long's widow has joined Mrs. Caraway on the floor, and the Senate for the first time in Its history includes two feminine members. Kept In Seclusion Appointed by Governor James A. Noe of Louisiana, to fill her husband's unfinished senate term, Mrs. Long is expected to kindle anew the curiosity concerning her which gained little gratification during her husband's incumbency. She seldom appeared with him in public since he feared violence and preferred keeping his family out of danger. The two women senators, like Mrs. Schall, took an active, al though quiet, part in their hus bands' political careers. All spent j their early married lives actively interested and busy in their homes. And all three are the mothers of three children. In August, 1934, Mrs. Caraway's son, Robert, was killed WILL SURVEY PLAYGROUNDS j Gyro Club to Get Report on What Is Needed This Year Other Business at Luncheon The Prince Rupert Gyro Club, at a business luncheon yesterday .witn Dr. R. G. Large, president, in the ...U.., .V . . . ...... ... w V..W tion of club activities for the year and, after some, discussion, decided to have a survey made of ground requirements before barking on any other form of Tne ciud aiso aiscussea pians ior the raising of funds for its community service work ahd left this matter in the hands of a committee consisting of S. J. Jabour, D. G. Borland and T. W. Brown. President Large and C. W. Dawson, treasurer of the club, were named a budget committee for the year. A committee consisting of S. J. Jabour and T. W. Brown is taking up certain financial matters with jCity Commissioner W. J. Alder. The club decided to be represented at a 'forthcoming meeting when the question of rehabilitation of the Boys' Band will be taken up. Jack Bulger was named delegate. . Sports will be added to the list of club committees. The club decided to co-operate as far as possible in the Education (Week campaign next week, a re port on same being presented by Rev. W. D. Grant Holllngworth. The Gyros will hold two hoedown dances again this year one in the spring and one in the fall and will also repeat the midnight show entertainment feature which was inaugurated with such success last fall. when thrown from a horse. Mrs. Caraway had to jump feet foremost Into speech-making in 1932. She laughs now and admits she was told by Senator Long her first address was the worst he ever had heard. But she wound up the campaign a seasoned "stumper." Mrs. Long is the type of woman who can grace a mansion as well as a cottage and probably will fit into the Senate as a quiet and interested member. She has no special political plans and hardly could be expected to attempt to follow the uproarious course of her husband. She probably will map her own course as she goes along. "TILLIE THE TOILER" OUT VJHCiti DIDTHB 51 LK COT "TVIf? WAICI IMAW SS U6'S FOSTWE tT WASM'T UQVJEREDTQ-TBE STREET 1 j NfcO'fcE RIGHT AMD TUB l?Lr-VATrji? AUO FIRE-ESCAPES ARB OUT, TOO I zwna v VI ELL. IF THEV DlDM'T TAkE TVE -SILK DOWW- '"i HUMCrilH I J DAILY 1IKWS Thursday. Health Insurance Found Successful! BOYS AUK DISCUSSED (Continued trom Paze 1 gent interest, time and money were 'Invested in the proper training of Plan in Cardstnn, Alberta, Proves the boys and girls, incalculable Complete Success harm would be done to their char- iacters and future lives. The home, CARDSTON, Alta., Feb. 20: (CP j the church and the community as Sponsors of health insurance j wen as the school had the privilege plans can point to Cardston's four-; and the responsibility of sharing in year-old medical contract scheme their training and in the providing , ' for support in their arguments. 0f wholesome Ideals, a wholesome Pleased doctors and satisfied pa- environment and sympathetic gul-tients prove the popularity of theldance so tnat their lives would be project as it starts Its fifth year, moraiiy and physically. Under the plan a persons pays $25 in advance and in return Three Periods The three general periods that person or anyone in hls family Will receive medical care I through which the boy passes as he throughout the year without fur-1 grows namely, infancy, childhood ther cost. The contract provides j and adolescence were described medical care for from one to lCiwlth their developing traits and persons in a family. On an aver-1 powers. Each period had its pecu-age five persons have been in-, liar problems. The varied elements sured under each contract. i hi the young boy were not fully co- During the last four years 60( lordlnatcd, and although his grow-persons have signed contracts jlng powers developed from within Taking an average of five persons; yet these Immature powers were under each contract, 3,000 person' have obtained medical service at a minimum cost of $5 per year. Advance payments which as- subject to Infection and harm from his external environment. The sym pathetic understanding, study and guidance of parents, especially on sured doctors a regular monthl !tiie part of the father, were needed salary from the contract commit- to help the boy co-ordinate his de-tee has pleased the two doctors 'veioping emotions, feelings, ima-Between Jan. 1, 1936, and Marcu glnatloni wiu and purposes and I is the open period when anyone bulIrt ,hem lntn stronr eharaBter can join the contract, but after The lod of early adolescence March 1 will have t. a person from about 11 rears to 16 years was wait imt 1 15 before another Sept one Qf the most Uylng and dan. opportunity to join is presented. Man in the Moon Living high is one of the quick est ways of being brought low. One of Prince Rupert's high school pupils says "an optometrist Is a person who Is always cheerful." And yet some people wonder wny high school' teachers get gray prematurely. I have often wondered how Gen sral Goering and his wife managed to get along. About a year ago he married an actress with an ex-enslve wardrobe and It was announced at the time that he had 85 different' uniforms himself. Pos sibly the house they live in is ail clothes closets. Jake says he believes in co operation. He points to the banana as an example and shows that every time It leaves the bunch It gets skinned. gerous periods which the boy must pass through. Tills period should be looked forward to, and parents j should prepare themselves by care-jful study and by looking back to their own youth to understand and adjust themselves to the problems and natural changes which will have to be faced by both parent and adolescent during this period. For boys of the city, Dean Gibson emphasized the fact that organized games, gymnasium, swimming and other activities, provided by the community, would be more effective and more economical than reformatory methods when trouble had developed. During the evening David Jones 'n a very effective negro minstrel lostume, sang very pleasingly, and Miss Hazel Hill contributed wei' rendered pianoforte solos. Miss Maureen Klrkpatrlck was accom-oanlst. After the singing of the National Anthem, refreshments were served and the usual pleasant social hour enjoyed. Try a Daily News want-ad. Alberta Horse Dealers Happy Prices Soar to Highest Level In Years With Prices Steady CALGA9RY, Feb. 20: (CP)-Al-berta horse dealers are Jubilant as prices soar to the highest level in several years and demand continues steady. Good farm horses find a ready market in Eastern Canada and pure-bred animals ade snapped up. C AR N ATI N M I LK IRRADIATED for "Sunthln" Viltmin D CANADIAN PRODUCT Heard But Not Seen Top Percheron stallions ar bringing from $750 to $800. Com ing three-year-olds sell for $500 and coming two-year-olds about $350. Ordinary animals are quoted around $85. Two buyers who took carloads of ordinary farm horses to Eastern Canada returned to round up additional shipments. Hon Robert Weir, former Dominion minister of agriculture, has purchased from W. J. Fulkerth of Didsbury, Alta., three Kentucky five-galted saddle marcs for his Pincher Creek, Alta., ranch. POLICE CAT'S RECORD CALGARY, Feb, 20: (CP) Tllll the cat has been prolific since she Joined the Calgary police force The latest arrivals triplets boosted her total to 83 since she was brought into headquarters seven years ago half-frozen and half-starved, J I ( ( wo or three QXO cubes vastly improve JO ANYsoup FROM THE NEW CARNATION COOK BOOK III Wd II Ml I li 'I I I I IH ill 1 1 Hi' warn peck spinach, cooked lender and put through grinder rv. ... .QO' Vi "'P Carnation Milk, unauuiea Vi UP butter Wl CUPS bread crumbs Vi teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon salt Combine all ingredients, turn into a buttered ring mold and (team for 2 hours. Unmold and garnish with hard cooked eggs and carrots. Fill the inside of the mold with mashed potatoes or creamed mushrooms; HTHIS is the book that so many of your friends arc talking about . . . praising the unusual recipes, the realistic beauty of the sixteen full-pagenatural color photographs. It's a book that you will want. Its ninety-six big, handsome, readable pages contain hundreds of exciting answers to the daily question "What can I serve that's new?" Every branch of cooking is covered not merely milk dishes. If you don't already know how wonderful Irradiated Carnation Milk is for cooking, this book will prove a revelation. Try a recipe and see for yourself the finer results you get when you cook with this creamy-smooth milki The Carnation Cook Book costs only 25 cents in coin or stamps. Send for your copy today. Carnation Co. Limited, Toronto, Ontario. from Contented Cow" DICK vnwv, . RUBY KEELER - in "SHIPMATES FOREVER" Their Itest Show Sic. "Flirtation Walk" with T i.l.Ir, Ct oione (At 7:18 iz 9:25, ALSO Cartoon and "S,.ortli8hr COMING Fill., SAn Fredric .March, Utn Marshall, Merle Oberonl Till.' 1. . " U SEEDS Our new stnrks nf ft " iuer it vegetable seeds i3 arrlt, daily. Choicest, variety ttr able to local climatic cont nuns. ARTHUR BAYiSl MACKENZIE'S nilfMT.l'UK I'UKMTllIi; Fi.oort :ovi:i:in;s,ei;d! M'KINC. MATTRESSES All Kinds I'lione 775 Third Attn COAL ill ft'i.x n w iv irrL'iiri)a R:it Kfnnl inn n.mrnu FAMOUS KDSON AI.CU1I COAL KULKI.I, V VAI.I.KV (OU -i.UUUVIil! ISLAND IB I'RINCK RUPERT FEKI) COMPANY I'llONI); 58 and 53! REGAL SHOP Mrs. 11. Nes.s with a u: 2400, won the Fir :t. FHEEIffl of Wool in the Monarch sim; cont This Week's Design N " Display Hinton Coal 1'honc M CHNTRAI, IIOTKL , Keacli tire most people in 'j and district with an advertise In the Dally News. By Wstover I G AMQViAV l i I its v' J Tm I OH . UIALLV APP voi i li. .r,-jll . r I'M C3TOIU' A fUL 1--L 1 MAO'S A. EMT PvriTcr. ipucr r ,ron rZZT.'SCr't S ke-s; wm ft rec&fery mem . .... I'll " (wn r. i .m i i i i rs r . rinu v i i -4 i i j uk.. . tie: ' i ji H rt .'II -w i-vj-rv r .h i j X. s I mm m r .... " 1 lth v w 1 I f I II. II I V 1 mm 1 .H I I I I mmmfm, jI "- J l .st -1 II I JJ I L Ir- A rrv 1 I I It