Idnesday, September 16, 1938 , Irs W S. Hickey, who has been ,ding the past week or so at i humUf .'..Hi rn ar frt 'wart ana -n !.- city from the nortn on ine la yesterday anernoon. . Describing Incidents duing the ent pilgrimage to tne opening Ithe Canadian war memorial at I r! . ri-J -.J TTTTT 1VH jjy y rung tuvvniu vxii, ouu jrar was an interesting .speafcer bip resular weekly luncheon of prince Rupert Gyro Club today. r O. Large was in tne chair there, was a lull attendance of nbers with several guests. fAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- I Y--H Jmmp Out at -U4 la t- Mcr-ia Rnn' U Co Uui bi-t Into yoar bowels dily. If thi Ml not fl-wtas frwlr. roar too- dw-in't dtsvst. t lut dan h tbo bowel. Gu bt-aU ap - ... V- -4 m 1m. 4 U WWW www-.ww-w w , . umiu MOM ffO ID VI UH wUUj. -na 7DB IWI -our; nk and tho work) look- tank. mm bowal moTm-nt down't-lwrnro t . u V .. I)..,! anniitlit.i.. Hi.. - i.l ft too linr '" It Uka tb-M KO-d, old rur. l-w-i -vwr - we- m uhU of bl- flowinc f nelr -nd m-k. ma I "ap and ap". Haraieaa and i-irUo,U-qr M pil- UWW i"W7 . . 'J W WJw WwT . J-m-1 bat km iKXaiomol or tooirarr bi . A.l. n r.ilar'l Uttl T t fc 1 Stabhoratr t-fa-t -arthina? !-, He. WATCH FOR The Original R kFsh which made Prince RupertFamous Rup exa Streamline Train Now in Vancouver New Transportation Unit Excites Considerable Interest In Southern City VANCOUVER, Sept. 16: The new Canadian Pacific Railway ttreamllned train .arrived In Vancouver from the East yesterday afternoon. It will make a tour of ihe Kettle Valley and Kootenay districts this afternoon before being placed in permanent service on the run between Cahrarv and Edmonton. The train is open for public Inspection at the C. P. R. despot today. Sam Jensen was found eulltv of supplying .liquor to Indians by Magistrate McClymont in city police court this morning and was j fined $100, with option of two ; months imprisonment. Gertrude j Wright, Indian, for having liquor jln her possession, was fined $25, with 30 days' option after pleading j guilty. ONE CENT S A L E COMING SOON OrmesLtd. TTiiA Pioneer Drtu&ists The Kexmll Bttn Phones: 81 & 82 fnn nail From II a.m. till 10 D.H1. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 1 p ro. till 9 p.m. ert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Canadian Pacific f Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Torts j -a. -i-rmcess Adelaide"' every Friday at iu p-m. Vancouver direct SS. "Princess, Louise," Sept. 9th, 17th, 25th, Oct. 4th, 16th. SS. "Princess Norah," Oct. .25th, Nov. 3rd. F Ketchlkan,Wrantell, Juneau and Skagway oa, "Princess 2lst, uc.. i-w. Louise," "Sept. 4th, 13th, -Otn, 8S. "Princess Norah,""t)ct. 21st, Oth. . . . VUa M I n...i.tlAtll -ut, iiwormaiion ana xwbci wm- W. L. COATE8, Oen. Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. ' - ' ' ; ; - . ; ; ; I. r 1 1 : : . l l LOCAL NEWS NOTES Moose Legion meets tonight. A. Vlck of Port Esslngton sailed yesterday afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. J. G. Johns sailed vestedav af ternoon on the Cr.tala for a busi ness trip to Vancouver. Miss Joan Cross, who has been on a vacation trio to Vancouver. returned to the city from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning. R. S. Sargent, well known Dloneer Hazelton business man. arrived in the city from the Interior on last night's train and will return to Hazelton this evening. Major and Mrs. Tweedie of Van couver are here aboard the steamer Prince Rupert today making the round trip north. Major Tweedie is secretary of the Alpine Club of British Columbia. Moose Lodge .meets tonight at 8. (218) Mrs. Jack Bulger, who has been visiting for some time In Vancouver, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning. "Miss Lundgren' 'of the nursiner staff of the Port Simpson General' Hospital was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday .afternoon going through to Vancouver ,qn a vacation trip. At the first UO "Hal H, Forrest will be .leaving on this gasboat evening's traW for Ottawa where he! specialized Vicks aid for nose and upper throat, where most colds start. Helos Drerent rnlH. VicksVatronol Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dalgarno, who - have been on a vacation trip to , Edward Lipsett, prominent Van-Vancouver, Victoria and . Belling- couver Rotarlan, who Is a business ham, returned to the city from the visitor in the city, will be the south on the Prince Rupert this speaker at the regular weeklv lun- mornlng. cheon of -the Prince Rupert Rotary Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sparkes of Terrace, who have been on a brief trip to Vancouver, arrived in the city from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning and will proceed to the Interior on this evening's train. Club tomorrow. will attend a convention of the; Lieut. Aril Miller of the .United Canadian Brotherhood of Railway. States finance office at Fort Lewis, Employees. He will be accompanied Wash, who has been visiting in by Mrs. Forrest jind young son. William Balagno. formerly of this keian, will sail tomorrow night by city and for some years eheaEed in,the Prince Rupert on his return violin rnnrprt. wnrlr nt. KptHIo nrttli 1 SOUth. the .Seattle Symphony Orchestra and other leading musical organl- will be heard In recital. Notice Any pupils desirous of taking up Senior Matriculation work this year are requested to get In touch at once with W. P. Armour, Phone 564. (it) Announcements Anglican tea, Mrs. Bryant's. Mc- Mordle Apts., September 17. Cambrai's Autumn Dance, Sep tember 18. Bazaar ror Boys' Band Septem ber 19. Harvest' Festival Sale. Salvation Army'Cl-ade.Septembr2i.j Jm, Canadian Lesion Whist September 23. broner's. September 29. Bridge and Presbyterian Tea, September 23. Orange dance, September 25. Queen Mary tea, Mrs. Hell- Junior Chamber of Commerce Dance, October 2. (212) Come to Bazaar, Catholic Hall, October 7 and 8. ': United Church Supper, October 9. Ladies' Music Club Tea Musicals, Oct. 14. Canadian Legion Bazaar, Octo ber 15. Baptist bazaar carnival, Oct. 24. St. Peter's Church Bazaar, Nov ember 12. L. O. B. A. Bazaar, November J9 DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CREAM In Ji-Galtens and Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY PnONIt-.-7 Mrs. Bradley Watson and two chllden, who have been - J paying a a w v . v. fc.o VJ . bft.nw VAVJ, IU1IICU III tUCi .city from the south on the Prince ,1$lt at Stewart with Mrs. Watson's r.. i iui. . ... .: I Darents 'Mr. nnd Mrs W .T nrom. nupcit uus iiiuiiniig, ne win uej; ' " u t l i. .m , ford, were nassenepM ahrmrri th ijcir lur iuc jicxi to u pie oi weeKSv r- - - as the guest of his brother andi"Cata,a y-terday .afternoon bound Islster-in-law Mr. nnH Mr rhariw"or Vancouver enroute back to p nalarnrt onH H,,rin hie .ttnlr home at Ymlr - 0'"t Vt U4 !(, A 1 4vO -)bUJ Miss .Juanita .Falconer, who has been spending the summer vaca-. uon visiting at Alice Arm with her parents, Mr. and jMrs.T. w. Falconer, was a passenger' aboard the Catala .yesterday afternoon re turning to her studies at the Uni- veslty of British Columbia in Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Sessions and family, who have been on a vacation trip south, arrived In the cltv on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver and will proceed on this evening's train to Terrace where Mr. Sessions Is station agent for the Canadian National Rail ways. Pioneer Yjancouver UndertaketPasses Albert Armstrong, For Forty Yearn Resident of Southern City, Dead VANCOUVER. Sept. 16: Albeit Armstrong, president of the Arm strong Undertaking Co., died here yesterday. He. had been a resident or Vancouver for forty years iind was high in the ranks of ,the Knights of Pythias and other fra ternal orders. Hotel Arrivals Savoy I Mrs. Ivarson, Oona River; Willie Bailey and L. H. Fawcett, Metla katla; Mrs. Irene 8. Olbbs, Mas sott; John Holton, Mrs. Tom Gos neil and Mrs. William Johnson city; Rev, M. H. Lawrence, ,Clax ton; D. Bellhouse and M. Thomas, Port Bsslpgton; R. S. Sargent, Hazelton; Mr. and Mrs. E, W Moren, Terrace; P. M. Hadley. San Francisco. Royal J. Davidson, Inverness; E. Yam amota. Oceanic; Mrs: F. Mann Rose Lake; O. Palumbo, Endako; C. Roberts, Inverness. Prince Rupert E, Lisle, Ottawa; E. H. Tell, Van couver; II. E. Ooulbourn, Victoria FrjrnJ- Phlscator and M. Dubeau, Trrace; Otto Adler, Hazelton. Preparing For Two Big Days Tomorrow, Thursday Is a half-holiday and will naturally be a qult day in "Dealers" Sale! However, It will really be the calm before the storm, because special .efforts have been made to make Friday and Saturday two' big days in this, great sale! Watch this paper tomorrow for another big advertisement, with a sensational array of genuine bargains!- You're going to be really astonished at the values! SNIFFLE Struck by Street Ouick Us thS. V tar; Loses Leg George Oscar Severely Injured When Hit by Tram in Vancouver VANCOUVER, Sept. 16: Struck by a street car at the corner of Columbia and Hastings Streets yesterday afternoon, George Oscar of Nnrit.h Vanrmivwr hnrf hie 1h rj mt r . .'iSn hnrllv rnishprl If hnH tr Via. qtti- . ivatcy, supcrmtenaen. oi - -- thp Prfnrpe pwm'v "miw, o.,- ! putated. His condition was reDor- . aiivjui ----VV air UU11 Inlet, and party of four came north ted laxt ht from the hospital from Vancouver on the Prinrn p. as beine only pert this morning and left the ship at Butedale whence they will proceed around to Surf Inlet by the city Xor the past week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Ec WHAT YOU EAT HAS A LOT TO DO WITH HOW YOU FEEL Correction of Constipation Is Often a Matter of Menus For years, the medical profession has insisted that proper diet is more effective in promoting health than the indiscriminate use of patent medicines. Today, they are seeing their, teachings bear fruit. . For instance, millions of families have learned that common, constipation is largely due to insufficient "bulk" in meals. Many of them correct this condition by the regular use of Kellogg's All-Bran. This delicious cereal -supplies penerous "bulk" in effective form. Within the body, its "bulk" absorbs moisture, and forms a soft mass. Gently this clears out the intestinal wastes. Kellogg's All-Bran also supplies vitamin B and contains iron. It may be served as a cereal with milk or cream, or cooked into tempting muffins, breads, etc. Two tablespoonfuls dally are usually sufficient. Stubborn cases may require All-Bran ofteher. If not relieved this way, consult your doctor. Kellogg's All-Bran is not a "cure-all" but it does correct common constipation. It is guaranteed by the Kellofrg Company. Sold by all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. 'Conitipttion iu to ntuffleUnt "bulk MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE '.CaTd Tables from ?.75 to 4.50 Ash Trays can be attached to any of these tables. Just arrived a full shipment of Spring Filled Mattresses from $20 up Also a new lot of Carpets Just arrived. 327 Third Ave. Phone 775 NEW ROYAL HOTEL j. Zarelll. Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 m ... ft-. -.---HHHI Thomas Kave of the Union Oil Mrs Rnhv w-ir mhn ho. hun Co, who lias be-n on a trip to An-1 paying a visit at Stewart with re-.yox on company business, returned latlves, returned to the city1 frorri liere from the north on the Catala the north .on the- Catala yesterday yesieraay aiternoon. afternoon. CHECK UP Your Radio Performance Time has no respect for jour radio. No matter how good its performance used to be, to derive fuM benefit your set must Ibe 100 percent right. If for any reason you are not satisfied with results consult us at once. GUARANTEED RADIO SERVICE Your et in perfect condition at lowest possible cost. R. C. A. replacement parts used, defective parts returned to you. LATEST RADIO SERVICE EQUIPMENT Prompt and accurate analysis of radio ills. SKILLED RADIOTRICIAN AH makes and ages of radio serviced to your entire satisfaction. t Phone 6 For Radio Performance HHK3l- Wc Are Continuing Our THIRTY PERCENT OFF SALE of present stock to make way -for the arrival this week of one of the largest and finest stocks of fur goods ever offered the public of Prince 'Rupert. If you buy from fioldbloom you get the guaranteed best. G0LDBL00M- The Old Reliable Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJVl Due Vancouver, Thursday pjn. .T.SJ5. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJM. Due Vansouver, Monday a.m. ROUND TRIP FARE leaving Sunday 8:00 P.M. calling Pt. Simpson, Stewart, Anyox, Naas River returning Tuesday, $14.40 Further Information regarding sailings and tickets from R. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 1SCI Used Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged HEATERS BEDS Of all sizes KITCHEN RANGES SINGER SEWING MACHINE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Tenor Banjo, good make; "B" Flute, Guitars, Etc RADIOS, GRAMOPHONES BARBER CHAIR in good condi-tion NATIONAL CASH REGISTER D. EL IO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 421 Third Avenue T.